Comments: || ♤ ♢ Mafia Deck ♡ ♧ || MATURE and LITERATE Mafia/Police/Civilian AU Themed FB Roleplay || CLOSED ||

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Unfortunately I'm unable to read any bit of "civilians and occupations" I'm hoping that it basically means you can choose to do what you'd like?
Hello, I am Trying to apply or your Rp. I cannot read with this Layout
KellyJelly15 #3
Lee Taemin
July 18, '93
Seven of Hearts
GMT - 6
Taemin is constantly anxious therefore he refuses to sit still. His anxiety is also the reason he tends to dislike talking to others or meeting with other's, he'd much rather work on his own in solitude or around those he's close to. While he's quick on his feet, he finds himself utterly useless during physical combat. He's detailed and attentive but when it comes to other beings, he can't seem to figure them out. He's the type who is determined to be of use all the while without leaving his comfort zone.
HarpiQueen #4
March 30 1993
Civilian/ Criminal Psychologist
Gmt +8

Mino is your average kid in the streets, he enjoys patbingsu as much as the grandma from round the block. Many people tells him that he has a loving and cheery personality, with an air of youthfulness around him. Nonetheless, this does not stop him from enjoying classical music and fine dining. In a way, his timeless personality allows him to easily relate and connect to people. Having a timeless personality, of course, comes at a price. His aptitude for abstract thinking heavily outweighed his representational output, which often times made people question his capability and overlook his potential. Despite this, he made his mark as a criminal psychologist and flourished under the help of a ex mafia mentor. At age 23, Mino still has much to learn and many more obstacles to pass before becoming a whole person, or so he believes.
colorbook #5
Ahn Daniel
16 August 1994
8 of Spades
G. D

Daniel is a simple guy. He does what is asked of him and doesn't question about it. When asked about why he joined the Mafia he just smiles. 'Where can I have so much fun other than here? ' he replies. He doesn't have a family nor any motive to be in the Mafia other than to hack and create trouble for everyone. (Maybe not for his group...... maybe)
Choi Seunghyun; T.O.P
November 4th,1987 (28)
Switch; Mostly dominant..but ya know gotta give and receive *dramatic wink*
Jack of Clubs

Cold.Distant.Quiet.Ruthless.Four words that have described choi seunghyun almost all of his life. Seunghyun has always been a quiet person and never really involved himself with others, nor did people really try. Not that he really cared anyway. Fighting has always been a big part of his life. As a teen after school fights were like his friday night football games,and losing wasn't an option. He would often go home bloodied and battered, but he didn't care as long as he got his point across. That meant doing ANYTHING. Killing included. One night in a street fight gone wrong he accidentally killed the guy he was fighting, despite his normally chill nature he absolutely freaked out. However the king spades had been watching young seunghyun for quite a while. While seunghyun was busy freaking out of the dead body that was now lying at his fight g-dragon, was already calling his guys to come dispose of the body. Afterwards he offered seunghyun a job, to do what he loved to do best. Fight and intimidate others. The killing however, it came naturally, its almost like after that first incident a switched inside of him,and a beast was born. He became even more cold and reserved than before, or at least thats what people seem to see and think. In actuality Seunghyun, also known as T.O.P by pretty much everyone in the mafia world, is really a bingu when you get to know him. He can be quite goofy and spontaneous when you get to know him. When you first get to know him you'll have to disregard his aloof disposition, because he can be quite rude when he wants too,but when you get close to him you realize that he's just a giant teddy bear on the inside. Who just happens to love fighting and killing,and he wouldn't have it any other way to be honest.
shon minho
september 9th, 1989
jack of spades.

the sound of the gun trigger being pulled was normal to minho as wind chimes creating a harmonious melody to a civilian. blood-stained clothes adorned the wardrobe. minho’s been in this gory environment his whole life, as his father was the late and most recent (don't forget most renowned) jack of spades. the opera house was his second home, as minho would be taken there in his father's concern that rival mafia would attack his son and turn minho against the gang. for 20 years, minho had been living in his father’s shadow as if he were his apprentice. but because he’s been tagging along, he’s also witnessed the death of his dad. right before his eyes—for the first time in his life—he’s seen his strong-willed father being beaten down to the ground.. blood spewing out of his mouth, accompanied with aggravated and painful groans. the image of his lifeless face, of his eyes pleading minho for help will forever be etched into his brain. 7 years, minho had taken the blame on himself for not jumping in on the fight.. but he soon accepts the harsh truth that people come and go for a reason. maybe this was a sign that it was his turn to inherit his father’s role as jack of spades.

