Origami Troubles

ZPZG Drabbles

Fingers folding and unfolding colorful small papers. Others turning to roses, others to small swans or pigeons, frogs, dogs, small stars, fishies, some even to boxes with other small surprises in. 

Khan loves making origami's. It's something his mother tought his and he had carry that small treat with him since he was little. He especially like the roses and the small stars but it doesn't really matter, every shape brings a smile to his lips and calms him down when he is stressed. 

Though tonight what he usually did for relaxing brings him the stress he had years to feel.  He accepted this job because  of a little girls birthday. The little girl had seen all those beautiful origami he was making at the park and sharing with kids that passed by, the girl herself got a pink swan with her, apparently she liked it that much that wanted a swan origami birthday party. Her mother came the next day with the child asking Khan to make about one thousand of swan origami for the girl's brithday party as decorations. 

Khan was amazed at first and felt as a super hero to make a girl like origami that much that wanted his origamis to decorate her house but he had to decline, he is one person and a dozen swans... were a lot. But the elderly woman offered payment and Khan reconsidered. 

Four houndred thrity three colorful origami swans later, he thinks that maybe he shouldn't have accepted even under payment. He is still after all one man army. 

One of his roomate had passed earlier asking him what he was doing, he was only at number twenty two by then. The guys were going out and Gyeom tried to get him out of the house too, but Khan knew better than leave all this work for later. After all his mother always said 'Don't ever leave something you can do today for tomorrow' and in all truth, he had been the king of procrastination long enough. 


"Khan we are home" Kang informed loudly as he entered the house, the other boys trailing themselve one to the kitchen and the other to the bathroom. 

The second oldest widden his eyes at all the swan origami flooding their living room and other's already neatly put inside bags. Kang looked over a paper that wrote '889 < 1000' and sighed. Had Khan really folded eight hundred eighty nine origami swans ? He let out a small smile at how cute the older seemed now he was asleep. 

Kang walked over to the kitchen, finding Jihoon emptying the freege and softly sook his head. "Dude we just came back from eating" he chuckled. 

"What? I'm still growing hyung!!" Jihoon defended himself. 

"Yeh, yeh. Give Gyeom an aspirin for his head and come to the living room we have about one hundred one swan origami to fold" Kang said all leaderly. 

"Why? Wasn't Khan hyung folding?" Jihoon tried to protest but as soon as he met Kang's stern look he placed the apple back on the table and took a glass of water heading towards the bathroom to find Gyeom.


Khan opened his eyes as some sun rays creeped from the curtains. He smiled feeling two strong arms, one around his waist and one around his shoulders. He slowly turned around not wanting to wake the person holding him. 

His smile widened, looking at Kang's natural beauty and gave a quick peck on the latters lips. It wasn't long before the other opened his eyes and a smile instantly spread on his lips, catching Khan looking at him. 

"Hey beautiful" Kang said and enjoyed the way Khan's cheeks turned pink. 

"Hey handsome" Khan retorted back, slightly embarrassed he couldn't come up with anything more..unique.

And as if on queue Kang laughed whole heartidly at it making Khan blush even more. 

"How did we end up here?" Khan questioned wanted to change subject, Kang still chuckled a bit. 

"You were sleeping when we came back, so we finished for you and then I carried you back here" the younger replied.

"You finished up for me?" Khan widened his eyes in disbelief. 

"Yes! The rest one hundred and one swan origami and we also put them into bags" he smiled. 

"Thank you" the older said sheepisly.

"Your welcome" Kang smiled and kissed him again before wild cuddle war ensumed. 

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Chapter 1: djdjsjjsjss CUTIES
Chapter 2: THERE ARE TEARS IN MY EYES *cries in zpzg*