Next door neighbor

Short Oneshots

You slammed the door behind you as you walked out of your house after a fight with your parents. You didn't know where you were going, you just wanted to get away from there. You entered a forest and after a few minutes of walking you realized you didn't know where you were anymore. Since it was nighttime you were a bit scared because it was hard to see. You decided to turn around and try to find your way back but you ended up getting lost deeper into the forest. Your legs got tired so you took a seat underneath a tree and started thinking of your parents and how you wanted to go back home to them, even though they get on your nerves a lot recently. You notice a light flashing in your direction and when you look closer you see it's someone with a flash light, a boy to be exact. He looks familiar, but in the dark it's hard to tell. You stood up and started backing away from the boy because you weren't sure that you knew him.

"Hey!! I found you!"

"Who are you??"

"I live next door to you. You're parents sent me to go find you. You shouldn't go off alone especially when its dark outside. Now come on let's go back home."

You two started walking back in silence because you thought it was embarrassing that you didn't know you had a totally hot neighbor, what's worse is you didn't even know his name. You worked up the courage to ask him.

"I'm sorry to ask this, but I didn't quite catch your name."

He looked at you kind of shocked. "You don't know my name? We've lived next to each other for years now."

"I'm so sorry I didn't know!"

You were now out of the forest and you could see your house.

Before you went in he said "Its alright, my name is Jungkook. From now on if you need someone to take a walk with just let me know."

He handed you a piece of paper with his phone number. You stared at the piece of paper and then to his back as he walked away from you to his house next door.

"Hmm Jungkook. I like the sound of that."

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