Comments: Exo Fanfiction: The Highly Recommended

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I would like to recommend these awesome fanfics

Irony by get2herheart

Ally Grounds by get2herheart

Sweet Nightmare get2herheart

Blood Rose by kpopcrown

Water Lily by peanutbuttercup

The Odds of Survival by EmilyJ56

Tied by A Child Cfdorks

Mission Impossible: Find Mate by chocoluver14

Mission Impossible: Reunite by chocoluver14

The Rogue's Dark Secret chocoluver14

Touch of Spring by vanillasushi

The Wind Prince by vanillasushi
starandheart #5
Hi I hope comments that aren't recommending fics are allowed! I just wanted to say thank you to you guys for all these great fic recs!
strawberry_lover #6
Chapter 89: 1. Name: Strawberry_lover

2. How much time you spend reading EXO fanfics a week: About 15 hours a week, but may differ as it usually depends on how much free time I have.

3. How long you've been reading fanfics: Since 2010. I have started on wattpad before shifting to AsianFanFics in 2012

4. The genres you enjoy reading (angst, romance, etc): Honestly, genres don't really matter to me as long as the story itself is good, but if I have to choose, I guess it would be mystery, angst and action.

5. Your favorite fanfic(s): The Cutting Edge (by amber_rose), The Lobotomist (by boredbluejay), Der Märchenclub(by pinboo) , The Blood Brother's Code (by Korekrypta ), Destati (by lehunn), Pretty Boy (I'm Nobody) (by JungMichan), Demons(by Nubci4), 對世界的承; The Promise to the World (by drummerchild), Sea of Flames (by Emilieee), The Crimson War (by Krismatics) and I'm not following you! (By blehmeh)

6. The main EXO characters you enjoy reading (Baek, Kai, etc): Baekhyun and Luhan , though I am not really picky about who the main characters are and would read them as long as the storyline is good.

7. Any extra information about yourself: I have always been an avid reader and is really fussy when it comes to grammar, plot and character development.
tyrapotato #7
Chapter 89: Chapter 81: 1. Name: Tyra
2. I spent 2-3 hours everyday
3. I've been reading fanfics for almost 2 years (?)
4. The genres I enjoy reading: (Romance,fluff) & angst (sometimes when I'm in the mood)
5. My fav fanfics : His bar code tattoo (which the writer I don't remember who lmao) , Cold Water, The BFF Effect, The Great Pretenders (by VanillaSushi) << i love all the ffs she wrote. (the! Best! lmao)
6. The main Exo characters I enjoy reading: (Chanyeol,Sehun,Baekhyun)
7. I got 2nd hand embarrassment when writers include cringy Korean words ( jagi, yeobo, aegi, etc) in their fanfics .I cringed so hardd
Chapter 89: 1. Name: Cara

2. How much time you spend reading EXO fanfics a week: I have read a lot this summer vacation mostly because I had nothing better to do, which is about a couple of hours a day. My schedule will be a bit busier when school starts, but I think I'm going to be able to maintain at least an hour or so a day when my life is more hectic.

3. How long you've been reading fanfics: Two years, give or take a couple months.

4. The genres you enjoy reading (angst, romance, etc): I actually enjoy both realistic/slice of life stories and fantasy ones. Horror is the only genre I can't stand reading, however.

5. Your favorite fanfic(s): Good Girls Go To Heaven, Bad Girls Go Everywhere, The Cutting Edge, Guts (which hasn't been updated in a long time, sadly, and it was unfinished too), Forgetting Park Chanyeol. I'm a D.O/Chanyeol bias, though there are very little fics on them.

6. The main EXO characters you enjoy reading (Baek, Kai, etc): D.O and Chanyeol are my favourites because they're my biases, but I don't really mind any member as long as it's written well.

7. Any extra information about yourself: I'm not too sure what to put here, so I guess I'll leave a list of things I like and dislike when reading fics? Some are givens, but...
Likes: —Interesting plot. It's always nice to find something that stands out with a good storyline.
—I really like hate-to-love relationships.
—OC characters instead of using all idols as side characters — I find it much more interesting when there are other OCs apart from the main character (which isn't saying that an idol side character can't be well written and intriguing).
—Long fics! I like having something I can sit down and read for a long time.

