Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms

It’s an empty house now except for the smell of cherry blossoms. There is no life being drawn anywhere. Everything that once brightened up the house has vanished, taken away like the flame of a candle blowing out.  Any memories remaining were blown away by the wind, pink and white petals along with broken glass decorated the floor, and the walls a dirty white except for the pure white silhouettes of decors that formerly hung on these walls, now broken in pieces right below where they use to hang. The white curtains fluttered peacefully in the living room area as the wind blew through them, bringing in movement to the empty house. The fallen television next to the couple sofa laid broken up against the corner, books left unread- ripped of their stories and happy endings spread from the living room down a short hall into the kitchen. Sun rising and light peaking through the sliding door, the kitchen was a ghastly site..Pedals had made their way into the kitchen too, pots and pans had fallen from their drawers, cabinets left open wide as if someone was in search for their belongings. Plates and cups were dismantled and thrown all over the kitchen room,  and left over food trickled from the open fridge doors. A lovely heart shaped cake half eaten was now splattered on the floor. The red icing, red as blood, dripped on nearby fallen chairs and broken plates reaching near some stairs that led up to the master bedroom loft and its restroom.

Broken picture frames of a lovely couple ran along the steps of the stairs. The once bright smiles captured on camera were torn and broken. They were dull,  lifeless, no longer showing the same genuine look as when they were first captured.  There was a particular picture that was heart wrenching; two beautiful boys were caught in a lovely moment. The purple haired boy had a flower on his hand and tried to pose with it, making a longing face towards the flower all while trying to hide a bright smile threatening to come out. The other, a pale looking boy with dark brown hair, camera at hand, was looking through the lens trying to photograph his so called muse in the ridiculous pose he was suggesting, smiling a bit as he clicked the button. Their group of friends thought this was so absolutely precious that they had to take photos of it to tease them later on, or blackmail, one of the two, which ever one came in handy the most. The bedroom was a complete disaster, the bed was completely turned over, pillows torn open, and broken doors laid on a door that lead to the balcony. Next to it a desk was decorated with music equipment. A laptop and notebook paper laid there in fragments. A couple of sparks and buzzed noise came from the broken equipment once in a while.  A cup of water had spilled, its former contents traveled towards the equipment and onto the corner of the desk forming droplets that would go over and head to the bedroom floor.Broken pieces of small wood rested across the bedroom door. large pieces of wood hung from the ceiling or peeked out through its walls. The restroom door was unhinged from its frame, rocked back and forth, creaking every time it swayed.  Fragments of wood laid scattered on the bathroom floor, the shower’s door completely shattered Large quantities of dust and pedals had gone inside the bathtub and alongside the restroom door. Both piled over the sink and toilet as well. Even blanketing the two bodies on the floor who were facing one another. They had changed since the picture; the brown haired male, now with pink hair was on his stomach, head facing to their left, his  right arm to his side while his left arm was out stretched towards the other body. The other one who had purple hair back then was facing up, legs bent together. His right arm laid flat against his stomach while his left arm laced with the outstretched hand.

“Looks like there might be a storm coming” the pink haired boy spoke up as he looked through the glass doors by the kitchen. There were dark gray clouds in the distance that seemed to be flowing towards their direction. He furrowed his eyebrows.

“You think so? The news didn’t say anything about a storm, though?” came a voice behind him.

“When is the news ever right about the weather?” mused the pink haired boy but still felt a bit uneasy about the clouds hoping that they would just blow away towards another direction.

“True, I guess” came an uneasy reply from the younger boy.

“Hey Tae, I’m here ok? I won’t let anything happen to you.” Assured the pink haired boy, walking up to him and enveloping him in a warm hug, “besides, it’s our mini vacation right? We shouldn’t worry too much.”

“mmmm” Tae placed himself in the crook of the pink haired boy and wrapped his hands around his waist.

“Yoongi-hyung, Thank you” he said sheepishly.

