Worth it

Short Oneshots

You dialed the number that you were previously given by the boy next door. You didn't plan on taking him up on the offer of accompanying you on a walk, but it was the perfect opportunity to talk with him again. You pressed send and he picked up the phone as soon as it started ringing.


"Hi. It's me from next door."

"Oh hey! I was waiting for you to call...did you want to go on a walk?"

"Yeah, are you busy right now?"

"No I'll be right down."

You hung up the phone and put your shoes on. You looked out your window and Jungkook was already outside waiting for you. You hurried and went outside to meet him.

"So what's wrong this time? Fight with your parents again?"

"No, I just felt like taking a walk, so I invited you along."

"Okay, well let's walk this way. I know a place."

He lead you to a place that's not so far from your houses. It was a small park that you didn't know existed. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you over to the swings and told you to sit down as he gentlely pushed you on it. He then got on the swing next to yours and you both competed to see who can go the highest. You knew you'd lose so you jumped off and ran to the slides. Jungkook followed behind you and it turned into a game of tag. It didn't look like he'd catch you anytime soon because you were fast, but you lost you're footing and landed on the ground.

"Are you alright?" he said catching up to you and kneeling down beside you.

"Yeah I'm okay." You said as you brushed dirt off of yourself.

Jungkook began helping you brush the dirt off, but things seemed to get awkward so he stopped.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah I think so."

You got up and took step and almost fell down again if it weren't for Jungkook. He carried to to a bench that was nearby so you can sit down. As he put you down you both made eye contact and he noticed tears in your eyes. He softly wiped them away and what he did next surprised you, not that you were complaning. He leaned in for a kiss that you gladly reciprocated. When he pulled away you both smiled at eachother.

"Let's go home." he said offering to give you a piggyback there.

You got on his back and said "Okay. Let's go home." while smiling like an idiot and completely forgetting about your injured foot.

You're parents were going to kill you for getting hurt, but it was worth it. Kissing Jungkook was definetly worth it.


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