Comments: Black Gold [discontinued]

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a_taengsic_trash #1
Chapter 18: Woah woah jess kissed her kissed her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those flashbacks from Taeyeon.... ouch that hurts
Thanks for the update and MERRY CHRISTMASSSSSS!<3
ben-o9 #2
Chapter 18: They kisssss! Taeyeon please be alright!
KimTY_99 #3
Chapter 18: wow wow they kissed wooooow. taeyeon, be okay, jessica loves you
istrinyaoppa #5
Chapter 18: Oh Jessica said those words! T_T and kim taeyeon please be okaaayy uhu

Im sorry, I have a lot in minds about this chapter but i can't put it them into words because my english isn't really good haha

Thanks for the updates. It always great:)
Chapter 18: So full of emotions in this chapter, I loved it and cried. Personally think this is the best chapter I've read
Bannedd567 #7
Chapter 18: Ahhhh that cliffhanger! How are you getting better and better everytime I come back here? True talent right there
Chapter 18: T.T Jess said I love you and I started having bittersweet tears because Tae is still on the brink of death and then you have the sweet Taengsic moment that happened. Can’t wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 16: Man the suspense is killing me! I have to give it to you though that ending it in a cliffhanger is the only way to truly give justice to the chapter. I'm not worried about to Taeyeon dying because I'm pretty sure they'll heal her with a spell or potion. Plus it's too early to kill off a main character. Thanks for the update!
Kimjas309 #10
Chapter 17: Pleass update?
Kimjas309 #11
Chapter 17: Omg youre the best aurthor-nim hope you update soon well fighting you never failed to impress me
dipzco #12
Chapter 17: Wow didn't know that this story got featured!!! It's awesome!!! Much much deserved! Congrats!!
And when I saw the chapter title, I was hoping for a different type of "full moon" actions lol. What a cliffhanger but I have no doubt that Tae will pull it through as she would not dare to die on us :) Thanks for the update as always.
AOD_WQ #13
Chapter 17: Cool, I love this chapter, the imagens were really cool, :'( please Taeng don't die, Yoong heal Jessi and Taeng please, Jessi are you okay?

thanks author, I'll be waiting patiently to read more ^-^
It must take a lot of passion and hard work doing this. I cannot imagine how you weave each chapter into something captivating and interactive and I can really feel the emotions they portray and you just make it sooooo vivid! You are an awesome author. Keep it up and thanks for this amazing story!
Chapter 17: oh god taeyeon please dont die ㅠㅠㅠ
Coiste #16
Chapter 17: They really can't catch a break, can they? The animations in this chap were so fun :O Love how they are all afraid but muster up courage for each other <3 But my favorite moment by far was Sunny making a grab for the booze lmao, same girl, same. Cheers to another great update- anticipating what is hopefully a recovery for Taeng D:
Chapter 17: What the.. what's with cliffhanger?! Not fair now we need wait more to see if Taeng died or not aahh nuuuu Dx
After I read this chapter I feel like all of them is part of some kind of experiment, like there's people actually watching them to see if they can survive .. I dunno because I always find it weird to know that none of school person fnd them or at least try to find them..
Anyaway thanks for updatee