Chapter 008

Our Crazy Pack

I woke up and sighed. Today was Saturday, I think. I looked at my phone and sighed. It was 8:37 and it was a Saturday. That's good. I turned over and stared at my lover. Gosh, he was just so cute when he was sleeping.

I brushed his bangs out of the way and placed my hands on his face. I pushed his cheeks together, watching as his lips get covered up with his chubby cheeks. I smiled shyly before getting on top of him. He moved slightly as I chuckled. I dove right in, as he opened his eyes. He rolled his eyes and held me as we continued to make out. I looked over at the clock as Soonyoung held me close. I saw thar it was now 8:40. I moved to get off him but he pushed me back down.

I gave him a are-you-kidding-me look. He shrugged as I bit his lip. He winced and stopped kissing me. He puted as me as I smiled and pecked his forehead before getting up and going into my kids' room. They were still sleeping as well. How cute. I walked over to Hyunju and woke her up slowly. " Ani ya~" She mummbered before turning away. I glared at her back as she threw the blanket over her head.

" Come on, Princess " I said as I took the blanket off her. She got up and opened her eyes. Her eyes were orange and were looking straight at me. I stared back at her and had a staring contest. We got closer to each other as she was slowly closing her eyes. My eyes turned orange as well and was staring harder back at her. " Ugh " She groaned and rubbed her eyes.

" I win. Now go to Mommy " I said, smirking before kissing her forehead. I helped her down as she wobbled to my room.. Now it's Seungkwan. I shook him until he woke up and he got irritated and hit me, so I tickled him. " PLEASE NO!! AHHAHA " He yelled and even started to tear up. " This is what you get. You don't hit Daddy !" I stated before kissing all over his face. " Okay! Okay! Just stop !" He said before laying on his stomach.

" Fine, go to Mommy. Hyunju is already with him " I patted his as he got up. He ran towards my room. I rolled my eyes before looking over at the clock.


I almost forgot about the playdate today! Oh crap! We have to be there at 10 and there's 9 kids and 3 sets of parents going! I ran into my room and looked at the kids. "Go take a shower! It's almost time for you playdate!" I said and the kids scrambled up and into the bathrooms. My wife got up and went to help Hyunju, now for the other kids. I got up and went into Seokmin's and Minyoung's room.

The two weren't there so I assume that the two are awake. I ran to get the other kids. They were surprisingly awake this early, which is normal in most occasions. I went to get ready and made sure the kids were dessed up as well. 

After all the adults got ready, it was about 9:30. Now to the car! "Kids let's go. Two cars. Seperate... now!" I said as they all separated. It was Seungcheol driving the other car and it split like this:

Me: Hyunju, Seokmin, Hansol, Seungkwan, Samuel, My wife, Chan.

Seungcheol: Doyoon, Jeonghan, Joshua, Minyoung, Dongjin, Minghao.


 We searched up the address on our GPS and stared driving. I the radio and switched songs until "Nu ABO" by F(x) played. Hyunju loved this song so to make her happy, why not? And who doesn't like F(x)? 


All the kids in the car were screaming the lyrics to the song and "dancing" along in their seats. These kids could be so cute sometimes. I wonder how the next car was doing. Oh well. I'll ask later. 


We got to the Lee clan's house soon after. Apparently their parents don't live with them and they have nannies, but Hansol is mostly in charge. Okay. Everyone piled out of the cars and we walked to the front door together. The dorm opened and HiNa greeted us. Soon the whole clan was down and greeting us.


HiNa and Dongjin went somewhere. I think those two are mates. It's just a hunch. Soon the Kim family came and the kids ran off while the adults talked. I looked at Joshua and he looked at bit troubled. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked and he looked at me and sighed 


"My baby is growing up to fast for my liking." He whispered to me, then the small amount of girls came down on the boys' back. Dongjin was carrying Minyoung (Which isn't an odd sight), Mark was carrying Koeun, Jino was carrying Lami, Samuel had Hyunju on his back and then Herin was on Jisungs back "Go go go! Come on! We can beat Mark!" Minyoung shouted and Dongjin ran faster. These kids.... Oh my gosh. At least they looked like they were having fun. 

"Yeah! We won!" I heard Minyoung cheer from the other room and Joshua sighed. "No! We won!" Mark shouted and they had an argument coming into the living room. " Appa!~" Hyunju cried because now it was too loud. I sighed and carried her. I rubbed her back and gave the other kids a stop-or-you-won't-get-any-cookies-later look. They nodded and hopped away. 

" Let's go, Princess. Let's go watch Umma dance" I told her as she nodded. Soonyoung had asked the Lee Clan earlier, if he could use their dance studio. Being nice and awesome they said yes. I walked upstairs, into their dance studio to see Soonyoung dancing to 'Mansae'. He looked like he was having fun. I placed Hyunju down, as she ran to the mirors, most likely checking herself out.

