
Do You Like Him?
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I yawned my sleepiness away when morning came. For 3 nights since I met Ryeowook, I couldn't get my mind a rest. After what I have heard, after all that he said. Everything is still fresh in my mind.




It's mid August. 



It's my first vacation off the base and I somehow felt home as the city lights flickered on me. I somewhat feel safe as I walked down the road where he lives. Remembering he used to drape his arms to my shoulders, protecting me. 



Fighting back my tears that were threatening to fall, I clenched my teeth, and made a fist in the process of hurting myself. 'One more turn, I'd reach the coffeehouse. One more turn.'



 There, I saw Ryeowook. Face wrapped in a mask and a hat. I laughed as he still don't know how to hide himself in Public, but my laughter has turned into a bitter thought as realization dawned on me. 



Sitting across each other, I am not used to it. So is he. 



"Hey! How 's everything going on?"



"Pretty good! Everyone's busy with their business. I for example is getting ready for my own solo debut. KRY too, we are practicing ourselves to death as our concert is nearing." he proudly stated. And I have to say.. this is not the Ryeowook I know.




Nodding, I then held a deep breathe and ask him the question I have been dying to ask even before I enlist. "Ryeowook-ah.. I'm not going to play around the bush.. you..Do you like him?"



I saw him smirk a little, and took a sip of coffee he bought himself. "Yes." he answered while looking straight to my eyes.



"Do you know who I'm talking about?" as much as I wanted to mention names, I know it to myself that we are

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Chapter 1: Psssst. naa napud ko dri ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Shet shet shet, angst ㅠㅠㅠㅠ putspaaa >.< naaaaa, oresan syang ryeowook tsk tsk tsk.
Three shots? One for Kyu, Min & wook?