Comments: || ♤ ♢ Mafia Deck ♡ ♧ || MATURE and LITERATE Mafia/Police/Civilian AU Themed FB Roleplay || CLOSED ||

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Chapter 1: Lee Jaehwan
6 April 1992
Six of spades

Description to be added once I've gotten an idea of what to write. (You can ignore my app ;;)

GMT +8
King of Spades
Chapter 1: Full Name: Lee Namsoo
Group: Model
Date of Birth/ Age: October 24 1997
Position: Queen of spades
Preference: bottom
Description: - to be stated in comments -
Timezone: GMT -5
Password: King of Spades - kim soohyub
Full Name: Min Yoongi, "Suga"
Group: BTS
Date of Birth/ Age: March 9th 1993/ 23
Position: Captain in the Police Force
Preference: Switch
Description: Yoongi is a very dedicated and hard working captain that got transferred to the Seoul PD after the last one was killed in a so called "accident". He doesn't stand crimes and betrayals. His passions are few, including music and photography, but they help him on his rare days off to relax. Once he starts something, he doesn't rest until the truth is found. He is clever and composed, one can rarely see him getting angry or mad, but he still gets snappy and sassy if he is too tired. He values the life of his officers and understands the danger the Mafia presents; that's why he vowed to free Seoul of them. His various skill got him where he is and kept him alive through many situations, but he won't brag about them for he is one to believe in "actions speak more than words". He is ready to speak his mind in front of anyone and follow his gut but he will never not respect someone who earned it. He has a habit of dying his hair various colors, freeing this way his rebellious spirit. People call him old school for he doesn't trust that phones or computers are safe and thus he keeps everything that he needs in his mind.
Timezone: GMT +2
Password: King of Spades
Do Kyungsoo
Nine of diamonds

Kyungsoo is what someone will just call a rebel. He tends to stay in his own atmosphere and only ventures out when he finds the need to hunt for his next victim. He has a thing for his height and hates when someone makes a comment about it. Being 5'4 was not his choice so don't say a word or you'll be recieving one of his favorite torture methods, and lest just say none of them are pretty at all. When it comes to interacting with others, he can be very blunt and wreck less with what he says. To get into this little demon's heart, the best way is food. He has a love for food so if you see him in the kitchen leave him be and do not disturb if he is whipping something up, but if you're bold just come with a snack and share.


King of spades.
Kim jongin
Jan 14, age 22
Jack of diamonds
Password: king of spades

Description: Personality wise he's crude, aggressive and downright an . Theres really only two reasons as to why he'd have interactions with people; either they want something from him or he wants something from them. He believes rules are mere setbacks from achieving your desires, your own selfish needs that ought to be sated. Level of trust in regards to people is low, but he does trust, yet always cautious. His humor is like his personality, crude and insensitive, makes ual jokes here and there which results in him laughing by himself from his own lameness.
Chapter 1: Hi can I reserve BTS' Suga as Captain please? Thank you
MiyazakiYui #7
Zhang Yixing
Five of diamonds

Description: Yixing has always been really shy, it's really difficult for him to approach people mostly because you could say he's "invisible" everyone forgets about him, even his parents and none notices he's there so when they so everyone gets scared and walks away from him so he decided to not talk with anyone unless he has to do it of course it hurts him to not be able to have friends but he's also afraid of being forgotten again. He didn't have any abilities other than being "invisible" and forgotten so he tried to learn lots of things and failed till one day, some robbers broke into his house and caught his family as hostage except him, he was so scared that he couldn't move and watched how they were killing his family but once he came to his senses it was really late, he got really mad so he took a gun and killed each one of the robbers without hesitation. After that he took a liking of killing people but only if they do something bad and the fact that none can notice him makes things easy for him.

GMT -6
King of Spades
Chapter 1: Is Key from SHINee taken? And do you accept moving couples?
Cha Hakyêon
30 June 1990
Position: Captain (Police)

Description : Hakyêon was a normal boy when he was growing up, his father abandoned his mother and she took care of him. She was a police officer and one day she went out to do her job and left 10 year hakyeon in the home alone. She never came back since she was killed by a drug addict. Hakyêon never forgave the people from the dark side. Even in high school he used to do drugs and drink to relief the pain, but it didn't work. Then one he was abused and by mafia gang and he never got the names, he swore revenged, he got in after he got trained by the police. He became one of the youngest captain in his area, but he decided to go to a new city and start fresh. He's a bit cold, but has a big heart. He loves to help others and his friendly in his own way. Dont get into his bad side or you will be on his wanted list.