I joined him in dancing as we danced our hearts out. Hyunju watched us as she jumped up and down. Her ears stood up as her tail wiggled back and forth. I knew she was happy or excited. 

Once the song ended, we posed as Hyunju ran up to us. Soonyoung let out a squel and picked her up. " Wanna dance with mommy, baby girl?" He asked as her tail flapped happily. He placed her down as 'Adore U' came on. Soon she was dancing and even some of the kids came in. Minyoung joined in and a few other kids as well.

Soon, it turned into the kid's dance party. They were showing off their moves and it was like a little mini dance battle. I was proud of everyone. Joshua was smiling at Minyoung. She was doing really well, I can imagin the girl being their own little group. I sat next to Jihan and my wife sat next to me. Hyunju was dancing with Jisoo. I'll just let it slide this once. I looked around and saw Donghyuk, the older one, teaching Minyoung how to waltz. That was cute. Dongjin was dancing with HiNa.

Soon, the music changed and Dongjin and Minyoung looked at each other. Uh oh. That means they're going to do something. Hyunju stopped dancing and came running towards me. I picked her up as she smiled cheekily at the 2.

Something had happend, but I don't recall it, it was a blur. " Appa~ Ju, wants to go home" Hyunju said and rubbed her eyes. She must be tired from dancing. "Hold on, princess" I told her as she rested her head on my chest. Soonyoung came and took her from me and wrapped her around with a blanket. I was going to tell the others that we should leave soon, but the kids looked like they were having fun. 

I looked at the time and it was about 10: 50. " Guys, I'mma head back, early" I told the other parents as they asked why. " Hyunju seems a bit tired " I told them as they understood. " You can have her sleep in the upstairs room " Mark told me as I hestated. " yeah, Samchun. You can have her sleep in Jisung's room" Jeno told me as I nodded. I walked towards Soonyoung and told him. He nodded and followed Mark upstairs. 


" Appa! Where's Hyunju?" Seungkwan ran towards me as I picked him up. " Upstairs, sleeping in Jisung's room. Wae?" I asked him as he rubbed his eyes. " I wanted to show her my drawings, but I'll show her later" He held up a paper. I made a confused face because what was that? Is that a cow...pig.... I don't even know

"Wow! That's amazing! I didn't know we had a artist in the family " I teased as he laughed. " I know right, I'm so Bootiful " He spoke in English before flipping his imaginary hair. wow. I blame Soonyoung, Seungkwan got his traits. 




" It was nice having the kids over for a playdate. And of course, it was awesome talking to you guys " I pointed to the other parents as they chuckled. " So, should we schedule another playdate?" Jinhwan asked as I spoke."Sure. We are free next week on Saturday. We can have the playdate then". I actually didn't wanna come back for another playdate but I'll make the other parents go instead. 

I might be a bit rude but I don't like the fact that my baby girl was getting too close with Jisung. The kids were putting on their shoes as Hyunju walked over to Jisung and hugged him. They hugged for quite a while as my heart ached. 

I felt something I didn't want to feel. It was the feeling that most parents get, or should I say supernaturals get. When you meet your soulmate, you get this feeling in your stomach and your heart starts to beat like it never did before. You get a sense of feeling like you knew them for a long time. When I first met Soonyoung, I felt something, but I didn't know what it was.

We met when we were both 4. Our parents always teased us because we were always shy around eachother. Soonyoung and I grew up together and we were so close because we had a connection. When we turned 11, we slowly started to realize our feelings and we got married when we were 12. Crazy right, but trust me, we aren't as young as you seem.

This feeling I'm getting is like when you first meet your soulmate, instead it's your kids meeting their soulmates. I hadn't felt this feeling in a long time. The first time I got these feelings is when my first born met his soulmate.

I was so confused and Soonyoung had felt these feelings as well. We ignored these feelings for a while but after we saw Seungkwan playing with Hansol, our hearts started to ache. We thought something bad was going to happen to Seungkwan. I was so depressed and never let him out of my sight, but after we spoke to our parents, they told us it's a stage where parents can feel their kids connecting with their soulmates.

I almost cried because I thought something was going to happen to Seungkwan. I could never live if one of my babies got hurt. These feelings stop after a month. Our parents helped us get through the feelings because they had to do the same. Soonyoung and I knew Seungkwan's soulmate was Hansol but it was kind of weird because we thought it was going to be like Seokmin, but eh.

I never thought I would have to feel these feelings ever again. I was okay with Seungkwan meeting his soulmate because Hansol and him grew up together and I always saw Hansol as my own child. But this time, I did not approve. 


I looked over at Soonyoung as I saw him making an expression. " Well. We better get going. The sun is going down " I smiled at them as the other parents smiled. Soonyoung walked towards Hyunju and picked her up. Soonyoung didn't have a very nice expression on and hurried on out with the other kids. I bowed and closed the door on the way out. We quickly got into the cars and drove off




" Soon. Are you okay? " I asked as I sat on the bed. My hair was still a bit wet because we all took a shower and it was getting dark. Soonyoung didn't look up at me and laid back onto our shared bed. 

