
The boy on the bus



It has been Minseok's daily routine to ride the bus. Everyday, he'll go back and forth from his house to his university by bus. Being a neat person he is, he always ride on the bus at the same time. He never misses a bus or change his bus ride schedule. His life has been normal so far until one day, a boy changes it all.


Minseok is riding on the bus, on his way to class as usual when he suddenly feel like someone is looking at him. He looked around and saw a guy looking directly at him with his fox-like eyes. He shivers when he made eye contact with that guy so Minseok quickly direct his eyes to somewhere else. Minseok decided that he will just ignore the guy, hoping that it will stop. Well Minseok was wrong.


Two weeks. That handsome mysterious guy has been looking at him for two weeks straight. He even change his bus ride schedule but the other guy is still there. At first he felt weird and curious because the guy, Foxy (Minseok decided to call him that since that guy reminds him of a fox) always looking at him. Minseok thought that maybe Foxy was looking at someone else but Minseok even move around the bus and Foxy never remove his eyes from looking at Minseok.


Every time Minseok try to approach him, the guy will run away, and since Foxy always stand at the door, it makes it easier for him to run away.


"I don't know what he want from me. Why does he keep looking at me anyway?" Minseok said, complaining to his friend and roomate, Kyungsoo. 


Because of his never ending complaints to Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo decided to follow Minseok to see Foxy. "Wow, I thought you're just bluffing or something but turns out you're right." Kyungsoo said after Minseok pointed him to Foxy. Kyungsoo also feel weird with Foxy but he just advice Minseok to ignore Foxy and just act natural. "Well, he's just looking at you and he didn't do anything to you so why don't you just ignore it. Act like he's not real or something." As said by Kyungsoo.


Minseok even asked Kyungsoo's boyfriend, Jongin about it but Jongin said the same thing, "He didn't do anything to you, he was just looking at you so I guess there's nothing to worry about. He's probably just daydreaming or something. Or maybe that Foxy guy have a crush on you or something but too shy so he just look at you everyday? Who knows. Just ignore it and see what will happen. I bet one day, that guy will confess to you soon."  After Jongin said that, Kyungsoo force Minseok to make his number as the number 1 speed dail in Minseok's phone, just in case.


One week has passed and Minseok has been used to it. He didn't even mind about it anymore since Foxy didn't do anything to him. He even smile to Foxy every time Minseok sees him. The first time Minseok did it, Foxy blush and Minseok think it was cute and he will never forget about it. He admit, it is creepy at first but after a while, it's not really that bad. Foxy is actually good looking.




It has been a month since Foxy stalked him. Minseok is actually excited to see Foxy today. He ride on the bus, smiling and getting ready to smile at Foxy when he noticed that no one is standing at Foxy usual spot making his smile drop. Instead of Foxy, there's a couple standing there while being all lovey dovey. He looked around and Foxy is nowhere to be seen. Where is he? Is he sick? Well, it's probably nothing. Maybe he'll appear tomorrow. Hopefully


The next day,Foxy is nowhere to be seen too. He felt sad and empty. Minseok is so used to see Foxy everyday that Foxy sudden disappearance makes him feel empty. Whare are you Foxy?




Jongdae is so tired of his friends, Chanyeol and Baekhyun. They're both are in a relationship and every time they hang out, both of them will always make out, being all lovey dovey and ignore him. He felt jealous and lonely. Ah, must be good to be in a relationship.


Jongdae was riding on a bus one day when he suddenly a guy that take his breath away. Jongdae think that guy is cute with his chubby cheeks. Awww he looked squishy ! His cheeks reminds me of Baozi ! I wonder how his cheeks taste like.


The next day, he told his friends about his meeting with Baozi (Jongdae decided to call him that). Jongdae is really interested in Baozi and he may want to be in a relationship with him too. The trio were thinking of a plan to help Jongdae to get his Baozi when Chanyeol suddenly jump up and clap his hands, smiling widely. "I have an idea."




"You think it will work?" Jongdae asked. "Just trust me. Now go and win your Baozi !" Chanyeol screamed loudly earning a few stares from people nearby. Jongdae facepalm himself before quickly ride on the bus, ignoring his friends who are chearing for him.


Jongdae decided to start the plan. He looked at Baozi, never once he look somewhere else. His view is only on Baozi. When Baozi made eye contact with him for the first time, Jongdae felt happy. He thought that maybe Chanyeol's idea not that bad until Baozi makes a weird face while looking at him. Jongdae then doubt his friends for giving this idea and doubting himself for agreeing with it.


Even though he's not sure if the plan will work, he will still work hard for it. You never know if you don't try. Jongdae said to himself. He continue looking at Baozi, looking at every inch of him. And each day, he keeps getting attracted to Baozi. The way Baozi will nod his head while listening to songs or the way he smile when he was playing with his phone. It has been a daily routine that Jongdae love to do.


When Baozi changed his bus ride schedule, Jongdae felt sad cause he felt like Baozi was avoiding him. Is he scared of me? Well who wouldn't if you got a stalker who keeps looking at you nonstop. But I won't give up ! To my future love life ! Jongdae thought to himself.


