
kitty, kitty!

Jeongguk throws his head back in exasperation and sighs for the umpteenth time.

“Please Jeonggukie~” pleads Taehyung again. “When was the last time that you had some fun?” the younger rolls his eyes. Taehyung doesn’t know how to give up.

“I have fun every single day of my life, thank you” chides Jeongguk and Taehyung responds with scrunching up his facial muscles in to his best judgmental face.

“I mean having fun out of your apartment. You know, maybe in a party.” Jeongguk waves dismissively his hand at that.

Taehyung has been insisting rather persistently at Jeongguk for the past week to go with him to this party some friend of someone’s friend throws at his house.

Jeongguk hates rowdy places, that’s why he barely goes to any party. To be more specificic, that’s why he barely gets out of his house. He’s more on the anti-social side of the world, preferring to spend his Saturday nights playing some video-games, listen to music and eating lots of take-out food.

Usually, Taehyung would stop insisting by the second time the younger refuses to go with him, but this time his friend has been insisting a lot. Like, a lot. Even coming to his apartment on his way to the party with the expectation to convince the younger, who was having and enjoyable night by himself playing a game. Alone and happy, thank you very much.

Taehyung pouts as Jeongguk keeps punching the buttons on the video-game controller in his hand, eyes focused on the game on the TV screen and completely ignoring him. “I don’t even know how I put up with you, seriously.”

“Why do you want me to go so bad?” questions Jeongguk pausing the game, suspicious at his friend persistent behavior.

“I don’t know, maybe I want my friend to interact with other human beings and stop being a loner.” shrugs Taehyung with a sarcastic tone gracing his voice. Jeongguk contorts his face into one of distaste. He’s been living perfectly fine this past twenty years of his life being socially inactive, why change that now? (because you are twenty years old and the only human interaction you have is with the man at the pizzeria who answers the phone, me or your mom, would say Taehyung). He looks at his friend then, and immediately regrets doing so as Taehyung throws him his best puppy eyes, bottom lip sticking out in a sad pout. Jeongguk lets the controller fall off his hand in to his tights and sighs, again, resting his head on the back of the couch, “Okay,” at the affirmative, Taehyung expression brightens instantly but when he’s about to lean in to hug his friend, Jeongguk brings up his index finger in front of his face, “but! You won’t insist ever again to drag me to a party.”

Taehyung shuts his mouth, and tilts his head to the side blinking at Jeongguk, “Why don’t we see how tonight goes and if you really hate it, I won’t insist ever again.” The younger considers it for a couple of seconds before agreeing, because of course he won’t like it.


And of course, he doesn’t like it. The music is blaring so loud Jeongguk is sure even the neighbor’s house’s walls are trembling. There’s drunk people barely standing, holding their bodies against the first wall, thing or person they can find, bodies moving rhythmically with the music…Nope, Jeongguk doesn’t like it.

He lost Taehyung some time ago when he told the younger he was going to search for some drinks for both of them. That was an hour ago.The younger considers going to hunt for his hyung, but he’s probably doing some social rituals right now that the raven-haired boy would preferably avoid.

That’s why he finds himself siting in a corner with a bottle of beer he managed to find unopened somewhere, and stares amusedly at the mass of bodies moving rather clumsily to the music.

He takes a sip of his beer when his eyes catch something at the stairs situated in front of him. He squints his eyes and manages to distinguish in the poor light he has a ball of white fur and a pair of gleaming eyes. It’s a cat, crunched in the middle steps with its head sticking between the cracks of the wooden handrail, tail waggling behind lazily, as if the animal is observing them all and is amused at the drunken behavior of the humans.

The feline suddenly jerks back and descends the stairs as someone near it screams loudly and scares the poor thing. Jeongguk finds himself standing up and following the animal as it goes to the back of the house, passing through the kitchen and jumping off the window into the backyard. Jeongguk thinks he heard Taehyung calling him when he rushed past the kitchen and opened the door that leads into the little garden outside but ignores it. He’s in an important mission right now.

