Comments: || ♤ ♢ Mafia Deck ♡ ♧ || MATURE and LITERATE Mafia/Police/Civilian AU Themed FB Roleplay || CLOSED ||

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Hey, it's Key, my acc got disabled..
Name: Mark Yien Tuan
Group: Got7
Date of birth/age: September 4, 1993 (22)
Mafia and Position: Spades, Eight
Top, Bottom or Switch: Switch
Character Description: Reserved and quiet from a young age, Mark easily learned to read people and this skill proved useful as he grew older and people started to make him a target on the playground or in school, retracting and finding solace in his hobby: computers. Managing to understand the way the circuits work and the data transfers fast, Mark took on any challenge he could in terms of hacking, ignoring the morals and managing to get past any firewall he ever encountered. Once taken out of his shell, he becomes quite mischievous and a bit loud, especially if he's on a sugar rush, remaining an enigma for those not trusted.
Timezone: GMT+2
Password: G-Dragon
Name: Kim Taehyung ( V )
Group: BTS
Date of Birth: 30 October, 1995 (20)
Mafia and Position: Clubs, Jack
Top, Bottom or Switch: Switch (mostly inclined towards power bottom)
Character Description: A bit of an wild card, he is often seen as playful or even child-like in his manners, however, one does not with he gets into the zone. He's awfully skilled with silent, bloody murders, he has no problem with torture and getting his hands dirty. He loves the thrill of a job well done as remorse has left him long ago. He revolves around guns, blood and uality and he does each of them very well.
Timezone: GMT + 2
Password: G- Dragon
Name: Park Jimin
Group: BTS
Date of birth / age: October 13, 1995 (20)
Mafia and Position: Civilian, Criminal Profiler
Top, Bottom or Switch: Bottom
Character Description: Older than he looks but means no nonsense, he is nothing but systematic and organized, not stopping till he gets every bit of a case recorded on paper. His seniors gave him credit for his keen observation skills and genuine initiative to help, which makes up for all the pestering and bugging he does to police officers. His looks cause others to underestimate his skill, only to be surprised that most of the time, he's spot on right.
Timezone: gmt +8
Password: G-Dragon
chanyeoldayum #5
Name: Park Chanyeol
Group: EXO
Date of birth / age: November 27, 1992 (age 23)
Mafia and Position: Civilian ( Writer )
Top, Bottom or Switch: Switch
Character Description: Chanyeol is a young writer who started off with children books to gather some money, that would help him start a nice carreer. Now, he mostly writes mystery and criminal themed books. A lot of his inspiration and ideas came from real life criminal cases the Seoul police department had to deal with. He's fascinated by every new information that gets revealed about Seoul's mafia, because it gives birth to amazing stories. He's a very social and easy going person, who easily opens even to a stranger, yet he does know what he can and can not talk about.
Timezone: GMT +0
+ GDragon
Flammy #6
Name: Lee Taeyong
Group: NCT
Date of birth / Age: July 1st, 1995 (age 21)
Mafia and Position: Joker of Spades
Top, Bottom or Switch: Switch
Character Description: Determined and hard-working, Taeyong is rather quick in picking up different skills and perfecting them. He's often more curious than good for him, but at the same time he easily gets bored. While he's an open-minded person and playful around people he's close to, first encounters with Taeyong are usually awkward and stiff. He spent most of his childhood behind closed doors and is therefore still lacking in the social department.
Timezone: GMT +2
+ GD
veneficious #7
Oh my goodness. A Mafia rp. I'm sad.
marvelboy #8
Name: Park Jimin
Group: BTS
Date of birth / age: October 13, 1995 (age 20)
Mafia and Position: Joker of Diamonds
Top, Bottom or Switch: Switch
Character Description:
Jimin is a really cheerful and happy type of person, that won't get mad or angry just for anything.
People always underestimate him, but he's capable of many many things.