He held out his arms as I huffed. I dried my hair and combed it. I turned off the lights, and all you could see is the moonlight shining through our window. It was quite beautiful.


We had pictures hanging on the walls of our family, mostly of Seungkwan and Hyunju. I smiled at them and walked towards our bed. I got on the bed and laid myself in Soonyoung's arms. He wrapped them around me and I laid my head on his chest. 

I seem like the husband in the relationship but truthfully, I am the wife. I take on the fatherly role while Soonyoung takes on the motherly role, but when it's just the two of us. I take on the motherly role and he takes on the fatherly role. It may seem weird but it's like Seungcheol and Doyoon. They switch roles a lot. 

" You felt it, too?" I asked as he hummed in response. " Soon, can you be honest with me " I asked and got up. I got ontop of him and stared down at him as he stared up at me. " Of course. Hoon, you don't have to ask that " Soonyoung told me as he stared at me. Usually when we are talking about these things, he would always be cheery but this time, he was serious.

" Is just that.... I'm afraid.....I'm afraid of all these feelings. I'm afraid that Seungkwan will grow up. I'm afraid he will leave us " I smiled but my eyes teared up. " I'm afraid, he will have kids of his own and live far far away from us. I'm afraid of Hyunju meeting her mate. I'm afraid of her leaving the nest. I don't anything like this to happen " I sobbed as Soonyoung placed his hands on my face. 

" The future is scary to me. What happens when something bad happens to one of us. What happens if Hyunju gets hurt. What happens if Seungkwan gets hurt...What if you get hurt... I'm afraid something will happen to you. In the future, things will happen. I know we don't age because of our kind, but things can change. What happens if I lose you? " I cried as hot tears trickle down my face.

Some tears land on Soonyoung's face as his eyes start to tear up as well. All my feelings start to release itself as I cried harder. " I don't want to lose you! You are the most important person to me. If there's no you, there is no me. If anything happens to you, I would never forgive myself. I can't imagine my life without you " I sobbed and cubbed his face. Tears start coming out of Soonyoung's eyes.

" Hoo-o-n.. You will never lose me. I love you too much for me to leave. I'm scared as well " Soonyoung sobbed. I wipe his tears and rest my head ontop of his. " I promise you. Nothing will ever happen to change this family. I'm afraid of all these new changes but I promise you, we will get through these things together. You mean a lot to me. I can't imgaine my life without you too " Soonyoung told me as he sat up. 

I pulled apart to see him staring at me. " I love you, too. Why must the future be so scary? " I said as I wipe my tears with my sleeves as Soonyoung stops me. " I don't know why the future is scary but we will get through it together. And it's my job to wipe your tears when you cry " He sadly smiled at me as he wipes my tears with his thumbs.

" Hoonie. It's going to be alright. I'm right here, there's nothing for you to be afraid of " He told me as I smiled as tears still left in my eyes. I leaned in and kissed him in the lips. I pushed him down as he held onto me. All I wanted right now was being here with Soonyoung. I let him guide me as I was under his control. He flipped us around so now he was ontop. 

I let him do anything to me. We continued to make out as he removed our clothes. And everything after it was a mystery for others to guess. " I love you, Jihoon " He told me as he laid besides me. We were out of breath and were exhausted. 

" I love you, too, Soonyoung " I told him as he smiled at me. We cuddled together until he fell asleep. He still held me close as I continued to stare at him. I started to think about things. What happens if I wake up tomorrow, and he's gone. I felt someone hold my hands. " Hoonie, go to sleep. I'm right here, nothing will happen " He muttered as he held me closer. 

I started to drift off into dreamland. The moonlight shining down through our windows, and down to us was fasinating. It wasn't cold or hot. It was nice. 



Hey my awesome beauties~! Sorry it took a long time to update but finally! My author and I are out of ideas and are trying our hardest to update. I actually wrote this chapter because my author has been a bit busy. We all have becaues School is a butthead. So much things due but luckily, WINTER BREAK SAVED ME! 


Happy early Christmas from me and remember to subscribe, comment, and upvote <33


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Farhanaidris #1
Chapter 10: Finally waitin for it..please update more
Min_Ilsang #2
Update!update!update!update! God this fic is so cute~
Chapter 7: Meanie couple as Dino's parents is just the cutest!! Can't wait to read the next chapter!!! :D
Chapter 1: ohhoooo
like it
I went like "aahhhh" when he said my wife ;)
I love 20 sooo much
JaeYong_TY #6
Chapter 5: This is really cute. I always do love familyau kinda stories. Needs more of the little cute children relationships tho..
Like hankwang
Chapter 5: Awww so cute please update soon
Chapter 2: The cookie pillow so cute. Omfg
Chapter 1: The first chapter is really cheesy but It's so cute <3
rozenmaiden101 #10
this sounds intresting :) Please update soon :) I'm a fan of all your work including Minyoungie-lee's as well ^_^