Personal Message

believe in yourself...'cause I don't believe you


  visit my blog--though I doubt you'll find anything worthwhile.

About Me

who is lemon:lime ?


lemon:limealso known as --fallen_angel-- is a crazy k-pop fanatic that hates capital letters. She hates being “classified” or forced to be one thing or another.

She is not a lemon. She’s not lime. Her name is lemon lime.
Bittersweet and soulful, not quite that sour taste, yet not quite the sweet.
lemon lime. Remember that.

She enjoys mysteries and fairytales. In fact, she lives life like it’s just one big story in a novel; and that’s true. Her dream is to one day be free from everything and to whatever she wants.

She started writing when she was five, on a “gurl” that went to the “zue”. She stopped writing...when k-pop will be forgotten. As well as being a poor, notorious writer she also is a newbie reviewer  and an aspiring graphic maker.

She works here and here, and loves to be a co-author to your story, so if you want help with your work just pm her. If you would like to help her, just subscribe to the story and add your thoughts to the comment wall.