Special Fan service~!



Taemin POV
Damn! He left, I can’t do my merong to him. Actually it’s a bad idea to do it to him, what if he changes his mind and decided not to get me my xiao long bao. Keke...I will be a good Taemin waiting for Jay. No... waiting for Jay’s xiao long bao. I am slowly learning how to be evil like Kyuhyun hyung. Should I quickly call Shinee members and ask them when they are coming. But if Jay comes back at the same time as Shinee I will have to share my xiao long bao. Keke I am not that dumb. All the xiao long bao are mine. Sorry hyungs I own those xiao long bao.

From Taemin
Hyung when are you coming?

From: Key
We are almost here with Gravity members.

Damn, they are already here. Ahh I got an idea.

To: Jay
From: Taemin
Take your time finding the Xiao Long Bao.

To: Taemin
From: Jay

Jay’s POV
Oh good Taemin was giving me extra time. Victoria unnie told me those places where I could find Xiao Long Bao. But I haven’t even found those stores yet. I am lost on the streets... Let’s use google maps, so convenient.
“Omo is that Jay” some noona fan screamed out.
Damn I forgotten to put on disguise.  I tried to wave back politely.
“He is so handsome.”
“Thank you.” I bowed politely, some other fan just suddenly came up and hugged me.
Maybe I should ask my fans where the restaurant is located at. I screamed out loudly, “if you want a selca with me, please guide me to this restaurant.” I showed them the restaurant I wanted to go to on my phone.
“Ahh oppa, you want to go here, I will take you there.”
“Thank you, when we get there you can get a selca with me.”
She slowly guided me there, while fans were crowding around us, with the phones holding up and filming us.

“So oppa, do you have a girlfriend”
“No, I don’t. I am still a single.”
“How can such pretty oppa, have no girlfriends”
“Oh because I am too busy at work, I have no time spared for dating”

How could I even date a girl when I am a girl myself. Sorry fans I betrayed you guys.
“So oppa, who is your ideal type?”
“My ideal type is my fans”
“Aye stop joking... I am sure you have one” the fan nudged me, my face started to blush due to embarrassment but lucky no one could tell because I still had my make-up on.
“Well I don’t have a specific ideal type, I will just wait for that person that I am destined to be with.”
“Oppa who are your close friends?”
“Well I am close with all SM artists, but I am closes to Taemin and Kai, because we practice dancing together in our freetime. To us training room is like our home”
“Wah oppa you must really love dancing.”
“Guess so, oh is that the store I was looking for?” I pointed to the shop on my right.
“Yes, that’s the shop.”
“Thank you” I was about to leave then I remembered I had to take a selca with her. I quickly posed with her and took a selca”
“Oppa can I post up the photo.”
“Yeah sure no problem, bye~! And thank you for taking me here” I bowed to all my fans, and shoo my fans away from the doorway before bidding them good byes.

“Hi there, can I please have some xiao long bao.”
“Yes, is there any else you would like sir?”
“No that will be it, oh by the way is take away.”
“Yes sir, no problem.”
Some waitresses and waiters started coming up to me asking me to give them an autograph. I kindly gave them my autograph. The female manager came up to me and asked  if I could take a group photo with them, I didn’t hesitated to take a picture with them.

Taemin POV
“Hyungs do you have to go now?” I pouted
“Sorry Taemin ssi, we have to go to our schedule take care of yourself okay?”
“Yes I will take care of myself.”
“Onew ah, you left your chicken” Jonghyun screamed out.
“Bali Bali~! Go and get it I don’t want Taemin to eat unhealthy food when he is injured” Key hyung just started nagging and pushing Onew to go and grab the chicken off the table. Don’t worry hyungs I will not eat it even if you leave it there, I am waiting for my xiao long bao. I bidded goodbyes to my hyungs before they left.

“When is Jay coming we have to leave soon?” Mirror sounded agitated and frustrated
“He is just buying some food for me.”
“Guys we have to leave now, just tell Jay not to worry about the schedule.”
“Aigesumnida. Annyeong” I cheerfully waved to them.
Jay should thank me that he could skip his schedule, and now I am just waiting for him and Kai.

To: Jay
From: Taemin
Are you coming back yet?

From: Jay
Yes, I am on my way, sorry there were a lot of fans crowding around me.

