Part II: Our love

Behind the smile of a diva

‘Tae ing Yeon, wake up, you lazy !’

This is all Taeyeon could hear before feeling a pair of hands slapping her cheeks.

She woke up and got up for the bed frightened.

‘Aish! You scared me to death!’ she said angrily to Tiffany who was standing by the side of her bed.

‘I didn’t know what to do with you anymore, you just didn’t wake up! We are missing the flight because of you sleeping in and desperate times call for desperate measures!’

‘What time is it tho? It can’t be that bad…’ Taeyeon asks while checking out her phone, her eyes still half closed. ‘Heck, it’s 8 AM already!’

‘Told ya! Just 30 minutes and the plane is landing.’

Taeyeon literally jumps off the bed.

‘ShoSho, the manager, is already here to take us to the airport. I’ll take your luggage to the van, you better hurry up! We are all waiting for you.’

The whole morning was a mess. She couldn’t even properly brush her hair, not even talking about having a full make up routine, they were extremely late. Shosho got frustrated, picking up all the members from their apartments requires some time and the plane doesn't wait for them. Taeyeon knew all this happened because of her incompetence so she started to feel a little guilty; especially that she knew ShoSho would never scold her. At the airport, a lot of paparazzi from fashion magazines were already waiting for the group to appear to check out their airport fashion. Taeyeon tried her best to meddle with the other members so her tired face and that messed up make she tried to do in the car wouldn’t be seen by their eagle cameras. She wouldn’t mind her fans, but those tablids are really annoying. Frankly, she doesn’t give a crap about looking fashionable, especially at airports, why do tabloids even try to take photos, they know just as well that she gives zero s.

Fortunately, SNSD emplaned in time and safely and Taeyeon felt relived. She was now in the plane, without all the madness at the airport, she took a seat next to Tiffany, but didn’t buy herself a coffee like her seatmate did; she wanted to take a nap before arriving. She hardly slept 5 hours last night, she needs a little rest. Playing some jazzy slow songs was the best solution to get her to sleep, so she put on her headphones and enjoyed the music.  But suddenly, her duet song with Kim Bum Soo popped out and quickly changed it. She promised herself she is not going to listen to break up songs before she isn’t completely over her past relationship.  But will this happen anytime soon?

This just reminded of the promise she made last night about getting back with Baekhyun. Was it the thing she really wanted to? Considering the way she longed for him these three months, there can’t be other answer. But why she was so afraid to call him and confess her feelings? Why she didn’t do it right away the next day? Ohh…she thought that she would be better off without Baekhyun? Or that he will be better off without her? No, whatever she thought that day, she is so dependent of Baekhyun’s love...

But how can she get him back after the mess that their break-up was?

She enters EXO’s dressing room without shame, luckily Baekhyun is there all alone, not any member around. He was just putting on his white shirt, so she surprises him with his manly chest exposed.

‘Baekhyun, let’s just get back together!’ she says bravely; he looks at her with a surprised expression.

‘Why did you even come here?’ he says getting a little mad ‘I am not going back to you, it’s…’

‘Uhm…but you should!’ she interrupts him.

‘Why should I?’

She didn’t reply, but come closer to him as he watches her with intense eyes.

She puts her hands on his shoulders and responds to his stare just as intensely. It was like they were playing silent mind games.

‘Because…’ she says loudly, but stops.

She leans her little body on his, while whispering to his ear dramatically ‘Because I am pregnant with your baby, Byun Baekhyun!’

Imaging this entire scenario Taeyeon couldn’t help but chuckle. She could see Tiffany looking at her weirdly, like ‘Why is this girl laughing to herself?’ look, but she didn’t mind her.

Being the mother of Baekhyun’s babies? She would lie if she said she didn’t think about this before. The thing is, she considered her relationship just like an innocent high school love, you know, two teenagers that like each other, steal kisses on the hall when nobody passes by, going on dates and have no worry about real life. But she was more aware than anyone that, just like a teenage love, their relationship will never end up with the bells ringing at the church. This is why she would try to stifle all the thoughts she had about a future near Baekhyun, she knew it will make the eventual break-up harder.  But she couldn’t help it sometimes. When they fall asleep together and she wakes up into his arms, she just wonders how it would be if that would happen every morning of her life. Or when she watched Superman Returns and thinking how would Baekhyun be as a father, the father of their own kids. All these things were making her so happy, but so sad at the same time. She knew she won’t be able to live these moments.

