Finding Out!

Two Moons

Krystal's POV


Early in the morning, I woke up laying on my bed texting. I smiled so much that my cheeks started to hurt.

Sehunnie: Good morning beautiful! Did you get a good night sleep?? I did. I had a nice dream about someone special. I have a question. Why are you smiling?? You do know what it means when you smile to someone's text to you right?? Hahaha, I'm just teasing. I.... Nvm. Have a good day! ♥

Me: Stop playing! No wonder why you're such a player! LOL. And yes, I had a good dream but you ruined it once I saw you xD

Sehunnie: Aw.. Do you hate me? *pout* 

Me: I didn't say I hate you!

Sehunnie: I know, I know! Go eat! You probably stayed laying in your bed for too long! Text me back when you're done eating breakfast! Muah!

Me: 'Muah'? 

Sehunnie: oops, forget that! Go eat! Right now! 


I got up and went to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. As I walked my way there, I found Jessica sitting on the table looking depressed.

"Unnie?.." I called out. She looked at me without saying a word.

"Unnie..  Is there something wrong?" I moved next to her grabbing a chair nearby. Her face started to cringe as she moved her face to my chest.

"Krystal-ah... How come I feel so... Stupid?" My sister cried

"Unnie, you're not stupid.. What happen yesterday?? Tell me everything" I said. She told me everything as she sniffled, now that I think about it.. As I start to think about Sehun, I started to remember the night where he dropped a sleeping pill in my water which made me sleep. And if he and Kris were here that night... Could it be that... They have something in common?

"Unnie, I'm sure he didn't answer to your confession for a reason." I said "How about we go research at the library?" 

My sister nodded in agreement. We headed straight to the library computers. She told me to search up werewolves. But.. What's up with werewolves??


Jessica's POV


On the computer, we didn't get much but some basic informations about werewolves. I let Krystal research on the the Internet and left me reading some facts book. As I started reading the book, it got to the point which I needed to know most! 

"Krystal! Look!" I said as she moved her head to look at the text I'm pointing. It read:

'Werewolves are visually good-looking but have you ever wonder about their relationships? Or what it's like? The truth is, they don't get into relationships. They have a strict policy about dating, they can't fall in love with a human or else they and the human [when they like eachother] will disappear and will be separated in their new life. But at the same time, they only have ten days to finish their mission or else they will be blocked from coming to earth for 30 days.'

"Omo! Jessica! That's probably the reason why he didn't answer you!" Krystal punched my arm 

"That could be true.. I think I gotta find Kris! Sorry Krystal! I have to get going, go back home ok? Love you!" I said as my sister and I went our separated ways.


With Kris who was also in the Library..

After the Jung sisters left.

"I guess Jessica finally found out.. And I only have tomorrow left before I finish my mission or get blocked" he said


Back with Jessica..

Kris?! Where are you?!?! Ugh, I need to talk to you! I looked around the park but he was no where to be found! Oh! Maybe Sehun can help me. I hurried back home trying to see if I have his number. Aish!! I don't have it! I ran downstairs to Krystal to ask if she had his number.

"Soojung-ah! Do you have Sehun's number??!" I yelled as I sat on the couch.

"Yea, why?" She asked

"I need to call him ASAP!" I answered as she hurriedly gave me her phone

"....Hello?" Sehun's voice came out

"Sehun, I heard about the policy of falling in love with a human" i said

"Oh... About that.. I heard from Kris about your confession" he said

"Wait, you're a werewolf too??!" Krystal exclaimed

".....Yea.. Sorry Krystal" Sehun apologized

"So Sehun, i also have another question, how many days does Kris have left?" I asked

"Uh.. I think he only has one day left" he answered

"Oh crap.. Can you tell him to meet up with me tomorrow? At 7 p.m" I said and gave Krystal the phone.


"Jessica isn't here anymore" Krystal said

"Oh, I see" Sehun said quietly

"Sehun.. Can you come over for a bit? I have some stuff to talk with you" Krystal said and hung up.


Krystal's POV


I waited in my bedroom. I heard a knock on my patio and walked there to open it. 

"Hello!~" Sehun smiled, I didn't say a word and sat back on my bed

"Krystal.. Why aren't you talking?" He asked concernly

".... You.. Didn't tell me you were a werewolf.." I said

"Look.. I didn't wanna tell you. I was scared that—" 

"Sehun.. You should've told me! If you did, I wouldn't have gather feelings for you! And now I'm gonna be stuck in the same situation as my sister!" I yelled

"I'm sorry.. But you're wrong. You're not gonna be in the same situation as Jessica" he said

"Whys that?!?!" I asked

"... I left my target to come for you who I wasn't suppose to go after. I only kept an eye on you because if Kris catch Jessica, you might've witnessed the moment." He explained

"... Are you sure that it's true?." I asked as he nodded

"Krystal, I just wanted to say this but I couldn't because of the policy. I want to be with you, my feelings for you aren't a lie. But I was scared to say it Because you might reply back to me about that." He confessed, I looked up at him not wanting to say anymore because I might cause us both to disappear.

Haii! Haven't been updating because I've been working on my portfolio and recently applied to being a graphic designer in a shop! But yass! I put some Sestal into this chapter but the next chapter is the last day of Kris being with Jessica! What do you think will happen??




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Christina_wolf #1
Chapter 6: Aww they are really meant to be
_Jeongie_ #2
Chapter 3: Your blood is not my style??
xD I'm dying lel
mikanMD #3
Chapter 6: Aww true love <3
mikanMD #4
Chapter 5: What will happen to them now, what will they do?
mikanMD #5
Chapter 4: Omo she just confessed like that xP
rdianitasari #6
Chapter 4: Your story is great. I hope everything gonna be ok for krissica. They love each other. Looking forward for the next chapter. Fighting:)
mikanMD #7
Chapter 3: Ohhh this it developing to a very VERY interesting situation xD