Dislikes: —Romanized Korean (things like "oppa, unnie, hyung and noona" are okay to some extent). I'm pretty sure most people don't like an excessive amount of that, though.
—No character development. That's one of my favourite things to look for in fics, especially when it's slice of life/realistic fic because those tend to have a much more vague plot compared to action/adventure/fantasy/supernatural stories.
—Too many grammar mistakes. I understand some people don't have English as a first language, but some mistakes get really distracting.

I'm a very fast reader (I think, though it would depend on the story), though recently it's been a bit hard to find fics that suit my reading taste.

Hopefully you'll consider this application! (You're still accepting though, are you?)
Chapter 89: 1. Name: Hanna

2. How much time you spend reading EXO fanfics a week: A couple hours a day when I'm less busy, and maybe an hour if I'm busy.

3. How long you've been reading fanfics: A pretty long time, though I lost my old account. I used to write on here, but now I just read a lot. Maybe around 5 years.

4. The genres you enjoy reading (angst, romance, etc): I like almost all genres, though I don't read .

5. Your favorite fanfic(s): On Angel's Wings, Running With Wolves, The Blood Brother Code

6. The main EXO characters you enjoy reading (Baek, Kai, etc): I read any fic with any member as long as it's decently written with a good plot. I have a soft spot for Chanyeol fics, though.

7. Any extra information about yourself: I'm a really, really avid reader and I do like analyzing. I'm really picky with what I read though, and I drop fics quite easily if there are many noticeable mistakes.
ChrisChen #10
Chapter 89: 1. My name is Christina Chen
2. I read fanfictions everyday for about few hours a day depending on when I have exams or I have to do homework
3. I started reading mid last year but there is not a day when I have not read a fanfic
4. I enjoy reading romance schoollife comedy and gangs
5. Kris: The XOXO series and basically any fanfic written by bluestone and vanillasushi like His dark side series
6. I like reading any member of exo except for chen and tao mainly because there is not really a great one
7. I am fluent in english considering I live in Australia and is born in the country although I don't write any fanfics but I know plenty of good fanfics that I believe many people will enjoy to read
Chapter 89: 1. Name: Korekrypta - I also go by Korey

2. How much time you spend reading EXO fanfics a week: It depends on what's going on, but usually at least a couple of hours.. I'm a very quick reader. When I have time on my hands I'll read more, especially during the holidays. I'm always on the prowl for something good to read and I'm online every day. I am picky with what I read, though. The plot has to be good and the grammar has to be at least decent or I'm not going to force myself to continue.

3. How long you've been reading fanfics: Since about February 2014. I joined the site a month later in March 2014 so I could keep track of the fics I was reading and have never left since.

4. The genres you enjoy reading (angst, romance, etc): To be honest, I'm happy reading anything except horror and excessive provided it's well written. Mystery, humour, action, adventure and supernatural/fantasy are probably my go-tos, but like I said, I'll read most things. A good story is a good story, after all.

5. Your favorite fanfic(s): Since you haven't imposed a limit, I'm going to list my favourite one for each of the active members:
Suho: ing Kim Junmyeon
Baekhyun: Darkest Hour
Chanyeol: Fire to Ashes
D.O.: The Cutting Edge
Kai: Genie
Sehun: Irony
Xiumin: The Wicked Games
Lay: Mandate of the Goddess (which sadly hasn't been updated in a while)
Chen: Experiment 11
As a bonus, one of my favourite fics is The Dream Team, but that hasn't been updated in a while either.

6. The main EXO characters you enjoy reading (Baek, Kai, etc): I'm honestly not fussed. Again, anything that's well written is something I'm happy to lose myself in, though I tend not to seek out Kris and Tao fics so much. Occasionally I'll go on a binge for a particular member, but I'm happy reading all of them. I have a particular soft spot for Chen fics and Xiumin fics, but they are sadly not abundant.