King Of Spade
Is this place open?
alecisms #11
full name: park jimin
group: bts
dob/age: twenty three
mafia & position: diamonds , four
ual orientation: panual
character description: they call him a dog, a mutt, a ing BEAST. name after name after name, & yet it does nothing to cancel out the truth. nothing to hide the fact that he's taken on less a title, & more a name. they call him FOUR, not a number, but a calling card. park jimin may have been a boy once, nothing but a rat on the streets, begging for scraps & fighting for his life. but who remembers park jimin when they know his name as four. now that he has more riches then he knows what to do with, more materials then he could use in one life. he was born a person, but now he's a god made by human hands. four, the fighter, the savage— the king's most LOYAL pet.
timezone: est
password: kim soohyun
HebiChikoChiko #12
Full name : Byun baekhyun
group : EXO
Date of birth/age : 20
mafia and position : three of diamonds
ual orientation : homoual
character description : Baekhyun never ended up in a criminal network by chance or misfortune. Unlike others : he chose for it. Using his seductive charms to talk himself into the wallets of big bosses or businessmen alike to gamble and shop. Living the life of a star only thanks to that. Which requires quite some brains ontop of the charms he already possesses. He had always been able to keep friends with the right people and simply manipulate the wrong which kept rising his status and fame within the network. Of course to a limited level. Byun didn't want too much attention. Because you can't seduce those that know you are a trickster.
Timezone : GMT+1
password : Kim Soohyun
ihavetodothis #13
Full name: Lee Taeyong
Group: NCT U
Date of Birth/Age:
Mafia and Position: Eight of Spades
ual Orientation: Homoual
Character Description: Taeyong was a computer genius since he was a kid, often causing trouble with this special skill of his. He's a bit of a troublemaker, but respects his superiors and does what he's told without questioning their reasons behind - but of course, only if it has to do with his job, because if someone wants something else from him, he won't do it for free. He is an easygoing young dude, not having problems to let go and enjoy himself like youngsters do. However, he's reliable and diligent when it comes to his job and work, not taking a break until his task is completed.
Timezone: GMT +1
Password: Kim Soohyun
f/n. kim taehyung.
g. bts.
d.o.b. december 30, 1993.
a. 23
m/p. joker / diamonds
s/o. aual.
t. pst.
no one really knows much about taehyung besides the fact that he's just the diamond's underdog. running errands with no real specific role in the gang, just another sideline person that's there to help out a fellow comrade when the boss asks him to. and he was fine with that, fine with the fact that some of the other members hid behind fear whenever he comes by because of his unpredictability and numerous amounts of talent with the amount of work he's able to do /for/ the gang--when needed.

some who has bigger balls than the ones who view him with fearful eyes think he's a joke to the gang. and again, taehyung is /fine/ with that. he /should/ be fine with that because //this// is the only thing keeping a roof over his head and food on his plate. and //this// is the only thing he's actually good at. follow, do, repeat.

+ kim soohyun.
bangtenboyz #15
F/N :
Jeon Jeongguk



M/P :
Ace of Diamonds

S/O :
"anyone with a hole works" -jjk

C/D :
Jeongguk isn't one in a million, but he sure as hell feels like it. He loves having his ego boosted, and absolutely //adores// the look in people's eyes when they beg for mercy. They would be on their knees, tugging at Jeongguk's pants, voice desperately shaky with fearful tears sliding down dirty cheeks. It's a wonderful sight to witness, and a wonderful feeling that blooms, knowing //he's// the one in control. It makes his heart soar when he knows it's //him// that gets to decide whether they live or die; that their entire life is in their hands.
(( breathes okay yea there's more but then i'm going to have to write a lot ?? and i dont wanna bore you : (( but basically jjk's gonna be a snarky little who's sharp-tongued and has an Awful sense of humour. and like he's the classy-lookin' kinda guy, you know :/// with like nice suits and styled hair on the daily—but yeah i guess that's why diamond fits him so well because ?? the wealthier bundle of all the mafia groups and stuff aa a ))

T/Z :
GMT-6, currently (GMT-7 after daylight savings ends)

P/W :
Kim Soohyun

ps !! im the jjk alecisms reserved for a aa
alecisms #16
idk if i'm missing smth but is there a masterlist ??