Funny how she didn’t even thought about dating him in the first place. It was mostly his persistence that got her to accept his first date invitation. She said she is going to give him a chance since he showed so much determination and, dating can turn out good for her, she didn’t seriously ‘see’ anyone since she got depressive in 2011.  She didn’t come to their first date with serious thoughts at all, for God’s sake, a 3 year younger guy? She couldn’t picture herself being the noona in a relationship at all. But she couldn’t deny that she found him a little cute. She wouldn’t be accepting it if she wasn’t at least a little fond of him.

Coming home from their first date, she would find her heart beating excitingly. It was so refreshing, that feeling of happiness that she forgot and Baekhyun bought it back into her life. She liked him much more than she initially thought she would. He was so gentle, yet so entertaining and manly at times.  Despite the shy attitude he showed before, he did know how to play her. He was incredibly charming. The night after the date, she waited for his message or call, but he didn’t contact her at all. So she got inpatient. The next day she woke up and checked her phone as soon as she opened her eyes properly. Still nothing. He was awesome the previous night, but maybe he didn’t like her that much after he went out with her? Honestly, it happened a lot to her before...guys having that perfect image about her before dating, but end up being disappointed when they get to know the not so glamorous actually annoyingly over-sensitive Kim Taeyeon.  She would get over it quickly, but not this time. She waited for Baekhyun to call her all the day long, even if she was in the middle of filming for a show.  Everytime she would find an opportunity, she would run to her dressing room and check if she had received something from him.

‘You, Byun, you don’t simply make me go crazy over you and then not give any sign that you’re alive! Aish!’ she said to herself madly when checking her messages for the thousandth time. This was when she edited his contact name from ‘Baekhyun’ to ‘Byun, that Stupid Idiot’.  He did message her at the end of the day though.

Later, when their relationship become a thing, she asked him why he didn’t do it earlier

‘I really wanted to, but I didn’t want to scare you, like passing as needy…’ he responded.

 ‘But I waited for you, pabo!’ Taeyeon says and pinches his nose.

‘I should stop imagining weird things now!’ Taeyeon says to herself. ‘I seriously should sleep now, I need energy for the performances.’

So Taeyeon made herself more comfortable and closed her eyes. ‘Come what may!’ she thought, falling asleep.


She didn’t get up until their reached one of the airports in Tokyo. There, some fans were waiting from them and took photos, but no sight of tabloids so the girls felt much more relaxed compered to Incheon airport. They were picked up by one of SM vans. SM Tokyo dorms were in renovation, so SM booked another place for the SM artists to stay at. But the place turned out so bad, that a lot of idols moved in their own hotel rooms. Taeyeon moved in the same hotel as Sunny, the hotel that Lee Soo Man himself would stay at when he goes to support his artists at SMTOWN concerts or Tokyo Dome concerts. The female owner was a really good friend of Sunny’s late aunt, so she booked Taeyeon and Sunny some good rooms and made sure they are secure, sasaengs can’t be really something.

At 4PM the rehearsal at SM concert place started, three hours before the concert itself. Just like the other day, SNSD members were in the dressing room preparing for the stages. They were wearing their classy black Lion Heart dresses, the best stage outfits they have worn in a while. Everybody looked gorgeous, especially Taeyeon. She looked like someone who is going to break a lot of hearts tonight…including hers. She was once again at her make up table, this time applying her make up carefully. She was thoughtful, but didn’t look sad. Instead, she looked like she has an internal battle. She wanted to make up with Baekhyun, more than anything else at the moment, but she knew that nothing good would come out from their reconciliation. They would rarely see each other anyway, they are busy all the time with their groups and activities, there are periods when they do fight a lot, to be completely honest, their relationship was pretty ed up in the last period of time. Also, their love is a burden to his carrier and it is not that beneficial for hers either. Their relationship basically brings nothing good to neither of them. But those breathtaking moments…she feels like they are worth all the pain she goes through.

Shosho shouted at them to come on stage, their turn to rehearsal was approaching. EXO’s rehearsals were about to finish, so SNSD had the chance to hear the last part of their performance. Baekhyun was slowly disappearing from the stage while playing the piano at the end of ‘My answer’, all lights on him.  Taeyeon was watching everything near the black curtains. He was wearing a classy suite and had his hair prettily done despite of that horrible color, but none of it gave her a reaction, except for the piano. ‘That, piano…’ she thought ‘It’s the same piano, it’s it?’.

