Episode 27

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“Woah…” Bomi feel amazed when entering the Hobbiton.

“Its so green, lets take a video here,” Chen said and take his go pro camera..

They walking in to every hobbit house at there, there’s so many tourist too. Bomi running alone and leaving Chen because she’s so excited and Chen doesn’t know Bomi left him, he just busy take a video at the house.

(Studio: They looks like kids…)

“Bom, come here, i…” Chen turned around and can’t see Bomi around him. He look so puzzled. “Bomi? Bomiya~?!” He walk outside the house and searching Bomi but Hobbington is so large and many tourist, so he feel in a trouble.

(Studio: Looks he so worried… where is Bomi?)

“Boo!!!” Bomi surprise him from behind.

Chen startled. “Yak!!!” he shout.

Bomi laughs. “Wae? wae?”

“I thought I lost you…” Chen said and cupped her face.

“What are you talking about?” she take Chen hands from her.

They laughing together.

“I thought I lost you, baby…” he said.

(Studio: Kyaaaa~~~~ Baby… baby…)

He hugged her. Bomi just giggled. “Sorry, sorry, its okay, I didn’t get lost, I’m alive,” she said.

“Thank you… don’t make me worried again…” he said.


The interview

Bomi: (laughs) I just looking around and he looks like sheep lost his family. He’s so cute…


“Oppa, I can’t believe that this place its more beautiful than the picture,” she said make a circle with her hand to pointing the place.

Camera shoot all around Hobbington. (Studio: Yaaa~ Daebak. Its like a painting…)

They walk to tourist group and heard the tour guide said. “Lord of the rings movie and The Hobbit movie shooting their film in here, then this place  named Hobbiton.”

“From now on, this place will be known as Bomiton,” Chen whispering to her and patted her head.

Bomi laughing because of him.

“Its suit on you… Bomiton, you can fit inside the house,” he said.

They continued their journey and hold hand together.


At night they walking outside, they  hangout at the city. Its very crowded at the night markets. Bomi and Chen tasting the street snacks at there.

“Oppa its really delicious,” she said while eat the bread she buy.

“Hmm…” he mumbled and take a bite to Bomi bread.

Bomi giggled. “Why you eat my bread, you have your own bread,” she said.

“Eat your wife bread its more delicious,” Chen smirked.

Bomi just giggled.

They see the free live performance, the performers sing and play acoustic music, there’s a violist who arrangement the song too.

“No one in here that recognized us,” Bomi whisper to him.

“Looks like we not famous here…”

Bomi laughs and slapped his back.



MC Choa: Its nice when people not recognized you, you have privacy time together.

MC Misun: hahaha… they want to people recognized them…

MC Eunkwang:

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murnilan_98 #1
Chapter 2: it's a good story...i never think that chen X Bomi would be a good couple in WGM....congrats.....
Sequel jusaeyo~~~~~ authornim♥♥♥
This is so great !! I love you author-nim. But can you make another exopink couple wgm too? *cough Kyungjoo *cough
Luveunji4ever #4
Chapter 35: This is so sad omg. I don't know what to say!!! Time seem to passed really fast for them! Thanks for writing author nim
readers_paradise #5
Chapter 1: Authornim tysm for this story ...........I really enjoy watching wgm its like my favourite and your exopink fanfic jus fills my greed I jus finished chp1 .......I am already loving it .........how I wish it would be true ......kyaaaaa my delusional mind ....hehehe ..tysm again ......if you could make another exopink we got married fanfic it would be great.......I don't wanna ask for much ........thank you for this story ^_^
NJsakura #6
Chapter 35: I almost cried in class....not a good time..Please do behind the scenes for all episodes!!! Especially last episode
Chapter 35: It already ended?? Nooo!!!! This was soo beauiful!!!!
waiting for a sequel!!!
xodiraa #8
I think it's a good idea,i really like chenmi!!