“Anytime my hyperactive pup” he pulled away and leaned in to give Taehyung a simple sweet kiss. Tae smiled in the kiss and kept that smile plastered on even after Yoongi pulled away.

“Go wash up ok? We have been on the road for a while. We should  just relax today and watch a movie and tomorrow we can plan what we can do. Does that sound good?” Yoongi asked placing a hand on Taehyung’s cheek.

“Yeah hyung, that sounds perfect. But you know what would make it even better?” he asked biting down on his lip.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow smirking, because he knew exactly where this was going, “And what is that?”

“If you could help me wash up” Tae looked up at him making the most adorable aegyo to persuade his hyung to come help him.

Yoongi let out a hearty chuckle, “Must you use aegyo?”

“I’m trying to convince you here! Is it working hyung?” he said as he moved from side to side and twiddling his fingers.

Yoongi let out a sigh and got close to Tae’s ear, “Well if you keep doing that I’m not sure I’ll be helping you wash up. If anything that would come way later” Yoongi’s hand trailed down Tae’s chest, inching closer to his stomach and completely stopping by his zipper. Slightly rubbing his hand back and forth Yoongi created friction between the jean cloth and Tae’s member, causing the younger to release a shaky breath

“Already hard for me pup?” Yoongi got closer pressing his body against his own hand and Tae’s body”

“Hyung,” Tae whined, “all I wanted was for you to wash me” he said innocently.

Yoongi huffed as he began to lean, pressing kisses onto Tae’s jaw line, “Well sorry pup, but that’s not what’s going to happen.” He attacked Taehyung’s lips.

The once brightly lit day was now a murky grey. The dark clouds had now overtaken the sky, hiding away the sun and letting rain fall  to the ground.

“It’s raining” breathed out Tae.

“I can hear it” said Yoongi as he began to kiss Tae’s stomach, rubbing his hands up and down the outer sides of Tae’s legs.

They were both now on the bed, not even bothered that they hadn’t showered or watched a movie like they both had planned earlier.

“Hyung, don’t tease” Tae said as he propped himself on his elbows to look at Yoongi. Yoongi glanced up making eye contact with Tae. He let out a small side smile and continued to work his way down, stopping at Tae’s member and planting small kisses on it.

Tae let out small satisfied sighs as Yoongi continued giving him small pleasurable kisses.

Moments later the wind could be heard alongside the rain and it began to pick up speed. They  clashed up against the walls and the glass windows making hard tapping sounds as if wanting to break the house down.

Taehyung woke up to the sound and whimpered, scooting closer to Yoongi. Yoongi stirred in his sleep, turning around and reacting instantly to Tae’s whimpers

“Shhhh, I’m here pup. I am here” he wrapped his arms around Tae and tried soothing him to sleep by petting his hair.

“You think it will get serious? I heard that it can. Sometimes it gets super strong that it can break windows and destroy houses” whispered Tae.

“Well at this rate it won’t. I don’t think it will get any stronger. Besides, I made sure we came when there wasn’t going to be any storms.”

“But like you said, when are they ever right about the weather?” chuckled Tae.

“Yeah” yoongi laughed, However, there was something in the pit of his stomach that told him this storm was off.

Tae must have sensed it because he stopped laughing and started staring at Yoongi with worried eyes, “It won’t get serious, right?”

Yoongi didn’t want to worry the younger one so he gave him a smile and a confident answer, “I’m sure. Besides, I told you I am here with you right? I won’t leave you, I promise” he kissed him on the forehead, “now get some sleep ok?”

“Tae! HEY! Taehyung!  Wake up!” Tae moved in his sleep and slowly got up opening one eye and then another.

“Yoongi?” he asked rubbing his eyes and then looked at Yoongi. All signs of still being sleepy left him when he saw the look on his face.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. The rain and the wind outside had gotten stronger and more violent, tree branches were now hitting up against the windows.

“Hey so it might actually get worse” Yoongi frowned.

“The storm?”

