Comments: Black Gold [discontinued]

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Chapter 19: I’m so glad Taeyeon’s okay but I hope there’s not a catch with all the spiritual revive-y stuff that will affect Taeyeon, the girl’s been through enough lol.

Anyways, I’m glad her and Jessica finally got to have time alone, they’re so cute.

Also, it’s nice to see the group loosen up, and it’s so fun to see everyone give taengsic a hard time haha.

I’m excited to see the next chapter! Thank you for your writing!
choco-munchkin #2
Chapter 19: Yay taengsic is finally official, like officiall confessed their feelings for each other. And that talk between taeyeon and yuri is awkwardly cute hahah
Im glad they got back to school but there are new mysteries unraveled going back to an empty school. Cant wait for the next update!
Chapter 19: First of all I am so freaking glad that Taeyeon is alive since I had no idea she was dead at the previous chapter, I thought that she was just fainted
Yuri and Taeyeon relationship is just freaking cute, they're my second favorite pairing in this story, well since she kissed Taeyeon LOL
I'm sorry I don't know any fanartist, but even without it your story is so interesting already
Chapter 19: I knew you would be cruel enough to kill my favorite character! I am glad Yuri was around to resurrect her but now you have me nervous that Taeyeon is going to have bad side effects from being resurrected. I hope not.
I also want to hear the details of what happened with Taengsic!!!! In a hospital room together for several hours and messy hair when they get out...suspicious! Let's hope they have more romantic moments in the future now that they confessed their love to another :D
Chapter 19: I tottaly forgot how much tired I was when I got back from training and saw that you update. Best medicine ever in my opinion.
Well It's good to see Yul and Taeng finally getting along and Taengsic progress too, let's not forget that. Ok now, you, you combined the two most awesome things, Harry Potter and Zombie(Not really) apocalypse(if I'm not wrong). That's genius!
Also love the new giffs, the art is so cool, congrats to the artist but yours are cool too. Btw for a moment there I thought that you were really going to kill Tae but good thing you didn't. I'm still so so curious to know about Tae's parents.
Will be looking forward to the next update. Like always , thank you for your hard work.
ss_cavalier #6
Chapter 19: thanks for the great update!
can't wait to see what they plan to do next now they are back at the school.
TaengSic are finally together and that little talk between the wolf and the fox (YulTae) was really cute
Chapter 19: Can I just appreciate Yuri and Taeyeon's relationship? It's just so... calm compared to earlier chapters. And the way you explain how Jessica sleep would most likely be how Jessica sleeps whenever she has the chance. And the Taengsic confession is cute. Sooyoung eating is a blessing, poor girl must be starving.

But anyhow, the plot of the story is really taking a different turn. How the early part of season one consist of Taeny hating eachother, Jessica in between and all that drama. This season so far has been exciting. It's like, some questions has been answered yet more was revealed. I do hope someone is willing to go there for a double check to pick the girl's up.

Also, an early apology for not commenting on earlier chapters. Maybe I was just waiting till everything was a bit more... calm to write a better conclusion? It was still a thrill of a read.
Chapter 19: Omg. I missed commenting on the previous chapter. Sorry for that, I had been too preoccupied. Anyways, this chapter somehow really cleared a lot about the mysterious chimeras and the possible people behind all these strange creatures. That scene where everyone tried desperately to save Taeyeon even though it was nil was really intense. Yuri returned the favor she owed Taeyeon by saving Taeyeon's life. I'm glad they're back at their school although they're not entirely safe, but at least everyone gets to rest and recover from the crazy days they spent out in the enchanted forest.
So happy to see Taeyeon and Jessica bare each other's true feelings for one another. They would make quite the formidable team. Hopefully, the girls will be able to escape the island too or they can get to the bottom of this. I'm guessing that Jessica's older sis, Krystal, might play a part in this? She's been foreshadowed along with Taeyeon's parents. So, there maybe a chance of their involvement in the succeeding chapters. Thank you for this awesome update and huge props to the guest artists! You bring life to the characters and the scenes! Hwaiting!
Angely95 #9
Chapter 19: Do you realize how addicted your stories are? It's hard not to get obsessed to the point of opening asianff almost everyday hoping for an update from you.

And the best part is that you write Taengsic
I love how everyone teases Taengsic
Chapter 19: i was so shock at the start when taeyeon might be died :( but then awwww taengsic will meet the never ending tease after this
nineothree #12
Chapter 19: Omg taeyeon is back and alive again!! I love taengsic sweet confessions. It was heartbreaking when jessica had to kiss her to keep her alive which im also glad taeyeon remembered. Its heartwarming too how everyone is trying to save taeyeon. Even Yuri who was very sceptical,, cut her ninth tail off to save taeyeon. I love their friendship so much and i cant wait to see how they will go on from here
Chapter 19: Gasp. What if she became a normal human now? And , they are in a sticky situation - safe but not safe as they were abandoned by their peers (not that they knew what was going on but still) and danger lurking at every direction, maybe even inside too. I'm scared that once they relax, one chimera that got in before they closed the entrance will suddenly jump at them since they couldn't possibly check the whole school for danger. They better be closing and locking doors everywhere they go now.
CadisNoblesse #14
Chapter 19: Thanks for the great update :)
This is an amazing story! I can't imagine what Taeyeon went through. The scene with Jessica broke my heart. I can't wait for the next update
taenguucyeon #16
Chapter 18: Re-reading while waiting for the next update. Cant waitttttt.
Chapter 18: Wow, that was an awesome chapter! I really liked how the story faded in and out from Taeyeon's dream/memory to the present timeline. I have even more questions now that we got some background on Taeyeon's childhood and "sickness." Even though we only get glimpses of the present, I can feel that the adrenaline and emotions are running high with the group. That last bit with Jessica was beautifully sad. Thanks for the chapter and Happy New Year!
Yun4ch4n #18
Chapter 18: I love how absorbed I get into this story. It's beautifully written and I love how you fit in the flash backs. Thanks for sharing!
AOD_WQ #19
Chapter 18: wow this chapter is amazing, I really like it, yay Finally Jessi confess to Taengoo, :'( Taeng's history is so sad, I hope Taeng get better soon so TaengSic can be happy together, who was the person that Jessi was looking at?

Thanks author, I really love this story, I'll be waiting for more chapters ^-^ Happy New Year
Mismatchednerd #20
Chapter 18: Jessica chooses the not so obvious time to kiss.