
Headless Horseman - The legend of the white wolf
Seunghyun rested his head on the back of his big armchair as he always did when he needed to relax. Even though his eyes were closed, his eyeballs kept on searching something.
“I’m not cold” he said without moving at all when Ji covered him with a blanket.
“But… you’re shaking” Ji answered looking at his clenched shaking hands.
Suddenly Seunghyun opened wide his eyes. He jumped up staring at a certain point in the ceiling.
“W… what is it? Jiyong whispered searching the thing the stared at. “Hyung?...” he quickly turned around to look for his friend who was nowhere to be found. In just three steps he reached the door. He burst it open and looked outside – still no one. He got back inside for a more detailed search, but the room was surely empty.  He slowly covered himself with the soft blanket he brought for Seunghyun, curled up in the big armchair Seunghyun used to sit and just looked around without even moving a muscle.
A big thud opened up his eyes. He had to blink several times before he understood that the darkness was inside the room, not in his eyes. He threw a quick glance out the big window which revealed a big, bright moon through the thick drapes. Another thud, weaker this time, made him prick up his ears in an attempt to identify it. He quietly sat up. Soon enough he understood the thuds – they were actually discrete knockings on the door. He calmed down his heart with a gentle touch, then he crept away from the blanket.
“Just a moment!” he hummed stepping one step at a time. His right hand stretched up front touched the door’s handle pushing it a little too hard. The door loudly opened and something heavy knocked him down to the ground.
Even though he planned on not to scream, the reaction came on itself.
The “something heavy” quickly gathered all into one place, somewhere next to the corner of the bed.
Ji jumped up wildly searching the power switch. He covered half of the wall in less than three seconds until his fingers reached it. A white, warm light dressed up the entire room. Another short scream made Ji cover his mouth with his right hands while his eyes doubled their size on his blooded left hand. He did a quick checkup to find the wound that could’ve cause all that bleeding when a soft cry froze him.
“Is he asleep?” Taeyang stopped reading the boring magazine when his friend came in, quietly shutting the bedroom’s door behind him.
“Yes” Seungri answered sitting next to him.
“Poor Daesung-ah…” Taeyang sighed throwing the magazine back to its place.
“Yeah… Well, at least he reacted a little better…” Seungri chuckled thinking about Seunghyun’s reaction.
“Yeah… I never thought Seunghyun-hyung could be this weak…” he yawned throwing his hands above his head.
“Well… I’m not going home” Seungri said imitating him.
“Me neither” Taeyang replied getting his feet up on the coffee table in front of him. “You heard that?” he suddenly jumped up, listening.
“Mnm…” Seungri nodded.
They kept it quiet. The moans they heard seemed to have stopped.
“Probably hyung’s having a bad dream…” Seungri whispered.
“Maybe’s better to go check on him” Taeyang began talking but his words hot hung up when the strange noises began even louder from behind the bedroom’s door.
They quickly exchanged looks but they weren’t yet sure if they had to interfere or not.
“It sounds as if he’ll suffocate!” Taeyang jumped to the door.
After he took merely two steps, he suddenly stopped. The and the whines were replaced by a strange new noise. It sounded like someone was knocking on the window. Seungri’s eyes got lost somewhere in his friends’. Both of them stopped their breaths to concentrate only on the unidentified sound. It was indeed the noise of some knockings on the window.  
Even though he wouldn’t wanted to make it visible, Taeyang took a deep breath and stepped once.
“What are you doin’…” Seungri desperately whispered.
“What do you think I’m doing?! We’re up the 10th floor! Taeyang tried to sound brave, but he really couldn’t hide the emptiness in his stomach. He bravely got to the window and pulled off the thick drapes in one move.
“See? Really now, what you’d thought it could be?...” he would’ve asked if he wouldn’t  have had to freeze in the white, glowing eyes that stared at him. He didn’t even notice the absence of Seungri. The horrifying growl seemed like it gathered up an echo, but he still couldn’t move. His mind was a constant battle between his survival instincts that yelled as loud as they could and his numb, senseless body that simply wouldn’t react.
