Life in SM

It took me quite a while to his deer-like eyes out of my mind and refocus as we entered the room with my new members, who were currently dancing to 'Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby'.

Sooyoung waved at me shortly, but other than that they were all immersed in their choreography, each of them concentrating on themselves in the mirror.

"That's good girls, very good," a woman in her late twenties clapped before she noticed us, "Keep going!" she orderedarrow-10x10.png, quickly walking over to us,

"Hyemi-ah, I bring you our newest hope, Lee Nari," Areum gestured to me with a smile as I cocked my head, confused at the sudden

weird introduction. Nevertheless I bowed, tongue-tied at the stern expressionarrow-10x10.png on Hyemi's face that didn't waver once not even when she offered

me a tight smile.

"I believe you were already informed that you would need to change the cheography with her added in now," Areum continued, looking at her notebook as usual.

"Nae and I already have something in mind," Hyemi answered, scrutinizing me from head to toe as though she could detect my abilities with a mere look. I shifted, uncomfortably.

"Have you listened to demo?" she asked me, nodding at the sheets of paper in my hand. I looked down at the lyrics of 'I Got a Boy' and shook my head, "No, not yet."

She raised her eyebrow and I squirmed at her judging eyes, but thankfully we got distracted as the song, which was blaring out from the stereos, ended and the girls shuffled over to us, applauding themselves in accomplisment. I chuckled a bit while Sooyoung came over, knocking her shoulder against mine in greeting, "Nae Nari, how was recording with Hwang-nim?"

"It was really nice, we rapped a lot," she let out a melodious laugh.

"So you're rapper like Yoona and Hyoyeon here," Hyoyeon perked up next to us as she heard her name and we immediately into a conversation about the best rappers around. Most of the rappers she mentioned were Korean and I had no idea who they were. As I told her this she only looked at me, aghast, "Alright, you HAVE to listen to my playlist as soon as we are finished here!" I laughed lightly, glad how easy it was to get along with them.

It didn't seem like any of them had a problem with me joiningarrow-10x10.png their group. I wonder why it is so easy. It was never easy for me to get along with anyone so fast, I thought back to my days in England. Not did I ever have a best friend and the friends I did have left me for others. Was it my fault because I never had freearrow-10x10.png time to hang out with anyone? No, it wasn't your fault your parents forced you to take all the singing and dancing classes, a voice in my mind 'reassured' me and I sighed, bitterly.

"Nari!" Hyemi called and I immediately turned to her. "I wish to see your abilities to know what level I'm going to work with. Are you able to give

us a little demonstration of your dancing?" she orderedarrow-10x10.png more than asked and I blinked at the sudden request before the girls cheered, encouraging

me as I nodded with a nervous smile.

"Oh I will choose the song!" Hyoyeon offered and comically ran towards the stereo.

"Yah! I wanted to pick the song, unnie!" Sooyung exclaimed, outraged as she ran after her while we laughed at their bickering.

As they finally managedarrow-10x10.png to agree upon a song I walked up to the center and faced the mirror, trying to gulp down the rising anxiousness in me.

Don't be nervous. You know you can do it, I closed my eyes and focused on the beat my body moving to it, slowly but steadily faster, Focus focus

focus! my mind chanted to the rhythm as I tried to blank out the intense gazes on me. As I said I had never danced in front of anyone besides my

father. Dancing was my private thing, my sanctuary, my escape from the world. The fact that I had to give up this little world was...depressing,

especially when it made me uneasy, What if they don't like it? This sudden thought made me stop and I quickly froze into a position before the

song actually ended. I knew I would have slipped out of my concentration if I had continued further.

The sound of clapping broke me out of my stance and I straightened up, wiping the beads of sweat from my forehead, panting a bit.

"That was daebak!"

"How did you do that?"

"You have to teach me that one move!"

I relaxed at hte positive comments, inwardly sighing with relief. I couldn't imagine what to do if they didn't like it. I smiled silently as they

surrounded me, talking across each other, their cheerfulness contagious, so much different from girls in my school, I thought as Seohyun squeezed

my shoulders in delight, still talking about my choreography, A good different.

I felt warm with them around me, happiness replacing the anxiety I previously had inside me and I gave a geniune grin.

From the side view I could see Hyemi slowly nodding in approval, "We can certainly work with that."

She decided to keep me for a few more hours to get me used to the routines.


Two hours of intense routinizing I collapsed onto the ground as soon as Hyemi called it a day, laying flat on my back, "I'm dead," I puffed out,

Yuri laughed and sat down next to me with a carefree smile, "The first day is always the hardest. I remember my first day as a trainee uhhh," she

hissed dramatically, causing me to crack a grin.

