Personal Message











             DO KYUNGSOO            

Being the only child of the Do family, Kyungsoo has beeing brought up carefully to be a blessing to the family. Wanting to impress his farm-working parents, he achieved a scholarship to Korea's most prestigious school KC. Having to survive such a rich-influenced and popular diversities, Kyungsoo has learned to be timid and awkward in many situations. He does have a side of jealousy and possesiveness that he rarely shows. To take his mind of the many pressures of school, he takes baking lessons and also his basic cooking skills to clear his mind. Even though his facial features disagree, Kyungsoo is definitely not innocent.



bully - kyungsoo's hell maker tutor - helps kyungsoo keep his scholarship bestfriend - kyungsoo's best friend since start of KC untouchable - a child-hood friend who kyungsoo always had a crush on farm friend - a long time neighbour stalker - knows everything about kyungsoo, somehow rival - kyungsoo's rival in... something fellow waiter - works with kyungsoo at an italian restaurant baking student - kyungsoo has enough experience to teach baking 

gmt + 9:30 - usually online 24/7 - take ages to reply
i prefer plots than none // nc-17 is yum. foreber uke

KING'S COLLEGE → ( do kyungsoo )

