Landing in Seoul


(Choi Minhee's POV)


     The plane is about to land. Hope you had a good flight. And welcome to Seoul." the anouncement said. It was afternoon here in Seoul. (A/N Thanks to  lil-eunchan) Once the plane landed, I got off. I walk to the baggage area and got my stuff. I looked through my bag for my phone. I found it and saw that I got a text message from Jason Smith. Well, your probably wondering who he is, he's the manager at the LAX.

To: Mickey Choi

From Jason Smith

   Dear Miss Choi,

     I'm so sorry for what happened this morning. I have reviewed the security footage for this morning for when you stepped through the metal detector. It appears that Mr. Ross (the guard who told you to step aside) put a piece of metal through the machine, just as you stepped through. I'm very sorry about that. It seems Mr. Ross some how knew that we wanted to fire him, for being bad at his post, he probably just wanted to prove himself worthy of the post. He just happened to pick you Miss Choi, again I am deeply sorry for him detaining you from your flight, and almost made you miss your flight. He has been fired. As for Ms. Day (the guard who searched you) meant no hard feelings, she was just doing her job. She is though sorry for not apologizing about detaining you, she was worried that if she spoke to you any more, she would have caused you to miss your flight. Again Miss Choi, I am deeply sorry for what happened this morning. Very sorry. I'll make sure this won't ever happen again. -Jason Smith, Manager at the LAX.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... that's what that man deserved. I hit the reply button and texted back:

To: Jason Smith

From: Mickey Choi

   Dear Mr. Smith,

     I thank you for responding so quickly. Thank you. Can you please tell Ms. Day that it's okay. I don't blame her, and that there are no hard feelings. Again thanks. -Mickey Choi

I reviewed my text message, and then hit the send button. I desided to call umma first. I dialed her number, and she picked up. "Hello." she said. "Hey, umma I just landed in Seoul, so I thought that I would let you know." I told her. "Good. Your gonna have to call your brother, because he doesn't know that your flight lands today, okay?" umma said. "Yea. I'll call him after this. So I guess I'll see you and appa, after you guys get back from Tokyo." I said. "Of course. Now go and call Minho." "Okay. Bye then." I said. "Bye." umma said and hung up. I started to dial oppa's number.

(Choi Minho POV)

     I hear my phone ringing during the water break that the dance instructor gave us. I got my phone and answered it, without looking at the caller ID, and because I was tired, I creamed into the phone, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?!?!?!" "YAH! Oppa, are you trying to blow my eardrums out?" a girl's voice screamed back at me. Oppa, there's only one person I know who would call me oppa AND scream at me, but it can't be her, she should be in L.A. right now, right. And the caller ID said, sure enough: Minhee. "Minhee when the hell did you come back to Seoul?" I asked her. "Just now I'm at the airport, and umma said your suppost to pick me up, since I don't have the new house keys." she simply said. "WHAT????????????????????" I screamed in the phone, maybe a little too loud, because it caused, Onew, Jonghyun, Key, and Taemin to all look at me. Crap. "Ah-Hem. Minho are you done with your conversation, so we can get back to work." the dance coach said. "Wait a minute." I told him. "Minhee, I can't pick you up right now I have dance. I'll come and get you when practice is over, like and hour or so, okay? Just go to the Starbucks at the airport, get a drink and wait for me okay?" I said. "Okay." Minhee said sofly, noticing that she called at a bad time. "Bye." she said. "Bye."  "Okay, then. Seeing that Mr. Choi is done. We shall continue." the dance instructor said from behing me. HOLY CRAP. I almost jumped, because I didn't know he was there.


"I'm tired. Let's go home so I can shower." Jonghyun said. "Uhhhhh. we can't yet." "Minho what do you mean we can't?" Jonghyun asked me. "Well we can't because, I promised my parent's and my little sister that I'll pick her up from the airport, since my parents are in Tokyo, and she doesn't have the new house keys, so yea." I said. "WHAT YOU HAVE A LITTLE SISTER?!?!?!?!?!" they all shouted at me, espically Key. Gosh. Really the whole world knows that me and Minhee are siblings, and they don't even know? "Yea. I do. And when we pick her up from the airport, no talking to Mickey, execept when introducing yourselves, ara?" I asked "Yes." they all choursed. "Okay, wait, you pretty much want me to drive to the airport, then to your house, then back to the dorms." Onew asked, since he was the driver for tonight. "Yea. That's about right hyung." I said. "Manager hyung isn't gonna like this, we're wasting a lot of gas." Onew said. "Well, there aren't any other options are there?" I said. "I guess not." Onew answered. "Wait what did you say your sister's name was again?" Key asked. "Min-I mean Mickey." I said to Key hyung. "Oh, okay." he answered me. Close one. Seeing that they're all fans in some way to Minhee, but they usually hear her Korean name, I don't think they're familar with her English name as Mickey. So I guess I'll have her introduce herself as Mickey Choi, and NOT Minhee Choi. I hope this works.


@ParkSangHyun_is_B2ST Thanks for subscribing. Hope you enjoy the story:)

lil-eunchan thanks for the advice. i don't really care tht u call me noona instead of unnie.


Korean Vocabulary:

oppa: for a girl to call an older brother, older guy friend, or older boyfriend

hyung: for a guy to call his older brother or older guy friend

appa: (informal) father

umma: (informal) mother

ara: understand


Sorry for another short update. It was longer, but AFF erased my work, and I retyped as much as I could remember. I'm sorry. I'll do my best to update as soon as possible again. Thanks to all those who subscribed or are reading this story. Thanks:)


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okay nvm. idk why but there is a slight mention of violence and guns, like some of my previous chapters, if u could read those, then just proceed reading


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CheekySaku #1
Chapter 4: The writing is really crappy and your character is too obnoxious and mary sue from what I've read so far. Its really not worth reading if about all the characters are out of character and always shouting like a banshee.
Carmytree #2
Update.Update.Update.Update.Update. I will be waiting
chocolattee-pepero #3
What will happen o__o
I like spoilers. You can tell me LOL.
And good luck!! :D
xxkpopxx #4
i bet minhee is pretending to not know shinee -3-
Carmytree #5
yeah. WHat is Minhee planing to do?
fdjigjopfhjdpf; woot, going to high school no-- ..... oh shoot. /sobs
.... wait, why did I get another story update notification when I already read this? O____O
Carmytree #8
wow... Interesting chapter. It was unexpected though