"Nae, you will get used to it soon," Sunny affirmed as she passed water bottles around after everyone joined us on the floor. I gratefully took a sip

of the refreshing liquid before placing the bottle against my forehead to cool it off.

"Really? Is it like this everyday? Ottoke...," I sighed exasperatedly, giving them a questioning glance as they chuckled, "What?"

"Ani, your accent is cute, that's all."

"Bwoh?" I muttered confused.

"Aegyo~" Tiffany squealed, her crescent eyes twinkling in delight. I blushed, "Is it that obvious?"

"It's a cute obvious," Seohyun said, flicking off the water bottle I tried to balance on my forehead. My cheeks only turned redder, "Yah! Leave me

alone!" I said, pouting playfully as I rolled over on my stomach, and buried my head in my crossed arms. They laughed, immediately attacking and I

gasped at the sudden contact, "Aww~ our maknae!" they cooed in unison, bursting out in laughter as my blush intensified just as I thought it

wasn't possible. We fooled around a little more until I was called to get out by a staff member where the manager was waiting outside for me. We drove back to SMTown building where I had been brought first yesterday. It was only yesterday..

"What are we doing now?" I wondered as we stood in the elevator, that beamed us up to the top floor.

"Oh just the usual paperwork to determine your stay here. You know, inform you about the rules, sign the contract etc...," I nodded as the doors

opened, revealing a big lounge room with a bar and a cafe. She nodded and I bowed to the security as she lead me across the room and sat us

around a small table with two leather seats. Ordering a coffee for her and hot chocolate for me we settled down and I watched as she pulled out the contract, rambling about the rules, curfew, the schedule, the legitimacy of the contract...,

"...and dating is strictly forbidden!" she said sternly.

"Oh?" I blinked at the sudden information, wondering why this was so important to be specifically mentioned. Shrugging carelessly I took the pen from her hands to sign my fate, "As if anyone would want to date me anyway."

She smiled in satisfaction, taking the contract from me, "Very well. Welcome to SM Entertainment!"

Three weeks later

Three weeks had passed and I couldn't be happier. Yes, the schedule was very exhausting and I went to sleep with sore limbs and aching throat the whole first week, but working with the girls, being with the girls and sharing the exhaustion made this all endurable. And I think it was safe to say they fully accepted me into their close-knit family even if I didn't talk much to some of them.

As for the boy I saw in the dance studio, I never met him again...which didn't matter anyway! I had to concentrate on catching up with the girls for the song 'I Got A Boy', not how to get a boy! Even if he was quite captivating...- "Yah! Nari, what are you doing?" Yoona nudged me as I had slowed down and got in her way.

"Sorry, sorry!" I quickly apologized, losing my balance momentarily. Hyemi clicked her tongue at me, but didn't say anything else as she stood by the stereo and I sighed, willing myself to fully concentrate this time.

[All] I got a boy meotjin! (Oh)
I got a boy chakhan! (Oh Oh Eh Oh)
I got a boy, handsome boy (Oh Oh Eh Oh)
Naemam da gajyeo gan
I got a boy meotjin! (Oh)
I got a boy chakman! (Oh Oh Eh Oh)
I got a boy, awesome boy (Oh Oh Eh Oh)
Wanjeon banhaet na bwa

I got a boy meotjin!

The song ended and Hyemi clapped, "Alright girls, let's call it a day. Good job!" We sighed in relief, chatter immediately breaking the previous concentrated silence. I smiled at Sooyoung as she walked up to me, "You want to stay longer again?" she asked and I nodded. For the past days I had decided to stay longer and train the moves more since we would start with shooting the music video soon.

Hyoyeon chuckled, "You're still not satisfied with your solo?"

"Nae I still feel like I'm not catching up to the fast beat," I replied seriously. I was instructed to do the beginning of the fast beat alone before everyone else joined to sing again.

Sooyoung walked up to the stereo to get the right part on and I readied myself, turning to look at the other girls questioningly as they made themselves comfortable against the wall.

"Ahh~," Yoona stretched contentedly, "We will support you from here." I chuckled.

"Tch and they always say I'm lazy," Sooyoung muttered under her breath as the first sounds came out,

"Ayo! Stop! Let me put it down another way."

Time passed for another hour as I fully concentrated on my part, Sooyoung joining me whenever it ended. We danced in perfect sync, accoustomating to each others moves and grinning at each other in accomplishment. That's what we did most of the time: me trying to smooth out my occasional clumsy movements and her (and sometimes Hyoyeon from the wall) giving me advice. Like now, she clapped over the music and shouted, "Smile! You look like grumpy cat!"

