Personal Message

 Ok, so you guys should already know that my name is Alanna, I'm from Australia and that I'm really weird lol


weird_is_a_side-effect_of_awesome-470919 So i'm ok with that .

Anyways stuff you probably don't  know ( unless your some ninja/spy )  is that I'm the second eldest out of six children (4 brothers and 1 sister + me) that belong to my parents but I'm also the smartest since two of my brothers have mental disabilities. But enough of that ish, the stuff i like doing are drawing, singing, dancing, watching asc, my favourite colour is black ( so emo lol ) And I'm a pretty good gamer so if you have a Playstation3 send a friend request to alanna_l_12 and COME AT ME BRO!!!

I'm also a massive derp too, I have brown hair that ends at my waist, green eyes, i have a freckle here and there, i'm skinny but not anorexic and i have a circular scar on my left shoulder from my year seven graduation thingy held at school where the hair dresser accidentally touched me with her hair straightener and burned a hole but it didn't hurt so i'm fine > - < my personality would just be a derpy, quirky, sarcastic, funny, caring, weirdo girl but most people see me as the shy/ smart and nerdy girl at highschool . oh and our highschool consists of grades 7-12 so that means the 'middle school' are with the seniors but im not a senoir yet so yeah >_<

Um, my highschool life is pretty normal but i'm in the extension class for smart people but I classify myself as a dumb blond in disguise even though i'm naturally a brunette.  I have friends but none of them like kpop so I sit in a corner staring at my bias(es/ senpais)dreaming of the day I get to see them ( I know you do it too so don't lie lol ) but then realise that

tumblr_n434j4gqXS1t3n8dxo1_500.jpg and cries a river, jokes!

ok, so now i'll give you a list of the top 12 ( yes theres more ) hot men on my bias list and put your flamming pitch forks away because this is MY bias list not YOURS, lol

#12 goes to the wonderful artist, Kris from EXO!! ( i said put the pitch forks down. damn~ )

tumblr_mef3y0bxAQ1r51odoo1_500.jpg in both photos he looks hot as f

#11 goes to one of my favourite rappers, Song Mino from the group that has finally debuted Winner!! ( why do you still have it in your hand ? )

a953a2db2d82d4e56da600d330d657fe.jpg0f8e6947764bec13b383ce5a1f9d01e2.jpg but Nam Taehyun isn't far behind


# 10 is one of my aussie biases Hanbyul from LEDApple!!! ( Finally you put the pitch fork down * wipes sweat while heaving a sigh of relief * )

th?&id=HN.608027224617518023&w=300&h=300th?&id=HN.608012046201063064&w=300&h=300dem dimples doe ^0^

#9 goes to High Top ( not the shoe ) from BIGFLO!!

8467c8b907074bc2e5075dfd73eba3c8.jpg he reminds me of P.O. / Zico

#9.2 goes to Henry's rival when it comes to violin playing . . . Benji from B.I.G!! Hes so cute 

#8 would have to go to the RAVIshing Ravi from VIXX!! ( Don't pick the pitch  fork up again , I'm warning you . . . )

1c245e6742f38f8b8c9e8a5442c03db8.jpglarge.jpg so kawaii

#7 would go to Bobby from team b even though he hasn't debuted yet I love his performances on SMTM3

7c3665da67501f34022e2af8328e783a.jpgtumblr_static_screen_shot_2013-11-07_at_ so y

#6 would have to go to my other bias from down under, Rome from CClown

c33edb91jw1e5irdlkwi2j20sg0iy7a5.jpgblvaczsceaali7l.jpg?w=750 his arms and abs are perf  ; p

time for my top 5 ( once again I shall remind you to put the flamming pitch fork down because it's my opinion )

#5 is the the place for my favourite deep-voiced man, Bang Yong Guk!! ( where did yo get the tazer from !? )

th?&id=HN.608052474713604454&w=300&h=300th?&id=HN.608006372549332661&w=300&h=300  i love his smile

#4 would go to the dancing machine / selca king Xero from the talented 13 member group Topp Dogg!!! ( woof )

 topp-dogg-xero2.jpgi don't know why I love him

Finally my top 3 ( wait don't step closer to me with the tazer!! )

#3 goes to the wild and y Jackson / Wang Kong from Got7 / Big Byung.

2a2b76ac13ca7a555a155eb19c43e6e6.jpgth?&id=HN.608050670837958293&w=300&h=300 Yep, definately wild and y

#2 would go to the baby hyung Taeil from Block B!!

taeil.jpg th?&id=HN.608056108266815671&w=300&h=300he's so cute and has a voice from the gods lol

And #1  goes to my ultimate bias who you can describe in one word as "swag" would go to SUGA from BTS so I'm just going to spam you guys with his fabulous self.


 I think thats enough Suga spam and anyways I'm going to run away before you guys tazer me since your biases aren't in the 'right' spot or aren't in the top 12 at all.

oh and all photos used belong to the rightful owners since i dont own anything here *but i wish i owned every shot of yoongi lol *


About Me

Hi peeps! (thats such a wierd word lol)

My name is Alanna but most people call me banana or lanna for short. I'm from Brisbane, Australia and if im not drawing, i'm listening to JUSTIN BIEBER! (ultimate sarcasm) i'd love to pop his eyes out and shove it where the sun dont shine.  I'm basically on this wonderful website to read stories and I guess i could help some of you guys if you need help because im so wierd and creative with ideas. oh yeah please be my friend because if you dont you have no jams and no swag (can you tell that i like bts?) any ways i love to see what you guys write. BYE!^_~  gives candy but i'm not classified as a pedo since i'm nice 🍬🍬🍬


im so weird shoot me now X_X