Sick Days

Sick Days

Hey everyone! This is just a short one-shot of the time Min Yoongi has to stay home because he's sick and a certain someone stays behind to take care of him. Hope you like it!

     Yoongi shivered, burying himself deeper into the thick mounds of blankets he had snatched off his bed. He had only been out in the rain for a minute, yet somehow he managed to catch a cold. Great. The group was right in the middle of preparing for a comeback, and here he was, stuck on the couch. If it wasn’t for their manager and Seokjin’s insistence, he would have gone with them to practice. The new dance was giving him a bit of trouble and he wanted to nail the routine down today. He hated feeling useless. Why today of all days? 

     “It’s because you’re working yourself too hard,” a voice said sternly, and Yoongi turned in surprise to find Hoseok looming over him, eyebrows furrowed in a mixture of worry and annoyance. 

     “I didn’t say anything,” Yoongi rasped, glowering back up at him. “And what are you doing here anyway? Shouldn’t you be with the kids?”

     Hoseok reached over and flicked Yoongi lightly against the forehead. “I can hear your internal grumbling from across the dorm, stupid. Everyone knows you hate being left behind.”

     “I hate slackers even more.”

     Hoeseok took a step back, eyeing the disheveled rapper carefully. “You know what you remind me of? A bear. A big, grouchy bear.”

     “Very funny. Now go away. This big, grouchy bear wants to suffer alone in peace.”

     “Nope. Sorry. I have orders from Seokjin-hyung.” He smiled before he turned around and headed for the kitchen. “Just stay put. I’ll be right back with some food so you can take some medicine.”

      Yoongi sunk even lower into the folds of blankets, lips pulling down in a frown as another shiver racked through his body. He didn’t need anyone to take care of him, especially Hoseok of all people. It wasn’t that he disliked the dancer, it was just that ever since he had met the hard working Jung Hoseok, he had always felt this small bit of disappointment in himself. Hoseok was always so focused and driven, and he had the natural talent on top of that. Not like Yoongi. He had always had to work twice as hard. Nothing ever seemed to come easy to him. And he just never felt like he lived up to the same standards as Hoseok and the others. Because of this, he had convinced himself that he didn’t need help from others. If he couldn’t accomplish it himself, he didn’t have the right to stay. So the last thing he wanted was to have Hoseok see him like this. 

     A few minutes later Hoseok came back carrying a small tray and a plastic bag. He set it down on the coffee table before plopping down next to Yoongi. “How many times do I have to tell you? Irregular sleeping patterns are really harmful to your body. You hardly sleep, and when you do manage to rest, it’s usually face down on your desk. Anybody would wear down over time. Here. It’s porridge. It isn’t the same as Seokjin-hyung’s, but it’s warm and it will help the medicine go down better.”

     Yoongi stayed silent, not moving. 

     “Aish, you’re so stubborn. Here, open up.” Hoseok grabbed the spoon sitting next to the bowl and scooped up a small mouthful, carefully blowing on it to make sure it wasn’t too hot. “Say ‘ah’.”


     “Come on, Hyung. It isn’t a big deal. It’s just a little porridge. I swear, it may look bad but it taste good. Even Taehyung would eat it. Now open up!”

     “Leave it, I’ll eat it later.” If it was one thing Yoongi was good at, it was being stubborn. Or maybe it was being an . Honestly, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was that he didn’t feel good and the last thing he wanted was for Hoseok to see him weak and pathetic like this. He just wanted to be grumpy and miserable by himself. 


     “No. Go away.”

    “Just let me take care of you!” Hoseok shouted, surprising Yoongi into silence. He had never seen the dancer get angry before. An awkward moment passed before Hoseok sighed, dropping the spoon back into the bowl and rubbing the back of his neck as he stared at the floor. “Just…let me take care of you, okay?”

     Yoongi blinked slowly, unsure. He could see the hurt on Hoseok’s face and guilt quickly flooded his stomach. The dancer had stayed behind from practice and had even made him food. Maybe he had been too harsh. Maybe having someone to take care of him once in a while wasn’t always a bad thing. 

     He peeked over at him, taking a deep breath before lightly bumping Hoseok’s shoulder. “You…” His voice cracked and he quickly cleared it, face flushing. “You didn’t put anything weird in here, right?”

      Hoseok beamed, reaching for the spoon again. “Of course not, stupid.”

     Yoongi nodded in consent, glowering just a little when Hoseok lifted the spoon to his lips. He let out a long sigh before taking a bite, surprised when his tongue was met with a nice blend of spices. 

     “There, that wasn’t so bad, now was it?”

     “Shut up.”

     Hoseok laughed, spooning up another bite. 

    Later that night, when the others had finally filed into the dorm, warn out and smelling of sweat, Hoseok had signaled for them to keep quite, pointing towards the sleeping rapper curled up on the couch. He may have lied just a little when Yoongi asked if he had put something in his food. Yoongi hardly slept, and it wasn’t good for the rapper to go so long without sleep, especially for how sick he was. Besides, a little bit of sleeping medicine never hurt anyone. 

     Switching off the lights after the others finally headed to bed, Hoseok walked to one of the dorms closets and pulled out a spare blanket. He pushed the coffee table out of the way and laid down, turning to face the sleeping rapper. Sometimes, the rapper needed to be reminded that it was okay to let others help, and what better person than himself? 

     He smiled when Yooongi sneezed and shifted in his sleep. Even sleeping, he was cute. His big, grumpy bear. 

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kfeels #1
Chapter 1: This is so cute ???
Its cutee>.<
Thx for writting this onee!! <3
woosansweetkins #3
Chapter 1: Kyaaaahhh super cute...
Chapter 1: this is too cute heheh, thank you authornmim :)
Jaeryeolover #5
Chapter 1: Cuteeeeeee... Too cuteeee....
Chapter 1: this was cute <3 thank you for writing yoonseok ~