Life in SM

"O.M.G," my eyes widened with each chewing movement I did, tasting some of the fried snacks in front of one of the many carts in this area, "That's way too delicious to be made on earth!" The others laughed, taking bites of their own snacks.

"You will be surprised to know that there are even better snacks than this," Luhan remarked with a smile, creating cheerful crinkles around his eyes. We were currently out on the streets of Seoul with EXO as they joined us after our shoots were over. Though they had to beg their 'manager-hyung' with their puppy dogs faces for quite some time, making me wonder how many times he had to endure this to be able to resist for longer than five minutes. Some of them were just too cute.

"No way," I exclaimed, taking another bite as I shielded my eyes from the setting sun and from the prying lense of the camera Seohyun kept pushing in my face. ("Yah, don't cover your face, you want our V-fans to see you, right?" (Not when I'm eating")

"Yes way," Chanyeol interrupted just as Luhan opened his mouth. Throwing his arm around my shoulders he flicked off the snack in my hand and replaced it with another cup, "Yah! I wasn't finished with that!" I exclaimed, sorrowfully looking after the dejected food on the floor.

"Try this Tteokbokki, you will love it," he pushed it closer to me in encouragement.

"Still didn't need to waste my other snack," I pouted, taking his arm off as his close proximity made me nervous. What's with this skinship anyway, I thought as I carefully took a bite from this new dish. Chanyeol meanwhile was eagerly looking for a reaction as he bend down to look at my face closely. I went red at his intense gaze and slapped his face away, "Yah, have you never heard of the private zone? Stop it!"

Kai laughed and threw an arm over the taller one, "Ani, he must have never heard of such a thing seeing as he invades every girls' privacy like that."

"Yah! I do not!" Chanyeol yelped, slapping his hand over Kai's mouth to shush him. I simply glared at this revelation, not entirely surprised. However, I had another problem right now. This tteokbokki was too spicy for my tastebuds.

"Anyway," Chanyeol said after successfully keeping Kai's head locked under his arm. He smirked like it was a normal thing to do, "How do you like the tteokbokki, huh? It's my favorite street food!"

"It's too hot!" I panted, feeling like my breaths came out in as steam clouds from the hotness, my face still uncomfortably warm. Luhan chuckled next to me as he turned away.

"I'm too hot, you say?" Chanyeol 'repeated' with a hand behind his earshell, "Oh jagiya I'm flattered."

"A-Are you deaf?" I spluttered, my eyes shooting daggers at him, "I said this snack is hot! As in spicy, you !"

"Now now, is that how you talk with your oppa," he chided, tapping my nose. I slapped him off angrily, "There is no way in hell that you will ever be my oppa!"

"But don't you see we are meant to be?"

I stared at him for a second, "No! No, I don't!"

"Then why do you always get red whenever I'm talking to you?"

"Because you make me mad!"

"And why do you still have my cap on even though your shoot is long over?" he continued with his godforsaken grin. I blanched slighlty, having completely forgotten about the cap. After we had decided to go get street food I didn't see him until we arrived at the market in separate cars and I had naturally put it on to shield myself from the blazing sun. I furiously pulled it off and pushed it in his hand, blinking at the sudden light, "There you go! No reason for you to assume anything anymore."

"Ah I think it's too late for that," Kai's muffled voice came from Chanyeol's side, still locked under his armpit, "Yah, will you let go already!" The tall, big-eared boy just gave a cheesy grin, not responding at all.

I sighed heavily, trying to calm myself down. Why is that he always got me so riled up about the smallest things?

"Here," a soft voice from my other side broke the short silence and I saw a water bottle appear in front of me, "For your spiced taste buds," Luhan chuckled, urging me to take it. I smiled gratefully, taking three big gulps from it, "Though I guess water isn't the best against spicy food," he continues thoughtfully with his calm aura and I relaxed, listening to his ramble, "The best thing is milk I think. But I don't have milk with me." I laughed at his randomness, "It's alright, thank you." He smiled back.

We talked a bit more about food, then about the bad food we got in SM and the diet we had to maintain until Hyoyeon called me over to show something from a store. It was a great time to relax in our free time, away from the tight schedule.