“Yeah. They suggest we find a safe spot to hide meanwhile the storm passes. I think the restroom is the safest place since the only window we have is that small one located on top of the bathtub, and we have the sliding door to protect us if it ends up breaking or something” he said, half smiling.

Taehyung nodded and looked past him to the bright screen television in the living room. The screen flashed ‘warning, we advise for everyone to go to safety, if you can’t find a room with no windows and try to stay far away from the walls as well.’  Tae looked back at Yoongi who had his hand stretched out  for Tae to grab

“Let’s hurry, it’s getting worse by the minute”

Tae nodded and took hold of  his hand, but then remembered he was and dropped back down, covering himself.

“It’s nothing I haven’t seen before, your body is beautiful. I brought clothes into the bathroom. I’ll wash you up and dress you, if you would like.”

Tae’s purple head nodded and he stood up, but was swoon swept from his feet up into a bridal style position. Yoongi was going to carry him into the bathroom. Even if there was a storm that could potentially wreck the house they were in, Yoongi never failed to be a gentleman. Tae blushed as he was carried into the bathroom. Yoongi closed the door behind him and locked it, setting Taehyung down on the toilet and moving an open shelf cabinet close to the door. In case the door was torn open they could have a bit of coverage.

“Sorry, I would draw a bath for you, but since I don’t want you near any windows or glass, we will have to do it old school with sink water and towels?”

Tae let out a small smile, “That’s fine.”

Yoongi grabbed a towel and soaked it in water as soon as it was warm. He began to dab the wet towel on Tae’s face, down his neck, his shoulders, arms and the rest of his body, down to his toes. He then used the same towel and dabbed it with shower body gel, Tae’s favorite to say the least, the one that smelled like cherry blossoms. A scent Yoongi liked on him, because he was extremely beautiful like the Cherry Blossoms found in Japan, like the ones they will see tomorrow in their mini vacation. Taehyung liked the scent because he  was the one who picked it out for him . Yoongi washed up Tae’s body, planting kisses here and there trying to get both their minds off the storm that had gotten more and more violent right outside their restroom wall. By the time Yoongi helped him put on his pants a loud crashing noise came from downstairs.

A short scream escaped Taehyung’s lips. Seeking comfort he buried himself in Yoongi’s chest.

“Shhh, shhh, It’s ok. Everything will be ok,” Yoongi his head, “this storm will soon be over.”

Another crash was heard from the front part of the house. Plates and cups could be heard breaking as they fell from the cupboards, pots and pans fell producing clang and cling like sounds as they fell to the top counter down onto the floor. Cabinet doors opened and closed at a fast past, Tap tap tap tap tap. A loud thump sounded  followed by the strong howl of the wind banging up against the bathroom door. The house began to shake. Furniture in other rooms could be heard being tossed back and forth from wall to wall, sometimes bumping into the bathroom’s, causing Tae to curl up more into a ball and cover his face with his hand. The window in the bathroom  suddenly broke and a loud ear pinching noise rang throughout the room. Yoongi had to cover his ears as well as try to protect Tae. What happened next came so fast that neither of them was ready for it. A loud bang came from behind the wall Yoongi’s back was facing. He looked back and saw it crack. Through the widening crack he saw the head post of the bed being launched straight towards the wall again. He threw Taehyung to the side as the impact came, completely cracking open the wall. Wood splinters flew in Yoongi’s direction. He dropped down stomach first as he looked over to Tae who had rolled out to safety, not before he’d  hit the edge of the sink, knocking out instantly. Yoongi’s eyes began to water. His back was stinging, he was in pain, he wanted to move, to get closer to Tae but he couldn’t. His body didn’t allow him. He felt warm liquid rush up his throat. Yoongi coughed once and blood spilled out, his back ached. He coughed some more and more blood spilled out. Reaching out for his back to understand his situation, his heart dropped as soon as he felt the wood in his back. He coughed again and more blood came out. The shower door began to rumble and shake and it suddenly broke, falling down straight onto Yoongi, impaling the wood deeper into his back. He began to cry as his vision blurred  not because of the pain, the pain on his back was nothing compared to the pain of losing Tae, of leaving him alone after promising to be there. Yoongi choked on his tears and blood, breathing becoming more difficult and dark black spots clouding his vision.

