Finally Home

Finally Home

Jimin didn’t want to be bought. Yet he didn’t want to be stuck in the store forever either. He didn’t know anything about the group of men standing in front of his display cage.

“He looks scared.” 

“But at least he isn’t trying to sell himself like the other ones over there.” Yoongi told Namjoon, he was intrigued at the hybrid who tried to hide himself while the other hybrids were all desperate for attention. One of them, the one with broad shoulders bent down to the hybrid’s level, Jimin backed to the edge of his cage. 

“Hello, don’t be scared. I’m Seokjin, do you want to get out of here?” The hybrid gave a slow nod. Anywhere was better than here, but were they any better?

“Hyung, Jungkook and Taehyung said they wanted a kitten hybrid. This one here is a dog.”

“Hoseok, look at him, are really going to say no to that cute face?” Jimin was not cute. His previous master made sure he knew it. I was worthless yes, but not cute. When the man who was called Hoseok tilted his head with a small smile, Jimin’s eyes connected with his for a second before looking away.

“I’m ok but I don’t know about the other two.”

“Well it’s fault for not coming along. We’re getting him”.

“He’s an angel but if he causes you any trouble, you can return him within a month.” The lady handed Yoongi the pamphlet for first time hybrid owners. Seokjin signed the last of the papers and looked at the lady with a curious glance.


“Every hybrid is different in how they settle in but Jimin here is kind of different. His previous owner was taken in for domestic abuse and fraud. I cannot even fathom the life the poor hybrid has had for the past 17 years.” She took out a small notepad and ripped out a sheet before writing down little jot notes on it. “He doesn’t like it when there’s sudden loud noises. And try not to be forceful with him, he will take his time but he will eventually come through.”

“You really know a lot about him.”

“I’ve been here ever since he came in last year. The other hybrid’s aren’t very kind to him.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll take care of him.”

When they walked out of the registration office, Jimin was already standing near the main entrance dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans. His head was facing the ground but his collar was still visible, it didn’t have any tags on it but Seokjin was planning of fixing that problem soon. Hoseok went up to Jimin first. He bent his head to meet Jimin’s.

“I’m Hoseok. Want to go home now?”

Jimin nodded and took Hoseok’s hand but didn’t dare to look at him. Only bad boys looked. “Let’s go!”

The whole car ride here was silent. He spent the entire ride looking at the cars driving past and felt eyes burning holes into the side of his head but it was alright because Jimin was taught that if he wasn’t prompted to speak, then he wasn’t allowed to speak. When they arrived at the dorms, Jimin felt a new wave of nervousness eat at him. He only knew of the life he had with his previous master and at the store. He remembered the lady who worked at the store telling him stories about love and family but Jimin only thought of it to be a myth. He would believe it when he saw it. That was the exact words he told her when he first arrived at the store. A year later and he still hasn’t experienced it.

“Let’s go meet the rest of your new comrades!”

“Seriously Hyung, who even uses that word anymore?”

“I just did. Now let’s go!” Seokjin grabbed Jimin’s hand and pulled him into the building. Jimin would be lying if he said that he was even a bit happy about the current situation. His tail was frozen between his legs and his ears flopped against his head. He was terrified.

Jungkook was grabbing something from the fridge when he heard the front door open. “Hyung?”

“We’re back!”

Taehyung bounced from the couch and his eyes landed on Jimin. “You’re a dog?” Seokjin went over and hit him in the back of the head with a scowl in his face.

“Well you didn’t come along with us so maybe if you weren’t so lazy you could have some say.”

“But feline hybrids are much more prettier.” Jungkook spoke behind Taehyung. 

“He’s standing right here!” Hoseok was holding onto Jimin’s hand and could feel how it tensed up at the insults that were directed at them. “C’mon Jimin, let’s get you settled in.”.

“Yah! You guys aren’t much of a welcoming committee are you?” Yoongi was mad at how immature the two acted towards Jimin.

“I don’t like him.”

“You haven’t even met him Taehyung.”

“I don’t need to. I just don’t like him.”

“Grow up will you? The two of you are on dish duty tonight. I’ll be in the studio if you need me.”

Hoseok unpacked the small duffle bag that came with Jimin. “Let’s see. A jacket, some socks, and an old pair of sneakers. We can go shopping sometime soon.”

“You don’t need to.”

