Mamamoo (2 mamamoo fanfics)

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An Encounter

By KeyBlack Updated
Characters Kim Yong Sun, Moon Byul Yi
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 14 subscribers, 910 views, 1 comments, 2204 words
Status Completed

Flashback to the time where it was— Only her sole eyes, appreciating our performance In the middle of same park I tried scanning all of the people Before accepting the fact She wasn’t nowhere to be found

Customer, Her Journal, and I

By KeyBlack Updated
Tags  mamamoo   solar   moonbyul   moonsun 
Characters Kim Yong Sun, Moon Byul Yi, MoonSun
With 2 chapters, 10 votes, 44 subscribers, 990 views, 8 comments, 7800 words
Status Completed

            Moon Byul, the character of the book she had read for days, the author of her own life, the real Moon Byul herself finally showed up in real flesh for almost what seemed like ages she had been away—away from Yong sun’s sight.             This whole new perspective about Moon Byul that she had while reading