“Tae” he croaked out, “Taehyung” he wanted to say as he outstretched his hand, but it was no use, all his energy was being washed away. He could feel it leaving his body. Tears still fell from his face, “I’m sorry and I love you, my precious pup” he mouthed before completely giving in to darkness. The wind began to slow down, the rain became a small drizzle, and everything began to die down.

Tae stirred a little groaning in the process, feeling a throbbing pain on the right side of his head. He placed his hand on his head and searched around for the source of the pain. When he found it he felt sticky substance. He brought it over his face and saw it was blood, he began to panic. Then it hit him. Everything that happened last night rushed into his head. Yoongi and him coming to a beach getaway for a mini vacation, trying to relax, the storm, hiding in the restroom, hiding alongside Yoongi. The last thing Tae remembers is Yoongi pushing him aside before everything went blank. Yoongi! Where is Yoongi he thinks as he tries to sit up only to be brought back down because of the pain shooting from his stomach and legs. He looks down and sees pieces of wood impaled on his legs and one in his stomach. He gasps as the sight before him, tears spilling from his face as he begins to look around the restroom. White and pink petals covered the entire floor, pieces of wood all over, the cabinet that was used as a shield knocked to the floor, the bathroom door swaying back and forth. He scans the room, body going limp. All blood rushing down as he spots Yoongi’s body a few inches away from his. A large piece of wood in his back, and what was once the bathtub sliding door pressed down against the wood into his lifeless body. Tae covers his mouth and shakes his head ignoring the pain coming from his stomach

“No no no” he whispers, because it’s too hard for him to talk. He looks at the position he’s  in- his out stretched hand, and Tae takes it intertwining his fingers with his. His sobs getting louder and stronger to the point where he is reopening the wounds on his body, fresh blood beginning to drip.

“Yoongi hyung” he cries out,, “You promised!” he yells, not caring for his pain any longer, the wounds didn’t hurt as much as his heart hurt. “You promised it would be ok! We would be ok! You would be with me!!!” he cried out some more before choking on blood that had come up from his throat.  He spills it out, groaning in the process, but it doesn’t stop him from crying or mourning.

“You left me” he whispered, allowing the blood to drip from his mouth. He was no longer crying. He he had no energy left. He looked over and saw the blood that had come out from Yoongi’s mouth and back. The pool of blood created underneath his body, but somehow he still seemed beautiful as always. His pink hair brushed to the right side of his face even though there was no color left in it. Lips still looked nice as ever, his eyebrows, his nose, his closed eyes, as if he was sleeping and at any moment he would wake up.

“Wake up hyung,” Tae tried, shaking him through their intertwined hands , “wake up and tell me this is all a dream” tears began to fall once again.

Taehyung is on his second day since the storm happen and he hasn’t been able to get up and no one has come by to check their house either. He was exhausted from crying and looking at a lifeless Yoongi. He’d made an attempt to move the wood splinters out of his stomach and legs, but no luck. They were rooted deep inside his body. He sighs and looks back at Yoongi,

“Hyung” he calls out biting his lip, trying to suppress the never-ending tears he still has pent up, “I-I wonder if they will ever find me. I kind of hope they do, but I kind of don’t. I don’t want to leave you, but I have my best friend Jimin waiting back home” He bites his lips harder trying hard to keep himself from crying anymore, “Hyung, I never heard you say you love me.”

He lets his tears fall as he closes his eyes, going back through all his memories, “I love you Yoongi-hyung” he whispers. The scent of cherry blossom makes its way through Tae’s nose as he lets out a sad whimper.  Cherry blossoms that signify extreme beauty and quick death.




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Chapter 1: My heart I....
Oh my god that was sad (╥_╥)


MY HEARTT ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;