
What's Your Name?

Hong Jisoo wasn’t sure when it started, but he was pretty sure that he still had a crush on the person who just entered the coffee shop he was working at.


Okay, maybe he was actually sure when it all started. How could he forget?

“Dude, you’ve been staring blankly at the bookshelf for the past 5 minutes. Can you please help me with my Math homework already?” Hansol looked at the person beside him and sees that he’s actually laughing? He nudges him with the hopes of bringing him back to reality and that he’s just laughing due to stress and not some other weird thing. “WHAT?” the latter shouts as he’s back to reality. A few hushes from the people in the library followed and Jisoo finally remembered that they were actually in a library trying to review for their upcoming midterms examination. “Sorry” he whispers and slightly bows his head in all directions.


Jisoo wasn’t staring blankly at the bookshelf, he was actually staring at that long-haired guy who was sitting on the floor with his back resting on the bookshelf. He was reading a Murakami book he finished reading a few months ago. He was pretty sure that long-haired guy was reading the chapter where the the protagonist had to part ways with his lover because he think he just saw a tear run down his face (and yes, he had a few tears as well before… or maybe a bucket of tears). He didn’t realize that he was actually slightly laughing at the sight until his friend nudged him and he unconsciously shouts and brings the attention of the whole library to him - except for the guy he just saw tearing up because he was still focused on his book. The said guy also just finished wiping his tears, stood up from his spot, and brought the book to the librarian for check out.


And that's when Jisoo realized how to get the guy's name.


He would have to thank their library's old-fashioned way of borrowing books and the existence of borrowing cards. He visited the library every day and waited for that one Murakami book to fill in the space in that same bookshelf. It was a creepy plan out of spontaneity and Jisoo himself couldn't believe that he's actually doing it. Days passed and the space was still empty - which led him to the librarian's' desk.


"Excuse me," he said in a slight whisper as a guy who was probably the same age as he was (or maybe younger) finally approached him and greeted him with a soft smile. "Yes, how may I help you?" His Korean was a bit too stiff and his nametag said "Minghao"; he was probably a student like him but he didn't sound Korean. "Oh I just wanted to ask if there's an available copy of this Murakami book?" The librarian typed a few things into the computer and it took him a couple of seconds before looking back at Jisoo. "Oh, sorry. The one and only copy is still ou--"


"Wait," he was then cut off by someone who was behind Jisoo. He slowly looked behind him and saw the person he's been thinking about for days; his long hair wasn’t in a ponytail and he looked more stunning up close. "I'm actually about to return it already. Here." He brings out the book from his bag and hands it to Minghao. "I'm in a hurry now, so bye! Thanks, Ming!" and just like that, he left. Jisoo had to process everything that happened the past minute until the guy went back again and stopped right in front of him. "Are you okay?" Minghao asked with great concern. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Thank you."

Jisoo with the book in his hands, slowly went to the same place the guy was sitting at. He sat down on the floor like he did and took a deep breath before opening the back page of the book.


Yoon Junghan.


Yoon Junghan was the name of the guy he's been secretly pining for for the past year.

5 minutes into the coffee shop and Jisoo couldn't help but stare at Junghan again. He noticed how Junghan's hair shined as the sunlight reflected on his brown mane, and how smooth his skin looked amidst the stress every college student must be feeling right now. He saw nothing else but him. But he also realized how creepy he looked so he went back to grinding coffee beans and mixing drinks - you know, doing normal, un-creepy stuff.


Until the said guy suddenly looked up and stared at him this time.


Is he seriously looking at me what do I OH MY GO-sh[1] Hong Jisoo DID YOU JUST LOOK BACK AT HIM - Jisoo decided to smile at him and Junghan now looked clueless. Okay back to work, back to work. Look busy and just.... Do stuff. Yup. Nothing happening here.


So how does he get his senpai to notice you crush's attention? Pretty simple: He just had to misspell his name. And not just once.


That wasn't the initial plan. If it weren't for Hansol and his current knowledge in random love stories he's read on Tumblr, he wouldn't go this far. "Dude, haven't you learned anything from being a barista? Didn't you see the link I gave you where the guy asked this girl to prom by writing Prom? on her beverage? THAT WAS SO CUTE, OKAY." Hansol said as he tried to persuade his friend to go with his plan.


It was a risk - Junghan could get really annoyed and hate him and never talk to him again; or he could still get annoyed, but forgive him once they actually socialize and get to know each other better. Jisoo obviously prefered and hoped for things to turn out like the latter, but it was all up to Junghan now. At first he was still unsure whether he should go on with the plan or not - until he heard Mingyu, who was assigned at the cashier, say Junghan's name in the most flirtatious tone ever and he couldn't wait to strangle him for flirting with Junghan. He had Wonwoo for that.