“You can talk!” Jimin looked away, ashamed. He wasn’t welcome here yet this human wanted to spend money on him. It didn’t make sense. “I’m sorry, I’m a bit loud but you’ll just have to get used to it.”

“You’re,” Jimin hesitated before continuing. “you’re not returning me?”

“This is why we need to teach those idiots a lesson.” Hoseok’s lips curved into a smile before continuing. “No. This is you’re new home now and we are your family. Now, I need to ask Seokjin about your wardrobe so why don’t you go find Yoongi? He should be in the studio. That’s out of this room, take a right and it’s the first door to your left.” 

Jimin watched as he was left alone. Yoongi. That was the one who had his headphones in the whole time. He made his way to the studio and knocked gently until he heard a low “Come in.”

When he walked in the studio, Yoongi’s back was facing him and he was clearly working on something on the computer. The curious look on his face must have been obvious for the human turned and pointed to a chair behind him. “I’m working on a new song. But you can take a seat there.”

Jimin thought about whether or not to ask him about his job; the way Yoongi was scratching his head and sighing in annoyance gave the green light to do so. If master seems to be troubled, I’m supposed to help. “Are you ok?”

“I can’t find a good inspiration for this song. The melody is right but the lyrics just aren’t coming to me today.”

“What do you do?” Yoongi turned at the question.

“Do you really not know who we are?”

“I’m sorry.” Jimin’s ears flopped back down. He made a mistake with that question right when he thought that he was warming the elder up.

“No. I didn’t mean it that way. I just thought that we were pretty popular so maybe you would’ve known us. We’re a boy band. Bangtan Sonyeondan ring any bells?”

“Bangtan? Bulletproof?”

“You’re actually smarter than I give you credit for. Yes. You want to listen to some of our songs?” He handed Jimin a pair of headphones. The ones he was using in the car, noticed the hybrid. He wants to let me touch his things? 

“Are you sure?”

“That means one more fan. And how could you not know your family’s career. Come on, give it a try.”

Jimin took the headphones and with the instructions that the elder gave him, he learned to work the iPod. The songs were the most beautiful thing that the hybrid heard, given he hasn’t been able to hear a lot of other songs in his lifetime. He ended up falling asleep in the chair behind Yoongi. The said boy had found a spark of inspiration. Not enough to finish the song but to have at least started the first line. The warm brown eyes of the hybrid made Yoongi feel like home. 

Dinnertime came when Seokjin called everyone down for dinner. Jimin was placed in-between Namjoon and Jungkook, making him feel smaller than usual. He stared at the massive plate of food that was placed in front of him. No. I can’t eat without master’s permission.

“Do you not like rice?” Seokjin asked as he looked at him with a curious glance.

Jimin shook his head.

“Then why aren’t you eating?”

“Master needs to let me eat before I can.”

“Master?” This time it was Namjoon who spoke up. “Jimin-ah, you don’t need anybody to tell you to eat. Just eat. And you don’t need to call anybody here master.”

Jimin looked back at the plate of food in front of him. Grabbing the spoon, he took a big bite of rice with some meat and his tail wagged softly in contentment. His ears perked up; if there was anything that made Jimin feel happy, it was food. 

Taehyung was a bit mad. He and Jungkook were stuck on dish duty and at the pace that Jungkook was working, they wouldn’t be finished until the sun came back up. His eyes caught Jimin as he was leaving the washroom; an idea popped inside his brain.

“Hey Jimin!” The hybrid’s eyes perked up as he looked up to see the human motioning him over. “We have to wake up early for practice tomorrow and we need to work on something. Could you do the rest of the dishes for us?”


“Great! Here’s the sponge and the soap is over there alright.”

The two left Jimin and went to the living room to watch the movie that the rest of the members were watching.

“Where’s Jimin?”



“Namjoon hyung, why do you ask so many questions?”

“Because I’m curious. Why?”

“He’s helping with the dishes.” 

Yoongi rolled his eyes. “After I told you that you two were on dish duty? Go tell him to come here, finish the rest while you’re there.”

When Taehyung went back into the kitchen, he saw Jimin’s ears perk up at the sound of him coming. 

“The hyungs are telling me to call you to the living room.”

“I’m almost done here.”

“Let me help then. That way I won’t look like I continued to force you into doing the dishes.”


Taehyung grabbed a dish and started drying. “Are you scared of me?”

“Of course not.”

“Then why do you not look me in the eyes?”

“Master said I was not to look. That it was disrespectful.”

“I see.”