When he steps outside, he spots the cat pawing his way to a stone bench at the corner of the grassy garden, a leafy and thick tree towering above it. The feline jumps on the bench and Jeongguk rushes there, dying to pet the cat’s fluffy coat. The animal looks up at him with curious eyes and the boy offers it his hand for the animal to sniff so it won’t feel threatened.

The feline seems pleased with Jeongguk’s scent and lets the boy pet its head and the human can’t help the grin that spreads in his face. He’s always been fond of animals, but specially for cats since he can sympathize with them. They both like loneliness and are independent, only letting some people near them and only if they want them to.

Jeoongguk loses track of time just sitting there and petting the kitty named Lulu, as the little black leather collar around her neck informed him. The cat is currently cuddled in his lap and purring, contented at the fact she found someone to scratch her tummy or ear in the middle of the chaos that’s going on right now in the house.

“Are you ok?” hears Jeongguk from behind him suddenly, he turns around and his hand stops his ministrations on the cat, making the animal raise her head to look at him. He sees a short boy, wearing tight ripped jeans and a white tee, snapback put backwards hiding red locks of hair, and looking at him curiously but with some concern in his eyes.

“Uhm, yes…” He tries not to make evident the aversion it causes on him the fact that a stranger is talking to him, so Jeongguk makes his tone as most neutral as possible. Lulu seems upset about the sudden lack of attention so she makes pressure with her paws on Jeongguk’s tights, and his fingers start rubbing behind her ear unconsciously, but the boys’ eyes keep focused on the male standing behind him.

“Then why are you siting here alone and bending on yourself? Does your stomach hurt?” the words don’t sound  much slurred, so the boy must be slightly drunk, his tone is more curious than anything else and his eyes are wide, probably doubling on its original size, and eyeing Jeongguk from head to toe.

Jeongguk creases his brows, why a stranger cares so much of his doings? He guesses it’s just drunk curiosity. 

He considers for a moment if mentioning the cat would be a good idea or not. If this boy dislikes cats then he will backtrack and leave them alone, but, if by any chance, the boy likes cats, he will probably stay here to play with the animal and Jeongguk was doing just fine by himself. “I just needed fresh air.”

“Oh, okay. I though you felt sick or something and needed to puke.” the stranger laughs, a high pitched laugh just like his voice, and his eyes almost disappear when his mouth forms a grin so wide his cheeks get pushed up.

“N-no, I’m fine.” Jeongguk stutters, he has already interacted with another human specimen for too long and his brain is starting to malfunction. His hand is still petting Lulu, who’s purring contentedly ignoring the newcomer. The other boy hasn’t spotted her yet, since Jeongguk twisted upper body forbids him from doing so, so maybe Jeongguk might be lucky and the other will leave soon.

The boy squints his eyes in suspicion then, noticing Jeongguk’s arms are doing something that he can’t quite see, and bends his body to the side a bit to see what Jeongguk is hiding, but the black-haired boy bends to the side too and this makes the other’s curiosity and suspicions grew more and more.

Jeongguk rises his eyebrow defiantly when the other bends his body to the other side but still can’t see anything, and the tiny pout that appears in his mouth results on Jeongguk smirking. It’s fun to play with drunk people.

The boy straightens his body then, angry that Jeongguk is being so mysterious and crosses his arms on his chest. With the motion Jeongguk notices the muscles flexing on his arms, bulging biceps on full display thanks to the short-sleeved tee the boy is wearing.

“Are you wanking?” asks suddenly the other and Jeongguk back stiffens at the unnexpected question.

“W-what?! O-of course not!” Shrieks Jeongguk in the most unattractive way possible. He hates himself for stuttering as it makes him look more suspicious, and the other boy looks unconvinced. This boy sure is weird, how can he possibly think Jeongguk may be in someone else’s house, surrounded by strangers when he can get caught anytime.


“Then what are you doing all hunched up on yourself like that?” the boy points out, moving his arm gesturing towards Jeongguk, “You won’t let me see what you have there. Are you rolling up a joint?” Accuses him then.

“I- A what?” asks confused the younger. This is starting to be really weird.

