Comments: || ♤ ♢ Mafia Deck ♡ ♧ || MATURE and LITERATE Mafia/Police/Civilian AU Themed FB Roleplay || CLOSED ||

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Name: Cha Hakyeon (N)
Group: VIXX
Date of birth/ age: June 30, 1990/ 26 (will be 23 in rp)
Mafia and position: six of spades
Top, bottom or switch: switch
Character description: will be added in note I promise
Timezone: GMT + 7
Password: King of Spades
Name: Yoo Kihyun
Group: Monsta X
Date of birth/ age: November 22, 1993/ 23 years old
Mafia and position: Ten of Clubs
Top, bottom or switch: switch, preferably bottom
Character description: will be in comment
Timezone: GMT -8
Password: King of Spades
KieranKing #3
Name: Won Jong Jin
D.O.B.: May 1st 1983 (20yo in RP)
Mafia and Position: Ten of Spades
Top, Bottom or Switch: Bottom
Character description:
JongJin is the oldest of 4 brothers, living with their parents in a small rundown apartmnet. Both their parents are unemployed, due to a car accident they've had a couple years. Both his parents suffered injuries that prevent them from working, but taking care of four children with the little money they had was almost impossible. Jongjin had to start working when he was 17, but ordinary part time jobs weren't enough. The teenage boy had to take on jobs and do things one would be really ashamed of, but he did it and keeps doing it to take care of his family. He's a student of medicine and the reason why he decided on that is simple. Studying to become a doctor will help him with his parents and bring him a better income, so he can properly tkae care of the family instead of his parents. The day he comes across The Spades, might be the worst or the best in his life.
Timezone: GMT+0
P/W: King of Spades
soloday #4
do you accept internationals?
Name: Kim Jaejoong
Group: JYJ
D.O.B.: January 26th, '86 - 30 yr/o
Mafia and Position: Three of Spades
Top, Bottom or Switch: Switch
Character description: They often say it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for.
They also often say sociopaths make the best businessmen.
Both of these phrases fit Kim Jaejoong to a T.
One moment the man could be the sweet enough to give the most hardhearted of men a cavity and the next he could be rough and domineering. He was charming, in a quite clearly superficial way, and yet people fell for it nonetheless. He was cold, standoffish, antisocial even, and yet could exhibit some of the most flaming passion one might ever witness if put in the right circumstances. He was excellent at manipulating those he came across to get what he wanted and his interests were almost always of a promiscuous variety. It would suffice to say the man would more than do a position such as this justice.
Timezone: GMT+0
P/W: King of Spades
Name: Mark Lee
Group: NCT U
Date of birth / age: August 2nd, 1999 / 16
Mafia and Position: Six of Diamonds
Top, Bottom or Switch: Bottom-- maybe ver.
Character Description: Shall be added on a note--
Timezone: GMT -4
+ King of Spades
Name: Hyunseung Jang
Group: Soloist (former BEAST)
Date of Birth: September 3rd 1989
Position: Six of Clubs
Profile: In note on the account
Top/Bottom/Switch: Top
Timezone: gmt -4
Name: Jackson Wang
Group: Got7
Date of birth / age: March 28, 1994 / 22
Mafia and Position: Jack of Diamonds
Top, Bottom or Switch: Switch, mostly top.
Character Description: Being written.
Timezone: GMT-7
+ King of Spades
readyTOparty #9
Name: Oh Sehun
Group: EXO
d.o.b/age: 12 April 1992 / 20
Job position: Joker of Spades
Bottom, top, or switch: switch
Character Description: I'll post it in a facebook note together with a biography if it's possible.
timezome: GMT+2
King of Spades
Name: Luhan
group ( ex member of exo; soloist)
D.O.B: April 20 1990
mafia position: Ace of diamond
top/bottom: switch
character description: Luhan
*Luhan is a unpredictable person. He sometimes appear calm and collected, standing in far end of the room and rarely speaks. But at times the man demonstrates behaviors that contradict to this image and can be sociable.
({ I will continue his bio in fb notes})
1110130 #11
Name: Kim Taehyung
Group: BTS
d.o.b/age: December 30 1995 / 20
job position: Police, Investigator
Bottom, top, or switch: switch (but mainly, top)
Character Description: Because of his versatile personality and handsome face, Taehyung easily blend in the crowd and making his work as an investigator effortless. He likes observing people silently, studying their weakness and using it against them to gain information. Taehyung might act innocent and clueless but deep inside, he clearly knows what's happening. There are lot of things he hide under his sleeves. So be careful, he might hear you.
timezome: GMT+8
+ king of spade
can I reserve luhan diamond of ace please? I will send his application tomorrow
Name: Kim Seokjin (Jin)
Group: BTS
D.O.B/Age: December 4, 1992 / 23
Mafia and Position: 3 of Diamonds
Top, Bottom, Switch: Bottom 80% of the time.
Character Description: Seokjin goes by Jin to any who don't know him well enough for him to trust. Otherwise, his friends may give him a nickname or refer to him by his full name.
Why yes, he has a pretty face, but don't underestimate him when he's cornered. He will strike back, hard and fast. Possibly in more ways than one. After all, he has several charms that may lead to the metaphorical bedroom. Which in turn, earn him many secrets from those he pleasures. These secrets allow him to live on, since blackmail is a good strategy for him.
Timezone: GMT -8
Password: King of Spades
MrsFairyPrincesss #14
Name: Kim Jaeho
Group: History
Born: September 17 1992/ 23(24 korean age)
Mafia and Position: The Diamonds, Ten
Bottom, top, or switch: Switch
Character Description: Jaeho isn't the violent type. In fact, when he's not focused on his work blood kind of terrifies him. But a rocky childhood has left him no choice but to join the Mafia. He decided that within the group he can do some good, he will put his fear of blood behind him and cure his brothers.
PW: king of spades
FULL NAME: Lee Soohyuk
GROUP: Actors
DATE OF BIRTH/AGE: may 31 1989 / 26
MAFIA AND POSITION: The Police, Captain
TOP, BOTTOM OR SWITCH: I don't know yet- just jumping into . i have 0 experience reading or writing . basically a .
A question on whether psychopathy could be diagnosed was asked to Dr. Joni Johnston, a licensed clinical psychologist. She had answered that although there was no ‘actual diagnosis of psychopathy in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders’, there existed designed characteristics that were said to recognize someone with psychopathy. The list consisted of ‘grandiose self worth, need for stimulation/prone to boredom, pathological lying, lack of remorse or guilt, lack of empathy, poor behavioral controls, promiscuous ual behavior, impulsivity, criminal versatility, juvenile delinquency, failure to accept responsibility of their own actions-‘ and more.[]