7. Any extra information about yourself: I'm British, but I'm comfortable with the differences with American English too (there are more differences than you might think). I actually write on here as well – I'm trying to do a fic for all of the current active EXO members (just Chanyeol and Suho left to go!), and my Xiumin one is the most upvoted Xiumin story on the site. I also got the site to bring in the flagging/reporting feature for comments/discussions etc. on the site because they didn't have them before.
DiaBel #12
Chapter 89: Hello I'm not an author here, can I participate anyway. I spend a lot of time reading fanfics, im basically a reader and I did recomendations before just not here..
Chapter 89: 1. Name: Scarlett

2. I'm always reading and checking every single day. So it's a daily thing, so it kind of depends. One day it's 4 hours or if I don't want to be bothered I read for the whole day. But usually around 4-5 hours when I'm doing nothing. I binge read a lot. (Bad habit, I know)

3. I've been reading Asianfanfics ever since the website has been created, actually. So a really long time.

4. I like to read all genres except for horror, not really a big fan of horror movies myself. I get nightmares from so.

5. My favorite fanfics are: Touch of Spring by vanillasushi (well basically everything she writes), 4680 seconds by missheartbreaker, and Momochrome by krismatics.

6. Main characters read: Kai, Sehun, Baekhyun, sometimes Kris and Luhan.

7. I'm pretty picky when it comes to choosing something out to read but I guess it's a good thing when you're going to review a story and I'm always usually really honest with my opinions, I don't sugarcoat anything unless the story line is that amazing. Otherwise I'm always on Asianfanfics, it's a must for me to check it every single day. Laid back most of the times, but don't hesitate to contact me or anything.
illumina_dain #14
Chapter 89: Name: illumina_dain
How much time do you spend reading EXO fanfics a week: I read every weekday before sleep and any free time on weekends. In average probably two hours a day
How long you've been reading fanfics: I have started since 2010 but really into fanfic around 2011 so about 7 years give and take
The genres you enjoy reading: I generally like to read good fanfics as long as it's not yuri or 2nd POV stories but if I have to pick, it would be action and adventure.
Favourite fanfics: This year favourite will go to Exodus by unnie-bee and Phoenix by unnie-bee. I love classic exo fandom too for all time favourites from curledupkitten, mayaacola, thesockmonster, changdictator, fliuor, rara and ella (Zodiac is a damn fine fanfic).
The main EXO characters you enjoy reading: I pretty much enjoy reading everyone in EXO as the main characters with the exception for Tao (it is hard to find a good one with Tao as the main character)
Any extra information about yourself: I write fanfic too as a hobby (my guilty pleasure) but not really good at it, still learning the rope and everything. But I have confidence in picking good and well-written fanfics as I am a picky reader too.
I have become a reviewer for sometimes but on hiatus for reviewing in the last two years due to postgrad school.
Thank you
Chapter 89: Whoops, resending this because I realized you added the favourite fics part.
Name: Emilieee
How much time you spend reading EXO fanfics a week: I keep up with the stories that are updated in my subscription list, but around 3-4 hours. Depends.
How long you've been reading fanfics: 3 years.
Genres that I enjoy: Fantasy, romance, angst, adventure, action. As long as it's not horror, pwp or excessive , I'm open to any genre.
Main EXO characters that I enjoy reading: Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Kai, Sehun
Favourite fanfics: Attayear by Korekrypta, Half a Page by madigraye, Reboot by PrincessVivi, Love and War by amber_rose
Any extra info on myself: I write quite a lot on this site, and when it comes to reading, I'm a pretty picky reader in terms of grammar/plot. I also have a whole bunch of fics I'd like to recommend but never have gotten around making my own recommendation list.
Chapter 89: Name : Jade
2. uh. I read like 10 a day if I can find a decent enough one bc I get picky with my fics. And usally it depends on how long each chapter is, if it's over 6,000 words i can take like an hour reading the whole thing but I can finish a whole fic in 2 days depending on how many chaps there are.
3. I've been reading fics for around 3-5 years although I made a new account in 2015 (cause I forgot my password to my old one)
4. I enjoy any really. I just don't like fics that drag on too long. I get bored easily of some fics if that happens
5. Teach me by CF DORKS, Any fic from vanillasushi like My neighbor Mr.Byun, My little bumblebee, ETC., Louder my lotto. I have more. I just can't remember lol.
6. Baekhyun, Sehun, Kai. I like reading other members it's just hard finding a fic for them.
7. Well I'm half Korean and I hate reading fics that are like "Oppa saranghae" or "Jagiii". I really really hate it and I have issues with grammar but if it's not constantly shown through the fic then it's not bad. I make my own fics but ya know. I'm on writers block so I just want to relax and read but I do update somewhat constantly.