She had recently made up her mind to restart playing piano. She was quite good when she was a trainee, but she wanted to be the best in singing, so she gave up on her piano lessons because they were eating her time for vocal practice. She loves the sound of the piano and she has always thought people who play piano are awesome, especially the boys, of course, so she started to regret that she gave up. But she literally didn’t get the time to restart learning after debut. But right now that her solo is coming, she wants to impress people and bring something new to the table. So she decided to find a good piano teacher and learn to play some songs. Her first comeback as a pianist was planned for her birthday party, on 8th Mars. 

It was just a day before the big day and she was practicing in the music room. The room near her, the dance practice room was occupied by EXO who were having their last practice for EXOlution. Even if the two rooms were soundproofed, Taeyeon could get what songs were playing and hear the members’ feet hitting the floor. Around 10PM when it got completely dark outside, the music in EXO room stopped, the lights turned off, but Taeyeon didn’t seem to notice it. She was too into singing ‘Moonlight’ that she couldn’t feel someone else’s presence in her room. She just heard a pair of hands clapping and then saw Baekhyun smiling at her from the door frame.

‘Whaa! Never knew you can play piano like that!’ Baekhyun says genuinely surprised.  He came near her.

‘I’ve learnt when I was trainee.’ She got on her feet to face him.

‘You never fail to surprise me, Kim Taeyeon!’ he said looking into her eyes. The look in his eyes was gentle and sincere.

‘I still play better than you though!’ he continues, teasing.

‘Pfff…I swear I knew you were going to say this!’

‘But is true and you know that!’

‘You’re not something special either…’ she crosses her eyes.

‘Oho! This just hurt my pride. To your information, I am very good.’

‘Prove yourself then!’

‘I will then!’ and he sit on the piano chair.  ‘Take a seat here with me and listen!’

Taeyeon thought it was a joke, but she could see him concentrating. Hard. Then he put his pretty fingers on the keyboards and started to play ‘Moon of Seoul’ by Kim Gun Mo. She was pretty impressed by his quick but sharp hand movements, but she was even more impressed when she heard his voice. As if his piano skills weren’t enough, his voice come to melt her down even more. She closed her eyes and listen to him peacefully.

When the song finished, she didn’t clap, but took his hand into hers and look at him with loving eyes.

‘I really wanted to see you today.’ He said in a low voice. ‘I was aware of your presence in the room next to me and wanted to come and see you, but I couldn’t. I wanted to be there with you and sing to you. I could hardly wait for the practice to end.’

‘Me too, Baekhyun, me too…’

And he kissed her on the lips. The kiss that was supposed to be a short one ended up rougher than it was initially intended.  They pulled away, but they didn’t stop there. Baekhyun would take her into his arms, put her on the top of the piano and continued to kiss her there. They were about to make love on a piano and it was crazy.

Taeyeon’s knees got weak just remembering it. What a stupid thing they have done! Were they really that crazy? What if someone saw their rough adventure, there were still a lot of staff around even if it was extremely late. But it wasn’t like she didn’t enjoy it, especially that she could sense the fact that they are doing something ‘dangerous’.





EXO members were going backstage and passed by Taeyeon and Sunny who were near the exit.

‘Oh, Suho!’ Taeyeon says to the member which happened to be nearest to Baekhyun at the moment.

‘Annyeong, SNSD noonas!’ Suho greets and bows, taken by surprise by Taeyeon suddenly calling him.

Taeyeon could see Baekhyun at Suho’s back bowing shortly and leaving immediately. Not even properly eyeing her. She could just see his, now manlier, back disappearing.

Did he just bow to me? Like I am his superior? Like we were strangers? It wasn’t even a big deal, but the little gesture gave Taeyeon a bad feeling.

‘You sang very well, Suho! I can see your new vocal coach is helping you a lot!’ she said to the EXO member for the sake of the conversation. She stopped Suho just that Baekhyun would stop as well, but she couldn’t even look at his face properly. He was that fast to leave.

‘Ya, Taeyeon and Sunny, it’s about the time to go on stage!’ Shosho shouts at them from the distance.

‘We’re coming!’ Sunny says.