“A blunt…Wheed? Are you smoking marihuana?” interrogates the red-haired boy. “You know, drugs are bad for your mental health. It may look cool now and all that, but you are too young to waste your life like this…” at this Jeongguk can only let his mouth hang open, his face expressing utter shock. This weird boy wears a concerned expression, as if Jeongguk smoking some illegal stuff is really upsetting for him.

“I’m not rolling anything, what the- I’m playing with a cat.” and to make evident his point Jeongguk grabs the animal and raises it for the other boy to see. Lulu looks a bit disturbed at being lifted and having her paws hanging in the air like this, and struggles in Jeongguk’s hands, so they boy puts her back on his lap and starts her head again.

The other boy stares blankly at Jeongguk for a second before breaking in to a loud laugh, but the mentioned boy only looks at him perplexed at the stupidity of the situation he found himself in.

“God, I- you-” the laughing boy says in between breaths, trying to calm down, “ I thought you were- oh God, I feel so stupid for even imagining you were in here.” he keeps laughing, and it’s kind of contagious so Jeongguk finds himself cracking a smile too.

“Well, yes, that was a bit stupid…” admits Jeongguk, and the latter wipes his eyes.

“I’m so sorry” Jeongguk shakes his head assuring him it’s okay. The boy takes some steps forward and sits besides Jeongguk on the bench, still a bit out of breath. “She’s my friend’s cat. I thought she would be upstairs sleeping.” he reaches down to scratch the cat between her ears making the animal purr, “I didn’t see her going out I just saw you here sitting alone and thought you may need help or something. Jin-hyung put me in guard duty, he wouldn’t be pleased if someone puked on his backyard.” the stranger giggles the cutest sound Jeongguk has ever hear in his life. 

They make eye contact then, Jeongguk blushing and coughing awkwardly, he’s not used at interacting this much with strangers, specially with attractive strangers.

“I’m Jimin, by the way…” the boy -Jimin- introduces himself with a cute smile.

“Jeongguk.” responds shyly the latter, he suddenly finds his shoes really interesting. This is the point where the other person finds him really boring or weird, awkward and unresponsive and leave without looking back. Jeongguk has to admit he would be a bit disappointed if Jimin was about to do so because he doesn’t mind at all his company, even if he’s tipsy he showed genuine concern for Jeongguk wellbeing.

“Are you here alone?” asks Jimin after a couple of minutes of silence, the both of them petting the soft fur of the animal sleeping on Jeongguk’s lap.

“No, I came with a friend but I lost him a while ago.” explains the black-haired boy. He felt a bit bad for not spending the night with Taehyung, but now that Jimin is keeping him company maybe it was a great idea to ignore his friend. “I don’t know if you may know him, Kim Taehyung.”

“Ah, yes” Jimin cracks one of his wide smiles while nodding, “I know him. Who hasn’t heard about Kim Taehyung.” Jeongguk nods with a grin, bunny teeth showing underneath his lips. Of course everyone knows Taehyung, the boy loves to make friends everywhere he goes. “We take some classes together and have some mutual friends.” 

Then they fall silent again, the only noise being the loud music still playing in the house. The cat’s fallen asleep again, with two pairs of hands caressing her fur it’s not weird the animal is relaxed and happy.

Jeongguk isn’t sure why Jimin is still siting there with him, maybe he likes Lulu too much to leave her with a stranger, or the red-head truly enjoys his company. Whatever it is, Jeongguk feels at easy with the other and doesn’t want him to leave. “Do you want something to drink?” asks lowly, giving Jimin the chance to ignore him if he wants.

Jimin hums in agreement and stands up slowly as to not scare the sleepy kitty, “Do you want another beer? I can go grab a couple of bottles and we can sit out here.” Jimin suggests and smiles beautifully to Jeongguk, so the other can only nod dumbly praying that his blush wasn’t that evident.

Jimin comes back with a metallic little ice bucket with some beers inside and a giant bag of chips and sits again next to Jeongguk. The shorter boy offers him a bottle and just like this they start drinking, Jeongguk being careful as he can’t take alcohol too well.