so he took the chance.
starting now, shon minho will continue the legacy his father has created and avenge his death.
Kim Taehyung; V
1995; 30/12.
Switch; Mostly dominant.
Queen of Spade.
Description in the other comment.
lee taeil

block b


diamonds, joker

idk, haven't decided ): maybe a switch

how did taeil get here; he always asks himself that, because he had a future, one that didn't involve dirty money and blood, he knows it, he still remembers.
he could have an ordinary job as a doctor, with maybe an ordinary sweet, sweet wife -- he could be a singer, hell, he threw away six years of his musical training for the thrill.
he likes the adrenaline rush he feels each time he hears the gunshots, and those few times he needed to take a life himself, it brings him to life; to feel a bone cracking because of his kicks and punches, the scent of blood from one of the many cuts he just made on someone, it honestly gets him off and he's afraid of how much.
he can fool anyone to think otherwise, though. with his small size and friendly smile, the big glasses and oversized sweaters he's always wearing, he seems friendly, sweet even. he knows how to hide, how to blend in, basking in those rare moments that he can feel what would it be like to be normal, trying to forget the dark place his mind can be.


pw: gd
jinwoofanboy #10
Full Name: Son Hyunwoo
Group: Monsta x
Date of Birth: June 18, 1992
Civilian: Paramedic

Top, Bottom or Swich: Top/Switch
Character Description: The direction of his life is eventual -- it follows the summer breeze, bends under the cold, thins with the years. Even when his limbs thicken and stretch and when he's too big for childish games, he lets himself be swayed, takes his life by the days. There's always a destination in the distance but Hyunwoo prefers to improvise; progress is slow, though steady; it's scattered and subtle, shifts forward like the moon's pull of the waves. His profession, too, comes as an accident -- mixed up schedules, poor planning, and impatience ends with him in training to be a Paramedic as well as the eventual hiring, the experience. He spends his night lost in the pulse of music and his days submerged in a sunny curiosity, always in search of the next step; always hoping for more.