"She's right. We can't have that face in the mv, it will scare the fans away," Seohyun agreed, causing everyone to laugh. I grinned for a second, but it fell off soon when I concentrated on the beat again.

Seohyun huffed and stopped the music, "Honestly, your dancing is perfect, but you really have to work on your expression," she said, handing me a water bottle as I tried to catch my breath.

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"Exactly that!" she mimicked my frown, giving me a close up view on how I apparently looked.

I pouted, pushing her face away, "Yah! I don't look like that." "Yes, you do!" We bickered back and forth until we suddenly heard a commotion at the door and the girls stopped laughing.

I turned to meet the eyes of an unknown boy, who stumbled into the room, pushed by another one behind him. He gave him a short glare, before turning back, adjusting a cap over his chestnut brown hair, averting my attention to his elephant like ears.

Unsure what to do I glanced at Sooyoung as she giggled and walked over to them, "Annyeong, guys! What brings you here?"

"Annyeong, we came to say annyeong," the pushy guy replied with a rectangular grin at the girls - Taeyeon particulary - who stood up to join us. He looked at me, bowing friendly, "I'm Baekhyun from EXO, nice to meet you!"

I bowed back, introducing myself, "I'm Nari..."

"I know," the guy with the cap blurted, turning pink as the girls giggled. I straightened up, confused but continued nevertheless "...nice to meet you too."

He grinned and I blushed at his stare, glaring at a giggling Sooyoung as she nudged my shoulder, "I'm Chanyeol, but you can call me your oppa," he said confidently.

My eyes widend, "E-Excuse me?"

"Or future boyfriend"


"Ahh I know! Your knight in shining amor! How does that sound?"

"What the-," I turned to Sooyoung with a dropped jaw as she laughed along with the others, "What's going on here?" I exclaimed, wondering if this was some kind of prank as Chanyeol leaned in, his tall frame towering over me and he smirked at my flustered look, "So how about we go out this Friday evening?" he asked, eagerly.

I leaned back, "D-? Wha-? No! Never!" He pouted, "Aww why not?"

"Chanyeol-ah, give her a break," Baekhyun chuckled, pulling him back and I sighed in relief as he albeit reluctantly took a couple of steps back. I resisted the urge to fan myself as the air had turned incredibly warm suddenly and I crossed my arms in defiance, "If you don't mind, we still have to train," I tried to say friendly, but right now it costed me every ounce of concentration to not fidget at his unnerving stare. This is really annoying...

"Ah, but it's our turn now," Baekhyun held his schedule up and as if on cue the door opened and several guys piled in, chatting animatedly among themselves. I quickly counted twelve guys, admitting defeat as Sooyoung apologized, "Mianhae, we will leave now."

Uncrossing my arms I almost turned around to grab my bag when Chanyeol's voice called out, "Yah, you can stay and watch me if you want."

I glared at him over my shoulder, "I'd rather not," he only chuckled as I walked pass, only stopping to bow at the newcomers politely before I rushed out, never noticing the two pairs of eyes following me until I was out of sight.

"Can you believe the nerve of this guy?" I complained as soon as we were out of earshot.


"Yah! What was that?" Baekhyun slapped him over the head, causing his cap to fall down. Chanyeol whined as he sat down and picked it up, "What's with you hitting me all the time today?

"You were hassling that poor girl."

"I was not!"

"As if this is something new," Kris joined, his lips curling up slightly, "He hassles every girl."

"It's not hassling if they like it. I can't help it if they want a piece of me rather than you," Chanyeol shot back jokingly.

"But she clearly doesn't," Baekhyun argued.

"Oh she does, didn't you see her blush?" Chanyeol grinned, letting himself fall backwards and tucking his arms behind his head, "She clearly likes me."

"Yeah right, that's why she rejected you," Baekhyun snorted, earning a glare from his dongsaeng.

"Whaaa? Chanyeol got rejected?" Chen exclaimed and he rolled his eyes.

"She is shy, that's all. I bet the next time we are alone, she will say yes," he countered, grinning to himself, "Nari, Nari, Nari," he chanted absent-mindedly as Luhan sat down next to him, "Is that her name? Nari?"

"Nae," the cap owner replied, stuck in his own world.

Luhan looked down at his shoes in wonderment, So that's her name...Nari


There you go, the first contact with EXO. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Ok it's not alot yet, but I promise more interaction with them from now on. The first chapters were more of an introduction really Also I'm trying to work out a poster for this story but I'm really not good with that so it's probably gonna take a while.

So, whatcha think? Tell me, cause I have no idea if this is good, grand or plain horrible. Let me know and I will love you forever~~~~~~~~~~~~:*



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kk_starrie #1
Sounds interesting, will look forward to it^^