They finished the dishes in silence and went back to the living room. Taehyung was curious as to where Jimin came from but decided it didn't matter. They were returning him anyways.

“Do you like it?” Seokjin held out a silver bone shaped tag with Jimin’s name engraved on it. “I had them also engrave our names on the back too.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“And it’s yours. Here let me help you put it on.”

The click of the tag connecting onto the collar made Jimin weak in the knees. He was officially theirs now. He had a family. His first day yesterday was peaceful and he hoped that the rest of them were going to be just as nice.

“Now you can proudly call yourself the seventh member of Bangtan!”

“Speaking of the band, we need to go work on our next album. Jimin-ah, you can stay here at home alright?”

Jimin gave Namjoon a nod and watched everybody slowly leave the dorm. 

“You bought him a name tag? You aren’t seriously thinking about keeping him are you?”

“Jeon Jungkook, I swear to god you can be such a brat.”

“Me and Taehyung will just save up so we can adopt another one.”

“Yah! How would Jimin feel if he heard that?”

“Well maybe if you listened to what I felt then we wouldn’t have this problem now would we?”

Six hours had passed and according to the clock on the wall, it was eight o’clock. Jimin was on the couch and clutching the tag on his collar. He didn't want to make any of them mad since Namjoon told him go just “stay here”. I don’t have permission. Watching the sun slowly set, he ended up falling asleep on the couch with his tail curled into him.

“Jimin? Wake up.” Hoseok’s voice stirred the hybrid but the smell of chicken made his eyes snap open. “You’re hungry right? Let’s eat.”

Most of them already ate in the car but Yoongi and Hoseok decided to wait until they were home. They set out the plates on the small coffee table and a movie.

“So what did you do today?”

“Sit here.”

“For nine hours? Did you watch tv?”

“Master didn’t tell me I was allowed to.”

“Didn’t Namjoon tell you that you don’t need to call any of us master?”

“And you don’t need permission to do anything here. It’s your home too so you can watch as much tv and explore as much as you like. I have to admit though, this place does get a bit boring.”

“Just let loose and relax is what we’re trying to tell you.”

When the six of them left the next day, Jimin decided to listen to what Hoseok and Yoongi had said. First was the studio, Jimin had turned the music up so that he could hear it all around the dorm. He wondered how they sounded live, were they just as good or better? Next was the bedrooms, for the past two nights, he had been sleeping with the older members in the room in the far corner. He decided to go into the shared bedroom of Taehyung and Jungkook. The two of them gave Jimin an unsettling feeling. Like was an outcast. Unwanted. Much like his time at the store. He looked at the bookshelves and flipped through some comic books and video games. On the bedside table, he saw a few pamphlets that caught his eye. The first one was from the store he was bought but it was flipped to a page that indicated the returns and exchange policies. The hybrid’s heart dropped, were they all pretending about this? Maybe they were just too nice to tell him the truth. But that only meant time before getting hurt. After placing it back on the table, the one that was under it fell to the ground. Jimin started to tear up when he saw the title. Feline Hybrid Breeders In Seoul. 

Seokjin felt something odd when he came opened the door to their room. It was like it was colder than usual. Looking around he couldn't find Jimin in the living room; the boy was sleeping at the bottom of the bed in their room. The elder looked closer at Jimin’s face, he was definitely crying.

“Jimin, I’m back, we’re all back. You hungry? We’re planning on going to the diner across the street. Let’s get you dressed.”

Jimin was silent the whole night. Not one peep came out of him and it was worrying Seokjin. In the three days that they met, he knew the hybrid was quiet but not this quiet. He sent Jungkook a small look of suspicion but the was only met with a look of confusion.

Jungkook was a bit scared, Seokjin glaring at him and Taehyung was more than enough to make him feel small. He looked over to where Jimin sat and saw his ears flatten against his head and there was a frown stamped on his face. He didn’t mean to be so rude but he was just agitated on the fact that the elder members did not care about his own ideas. He also knew that Taehyung was curious about Jimin; he wanted to make friends but let his pride stood in the way.

A week passed and Jimin showed no signs of change. He only talked when he was asked a question; otherwise he just sat there watching the members or outside. 

“I told you we should’ve gotten someone else, he just sits there all day and it’s like we’re feeding someone in a coma.”

“If you’re going to complain you shouldn't do it right in front of them. You’re making it worse.”

“We’ve been looking at some breeders; we can still return Jimin within the month right?”