She was happy that it was just a rehearsal because she couldn’t focus on the performances at all. Why was Baekhyun so cold? He passed by her without looking at her, speaking a word to her, he just bowed. Bowed like they weren’t lovers just three months ago. This made her all sad and angry and her moodiness showed severely on stage. She should do something before it’s not too late, before he doesn’t get any farther. She…

She was dancing to Check, the last song, when she noticed Baekhyun watching the performance from the shadows of the backstage. Something that looked like a little hope vanished from Taeyeon’s heart when she realized he wasn’t actually paying attention to her…and more important, he wasn’t alone; she could see a girl staying very closely to him. ‘A girl? It’s a girl…who is she?’ Taeyeon tried to distingue the other face from the dark. But the formation changed quickly so she had to follow the steps. ‘What girl could have been that? Is he…? He isn’t, it can’t be! Why do I get so jealous over this…it’s not like he can’t speak to other females because I date him. Well, dated.’

She continued as how she doesn’t have to worry, but she couldn’t help but check out the backstage when she passed by it again. Now, she could see everything clearer. He was talking and laughing together with Bae Juhyun and maybe she was being paranoid, but she could see her hand lying casually on his shoulder. Taeyeon felt like burning inside, from anger. How can he ignore her like this and then so easily flirt with some other girl in front of her? Was he that stupid or begging for her attention? What’s up with him?

At some point Irene wants to go, probably she has to prepare for her own group's rehearsal and Taeyeon could feel her blood getting literally hotter when Baekhyun comes after her and they leave together in the dark.

What was that? Just like…what was that?

Finishing the stages, it was indeed Red Velvet’s turn. Taeyeon pretended she didn’t see Irene who was bowing at her and Sunny from a distance. She didn’t want to scare her, but she couldn’t help but feel a little bitter, so she preferred to ignore. Taeyeon has to admit, she can be y sometimes. She went backstage to look for Baekhyun. They seriously have to talk. Is this relationship something serious anymore? She wants to know if she is the only one holding into this relationship. But she couldn’t find him and even when she happened to see him, she couldn’t talk to him, there were so many people around all the time. They can’t talk about intimate things like this surrounded by people. Especially the ones that like to spread juicy things around.

Maybe she would have gotten lost into her bad thoughts about Baekhyun if she didn’t meet Heechul. He started once again about not being able to get a girlfriend and Taeyeon would throw some shade at him. She liked her time with Heechul, he had that brutally honest words that she liked to hear, especially when she would get a little hypocrite. He knows how to bring her back to reality. She has to admit, this friendship badly influenced her sometimes, but he showed a lot of times that he cares for her, so she is bond to accept him the way he is.

The concert started at 7PM and it was just your boring concert routine. Sing and dance the same songs over and over again. Thanks God they have just come back and have relatively new songs to perform because if she had to sing Gee once again, she would have died. She actually was fond of the new songs, so the stages were enjoyable. She put extra energy into them because hopefully Baekhyun would be somewhere watching her, but she knew he is more likely just chilling around with Yesung before their duet.

The goodbye stage was one annoying moment. Baekhyun would wander around her, speak with the persons around her, even with Heechul, smile to ears at everybody he meets, but never take a look at her and she felt like he is teasing her more than anything. You know, like someone purposely eating your favorite food in front of your hungry self. He wanted to torture her like that. ‘Ya, you think you’re real cool, Byun Baekhyun? You’re not!’ Or was she paranoid? Ah, she seriously is going crazy.

She wanted to talk to him and make up with him, but he didn’t seem to cooperate at all. Even if their relationship was on a ‘off phase’ in the past, at concerts like this he would always throw not so subtle stares at her (she has always told him that he looks like a stupid puppy when doing so, but never said she didn’t like it), make the stupidest things just for her to notice him, find any opportunity to talk to her. But now…His coldness made her feel doubtful. She never seriously thought about it, but what would she do if he moved on? Like, even with her occasional doubts, she was sure Baekhyun will be here for her forever, but what if he isn't anymore? Nah, she should not think about things like this. They are just fine…

She just dressed herself into her normal clothes when she felt like got dry after all the singing she did, so she went to get herself some juice from the juice dispenser on one of the halls.  It seems like most of the artists already left, there was hardly anyone around. She was surprised to see no other than Baekhyun filling his plastic cup with strawberry juice, his favorite. He was now wearing a large T-shirt and a pair of cropped jeans. She admired for a second the muscles of his arms, they were getting sharper compared to the last time she saw them. The truth is, she liked the fact that Baekhyun didn’t have muscles, all her ex boyfriends did, so it was something that she can attribute to only him, something special. Not the she minded being held by some stronger arms now.

