final pt.2

kitty, kitty!

The second time Jeongguk sees Jimin is at campus, sitting on a table outside the canteen with some friends and laughing out loud that laugh that sounds even more beautiful now that he’s not tipsy and there isn’t loud music to muffle the sound.

They’ve been talking via texts since that night at the party, but they couldn’t manage to get free time to meet up. Jeongguk wants to approach the older and talk to him, because it seems it was forever ago when they were kissing and breathing in to each other, when in fact it’s been only a week. Jeongguk misses those lips and those brown almond-shaped eyes.

Apparently Jimin is a social butterfly like Taehyung, and Jeongguk doesn’t want to be judged hard for trying to speak to one of the most popular guys at uni (even if that popular guy kissed him sensually some nights ago).

He’s not ready to go talk to Jimin in front of his friends, so Jeongguk ends up backtracking and making his way with rushed steps to the library where Yoongi is waiting for him for a study session.


The third time Jeongguk sees Jimin it’s at the cafe near the library every student likes to go during breaks of long hours of studying. The coffe is good and the pastries are sweet enough to make recharge you of energy.

The red-head is sitting at a table in the furthest corner of the cafe and near the window, using the sun to have proper light to read and write. He has papers and books scattered on the table and a coup of coffee resting there, probably empty. The most important thing here, besides the fact that he looks really attractive just sitting there, is that he’s alone.

Jeongguk takes a deep breath and redirects his steps to the direction where Jimin is siting and clears his throat to catch the other’s attention. 

Jimin rises his head from the book he’s reading, tiny frown lingering in his eyebrows formed there probably unconsciously due to concentration.

“Hello” Jeongguk offers a smile, readjusting the front of the black beanie resting in his head, more a nervous habit than because it was falling from his head. 

Jimin face changes into one of happiness after seeing Jeongguk and offers him a wide grin, “Hey.” Jimin signals with his hand the spare chair in front of him, offering Jeongguk to sit there.

“I didn’t know you would be here.” says Jeongguk, pulling the chair out and siting.

Jimin gathers all the papers messily spread on the table, to make room for Jeongguk, “I was at the library but everyone was there too and kept on bothering me.” He explains. “I just needed a bit of peace.”

“Oh” Great, now that he finally managed to gather courage to speak face to face to Jimin he’s bothering him. “I’ll leave you alone then if you need-“

“No, no! Don’t worry” ushers to say Jimin, waving his hands furiously and laughs, “I’m happy you’re here. I haven’t seen you since the party and… well, I was wondering when we would meet up again.” he looks embarrassed now, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

Jeongguk chuckles, it seems they both were thinking the same. “hmm, I was thinking the same, honestly.” Jimin peaks at him through the red fringe that falls on his eyes and smiles, making Jeongguk’s cheeks tint a cute pink.

“Do you want to drink something?” asks the younger after a seconds of silence, this situation feels familiar.

“A latte with vanilla and soy milk, please” and Jeongguk swears that smile is sweeter than any beverage he tasted in his life.

Jeongguk pays for the drinks after a couple of minutes discussing with Jimin about it, the older not wanting Jeongguk to pay because I'm the hyung and I should take care of you, but the younger managed to get his way and gave the older a satisfactory smirk when the red-head pouts.

“You pay next time.” suggests Jeongguk and Jimin face brightens at the idea of another date with the black-haired boy.

Jeongguk now sits next to Jimin, as the shorter boy dragged the chair next to him when Jeongguk went to get the coffees. The red-head smiles at him when Jeongguk plops down in the chair, and puts the hand that is not holding the coup of coffee on Jeongguk’s knee, making the younger squirm a bit on his seat. Jimin is much freely-touchy than him and doesn’t shy away to display his affections. Totally opposite of Jeongguk, who prefers to keep all skin-ship in privacy. But Jimin’s smile makes him forget his thoughts of slapping his hand away, and puts his own hand above the other’s and intertwines their fingers, swallowing away his nervousness.

“Your hands are really big compared to mine.” notices Jimin, moving his fingers between the cracks of Jeongguk’s own.  They play with each other's finger for a while with comfortable silence around them, the only noise being people chattering on the cafe.