They are so engrossed talking to each other that they loose track of time. Jimin is really nice, all smiles and flirtatious eyes. He doesn’t stop talking at all, making Jeongguk laugh at his lame jokes and funny stories, and Jeongguk can’t be more thankful the other is doing almost all the talking since he doesn’t do well in conversations.

“Really, he was so upset for a whole two weeks”, says Jimin between laughs, “he didn’t even get the chance to wear them, when he was about to slide the sunglasses on, the plastic rim just broke in his hands.” they laugh hard at this, tears appearing on their eyes. Jeoonguk needs to meet this Namjoon guy who apparently breaks everything just by looking at it. “You should have seen his face.”

They calm a bit their laughs, they are both a bit tipsy by now, Lulu now resting underneath the stone bench not wanting to be disturbed by the two loud and drunk boys. Jeongguk’s eyes can only focus on Jimin’s mouth by now. It’s what they have been looking at for the past ten minutes Jimin’s been talking. Those pink and plump lips are asking to be kissed. Would that be too weird, if he suddenly kissed Jimin? His drunken brain says no, go for it, so he simply leans forward and presses his lips against soft one’s, cutting the other at mid sentence.

It’s a simple peck that barely lasts three seconds, and he’s not really sure where that bravado came from, God he doesn’t even know if Jimin is into guys. He breaks apart from Jimin reluctantly, but keeps the closeness between them.

“That was unexpected.” says Jimin softly, eyes going back and forth from Jeongguk’s eyes to his lips.

“Uhm, yes I- uhm.” Jeongguk  swallows nervously the lump in his throat, trying to say something but in his drunken state his brain can’t form words. “Sorry.”

Jimin shakes his head, “Don’t be sorry.” it’s what he hears the other mumbling before grabbing Jeongguk by the front of his black shirt and drag him forward to lock lips again. This time, Jimin has leaned his head to the side so his noses won’t bump like they did the first time the pressed lips together. There’s more passion in this one, since Jimin bites Jeongguk’s bottom lip, tongue there after to sooth the little pain it may have caused, but is more pleasurable than anything if Jeongguk’s groan is anything to take in consideration.

The younger nips at those sinful plump lips, transforming their pinky color into a beautiful red, making the other let out a little whine. His hands reach up to lock with Jeonguk’s soft black locks and tugs, taking advantage of his gasp to pass his tongue through the younger swollen lips. 

They are breathing hard through their noses, and the lack of oxygen mixed with their drunk mind makes them feel dizzy. They have to separate if they don’t want to suffocate, but they keep close, eyes still shut and letting out labored pants.

“That was good,” Jimin fingers massage Jeongguk’s scalp softly, “really good.” Jeongguk hums in approval. When he opens his eyes Jimin is already looking at him with glinting and beautiful eyes.

They kiss again, a bit rougher with more biting and tongue and Jeongguk is starting to feel the heat in his stomach, blood running south.

“We…should-“ he tries to speak but Jimin is interrupting him with kisses and who is he to refuse him. But when the other’s hand start roaming down his body Jeongguk feels a wave of nervousness hit him and pulls away, gently pushing at the other’s chest when he leans in again to capture his lips in another kiss.

It’s not that he wouldn’t like this to go further but Jeongguk is still and wouldn’t like to pop the cherry while drunk and with a complete stranger.

He kisses away the pout on Jimin’s lips, hand resting on his hip, “Sorry, it’s just that I don’t feel comfortable going further than this…” he trails off a bit embarrassed. Jimin smiles at him, a kind smile that helps Jeongguk calm his nerves.

“It’s okay, we don’t need to do anything you are not comfortable with.” it sounds genuine, he’s glad Jimin is understanding. 

The red-head leans on and pecks Jeoonguk’s lips twice, letting out a cute giggle when Jeongguk grabs him by the back of his neck and pulls him in a kiss that lasts long enough for them to be breathless again.

They both jump in surprise when Jeongguk’s phone goes off. He leans back enough to slip off the device from his front pocket and answers the phone without checking the ID.