“I’ve had enough. Talk to me when you grow some sense in your brains.”

Jimin didn’t even need to look to know that Hoseok was arguing with Jungkook and Taehyung again. If this was the way it was heading, Jimin was expecting to go back to the hell of where he came from. He needed to escape. If he left, the two younger members would be able to find another hybrid. One that could make them happy. 

He decided to pack up his things and placed his collar on the couch; quietly leaving the dorm after everybody was asleep. Having never left the building before, Jimin was lost the moment he stepped out of the door. The cold breeze gave him the chills but he decided to just walk until he found a small place to hide out for tonight. The sound of dried leaves crunching underneath him was calming. 

Jimin didn’t know how far he was nor what time it was. It was dark and the his breathing was the only sound that could be heard. There was light coming from an alley, the sign read “Kim’s Family Restaurant”. He figured he could sleep near the door, his eyes were struggling to stay open. After getting settled in, he let himself drift into a dreamless slumber.

“Kim Taehyung! Jeon Jungkook get in here right now!”

The two boys were still in a daze after just waking up. They walked into the living room to see Seokjin holding Jimin’s collar. Jimin’s collar. Their hearts dropped.

“Why are you holding his collar hyung?”

“I don’t know Jungkook. I was wondering the exact same thing.”

“We didn’t do anything last night. Why are you blaming us?”

“Maybe if you two were just a bit more welcoming. He wouldn’t have run away.”

Namjoon walked in with his phone in his hand. “We have to go to practice today. Manager-hyung told us that he would go look around.”

“But wouldn’t it be faster if we all went?” They were all surprised at Taehyung’s suggestion. “I mean. I know it might be our faults but, I don’t want him to just disappear like that.”

“That might be the most sensible thing I’ve heard you say since Jimin came into the picture.”

“Well we can’t. Tomorrow is our day-off so maybe tonight we can go look.”

Jimin wandered the busy streets and watched as hybrids were laughing with their owners eating ice cream. He wondered if he was ever going to get a family where he was welcome. Where he was loved by everyone. 

Night came and the six of them were standing outside their apartment. “We can split into pairs and call if we find anything. He couldn’t have run too far.”.

Namjoon went with Seokjin, Hoseok went with Jungkook, and Yoongi went with Taehyung. They were determined to find Jimin by tonight.

It started to rain and Jimin was once again hiding in the alley which did not give a good cover from the cold rain that was hitting Jimin’s sweater, drenching it. He heard splashes and breathing. There was also the sound of a chain hitting the ground. Jimin held his breath and tried to press himself harder into the wall.

“Hey, I won’t hurt you. Come out, you must be hungry right?” Jimin didn’t dare move and it made the stranger agitated. “He isn’t coming out. What should we do?”

“Just grab him.”

Jimin felt a cold hand grab his ankle and let out a loud gasp. He heard the chain being lifted off the ground and then something cold wrapped around his neck.

“Aren’t you something pretty. You’ll definitely sell top dollar.”


The stranger who was holding Jimin looked at him with a undefinable look in his eyes. “No?”

“Then I guess we’ll just have to make you say yes then.”

Jimin was thrown to the ground and felt something hard hit him in the stomach. It reminded him so much of his previous owner and his punishments. It didn’t stop. The two strangers started to kick Jimin so much he felt numb to it all. He’s been through this before but why did his heart hurt more this time. Tears started to run down his cheeks and he let out a loud sob.

“You hybrids should know better than to talk back to us. Apologize.”

Jimin couldn’t hear properly; all he heard was his sobs and his heart pounding in his chest. 

“Did you not hear me? Apologize.”

They kept kicking until it suddenly stopped.

“Apologize for what? I’ll make sure your mother has to apologize to what s she’s brought up after I’m done with you.”

Yoongi. Jimin looked up and saw the two strangers back up into the alley. 

“Jimin?” The hybrid looked to his right and saw Taehyung reaching out for his shivering figure.

“N-No!”Jimin started to back up and hit the wall.

“I’m sorry. Let me help you.”

Jimin didn’t hear him. Couldn't hear him. Not with his sobbing and apologies coming out like a mantra. “N-No Jimin didn’t mean to. I’m sorry. Jimin won’t do it again. Please. No.”