Soohyuk is a living irony. As someone that knew people like him were “oppressed”, or in the end, isolated from society, he saw that his career as a captain would help him live a little longer. Cheating society by living a life of a remorseless psychopath under a job that puts men like him behind bars in order to survive in a planet that rotates against his identity. ++
PASSWORD: King of Spades
Can I reserve the open captain position? I haven't chosen my faceclaim yet.
FULL NAME: Park Chanyeol
DATE OF BIRTH/AGE: November 27, 1989 [+2 years (25)]
MAFIA AND POSITION: Five of Diamonds

☾ Vindictive ; equipped with an irrational yet incessant desire to attain vengeance.
☾ Irascible ; easily exasperated by the most mundane of things due to the minuscule amount of patience that tends to dwindle rapidly.
☾ Imprudent ; not showing care for the consequences of his actions; rash.
☾ Cynical ; harbouring a vehement feeling of hatred towards people, he thinks that sincerity is explicitly a fabrication and non-existent within a person’s actions.
☾ Noble ; bears himself with dignity.
☾ Covetous ; fostered a pang of envy towards opulent beings despite abhorring them for he despised being ostracised solely because of his poor background. This jaundiced eye later became the root of his alliance with The Diamonds.

PASSWORD: King of Spades
full name : kim minseok
group : exo
date of birth: 26 march 1990
mafia position: joker of diamond
position: switch ( I prefer to top but I can try to bottom ;3;)

character description: Kim Minseok, while others look at him from afar he is a kind and humble man who seemed too good to even kill a bug. Yet behind that endearing gummy smile lies another face - another identity under the name 'Xiumin' and only a few know of this name. It all happened 8 years ago when his mother collapsed and was bedded in hospital from a unidentified illness. The doctor informed him that she needed to undergo urgent treatment before it was too late. Yet money was the one thing he lacked and on the onslaughter of desperation to save his mother Minseok entered the underground. For money and his mother, 'Xiumin' is willing to do anything. ( sleepy I will continue the rest of it in fb)
time zone : gmt 9
password: king of spades