Timezone: GMT-8
Password: G.D
Full Name: Kim Minseok
Group: EXO
Date of Birth: March 26, 1990
Civilian: Kindergarden Teacher/ Barista
Top, Bottom or Swich: Switch
Character Description: Minseok had always loved kids, it came as no surprise to his parents or friends when he taken the job of teaching the young generation, even if it's just the basics. He's sweet, kindhearted, and enjoys teaching the little one about the wonders of the world. On the weekends and in his spare time, he helps run his family cafe, working as an barista, one of his favorite pass time. He lives a simple ordinary life, but sometime wishes for a little more excitement every now and then.
Timezone: GMT-5
Password: G-D.
BtStRaShFoRrEaL #12
Full Name: Kim Jinhong
Group: 24K
Date of Birth: January 02, 1998
Civilian: Senior High School Student/Works at a small cafe for extra money
Character Description: Kim Jinhong comes from a wealthy family. He goes to the best schools that money can buy, has all of the things that everyone would want. He doesn't see eye to eye with his father, a CEO of a well-known chain of banks. Even if he is privileged, he hates to be treated as so which is why every day after school he works shifts at a small cafe. It's somewhere that Jinhong feels at peace, no one is holding his father's title above his head and he's just like any other high school student. His personality can be rough, it depends on how the person approaches him. He can be as sweet as sugar but words sharp enough to cut when he feels wronged in some way.
Timezone: GMT-5
Password: G-D.
TWOJkook #13
Full Name : Jeon Jungkook
Group : BTS
Date of Birth : September 1, 1997
Mafia : Queen of Hearts
Character description : At a very young age Jungkook already possessed admirable intelligence and knowledge. He went through high school as the best student there was, but never applied to a university. He had no need to, because that's not a life he wanted to live. He was always a troublemaker and loved to call himself a villain. Young, spoiled and poisonous. One should never underestimate the eighteen years old Queen's capabilities, as it might as well cost them their life. Other than that Jungkook is a fun dude to be around and really good company. he's skilled in martial arts as well as weaponry. He's skilled with words, able to manipulate people with them and even a master of seduction by using his handsome face and nice body.
Timezone: GMT +2
Password: G-Dragon
Full Name: Kim JongDae (Chen)
Group: EXO
Date of Birth: September 21, 1992
8 of Hearts
Character description: Jongdae is his name, hacking is his game. Whatever you needed at a moment's notice was only a few clicks away with Jongdae's expertise. Socializing wasn't exactly his strong point being that 99% of his time was spent in front of a screen with oversized headphones, scanning and listening for any new information he could get his hands on. But when the screens are away and the glasses are off, he's just a foul-mouth, sassy, talkative nerd and a bit of joker. Jongdae always has something to say but it's rarely ever about himself. Since he hasn't been in the mafia for long , most see him as a kid still learning the ways of trade in the world. No one has knowledge on his past or where he came and from and Jongdae has intended to keep it that way.
Timezone: GMT-5
Password: GD
Full Name : Yamazaki Kento
Group : Actor
Date of Birth : September 7, 1994
Civilian : Bartender
Character description : Yamazaki grew up among the yakuza members since his family serves the clan for years. But he is the flower of the clan, since his smile, his attitude and his everything always sooth the members up. No matter who they are, how tough they are, how cold they are, Yamazaki always manage to make them calm. That is one talent that has made the heir of the yakuza clan to be attracted to him. That's why he pursue the work as a bartender, to serve the club that is owned by the yakuza and at the same time, taking care of them. However, despite the flower boy attitude and face, he is still trained under the yakuza's wings. Therefore, dealing with drunkard and chaotic people is not a problem for him. But, he still love calm and silence the most. Whenever he is outside work, he will not involves in anything that will take his peaceful away.
Timezone : GMT+8
Password : GD
lpd_Kris #16
Full Name: Sen Misuji
Group: Model
Date of birth: 12 November 1994
Mafia/position: Diamonds, Jack
Top bottom or switch: Switch
Character Description: Sen is a typical cold blooded killer. He has no heart, no sympathy and no expression. Thought that is not the only thing he has. He has loyalty, those whose put his trust with, will always be his priority until they were proven wrong and he turn from your loyal lapdog to your worst nightmare. He devoted to his work, he ask no question as he hold no curiosity. He is a laid back person who surprisingly, for a killer, enjoy nature, yoga and meditating (probably because he can't sleep without getting nightmare by the PTSD he has). His head is all messed up but he knew which right and which is wrong based on his judgement. As young as he is, he had seen the world and probably one of the wisest man you know, though he rarely voice his mind.
Timezone: +7
Full Name: Yoon Jeong-han
Group: Seventeen
Date of Birth/Age: October 4, 1995 | 20 years old
Mafia/Civilian & Position/Occupation: Civilian/Teacher
Top, Bottom, Switch: Bottom
Character Description: Naturally shy but yet quite talkative and outgoing. He's only shy around those who are older than him, aside from those whom he works with. Though he is young, he graduated from his high school years early due to being quite the genious and therefore, went into college at age 16 and graduated from at the age of 20. He works at the same high school he attended four years ago. Despite this and still being new to being a teacher, he is very good at what he does and never misses a day of teaching his students even offers after school tutoring for those who need it.
Timezone: UTC-06:00
Password: GD Dragon(Jiyong)
Jung Jinyoung
November 18, 1991 (24)
Ten of Clubs
Jinyoung is quiet by nature but there are times that he just snaps and become crazy. One of his crazy attacks came one day and he ended up joining a mafia even though he's a genius doctor who graduted at the age of 18. He's often a misunderstood kid and often bullied verbally by his classmates back in school for being a nerd. His introvertedness and high intelligence made him go over the dark side. He doesn't have any family and only managed to finance his school expenses because of a sponsor. That sponsor knew him so much that it was him who told Jinyoung to join the mafia.
Gmt +8
full name: do kyungsoo
group: exo
d.o.b/age: january 12, 1993. 23. ( not sure if i'm allowed to alter his age, but if so i'd like to change it to about 27-29?)
position: the hearts. king.
preference: primarily a top.
description: It's easy to see wide eyes, pale skin, and a small stature and immediately think weakness. And while most would be insulted and put off by the idea of being seen as weak, Do Kyungsoo thrives on it. Everything he has ever managed to achieve in his life has always been because of another's perception of him, almost always thinking he's vulnerable, harmless even, and thus falling right into the trap he has managed to perfect through the years. He's anything but weak, however he's conniving, two faced, and manipulative; in his trade, one has to be. He lures people in with comforting smiles, smooth words, and gentlemanly actions, gains their trust, and then slowly but surely abuses the very trust that he has built without the victim even noticing. Ask anyone whom works for him and they'll have nothing but adoring things to say. However, ask someone whom has dared to cross or question him and they'll speak of a totally different person, one whom is ruthless and threatening. The only question is, which face is his real one?
timezone: gmt +5 ( i think? i know for sure i'm central because i live in texas but i get a little iffy about the whole gmt stuff)
password: gdragon
GRiMoiRe_HEaRt #20
~how active is the interaction occuring on a daily