“Jimin! Look at me.” Taehyung grabbed Jimin despite the weak punches that were thrown at him. He wrapped his arms around him and started to sing; praying that it would calm the boy down. His plan was working; Jimin had stopped talking and his sobs slowly turned into small hiccups. Taehyung figured he had fallen asleep otherwise fell unconscious from shock.

“I’ll call the rest to go back to the dorms. Do you want me to carry him back?”

“No.” Taehyung looked behind Yoongi and saw the two men running away. “I want to carry him.”

When they arrived, the rest of them were already there. Seokjin running to take Jimin and took him into the his bedroom. Jungkook looked like he had seen a ghost after watching Jimin taken away.

“W-What happened?”

“Some guys wanted to take Jimin to be sold off somewhere. Who knew Jimin could actually say no?”

The youngest looked at the ground. “I’m sorry.”

“You shouldn't be telling me that.” Yoongi changed his gaze towards the boy moping on the couch. “You saved him Taehyung.”

“But it weren’t for us, he wouldn’t be in the bedroom crying.”

“I’m sure he’ll forgive the both of you. You could start saying sorry by throwing away those pamphlets.”


“Jimin?” Seokjin was cleaning his cuts and bruises when he saw the hybrid’s eyes flutter.

“I’m s-sorry.”

“Now why are you sorry.”

“Running away.”

“It was our faults in the beginning. Which reminds me. We are all sorry. Including Taehyung and Jungkook. Do you forgive us?”


Seokjin gave him a smile before turning to see Jungkook walk in with a guilty look on his face.

“Can I have Jimin to myself for a minute?”

“I was heading out anyways. Feel better Jimin-ah.”

Jungkook sat beside Jimin on the bed. The hybrid was scared to look into the boy’s eyes. 

“Hyung? Can I call you that? I, I didn’t realize how rude I was until you left. I was being too selfish. I really hope that you could give me and the rest of us another chance. Please? I know Taehyung has actually been dying to be friends with you.”

“Are you going to be like him?”


“My other master?”

“I don’t know what he was like with you but. I like video games and manga? You ever watched anime before?”


“If you forgive us, I’ll give you all of that and more. Please Jimin hyung?”

“Pinky swear.”

“Alright. Let’s start over. I’m Jeon Jungkook.”

“Park Jimin.”

“Kim Taehyung!”

The two watched as Taehyung went to the other side of the bed and plopped himself down beside Jimin.

“I’m sorry Jimin.”

“It’s ok.” Jimin looked up at him nervously. “Could you, could you sing again?”

“Of course! Me and Jungkook can sing it together. Which one would you like to hear?”

“I think it was called Hug Me Tight? No that doesn't seem right. Hold?”

“Your wish is my command.”

The three got comfortable, making sure not to touch any of Jimin’s bruises. The two started to sing in complete harmony and Jimin could imagine that this was what having a family felt like. Right when he was about to fall asleep, he felt something warm click around his neck. It felt different from the chain, his hand went to his neck and grazed over the tag. The tag that he knew held his name and the names of the rest of his family.

Hey guys, I hope this story wasn't too childish or predictable. There was a request for a Jimin-centric fic and I hope I made it as good as you expected it to be. I really feel doubtful of this story since it's the first time I'm writing a ot7 fic. Don't worry guys, if you didn't like this one, I've got two other fics in the making and I hope you guys anticipate them! They're not really a centric fic but more like the fics I usually write. I hope you guys can give a comment or subscribe to my account~! 

Have a great day/night/afternoon/evening/etc~


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Chapter 1: u should write a sequel!! pleasssee i rlly loved this and i'm dying to know more!
mwenlili #2
Chapter 1: This is so well written... It was so touching~ Can you please make more Jimin centric fanfic? I would really like that! <3
luvarin #3
Chapter 1: Ahh.. write more jimin centric story please author-nim...your story really touch my heart.. thank you.. for writing this beautifully.. saranghae.. :)
luvarin #4
Chapter 1: Ahh.. write more jimin centric story please author-nim...your story really touch my heart.. thank you.. for writing this beautifully.. saranghae.. :)
Chapter 1: <3 I hope you could write more jimin-centric stories :) Jimin-centric is lifeu <3
Chapter 1: I just reread this and I love it just as much as the first time! <3 <3
Jiminssi-Tae #7
Chapter 1: its too short for a story that is so good I'm dying for more
Btsbbaottk #9
Chapter 1: Is this it ? Awwwwe please write more it's so good and too cute
Chapter 1: This tooo short~ i love jimin centric story~~