
In the stars, in my heart

Five years ago

 "Hey Myungsoo.." 


"You know that boy right? Isn't he cute..." I squealed

"You honestly say that to every boy you see." 

"Um, no I do not. I don't think you're cute." I puffed

"Sure you don't. "

"I don't. I really don't. If you were cute, I would have asked you out ages ago." I said. You are cute...


"No, but I'm serious. He's like really cute.. Isn't he? Like, like we met yesterday at the cafe.. He was soo nice and we were talking, and traded phone numbers, and ugh. We texted each other like all night. He's.. Perfect.."

"Oh, really? That's really interesting. And you do know that he known for flirting right? He flirts with literally every girl in his school."

"Oh.. But, I swear he..he..was super nice.."

"Oh, really. I didn't know you flirted by being a douche."

"But, but."

"But my . I guarantee he's a douche. Give up, he's not worth it."

"Whatever. Since when were you so in my business." I stared. 

"You're the one who asked." He said. Since forever. He doesn't deserve you..

-One Month Later-

"Myungsoo!!!!! I'm going to do it, I'm going to ask him to homecoming." I screamed.

"What? Isn't that what the guy is supposed to do?"

"No!! I mean.. It is usually, but there's no rule that says girls can't. Anyways, I think he likes me too. A few days ago at the cafe, I told him I liked someone-"

"You do..?"

"No!! I mean I do, him. But like it's how you make a guy jealous. Anyways, I said I liked someone, and I swear he got jealous. He like looked really sad, so I asked him if he was okay, and he's like 'ya I'm fine,' and I was like are you sure? And he's like 'no I'm not,' and I was like why? And he's like.. Oh my gosh, he was like 'because of you.' Is that just me, or was he jealous."

"I don't know... He could have just been irritated, or...-"

" or what? I honestly don't know. I like him, a lot."

"But.. Didn't you tell me that he's different at school?"

"Yea.. But that's only when he's with his friends."

"Yea. When he's with his friends. He doesn't say hi, he totally ignores you, and your saying that that's totally okay?" He asked

"Well, I guess.. I mean, he could be shy-"

"We both know that's not the case." 

"I know, but.. that's just the way he is.. its fine.."

"And I heard he doesn't even come to the cafe when Ha Young isn't there."

"No, that's just because he had some stuff to do, and that was coincidentally the same day Ha Young couldn't come. He said so, himself.."  I said desperately.. 

I wanted to believe he liked me.. It was desperate, I know, but I liked him a lot.. I wanted to believe he was the same. I got butterflies whenever he texted me, whenever he smiled, laughed, whenever he looked at me. 

"Don't waste your time on him Eun Young. He's not worth it." He said.

"He's not worth it? Or I'm not worth him." 

Tears formed in my eyes. I didn't want to believe it.

"Why? Why? It's cause I'm fat. What? Cause I'm ugly. Cause my personality's -" I bawled

"No, no you're not. You're beautiful, just the way you are." He said And, I love you because you're you.


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