“Yaah Jeonggukie!” he hears Taehyung screaming from the other line, “I just wanted to inform you I was about to go home.” his words are slurred and Jeongguk can’t barely hear what he’s saying with the loud music blaring through the speakers. “I know you are having a great time out there with Jiminnie, so sorry for interrupting.” Jeongguk blushes at that. Was Taehyung spying on him?

“How did you-“ Taehyung laugh interrupts him.

“I’m at the porch, silly.” Jeongguk turns his head towards the direction of the house and sees his friend standing there waving at him with a big grin on his face. He hears Jimin chuckle so he looks back at him and dies out of embarrassment as the older waves back at Taehyung.

“Okay, wait there. I’m going back home too with you.” he hangs up without waiting for the other’s response. Jimin looks back at him with a soft smile adorning his face.

“You are leaving, then?” Jeongguk immediately regrets agreeing to go home so early, the red-head is pouting cutely, fluttering his eyelashes. He looks so damn cute he wants to put him in his pocket and protect him forever. Wait, what?

He does the only thing that occurs to him, that being leaning again to kiss Jimin. “We should do this again some other time.” murmurs Jimin on his lips, tone sad. “maybe when we are not drunk and completely alone.” Jeongguk feels hot fire run within his body at the though of doing this again with Jimin, so he nods furiously at the idea.

Jimin chuckles and pecks him again, “Give me your phone, I’ll save my number so you can call me when you want.”

Jimin takes the phone from Jeongguk’s hand, saving his number as Jiminnie ♡, and gives back the device to the younger.

After a goodbye kiss, he stands up, Lulu stepping out of his hiding place too and accompanies Jeongguk all the way back to the house. 

As Jeongguk and Taehyung are heading back to the younger’s house he sends a quick text to Jimin, so the other will have his number too.

“Did you have fun?” asks Taehyung in a cheeky tone, Jeongguk can feel the other’s smirk without looking at him.

“It was great, yes…” he hears his hyung laugh.

“Great, okay.” he chuckles, amused at the other stubbornness. “I knew you would like Jimin.” this surprises Jeongguk, who stops walking and stares dumbfounded at the other.

“Wait, was this all a set up?”

“hm, not exactly. I thought Jiminnie would be your type so that’s why I convinced you to tag along.” Taehyung explains. “And maybe I talked about you to Jimin~” he adds my his characteristic boxy smile.

Jeongguk scoffs and starts walking again, Taehyung running a bit to catch with the younger’s long strides. “Don’t get angry, you had fun.”

The black-haired boy rolls his eyes and hums. He’s not going to admit more than he already has, he’s not giving Taehyung that satisfaction.

On the other hand, he’s happy Taehyung dragged him there because he got to meet Jimin and that definitely was a great way to end the night.


A/N: uh, I'm sorry? I don't even know what is this, it's so lame I feel embarrassed of posting it xD also I wrote it at 2AM so there's probably a lot of mistakes, so sorry about that too.
I love writing about Jeongguk being a socially-awkward teenager, he's so cute for this world and the little is becoming eigheein in two days, this noona is proud of you, kid.
I should be writing the chapter of my other story but I got stuck and this just happened... so, yeah. Hope you liked it.
leave comments if you enjoyed whatever is this, and maybe I'll try to write a part two, who knows hahaha
Thanks for reading sweeties!!! 


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Chapter 1: Omg, thanks lulu
Chapter 2: This was just the sweetest thing! I probably have eyeball cavities now after reading all that pure sugar XD
Also, when they met at the party, what Jimin thought Jungkook was doing was so funny! Even though he was just petting Lulu lol
You're so good at writing funny Jikook fluff! :D
Reya13 #3
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh!
The sweetness, the cuteness, the CAT!
I loved everything about it
Poke38 #4
Chapter 2: I need moaoarrr
DancerintheDark #5
Chapter 2: I love this fic so much. You write such great Jikook!
pixiedie #6
Chapter 2: The cutenesssssssssss /nosebleed/
Jiminssi-Tae #7

Jiminssi-Tae #8
Chapter 1: Great fics Author-nim X-D..FYI,now I'm on the journey to find jikook fresh story ♥♥♥♥♥
eyesmilegyu #10
Chapter 2: huaaa that was so sweet