When Baozi tried to approach him, Jongdae panicked. Oh my god, I gotta run ! Jongdae thought to himself before hitting the stop button. When the bus stopped, he quickly runs away and never look back.


When Baozi ride with a guy with him, Jongdae felt angry and jealous. Who is he? Is he Baozi's boyfriend? But I thought he's single ! He keep looking at them both when he saw Baozi pointed at him to the other guy before they both whisper to each other. Oh? Baozi talking about me to that guy? He noticed me ! He talked about me to his friends ! Maybe Chanyeol's idea not bad after all.


When Baozi first smile at him, Jongdae blushed. His smile is so sweet, so beautiful. He didn't expect Baozi to smile at him at all. He was literally spazzing and dying inside. My crush just smiled at me ! Holy someone punch me. Jondae didn't stop smiling the whole day.


It has been a month since Jongdae stalked Minseok and finally today is the day. "Chanyeol, Baekhyun, I'm counting on you. Please look after my Baozi and report to me later." Jongdae said seriously. They're now at the bus stop, waiting for the bus. Today, they will start their plan. "And please record it cause I wanna see if he'll be looking at me or not." Jongdae said while making a puppy face to the couple. "No problem ! Leave it to us !" Chanyeol said confidently before riding on the bus, leaving Jongdae standing alone at the bus stop.




"Is it recording?" Chanyeol asked. "Yes, its recording now. Okay, Jongdae said he'll stand over there," Baekhyun said while pointing secretely to where Baozi always stand. "Okay let's stand at the place Jongdae always stand." Baekhyun said while pulling Chanyeol to stand near the door, the place Jongdae said he always stand. "Ok Yeol, pretend to flirt me or something, I'l pretend to hold my phone while laughing so I can focus the camera at him. Okay he's going inside the bus now !" Baekhyun said before they both started acting.


Baekhyun keep his eye on Baozi secretely while flirting with Chanyeol. When Baozi finally on the bus, he saw Baozi smiling and look at them before his smile fell from his face. He saw Baozi looking around before a frown shown on his face. "Oh my god Chanyeol ! Baozi is definitely searching for our Jongdae !" Baekhyun whispered to Chanyeol while spazzing. "Told ya ! My idea is the best !" Chanyeol said proudly. "Yes yes, my channie so clever !" Baekhyun said before kissing Chanyeol. Let's just say, they never look at Baozi after that.




"Oh my gosh, so he really looked for me ! Dude I can't believe your idea will actually work !" Jongdae said as he watches the video. "Told you ! So tomorrow, we'll start the next step !" Chanyeol said smiling while throwing his fist into the air. That day, Jongdae can't stop smiling as he keep repeating the video all day long. After he cut the video as at the back of the video, kissing sound can be heard. Wait for me Baozi, just a few more hours till we meet.




"Urgh Baekhyun why can't you be taller than me? You can't even cover me ! What if Baozi saw me? It won't be a surprise !" Jongdae said while trying to hide behind Chanyeol and Baekhyun. "Shut up, we're the same height so you making fun of my height is the same as you making fun of yourself !" Baekhyun spat before crosses his arms, huffing to himself. Chanyeol then sidehug Baekhyun, kissing the top of Baekhyun's hair, earning a smile from the smaller. "Urgh, you guys disgust me." Jongdae said while pretending to puke. "Oh shut up, soon you'll be doing the same thing too with Baozi. Now be a good boy and hide yourself." Baekhyun said sassily.


Soon they saw Baozi walking into the bus, his eyes moves around the bus with a frown on his face. "Oh my gosh, he really is looking for me !" Jongdae spazz to himself. "Okay okay, now guys, moves slowly to him as planned." Jongdae said seriously.




Chanyeol and Baekhyun then moves slowly to Minseok who is still frowning. He then awaken from his daydream when felt someone tapped his shoulder. He looked at his side and saw a tall guy smiling at him while hugging a guy who is the same height as himself. Minseok look at them curiously as he didn't know both of them. The duo just smile at him before they both moves aside and there he is, the man Minseok has been looking for, Foxy. 




Jongdae keeps smiling at him while walking slowly. Minseok blush and try to hide his smile but he know he fail at it. Jongdae is now standing infront of Minseok, both still smiling towards each other. "Hi." Jongdae said. "Hey." Minseok said shyly. "I'm Jongdae and I would like to take you out on a date." Jongdae said while giving his hand to Minseok for a handshake. "I'm Minseok and I would like that." Minseok said while giving a handshake to Jongdae. Both of them never stop smiling for the day.








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Chapter 1: Awww so cute ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: oh so cuteeeeeee
Chapter 1: Awww!!! beagle line so cute!!! (^_-)-☆
Chapter 1: :-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-) sweeeeeeeet
_-Maimai-_ #5
Chapter 1: Clever chen really clever xD
So cute :3
Really cuuute♡
Chapter 1: Holysh*t, this is too sweet for me, you got me diabetes ♡
Chenchenlay #8
Chapter 1: hee hee..Can i be Baozi for my JD ??? <3
Canxiubemybaby #9
Chapter 1: That was so cute. I died!!!!!