She was hesitant if she should come near him and talk to him or wait for him to leave. But she took all the courage in her and come near him.

‘Baekhyun…’ she would say as if she was at loss of words.

You could have seen he was seriously surprised when he froze in his spot and let the dispenser pour juice on his hand.

‘Are you going to pretend we are strangers from now on?’ she then directly asked him.

He was just looking at her like he was dumbfounded. He basically looked like an idiot, standing there not knowing what to say. He started to nervously wash the juice on his hand by rubbing it on his jeans.

‘Hey! Stop, you kindergarten kid, you’re destroying your jeans!’

‘Oh, sorry!’ he mumbled.

‘Talk to me, Baekhyun, what’s wrong? Why you ignore me?’

He grabs her hand and drags her beside the refrigerator that was on the hall. Yeah, sounds like a random place, but it is a safe one, so they would usually meet there if they wanted to talk privately or even kiss sometimes.

‘Taeyeon, it’s just…we really need some healing time.’

‘I know I was the first to say this to you, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s bull.’

‘But admit it, you’re tired about all this madness that our relationship is as well.’

She took a big breath before replying to his last words.

‘I am, but I am willing to endure it if this means being with you.’

This just hit Baekhyun hard, but he didn’t let it show.

‘Taeyeon, you know that SM is going to confirm our break up tomorrow, don’t you?’

‘WHAT?!’ she says, taking a step back in utter shock.

‘They are announcing it officially tomorrow, it’s for your solo debut…Didn’t they tell you?’

‘So this is what they meant when they said they are going to ‘promote’ my album. I should have known what they were referring to.’ She says putting one of her hands on her forehead. She felt like her vision got blurrier. She couldn’t process something like this.

Baekhyun wanted to hug her and let her bury her head into his chest. But he stopped himself.

‘I can talk to them, it’s not a problem. It’s not something irreparable.’

‘No, everything is set up already, they won’t stop now.’

Taeyeon was so shocked and felt so anxious that she couldn’t reply, so he continued.

‘Think of it, it’s for the better. Our relationship was a burden for both of us, we are just foolishly holding into it. We should stop, it’s just killing you, you should think about your carrier first…’

She was just looking at him with a dead look into her eyes, like she can’t believe what is just happening to her. When he stopped talking there was an awkward silence between them left. The silence was never that awkward before, not even when they first met.

‘Baekhyun. Do YOU, REALLY, want it?’ she finally asked.

‘Do you REALLY want to leave me?’ she continued.

He didn’t respond, just look at her like a helpless kid. They stayed like that, with their dead stares facein the ground for a while, when he decided to break the silence:

‘Kim Taeyeon, I’m sorry!’

And in that moment, everything was over.




Taeyeon didn’t even know how she reached her hotel room. She felt like she didn't have a conscience anymore. When she saw herself alone in her room, she jumped into the bed, bury her head in the pillow and let all her tears out. She had her break-ups and her sad events in life, but she didn’t remember to cry that hard. Ever. The power one single person had over her is crazy. She said she won’t be one of the pathetic girls that would cry over boys or make a boy her one single source of happiness, but it seems she had become just your stereotypical girl. She did cry for about half an hour, when she said that it’s enough, she should save the little pride she had left. He admitted on wanting to leave her, why would she feel sad? Good for him that he is moving on. There are millions of guys that want her, it’s not like Baekhyun is the only guy on Earth. ‘But it’s the only one that matters!’ she thought. But still, she is such a big fool, thinking their love was worth the pain when he would let things go so easily.

It was late in the night, she wanted to distract herself by starting to paint something, but she couldn’t concentrate. She definitely wouldn’t want to go on Instagram either. She was feeling too miserable to do anything. ‘I’m going to buy myself a bottle of wine!, Taeyeon thought. She hates to drink and get drank, but it was that kind of situation that can’t be passed without a glass of wine. Or maybe more than one. She called the delivery and ordered the glass of wine. I guess she will have a hard time tonight.

She was waiting for the delivery, but it looked like ages were passing. Her painkiller didn’t seem to arrive and as the night was getting darker she needed it even more.

When the doorbell rang and she went to open the door, she thought at first that she had an illusion; the delivery guy looked so much like Baekhyun. She realized it was indeed Baekhyun when he grabbed her and hold her into his embrace.

‘Taeyeon, I am sorry, I am so so sorry!’ he mumbled, starting to caress her hair.

