some stolen questions ^^

ok so i said that i would borrow *cough* steal *cough* these questions from my friend Bambamstar so i guess you guys can read and enjoy^^ and if not i dont really care :p so feel free to leave a comment or ask questions *disappears to do homework since thats what i should have been doing instead of this lol*

1. Vampire- Someone offers you a chance at immortality. Do you take it, why or why not?

 I would^^ BUT it depends on what I would have to do to get immortality.

2. Werewolf- If you had to spend the rest of your life with just one person, who would it be?

I don’t know, I’d rather die than live with 1 person because I may get sick of them/pimp slap them or whatever lol

3. Witch- If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

That status/power/money/beauty is what it takes to survive in the world. I mean all we need is to eat, drink, have shelter and someone to love but there is a lot of people without that ;-;

4. Ghost- Do you have any regrets?

I would like to say no but that would be lying.

5. Frankenstein- Is there someone telling you how to live your life, or are you an independent person?

Yeah. Well I guess it’s just how I’ve been brought up so far (having 2 mentally disabled brothers, every other sibling I have is under the age of 8, so I have to keep up the expectations and leader role out of the kids plus keep my grades up. And I’m only 13)

6. Mummy- If you were to fall into an eternal sleep, do you think that anyone would miss you?

Well I’m asleep so I don’t know really. But if I was like sleeping beauty or snow white I hope a hot guy kisses me so I wake up haha.

7. Zombie- Do you miss anyone right now?

Well I sort of miss my old friends that I used to go to school with since we all split up for different high schools. But I also miss talking to people here on aff so you guys can feel free to talk to me at any time you want^^

8. Faerie- If you could get away with anything, what would you do?

I would do anything and everything^^ (let your erted minds run wild lol)

9. Nymph- What you like when you are by yourself?

Hmmm, depends on what I feel like…. But if you give me some paper and pencils I’ll probably draw^^

10. Mermaid- How far would you go to keep the one you love?

Depends on how far we are in to the relationship and the person I’m with, but he has to love me too. (Shallow much?)

11. Shape shifter- What would you change about yourself?

My weight (im not fat but not stick- like either) or I would get a tan idk i'm pale.

12. Banshee- If you knew one of your loved one/best friend had only one day left to live, how would you spend it with them?

I would do whatever they wanted to do^^ it is their last day right? So they should choose how to spend it.

13. Siren- If you could make anyone do anything, what would you make them do?

It depends on the person *laughs evilly*

14. Genie- If you had one wish that would come true and couldn't be reversed, what would you wish for?

Idk… something that’s worth wishing for and won’t stuff me up in the future.

15. Incubus- What would someone have to do to get into your pants?

Be one of my biases...mmm or be in a relationship with me ^3^

16. Succubus- What's something you couldn't live without?

 Kpop (or food, friends and family)


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lol the werewolf one is soo true !! haha xD idk how they'd spend their life with a same person tho