“I heard Taehyung told you about me…” breaks the silence Jeongguk. Jimin huffs a laugh and looks shyly at Jeongguk.

“Yes, but I didn’t know it was you until you told me your name.” explains the older, panicking that Jeongguk may interpret it as if they played with him.

The black-haired boy chuckles, seriously Jimin is so cute for his own good. “It’s okay, it turned out pretty well, hm?.”

“Can I kiss you?” asks suddenly Jimin with an intense gaze directed at him, making Jeongguk gape for the surprise of the sudden change of topic.

“I- uhm, y-yes?” squeaks Jeonggukk. Jimin laughs at his cuteness and leans in, stoping when he’s almost touching the other’s lips and rubs his nose with Jeongguk's.

“You don’t seem so sure.” purrs Jimin seductively. Jeongguk swallows nervously, Adam’s apple bobbing and eyes focused on Jimin’s smirking lips (well, as much they can focus in such proximity, he’s cross-eyed probably) and leans forward, closing himself the barely distance between them.

Here it is again the amazing sensation of butterflies in his stomach, the tingle spreading through his body, his heart accelerating. It’s weird how Jimin can reduce him in to a mess with a simple kiss. But it’s a good kind of weird, if you ask Jeongguk.

They move their lips against each other’s, feeling the passion rolling between them, but it’s not a rough kiss like the ones they shared at the party. It’s slow, sensual and with shy tongues.

Jimin nips at Jeongguk’s bottom lip and chuckles while pulling away, the other following him and pecks his lips.

They spend the rest of the afternoon drinking sweet coffees and sharing kisses, Jimin’s study session completely forgotten.


The next time they meet it’s for an official date.

They go to the theater and Jimin pays for the giant cone of popcorn they share. Any of them pay much attention to the movie because they spend almost all the time kissing or talking in a low voice to not disturb the rest of people who actually wants to watch the film. So, when Taehyung asks Jeongguk if the movie was good or not he just shrugs.

They have more official dates after this one.


Jimin’s groan goes straight to Jeongguk’s lower parts. It’s incredible how sensual can Jimin’s voice sound.

Jimin runs his hands up Jeongguk’s back, one hand locking his fingers with the younger’s hair, the other going back again to stop at his lower back.

They decided to meet at Jimin’s apartment since Hoseok, his roommate, would be out the whole afternoon so they could watch a movie while cuddling and have some snacks. But ten minutes in to the movie and Jimin couldn’t keep his hands to himself.

What started off as shy fingers playing with the seams of Jeongguk’s jeans ended up with Jimin laying under Jeongguk’s enormous body and both immersed in a heated make-out session. Not that Jeongguk is complaining, though.

Jeongguk’s hand caresses Jimin’s thigh down to his knee and stops at his hip, thumb the soft skin there making the red-head sigh in his mouth.

The younger has to break apart for the lack of air, and leans his head up, and Jimin takes advantage of it to kiss the mole on his neck, and nipping at the skin. Jeongguk lets out a heavy breath making Jimin giggle. He rests his head back in to the pillow, red locks of hair spreading messily like an halo around his head, and Jeongguk dips his head down again to peck at his nose.

Jimin’s hand has sneaked under the younger’s shirt, nails scratching softly there and awakening goosebumps on his skin. Jeongguk buries his nose on the older’s neck, breathing in his scent.

“Should we stop here?” murmurs Jimin, the hand on Jeongguk’s hair massaging his scalp, reassuring Jeongguk that it’s okay if he decides to stop.

Jeongguk still has his head on the other’s neck so when he tries to say something, his voice sounds muffled, mumbling something incoherently and making Jimin laugh. He sneaks his hand under Jimin’s shirt, fingertips pressing softly at his navel.

“I didn’t hear you” teases Jimin, pushing the younger’s head back to be able to look at his eyes.

“I said,” Jeongguk pauses to at his already moistened lips,”that maybe we could keep kissing for a while.”

Jimin smiles beautifully wide before putting his hand at the back of Jeongguk’s neck to push him down for another kiss.

Jeongguk leaves Jimin’s apartment the next morning with a couple of hickeys on his collarbones and the post-ic bliss of an amazing .