That's one of the reason he got the position of a Joker in the Diamonds.
With a bit of effort, he's able to accomplish almost anything and if not, he's not ashamed to ask for help.
He's really social and easy going, easy to approach and really talkative.
Timezone: GMT +2
+ G-Dragon
do kyungsoo
january 12, 1993
eight of diamonds
character description: kyungsoo is a shy and quiet guy who is always focused to his tasks or problem. as a child, kyungsoo did not have much friends but would stick with his studies. he majors in technology which is why he joined the diamonds as someone who hacks into the systems to complete the mission. he is not very good at talking but when he finds the right people he will be more social.
gmt -8
+king gd
KieranKing #10
Name: Kim Jaejoong
Group: JYJ
Date of birth / age: January 26th 1986 | 30yo
Mafia and Position: 2 of Spades
Top, Bottom or Switch: Switch
Character Description:
Jaejoong never really paid attention to people. He enjoyed being alone for most of his life, however, just until he had joined the Spades. Joing a group like that, made him realize that he, in fact, is not alone anymore and his subconscious loosened up, making him a friendlier, happier and more social version of himself. He's a really reliable, 30 years old and experienced man. He finished two colleges and went through a bunch of educational courses, as well as gathered experience from his various high ranked jobs in top banks and companies, as their head of security. He's more than capable of protecting the Spades, using every ounce of his knowledge, skill and experience, even putting his own life on the life if needed.
Timezone: GMT +1
+ GD is the King!~
InspiritL1308 #11
Monsta X
november 3, 1993 / 23 yo
3 of clubs
Minhyuk is a talkative cheery person. He actually talked really well in his daily life and sometimes talked back to those he knows well. He really loved it when it comes to being innocent in front of those people he needs to gain information from. When he needs to be flirty, he can gives all of his best to gain much. Besides he is actually pretty naughty for an innocent faced smiley boy. ps will add more on fb
king of clubs (GD)
name: yoon sanha
group: astro
birthday/age: march 21, 2000 / 16 years old
position: officer
description: an awkward, lanky teen. it's been his dream since childhood to fight crime and save people as he saw in comics and cartoons, but he's always had a soft spot for vigilante justice. will add more detail and muuuuch more on fb!
timezone: gmt-7
pw: king of diamonds
INeedABaozi #13
Name: Kim Junmyeon (Suho)
Group: EXO
Date of birth / age: May 22, 1991 | 25yo
Mafia and Position: 8 of Spades
Top, Bottom or Switch: Switch
Character Description: Junmyeon was never really interested in people. Throughout his education career he always kept to himself, excluding a individuals. He's a type of person who seem cold to those around him, yet softens up after getting to know people better. Most of the time he likes to stay indoors on his laptop. He chose the mafia life after failing at finding what he truly wanted to do for his future.
Timezone: GMT -8
+ King of Spades
Hello, I was just wondering, is this a or a semi- rp?
— lee taemin
• shinee
• jul 18th 1993 » 22
• two of clubs
• bottom
• weeps, i promise i'll make a v detailed note when i get there :^(
• gmt -4
+ king of spades but istg it says diamonds omg
may i reserve Shinee's Taemin?- i shall apply for him very soon-
+ im changkyun
+ monsta x
+ 01 / 26 / 1996 // 20 years old
+ joker of clubs
+ bottom
+ can i post this on facebook instead? i still have to come up with something solid lmao
+ gmt + 8
+ king of spades
Name: Kim Jiwon (Bobby)
Group: iKon
Date of birth / age: December 21, 1995 | 20yo
Mafia and Position: Joker of Diamonds
Top, Bottom or Switch: Ver/Switch
Character Description: I'll post something on facebook.
Timezone: GMT -2
+ King of Spades
; kim taehyung // bts
; 12.30.1995 // 21
; ace of spades
; switch, no preference
; note after arrival, i promise!
; gmt-4
+ king of spades