Blind Dates

Blind Dates


The little bell above the door goes off as you step inside the coffee shop. You sigh as the warm air circles around you. You order a coffee then sit down at a table. You take off your jacket and scarf and get comfortable. You gently sip your coffee as you watch snowflakes float down outside.


You hear the little bell above the door ring again. You look up to see Luhan, a guy from your school, enter. You have always had a small crush on Luhan. Who wouldn't. He was funny, kind, charismatic, and good looking to top it all off. You watched him walk in and take a seat at a table near by. You hear him start talking. You look over to see him on his phone. You try not eavesdrop but you end up listening anyway. You find out that he is on a blind date that was set up by his mom. As he takes off his coat and hat, you notice that his hair is all messy and the top buttons of his shirt are undone. Along with that, his collar is standing up, he had dirt on his pants, and his shoes where untied. 

Going on a date or coming back from one.... You thought to yourself. You debate on whether to help him up or let him be. After a few minutes of debating, you gather up you courage and go up to him. "Are you seriously considering going on a date looking like that?" He looks up at you.

"______! What are you doing here? How did you know about the date?"

"Nevermind about that, stand up." You order. He stands up. "Going on a date like this... Are you even trying..." You mumble as you button his shirt. You fix is collar and hair then order him to get the dirt of his knee and tie up his shoe laces.

"How did you know about the date?" He asked.

"I over heard you on the phone." You responded.

"Were you... eavesdropping?"

"Wha... no... I just overheard... I guess..." You awkwardly scratch your head. "How many dates have you been on?"

"Why would you want to know that?" He says raising an eyebrow. You blush. He takes a step closer to you.

"Well, I was thinking if you had been on a lot, you would know how to look presentable. But since you obviously don't, I'm wondering if it's your first." You say as you take a step back.

"First of all, it's a blind date. And second of all, I do know how to look presentable. I just am tired of doing it every single time I go on a blind date."

"Do you go on a lot of blind dates?"

"My mom sets me up on a lot of them. She wants me to start dating. I just get tired of it. They all seem interested in the money."

"Oh... I see... Well good luck!" You go back to your table and sit down to drink your now cold coffee. You eventually leave and head back home.

The next day at school you see Luhan with his arm wrapped around a girl. He makes eye contact with you and sends a cute wink your way. You blush and turn away.

A few days later, you walk into the same coffee shop to see him sitting there. You stroll over to him. "Another blind date?" He nods. "What happened to the other girl?"

"We broke up."

"Why?" He looks over at you lazily. "Fine you don't have to tell me", you sigh. "Stand up. You don't look presentable." He stands up and you once again tidy him up.

The next day at school, you see his arm wrapped around a new girl. A few days, later you see him at the coffee shop for another blind date. This same pattern continues on. You and Luhan getting a little closer each time.

One day, when you were walking past a fancy restaurant you see Luhan sitting on a bench outside. You walk up to him. "Another blind date?" He nods. "Stand up." He sighs and reluctantly stands up. "Why do you keep breaking up with them?" You ask as you work on fixing his hair.

"I don't like any of them."

"Then why do you go out with them?"

"Cause I can." You flick his head. "Ouch!! What was that for?!" He whines.

"Have you ever even been in love?" He blushes.

"What even is love?" He asks still blushing. You sigh.

"Love is when... it's... when you get that feeling in your chest... and you want to do anything you can to make them happy. Anything to make them smile." You blush from the thought of talking to Luhan about love. "They brighten your day. Even if you've had the worst day ever, just their smile can turn the whole day around." You notice him blushing as well.

"What should I do if I find this person that I love?"

"Well, you should take them in your arms", he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you to his chest. You felt your face turn red. "Wh-what are you-!"

"Like this?" He whispers in your ear sending chills down your spine. You are barely able to nod. "Then what?"

"Y-you t-tell them you l-love them", you stutter.

"I love you", he whispers his warm breath tickling your neck. You head starts spinning. "Like that?" You give the slightest nod.

"Th-then... you kiss them... on the corner of their l-lips. If they turn to meet your l-lips th-then they ac-accept." He takes your chin in his hand and leans into kiss the corner of you lips. He hovers there.

"Like that?" You slightly nod and turn your head the slightest bit so that your lips brush. He then leans in deepening the kiss. Your mind goes blank.

You eventually gently push away shivering as the cold winter air circles your body. You didn't realize how warm you were in his embrace. "G-good. Now d-do it f-for real."

"That was for real" He says taking a step closer to you again.

"I mean for the girl you l-love."

"That was for the girl I love." He says as he pulls you back into his arms.

"B-but what about your date?"

"I already have one." He says as he brushes your hair behind your ear. "If she accepts." You blush. You stand on your toes and gently press your lips to his.

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honeysound99 #1
Chapter 1: kendaroo why ur fic so cute
Chapter 1: This is so so sweet!! ^^
LadyRyumi #3
Chapter 1: Reading this after watching his new mv is not good for my heart.... omg all of the feels are just too much too handle... in a good way tho
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa so sweet. Is there any sequel for it author nim part two maybe??? Hehe
jessi828 #5
Chapter 1: aww that was so lovely...omo
Chapter 1: kekekeke.... that was cute !!!!