i would give you all the stars if you give me the night (Impact/MinG)

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author's note: rip my feels because team impulse is forever gone. impact is on nrg and rush is on c9 and my heart died unpleasantly. so this will never happen and it breaks my tiny fangirl heart into even tinier pieces. I love impact and want to be this boy's best friend and I hope he's happy on nrg and I'll be angry if his team does not help to carry him to victory. also gdi preseason. title from a song for you by big time rush.


LCS Spring Split 2016

“Hey, did you guys meet the new caster yet?” Apollo asked as they sat in their waiting room, watching the introduction to the games.

Adrian was the only one to respond positively. “Yeah. Her name is MinG, isn’t it?” He glanced to the screen, where a young, pretty Korean girl was sitting between Zirene and Jatt, the name “MinG” at the bottom of the screen. “Oh, that’s her.”

Focusing on the screen, Impact took a sip of his coffee as Dash turned to MinG. “So, who’s your favorite team in the NA LCS?” he asked as an introduction to the new girl on the team.

“Oh, it’s definitely either Liquid or Impulse,” she laughed, tucking her caramel hair behind her ear. “I’m like, SKT ride-or-die, and Impact was always one of my favorite players. I started to play Shen after his performances.” She giggled, hiding her smile behind a closed fist.

Impact flushed a little. He could hear the rest of his team cooing at him, and even swatted away Rush’s finger that poked his cheek.

He knew he had fans, and that he had very passionate, very sweet fans. He knew his fans were cute. Faker and Piglet always had really cute fans. Impact was always awkward around girls, though. He never knew what to say, so most of the time, he just smiled and signed whatever they wanted him to. But now, one of his fans was a caster, and he would be near her every weekend.

“Oh? Does that mean you’ve seen him play on a live stage before?” asked Dash as he grinned teasingly, verbally nudging the girl.

MinG seemed to darken a little, like Impact had. She bit her lip shyly before nodding. “Yeah. I’ve seen SKT a lot, actually. I saw their first game against CJ the week before I moved back here after high school. I saw their matches at the Staples Center, and I went to Paris for All-Stars. I also came here for Impulse’s games religiously, every weekend, like clockwork.” Her face was a deep red as she confessed all of this, her hands playing with her pen on the caster desk.

“She’s real cute, isn’t she?” Apollo suddenly piped up. “And she’s a fan of our boy, Impact! Dude, if you dated her, you guys would literally be the cutest couple in all of LCS.”

An even deeper blush washed over Impact’s face. “Shut up!” he snapped playfully, gently shoving Apollo’s shoulder. Apollo only laughed alongside Adrian at their top laner’s dark red color and his pout as he sunk into his seat to continue watching the show.



After a long game against Cloud 9, Impulse came out the victors.

Impact found himself sitting with MinG and Dash at the analyst desk, Rush at his side for the interview. “And we have with us Impact and Rush from Team Impulse, who have just pulled a dominating victory over Cloud 9,” Dash announced.

For a while, the interview proceeded as normal, with Rush and Impact throwing sly jabs at each other with teasing smirks on their faces. Dash laughed at their antics, while MinG smiled as she scribbled something down in Korean in her tiny notebook that sat in front of her. She had asked them a few questions, mostly about their communication, such as how they’d coordinated a five man dive on mid lane in the first five minutes, but otherwise, stayed quiet.

Impact, from his place next to her, attempted to peer at what it was that she was writing. She wrote in small, neat characters that he had to admire, since his own writing was practically chicken scratch.

“So, Impact.” He looked back up, his eyes snapping to Dash, who was practically pushing a flustered MinG out of the way. Looking back, he noticed Rush snickering behind him. “MinG here said that she’s a huge fan of yours. Plus, she told me off camera that she thinks you’re cute.”

“Dash, I’m going to kill you!”

Dash just laughed and ignored MinG as he glance at an equally red Impact. “I just have to ask, Impact, if you can give us your first impression of MinG?” he asked, grinning slyly.

Feeling his face go even darker, Impact snuck a glance over at MinG, who was avoiding his gaze. Her dark hair fell in her face as she twiddled her thumbs. “I think MinG is really nice,” he managed, speaking so he didn’t trip over his words.

“I think he meant if you think she’s cute,” Rush interjected loudly, his smile mirroring Dash’s. Impact shot him a glare, trying to hide his blush.

He looked to Dash. He apparently was not going to get out of answering the question. Slowly, he nodded, glancing at the female analyst, who was still trying to hide her crimson-colored face. “MinG is not cute. She’s beautiful,” he admitted quietly.

Eyes wide, she glanced up at him.

He gave her a soft smile, feeling the heat in his cheeks.



Impact found himself sitting next to MinG at the analyst desk again, the duo placed between Phreak and Dash. MinG was, once again, blushing madly as the two male casters aimed their teasing and cooing at the two.

He’d already seen fan art and scenarios about the two of them floating around the Internet. There was even a Twitter account dedicated to documenting both speculation and interactions that the two of them shared. He retweeted a few of the tweets, apparently creating even more rumors.

Apparently, the Impact-MinG ship had begun to sail, gaining popularity in the League community.

“I saw that Impact retweeted something that said,” Dash cleared his throat, “‘I can totally see Impact taking MinG to see a Korean pop concert!’” Impact laughed slightly, ruffling his reddish-pink hair. “So, here’s what we, the casters, did. We bought the two of you

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I see pro gamers, I PRESS SUSCRIBE BUTTON REAL FAST!! I kinda want to start integrating them in my fanfics too, especially KT rolster and ROX tigers because they are my boys! Maybe in my battle royale? e u e
SantosPhillipCarlo #2
Nice going here! Liking that you wrote about multiple players playing in multiple regions as well (which means you hook more readers and not just ones who follow, say, the Korean scene only or the North American scene only.) None of the players/coaches struck me as inaccurate portrayals, which is another plus.
Chapter 3: Girl I cannot believe you actually wrote this. But it was so incredibly well done ;-; Seriously did not think you would put that much effort for a Loco/Queen story.

...I will admit as much as I think Loco is a sometimes...this made me smile so much :)
Chapter 1: Oh my goodness yesss~ I need this xD and plus I love your writing! I'm excited to see how this goes ^^
Arashika #5
NGL this makes me feel better about the long league-based fic I've had in planning for years. At the same time... At least you're writing about more famous players from the looks of things. I'm writing about NA challenger league scrubs...

I love your stories, and I can't wait to see how this turns out tbh :D
Yonghyunjoo #6
new story?????????? can't wait for it