Mingyu then gave out the orders and Jisoo immediately made the drink for Junghan first before everything else. He paid attention to every detail of his Venti Iced Black Tea with extra Strawberry Syrup, and he amde sure that no one noticed him adding an extra extra pump of syrup to his drink. By the time he was about to say Junghan's name, he remembered Hansol's plan. Hansol, who actually just finished this guy Seungkwan's drink, handed him a cup he prepared for their plan to finally commence. "Junghey?" Jisoo whispered and his friend just gave him a really proud smile and gestured him to transfer the perfect drink he just made into the new cup. "Are you sure about this? He might hate me." "True, he might hate you... BUT the-hate-can-slowly-change-into-something-positive-if-he-begins-to-think-about-the-person-who-misspelled-his-name-and-things-can-escalate-from-there. You can thank me next time." Jisoo wasn't sure if his fellow barista was actually saying something that made sense or if he was actually rapping, but he did was he was told and transferred the drink to the new cup. He needed some more time before giving Junghan his drink so he called other people first.


Seungkwan, [2]Kisum, and finally, Junghan.


He took a deep breath and finally shouted: One Venti Strawberry Iced Tea for... Junghey!


He could see Junghan look at him and hesitating on whether it was for him or not. Jisoo still had the drink in his shaky hand and he could feel his heart beat fast when Junghan finally stood up. As soon as he arrives, Jisoo says his line (as planned and practiced with Hansol,) "Here you go. Have a nice day!" Junghan didn't look that satisfied and Jisoo was sure that he just muttered something while getting the drink from his hand, but he wasn't able to get what he said.


"Good job, I'm proud of you." Hansol said as he pats his friend on his shoulder.


All Jisoo could do was hope that Junghan doesn't hate him and that something will eventually happen from there, but he definitely didn't expect that it would happen so soon.


"Hey, Jisoo!" Their manager approached him as he was about to leave the coffee shop since his shift finally ended and he had a class to go to. "Here, take this." He hands him an envelope and Jisoo shoved it in his bag and quickly left the shop since he was almost late. He wasn't sure what it was and he hoped that it wasn't what he was thinking of. As soon as he entered the classroom, he sat on his chair and got the envelope again.


"Oh," he said as he stares at the piece of paper.


A/N: Hello~ I apologize for only updating this now!! ;__; School just started and I've actually written more than half of this as soon as I published the first chapter, but I just couldn't seem to find the right way to finish this chapter... Until now. Hehe. Did anyone like creeper Jisoo? lol SO WHAT DID THE LETTER SAY? HMMMMM? I'll publish a bonus chapter for that! :D which I'll do in the next few hours (if I'll be able to finish it), or I might publish it with the third chapter this weekend -- to make up for not updating for so long~  


Anyway, THANK YOU for everyone who subscribed and upvoted!  ♥ I still can't believe that I'm actually writing something on AFF ;; the feedbacks I've been getting have made me super happy and I will really do my best to make this story really nice for everyone~ (ALSO, did anyone notice how I've slowly added more members into the story? Cute librarian Minghao & thatotherguynamed Wonwoo?? hehehehe) More members soon!! I hope you guys liked this chapter!!!


Other notes: [1] Jisoo used "Oh my GOSH" instead of "Oh My God" because



(I just had to)

[2] I'm pretty sure you guys have watched Josh's performance with Kisum last August 23?? HE LOOKED SO BEAUTIFUL/HANDSOME/AMAZING THERE I CANNOT STOP WATCHING IT even though the MR was so loud that you almost couldn't hear his sweet voice but anyway, I'm so glad that he performed with her!! I LOVE KISUM AND I LOVE HER SONG AND JOSH FEATURING IN IT GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK OK i'm out

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HI EVERYONE!! I'm still alive ♥ I apologize for being inactive for SO LONG ;__; I would just like to share that I'm back to update WYN! #1YearWithSEVENTEEN ♥


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Robert_Simon #1
Chapter 6: 28 April 2021. Been 6 years still don't know who that guy is.
Chapter 5: This chapter was rather confusing but it was fun so! 💞 MY SHIP IS SAILING, OH MY GOD HERE IT COMES

i laughed so hard my belly ached but yee,,,
Chapter 3: Jeonghan is like the person I wanna be, and Seungkwan is the person I actually am,,,

(And Hansol being all 'yo mate whatta heck' cause Boo-tamin called him his baby MAN I CAN'T EVEN)
Chapter 2: Reading old fics like this is so cute because back then (in 2015/16) I wasn't a CARAT and didn't even know SEVENTEEN existed, but it's heartwarming how the old fans were so supportive and still are 💞

Also, creep Jisoo is surely something unusual but it's funny reading him like this kekeke
Chapter 1: A Tired Jeonghan is a Relatable Jeonghan, really ✌😔
(Loved the chap~)
Chapter 6: I have a pretty big feeling that the guy who took hannie away was S.coups. uggghh.
exoooo12 #8
Chapter 6: WHat. Please dont let it be leadernim. Please
mrkjns #9
Chapter 6: AUTHOR-NIM WHY *skull emoji*
mrkjns #10
Chapter 6: wait what!!!