‘Why are you even here?’ she says backing up a little. Is this a dream?

‘To tell you I am sorry about what I’ve said last time, the truth is that I wanted to let you go, I wanted to ease you from my mind and to let you live a better life without me, because I know how much you suffered. But I can’t, I just am too crazily addicted to you.’

His words left her literally speechless. She just felt tears going down her cheeks.

He saw the shining tears in her already red but pretty eyes, so he removed them with his finger.

He couldn’t help but press her back against the door and start to kiss her roughly. She was taken by surprise a little, but she responded as soon as she could have controlled her body. Slipping her tongue inside his mouth, she craved for domination. She missed this kind of kiss badly and she wanted him to know that. Their tongues danced together.

‘I know it’s still too late to come back together now, but I just wanted to say that I loved you and I still do and probably will do for a long long time.’

Just the spark in his eyes when he said these words send shiver all over her body.

Then he started to kiss her again, this time on her neck and the skin of her exposed chest really hard. The pleasure that he made her feel was unreal, she could just moan. Both pain and pleasure were possessing her body when he felt his lips, teeth and warm breath on her skin. She knew this is their last time.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, making the two lovers pull away from each other.

‘Delivery!’ a male voice would be heard from the other side of the door.

Taeyeon’s cheeks turned red. How could she face that guy if he heard her moans?

Seeing Taeyeon hesitating between opening the door or not, Baekhyun put his hands under her tights and hoist her up. She put her arms around his neck so she won't fall. He carried her to her bedroom, settle her on her back on the bed and then climb on top of her.

They continued what they did in the front door, not caring about the poor delivery guy that was still shouting outside.

They were too lost in this moment; it was their moment, their last moment. They made love till their bodies could not handle it anymore, till drops of sweat would form all over their body. They put their whole being into it. They were crazy, but it was so so beautiful. Two young lovers that fought with the cruel destiny, two poor souls holding into each other. Their love, the love that everybody was harshly eye siding, it was so pure and sincere. What do other people know about them? What do other people know about their love? They just know to spread bad words around because they know nothing. They know nothing about the strenght of their love.





Next morning, Taeyeon was woken up by the sunrises annoyingly caressing her face. Opening her eyes widely, she found herself alone in the bed. It felt like Baekhyun suddenly vanished. ‘Wait! It was all a dream?’ she thought. Then she realized she was under the blanket and felt cramps on her lower body. ‘I guess not!’. Then what happened with Baekhyun? How could he leave without saying a proper goodbye?

 She quickly took her phone from the night stand to check the hour but realized there was a piece of paper on it. She took the piece of paper intrigued.

‘I am sorry that I’ve left so suddenly. I wanted to tell my goodbye to you, but you were sleeping so beautifully that I didn’t want to wake you up. My plane to Beijing is landing at 7AM, EXO’s China tour didn’t finish yet. I’ve just wanted to tell you that you should not be sad, we love each other and this is the only thing that matters. Even if we are separated right now, if we are meant to be, we will meet again. Just have hope in us. I have.

Yours, Byun Baekhyun.’

One tear fell from her right eye, but she quickly removed it.

Getting her phone from the night stand and checking out the news on the Internet, she could see the article about their break up was already the most read topic from the day.

She sobbed with so much pain that it would break your heart if you heard her. So it was over. Her relationship with Baekhyun was officially over. After two years of pain, desperation, salty tears and lot of pleasure, everything is over.

But she didn’t cry, she promised herself won’t cry from now on. She has a whole life ahead of her. And just how Baekhyun wrote on that piece of paper, if they are meant to be, they will meet again. The only thing that matters is that they love each other.







A/N: I admit I wanted to end this differently with them makeing up but the break up news changed everything. Be strong, guys and have faith in Baekyeon. 

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ohbaektae #1
Chapter 2: waaaaaah this is sad. asdfgghjkl ㅠ3ㅠ
im still holding om that thin line called hope because sm hasn't confirmed anuthing about their break up
ChocoCaramel #2
Chapter 1: this is great! update soon please :-)
Chapter 1: Wow. This is a great (realistic) story :) Hoping baekyeon will be together in the next chapter~
ohbaektae #4
Chapter 1: this is good! cant waig for the nxt chap!!!
i hope it's still baekyeon at the end ;^;
baekyeon313hk #5
Chapter 1: omg i love this so much;_; i hope they get back together in the next chapter... can't wait for the update author-nim~~