Jeongguk is walking while scrolling on his phone, paying enough attention to his surroundings as to not trip or collide into anything. He’s starving, so his head is directing his steps unconsciously towards the canteen. The food is not perfect, but it’s sufficient when you are a college student with not enough cash on your pockets.

He pays for a chicken sandwich, that barely tastes like chicken, and a bottle of fresh water and starts to make his way back to his art class. He has an art project to finish and his teacher allowed him to use the empty class and the art supplies there.

“Jeongguk!” He’s tempted to ignore the voice calling him, but the only ones who would like to catch his attention on a public place would be Taehyung or Jimin, since they are the only ones Jeongguk socializes with. He recognizes the voice’s owner as Jimin, thankfully (if it were Taehyung’s he would probably ignore it), so he turns his head to search for his cute hyung and finds him sitting on a table not too far from where he is and with two other people. 


He’s been doing fine so far avoiding Jimin’s friends -Jimin’s popular and cool friends that probably would laugh at Jeongguk’s awkward persona- but now that they have spotted him he can’t turn back. Plus, he hasn’t seen Jimin in two days and misses him.

He approaches the table with short strides so he can have more time to calm down his heart and when he’s finally there, Jimin gives him a wide grin, eyes disappearing endearingly and reaches for his hand. “Hi”

“Hey” He interlocks their fingers, his other hand balancing the sandwich and the bottle of water.

“Wanna join us?” asks Jimin hopefully. Jeongguk can’t say no to those eyes and nods with a little smile.

“He’s Namjoon-hyung” introduces Jimin the lean and blonde guy sitting in front of him. Jeongguk has to stiffen a laugh at the memory of the stories Jimin told him about the older boy.

He gives Namjoon a polite wave of his head and sits at Jimin’s side. “And he’s Seokjin-hyung.” Jimin’s hand gestures then to the other guy sitting next to Namjoon. He’s tall too, broad shoulders and long limbs but his face is more kind and the smile he offers Jeongguk is sweet and motherly-like.

“Hello, we finally meet.” says Seokjin with a teasing tone, making Namjoon laugh a smile with deep dimples and Jimin blushes a little. “Are you official yet?”

“Hyung!” says Jimin in a reprimanding tone, glaring at Seokjin, Namjoon only laughs harder and Jeongguk stiffens in his seat.

“What? You only talk about him but won’t tell us anything else… I though I could ask him” Seokjin shrugs his broad shoulders casually.

“Jinnie, you should at least have waited until the poor kid had eaten something, he looks pale now.” laughs Namjoon.

“I do not like you.” grumbles out Jimin, now glaring at the both of them. “Sorry about that.” now he directs his attention to a stiffened Jeongguk. The younger clears his throat and shakes his head, not trusting his voice to speak since it will probably crack.

“W-we are not official,” starts Jeongguk with a small voice after taking a deep breath, not daring to look at anyone,”but I like him a lot.”

Both hyungs smile and look at Jimin, who’s perplexed looking at the red teen at his side. He knows Jeongguk’s bad at expressing himself, so having him saying that in front of two strangers has probably taken a lot of effort. He grabs the fisted hand that’s resting on Jeongguk’s lap and eases his fingers open to properly hold his hand and calm his nerves. “I like you a lot too.”

Jeongguks looks him form the corner of his eye, not daring to properly look at his face in fear of combusting from all the blood accumulated on his cheeks, but smiles nonetheless.

“You are so cute” squeals Seokjin from the other side of the table.


They all scheduled to meet at Seokjin’s house for a movie marathon, the pizzas already ordered (Jeongguk took care of it since he has a lot of coupons and is friends with the pizzeria’s owner). The house looks bigger now that there isn’t a lot of teenagers scattered everywhere.

They are all gathered there. Jeongguk didn’t know Yoongi is friends with Namjoon and Hoseok. Apparently, everyone knew each other, the only one left to be added to their group being Jeongguk, but now that he’s Jimin’s not-official-but-soon-to-be-boyfriend he gets dragged every time they meet up, whether he wants to or not. Jimin makes sure that he doesn’t miss any of their meetings, though, using more convincing tactics than Taehyung.

(“I don’t wanna go, hyung. Why don’t we cuddle here and-“

“Jeon Jeongguk if you don’t join us I won’t blow you ever again.”)

