part 5: a proposal

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“I don’t need any pity,” he bursted, breaking the silent ride down the elevator. “I’m not at school often because I’m too busy taking care of my grandma’s bills with all these jobs and--”

“I’m not pitying you…”

Ding. The elevator doors slid open and quickly made your way out, not bothering to look back at Wonwoo.

For some strange reason, you constantly find yourself walking the direction towards the run-down retirement home. All those times, you stopped yourself from going any further down the road. It was until one day you remembered it was the day Wonwoo was working in the ice cream parlor. It gave you approximately three hours before he would get off work and possibly make his way to his grandma. In a spurr of a moment, you decided to go for it.

You were already in the elevator when you started having second thoughts. Before you could go back down, the elevator doors opened and you could only make your feet move forward. You couldn’t stop walking forward despite the desire to turn around. Step by step his grandmother’s door grew closer and the next thing you knew you were knocking.

The door opened ever so slightly, slowly revealing Wonwoo’s grandmother. Her face lit up at the sight of you as she hurriedly invited you in.

“This is such a wonderful surprise

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albamd #1
Chapter 5: When will you continue the stoty? I'm reading them. I'll be waiting!
CosmicLatte00 #2
Chapter 4: SEQUELLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!
adleynaifa #3
Chapter 4: i need the sequel . oh my gawdd .
Youngooon #4
Chapter 4: Author-nim , what do u mean by this : “This was why I haven’t been in school” .
And this : “If that was why you were following me, then you got your answer”
//I really need a sequel plzz ~ Fighting to u ~ *chu*//
hyesong #5
Chapter 4: Dang i need sequel:(
robot_pop #6
Chapter 3: O m g soooo qt
hyesong #7
Chapter 2: ooh, i need updates~ and make it longer pweaseee~
Cropped_Angsy #8
Chapter 2: What will happend next? Please update soon authornim and pmake it a littlr longer please.. Fighting!!