A Collection of Pure Love





Hi! Everyone! This is Kimi-JooNgie at your service. I'm back now with my YunJae Collection. Uhmm, you know.. Hehehe.. This is my collection of YunJae One-shot. Each chapter has a different one-shot stories. So everyone, hope you like this collection of Mine…hehehehehe



Hope you like or love every story they have in this collection...


Thank You Guys..!!!!


<3 <3 <3 Lots of Love!! <3 <3 <3


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kim_natz #1
@byul_mi: wooooohh, yeah.. me too.. I really noticed their rings.. hehehe and the 'belief'.. hehe.. I hope they are true... even though I'm fantasizing Jae for myself... eik! hehe.. just kidding.. well, thank you for you for reading this...heehehe
hi there it's me again ^ ^, btw love love your another one-shot and i do believe in what yo usaid, it's really true, ^ ^, anyways thank you so much for giving another rope to held on to, to tighten my grip to YunJae, love lvoe this, and thank you so much for this ^ ^,
kim_natz #3
@byul_mi: thank you very much for reading this...hehehehe....
omo love love this two onshot's full of cute YunJaenss ans sweetness, waah another thumbs to your greatness ^ ^,
oh my soooo cuuuttteee !!!! <br />
aww!!! this was such a cute fanfic of yunjae!!! thank u very much and i love the name 'yunwoo'