Jeongguk is sitting on Seokjin’s sofa distractedly looking at his surroundings, Taehyung on his left side texting with someone on his phone. Yoongi and Namjoon are discussing which movie to watch, Hoseok went to the toilet and Jimin is helping Seokjin at the kitchen.

He gets distracted of his thoughts when he feels a sudden weight on his lap. He looks down to meet Lulu’s green eyes, and instantly smiles, hand itching to scratch between her white and fluffy ears.

“Hi” he mumbles softly, petting the kitty’s ears. “It’s been a while, hm?” the cat meows in response and leans in to his touch.

“If you were as nice with people as you are with cats…” says Taehyung, Jeongguk glares at him but the blonde only sticks his tongue out.

Jimin steps out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn in his hand and smiles at the image of Jeongguk playing with the cat. “Meeting with an old friend?” he chuckles while plonking his on the younger’s other side.

He shares a knowing stare with the read head and laughs.

Jimin’s free hand reaches to scratch with a finger under Lulu’s chin, the cat purring contentedly at the amount of affection.

“You are spoiling her” complains Seokjin, “She won’t stop asking me for attention if you keep petting her like that.” The younger ones chuckle but don’t stop playing with Lulu.

Hoseok squishes himself between Jeongguk and Taehyung, who rests his legs on his thighs. Namjoon leaves Yoongi to decide which movie to watch, defeated by his hyung’s stubbornness, and goes to cuddle next to Seokjin. Yoongi goes to sit on a cushion resting on the floor after putting the CD on the movie player.

Jeongguk sinks down on the sofa, Lulu still cuddled there on his lap, and feels Jimin’s head rest on his shoulder. He turns his head to kiss the crook of the red-head and intertwines the fingers of his free hand with Jimin’s.

He takes a look at his surroundings, eyes scanning all the people in the room and sighs contentedly with a smile. A month a go he would probably be siting in his room, some video game playing on TV and munching some take-out food. But now he’s surrounded by people he’s comfortable enough with to call his friends and with, definitely, a really hot boyfriend. He’s thankful to Taehyung for dragging him to that party a month a go, he’s thankful to Lulu for appearing and allow him to meet with Jimin, and he’s also thankful to Jimin for introducing him in to his circle of friends and allowing Jeongguk to be part of his life.

He turns his head around to Jimin again, who notices the younger’s stare and looks at Jeongguk with a smile, eyebrows raising in question. The younger shakes his head and kisses him. “I like you a lot.” he mumbles on Jimin’s lips, making him giggle cutely.

“I like you a lot too.” Jimin whispers back, squeezing the younger’s hand.

“Oh God, you are so gross.” they hear Taehyung say, but they prefer to ignore him and kiss again.

Jeongguk may not like parties, but he doesn’t mind going to one anymore if his friends and Jimin are there with him.


A/N: what the heck... it wasn't supposed to have such a deep ending xD
Since today is Kookie's birthday and I saw a lot of you subscribed to the story I decided to write part two... and have to ask for forgiveness again for the lame ending hahahah
It's really fluffy again, I tried not to but it just writes itself... I don't know I can only write fluff and sweet things #HelpMe
Anyways, hope you liked it, let me know what you think on the comments okay? ^^
Thanks to all of you who commented and subscribed!! 


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Chapter 1: Omg, thanks lulu
Chapter 2: This was just the sweetest thing! I probably have eyeball cavities now after reading all that pure sugar XD
Also, when they met at the party, what Jimin thought Jungkook was doing was so funny! Even though he was just petting Lulu lol
You're so good at writing funny Jikook fluff! :D
Reya13 #3
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh!
The sweetness, the cuteness, the CAT!
I loved everything about it
Poke38 #4
Chapter 2: I need moaoarrr
DancerintheDark #5
Chapter 2: I love this fic so much. You write such great Jikook!
pixiedie #6
Chapter 2: The cutenesssssssssss /nosebleed/
Jiminssi-Tae #7

Jiminssi-Tae #8
Chapter 1: Great fics Author-nim X-D..FYI,now I'm on the journey to find jikook fresh story ♥♥♥♥♥
eyesmilegyu #10
Chapter 2: huaaa that was so sweet