The loud scream from the bedroom was the only thing that triggered the urge he needed to snap out of it. He rushed to the door pushing the handle up and down. The door wouldn’t open, so he tried again and again.
“Hyung! Hyung!! Open up!” he yelled banging his fists on the door when Daesung’s screams got even louder.
“Kiddo!”  he suddenly remembered about Seungri. He turned to look for him but instead his eyes got twice as big: something big like some sort of really sharp knifes smashed the door into pieces. Taeyang instantly curled to the ground when other three sharp “knifes” almost cut off his head. He quickly crawled several times backwards when he realized the knifes were actually really long claws. The strange looking hairy creature landed in front of him. Again he had to hold his breath when the big foul-smelling mouth growled at him showing off its sharp teeth that seemed glued one to the other with thick and thin saliva columns. He almost got touched by them, but this time he was quick on reacting – he crept between the creature’s feet, bursting inside the bedroom.
“Hyung!” he yelled grabbing the sheets on Daesung’s bed. Except for some blood stains, there was nothing else in there. Well, he didn’t quite had the time to think about it since the creature announced its attack through a new terrifying roar. It rushed to Taeyang, but right before it could touch him, he threw the stained sheets on its face.
He ran as fast as he could but neither time nor the sheet could slow the creature enough for him to escape. It almost caught him when the creature suddenly squealed.  Taeyang turned around to find out the reason. A long howl froze him – a beautiful white wolf hovered around the kneeled creature.
This was Taeyang’s spare time to sit and observe. He remained seated there, on the floor, ready to crawl back if he needed to.
 The wolf its shiny fangs into the creature’s back, and even though it was half of its size, it still managed to kneel the creature for the second time. Not for long, because the creature redeemed fast enough and a rabid fight began.
Taeyang stood there watching, until the hairy creature shoved its long claws into the wolf’s white fur. He understood he’ll be next in line if he wouldn’t disappear soon, so he got up and rushed out the door. The gruesome  noises from the bedroom made him stop right before he reached the main exit door. Without any second thoughts he grabbed a pointed piece of what it used to the bedroom door and barged back inside. Right now it was quite difficult to decide who was bad and who was good, but it seemed like the wolf needed more help. He gathered all of his bravery and in one true war cry he jumped stabbing the creature’s shoulder. His actions ended here, with a powerful blow he received from the bleeding monster. He hit the wall smashing against it and the wounded creature fled out the window, scattering it into billions of shiny little pieces.
Taeyang could barely breathe, his eyes becoming heavier and heavier. He couldn’t forget the strange looking creature… it seemed like it was some kind of werewolf… If his head wouldn’t hurt so badly he might’ve even smile at this crazy thought.  His eyes already began to cover themselves with a white fog when the wolf quietly approached him. It didn’t look so white as before. It had like a red necklace around his neck and its white fur became grey from all the falls and hits it received. A sweet, familiar scent made Taeyang finally close his eyes as the wolf faded away slowly.
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ozwalkr #1
Chapter 7: Yep Seunghyun is a were and Dae is the guardian wolf. This is gonna get interesting.
Chapter 6: The english translation of this is really good :D I like reading it more than in Romanian to be honest it makes much more sense XD
Luckily I know who is who in this story and i don't have to bang my head to the wall waiting for you to update XD
Go Go Go you awesome author :D
ozwalkr #3
Chapter 6: Seungri knows something. He at least has an idea that is more than an educated guess... Dammit! So close and yet so far....
ozwalkr #4
Chapter 4: The big bad were is Seunghyun, the guardian wolf is Daesung....but where is maknae?
Chapter 4: OK, this is quit interesting and I think I have one or two ideas about those two creatures ^^
ozwalkr #6
Chapter 2: Sooo....Seunghyun is having flashes of the murder victim. Interesting. Not enough clues yet, but I have at least one or two hypotheses...
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 1: Ok. I'm hooked in. Can't wait to see who was on the other side of the door, and where the blood came from... THANKS CASS!