From: Taemin
Bali I am waiting for you~!

From: Jay
Pfftt... it will take a while, u hav no idea how much free food I got from the restaurant, n my fans. My hands r fill with food.
To: Jay
From: Taemin
Good luck with that~! Should I tell Jongin to come and help you?

To: Taemin
From: Jay
Yes must tell him.

Hmm... where is Jongin’s number, I was casually scrolling down my contact list trying to find Kai’s number.

To: Kai
From: Taemin
Jongin ah, have you finished your schedule.

From: Kai
Yes, I m on my way to the hospital.

To: Kai
From Taemin
Can u plz go n help Jay?

To: Taemin
From: Kai
Yh sure but where is he?

To: Kai
From Taemin
I think he is somewhere in apgujeong. Just txt him.

To Taemin
From: Kai
Ok thx hyung, just wait for us~!.

I think I spotted Jongin’s head, he always had such tall, manly figure that it was very easy to spot. I think he just spotted me as well, from all the fans crowding around me. I wanted to wave to him, but my hands were too full. He quickly came along and helped me lifted the bags off me. Fans just immediately started squealing when they saw Jongin and I, we were just chuckling at them for admiring our friendship. All the netizen and people in the industry knows that Taemin, Jong In and I have always had a really close friendship. I have seen fans commenting that they wanted us to perform together, I feel slightly disappointed as I was unable to fulfil their wishes. But I hope they look forward to SMTOWN in Seoul because I am going to do a dance performance with my best friends and my most respected sunbaemin Hyoyeon, Yoona, Yuri and Yunho. Jongin just removed his mask and sunglasses, since there was no point hiding his identity, when everyone knew who he was.

Through our friendly chats with our fans, time passes so fast that we did not realise we had arrived at the front of the hospital. It was rather an enjoyable time with our fans, since we allowed them to freely ask us any question. Jongin and I tried our best to answer every question we could, we thought we should not always kept everything secrets to our audience like in interviews, so we openly answered their enquiries. I was very grateful that none of our fans asked us any hints about next album or single. They pretty much just asked about our relationship, how we met and some personal question like what do we do in our free time, it was a pretty friendly conversation.
“Let’s keep our meeting today a secret ok?” Kai winked at the fans.
“Oppa ah~, will we meet again?” Fans started asking sounding slightly depress that we are parting from each other.
“Perhaps we will, but I must say I really enjoyed our time together.” I replied to my fans.
“Can we take a group photo together, to remind us of such beautiful day with oppa?”
I asked Kai whether he will approve that idea.
“Kurae, let’s take a photo together.” After the photo everyone were already sending the picture to each other.We gave each of our fans a handshake and a hug before we left them. We once again reminded them is our hidden little secret before we entered the hospital.
Sorry about all the grammar mistakes, but hope you enjoyed the chapter
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vaosmunch #1
Chapter 28: For example :
,"Hey why is Alice dressed as a guy?!"
"Hey why is she dressed as a guy?" he said.
vaosmunch #2
Chapter 28: umm, i think you have a nice story here but can you please differenciate the quotations between thinking and saying?
oh and if you want to make the character sy something please add it in a new line, this way it will be easier to read. Thanks :)
I can't wait to read the sequels. I hope college entrance exams go well, I'm taking mine this year too. :)
lil_fungisy #4
Chapter 53: Almost forgot to comment I thought the compilation of the special chapters were really nice, I wish you did actually finish writing them. It would have been wonderful to be able to read them in teh story!!! JJang~!!! Hwaiting!!!
lil_fungisy #5
Chapter 53: Author nim the ending was so nice~!!! JJang~!
The sequels sound interesting.
I'll be lookin forward to them!!!
Chapter 50: I'm really sad that Emily has to go through that but I can't help but think this gives Jjong and her a practically absolute chance to get together.
Mezzie #7
Chapter 46: Wow the suspense! I really thought that Jay would of been found out. Ahaha expected of Key to be the one teasing his hobaes
Chapter 44: Aww, cute date!!!
lil_fungisy #9
Continue the good work author nim~!
Great job, enjoying it so far!
Don't worry we all have problem with not having enough time,
we will still support you!
Chapter 43: Aw, so sweet!

Don't worry, we're all probably willing to wait. I understand the horrible prison called school. It .