"Oh look at this cute stuff bear!" Jessica squealed as she held up a light pink teddy bear. I squinted my eyes against the sun as Kai magically showed up next to her, "You want me to get it for you?" She blushed and smiled brightly at him as he grinned back and took the bear from her to pay for it.

I raised an eyebrow at them, "Ok, is it just me or is there something going on between them?"

Seohyun giggled, "There should be something going on, they're together after all...What?" she asked, laughing as I gaped at her.

"Really? They are? But she is older than him!"

"So? We are all older than all of them...except for you!" the pretty brunette snapped her fingers in realization, "Your birthday is on 2nd August 1994. You are our all maknae! Isn't that cute!" she squealed, bringing the attention of our whole group to herself.

"Ah jinja?"

"Nari-sshi is our maknae!"


"Sehun, you must be happy you are not the youngest anymore!" They rambled and I looked at said person, who glanced back at me for a split second before turning back to his hyungs, "Finally," he muttered, smiling a little as they laughed. He looked even more handsome when he smiled and I suddenly wished he would do it more often. Jeez, what's wrong with you...

"A-Anyway," I stuttered, embarrassed at my own behaviour, "I thought we are not allowed to date anyone with our contract and all."

"That's only partially right," Kris surprisingly butted in, "We are allowed to date, we are just prohibited to publicise it or it will cause a riot when the fans find out," he stated matter-of-factly. Wow, someone's studied every single word in the contract it seems, I kinda felt ashamed I hadn't even read the first page of it.

"Nae, so you better not spill the beans in an interview with what's going on between these two or Taeyeon and Baekhyun," Yuri said, poking my forehead and I noticed the last two blushing at the back of our crowd.

"Ara ara, I got it," I mumbled, rubbing the sore spot as she giggled and went off. So I can date, my eyes unconsciously drifted to EXO's maknae, but I immediately looked away as he turned his head to me when I suddenly felt an arm around my shoulders again,

"You see, jagiya, nothing is holding us back from getting together," Chanyeol said with a grin and I scowled at him. "Stop calling me that! And get your arm off me!"

"Ara ara jeez, aren't you a feisty one!" he chuckled and I glared, about to retort something as he placed his cap on my head again. My eyes immediately relaxed, shaded now and I completely forgot what I wanted to say as I looked into his sudden gentle expression, "You will get blinded if you keep staring at the direction of the sun," he simply said before bouncing off to Baekhyun, yelling something about 'stop flirting'. I rolled my eyes, like he's one to talk, I thought with a chuckle as we continued.

By the time we arrived back at our dorms the sun was set and our tummies filled with delicious (and spicy) food. Wishing the Exo members a good night as our ways parted (I guessed they were a floor under us) I quickly walked up the stairs as Chanyeol shouted, "Jagiya, where is my goodnight kiss?"

"The nerve of this guy," I muttered this and more under my breath as we climbed up the stairs. Sooyoung and Taeyeon giggled behind me, "Come on Nari, you have to admit he's cute."

"He is not!" I said indignantly, turning to them, "He is rude, erted and a stalker!"

"But he likes you," Tiffany said, giving me an excited eyesmile.

"He likes every girl!"

"I don't know, girls, has he flirted with any of us besides Nari?" They all declined simultaneously.

"Yeah, maybe you are too old for him-"


"Watch it!"

"We are not that old!"

"Arasso, arasso, I'm sorry!" I exclaimed as they chased me up the rest of the stairs, "AAAAAHHH! GOD HELP ME, THIS MOB IS KILLING ME!" I yelped as we burst through the doors to our dorm, tumbling to the floor in one, female mess.

"Get off you are heavy," Hyoyeon's muffled voice said under me.

"What was that?" I said playfully, making myself more heavy and she 'oomphed'.

"Yah, guys, manager-unnie has left a voice mail," Sunny shouted, standing beside the dorm phone, "Listen up."

We quietened down on the floor as her voice reached us, "Annyeong girls, I hope you had a good free time today..."


"Such a nice unnie, caring for us"

"Because you won't have any free time from now on."

"We spoke too soon..."

"The date for your comeback stage and Nari's debut stage has been set in two weeks from now on. That means more practice, more promotions and even more practice. Get ready, we'll start at 7 A.M. sharp tomorrow." BEEP



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kk_starrie #1
Sounds interesting, will look forward to it^^