SOLIS ☼ GOLAU, DAICHI. tw for double measures

about me   ▶
the gentle giant of solis wouldn't dare hurt a fly, nor does he release his anger towards anyone—if someone or something even managed to tamper with is nonexistent fury. he is not one who would easily share his own thoughts, however his tall but gentle stature is enough to calm the uneasing waves of anxiety or fury of his co-members. with just a hug from him is enough, probably a lullaby if one requests. after all, he could never say no to anyone. but that is exactly how he, who had always been kind, was taken advantage of by people of his age; whether that be in school or in bbc. nobody knows when he'll have enough, but nobody in solis would ever want to see that kind of ending.
NAME: yamamoto sena
KANJI: 山本 畝和
 mamo derived from his surname yaMAMOto, this is his stagename during his underground rapping years
 sena common nickname that everyone calls him
 wimp, , crybaby common names he was called at by his bullies from preschool to highschool (he tried to forget them, but of course seeing the scar on his back would always give him flashbacks)
 yama-kun/yama-chan growing accustomed to the japanese to call each other by their last name, his japanese friends, particularly yuta and sana respectively, calls him this but decided to use yama instead because as quoted by sana and replied by yuta: "yamamoto is so looooong" "as if minatozaki isn't long either?"
 gentle giant officially nicknamed by both members of solis and their fans, his 185cm self contrasts so much to his gentle and kind personality; his voice doesn't help either considering it's deep
 ramen king an avid fan of ramen; he eats ramen for breakfast, lunch and dinner during his trainee days and it's only a miracle that he doesn't get an upset stomach for having ramen as his main course of meal
 naruto of solis connected to his ramen king nickname, japanese otaku fans called him naruto of solis mainly because of his love for ramen that is on par with naruto's
 yamamoto-san though rarely gets angry, solis members knew better than to just simply call him sena once the male's furious. he's that scary to the point that even they have to call him by his last name and add the japanese honorific -san
 hug fairy and teddy both are associated to him being the official hugger of solis (not in a way that he's the one asking for hugs, but almost every solis member asks him for hugs). they could feel how sincere and warm sena's hugs are and so they would ask him to hug them
BIRTHDATE: 13 aug 1998
BIRTHPLACE: nagono, japan
HOMETOWN: osaka, japan
ETHNICITY: japanese
 japanese his native tongue, often speaks in japanese when talking to either himself, his family, or japanese friends 100%
 korean a diligent learner during his trainee days and has a passion for learning new languages, sena managed to ace his korean skills 96%
 english he only recently started learning english when he wanted to watch english and american series on netflix 38%
FACECLAIM: 安達 祐人 pentagon
BACK-UP: 水 悠人 onf
HEIGHT: 185 cm
WEIGHT: 63 kg
tall, scary, quiet. that's what everyone who doesn't know sena personally see. everything about him is big. his feet are big. his hands are big. his fingers are long. he is huge. he naturally has straight black hair, but he currently sports wavy fringes that reaches his eyes, and a wine red hair color. pinkish plump lips and almond shaped eyes, people actually think he's attractive because of that. he also has a scar on his back by the lower waist because of a dog bite.
sweatpants. loosed sweaters. loosed outfits. basically anything that screams homey and comfortable. he doesn't like fitted clothes nor tops that would expose his scar.
gentle, sensitive, optimistic,
respectful, considerate
passive, people-pleaser,
pushover, vague, sarcastic
 one godbless the boi, he's gentle af—as in, he's really gentle. you would never see sena throwing tantrums and whatnot
 two it's more like he's also mature in a way? he's too mature for his age, that's what it is
 three and together with the gentle package, he has that weird thing where he's really sensitive to people's feelings to the point that he can tell if someone's getting uncomfortable or is on the brink of exploding
 four he's not confrontational though—he's so passive that sometimes when something bothers him, he just keeps it to himself until someone notices and brings it up for him
 five he's uncomfortable opening up despite the close relationships he have with his family, friends and co-members. sometimes, solis members think that they still won't know so much about sena even after 5 years of being together as a group
 six he's also vague in a sense that even if someone did asked, he doesn't get straight to the point. often it'll take at least 2 more days before he says it because he has a lot of pondering to do
 seven when it comes to topics not related to him though, he's actually very optimistic. he's the one pulling the members out of their stump phase and is in charge of comforting them physically
 eight he's also very respectful. taking his japanese culture and etiquette with him, he bows to every senior he meets and even bows to the members when he did something wrong
 nine very considerate to everyone but most especially weak to the maknaes. he could never say no to them—or to anyone for that matter. it's not like he's a people-pleaser quite literally, it's just that he really couldn't say no. he has a hard time rejecting whatever is ordered or asked of him and that became a huge problem for him growing up back in japan and even in bbc to the point he has the image of being the trainee who's also a pushover
 ten while he may be kind and gentle, that doesn't mean it stops him from being sarcastic at times. what makes the members fear his wrath is how he smiles while he talks, and anyone would feel the dry sarcasm in his voice whenever he's mad—to better describe it, it's like a punch to the stomach for every sarcastic note he makes that pertains to the person he's mad at
born in nagono, japan, sena lived there for 3 years before him and his family relocated to osaka where most of his family members are located. there, he met his cousin, sana, who is musically-inclined as well. as a young child, they already noticed how sena is interested in music. he would sing and dance, though sloppily, before he favored rapping in his teen years. while that is something worthwhile, his life as a child is much sadder than his dreams.
sena grew up to be a kind boy. and while he is a kind boy, he also has a soft and weak heart that seems to have a hard time defending himself from others, thus also having the difficulty to say no. while his parents never noticed it since they mistaken it for obedience, that doesn't apply very well in preschool until his highschool life.
sena was aware that the very people he call as 'friends' are also teh same people who takes advantage of his kindness and weakness to rejecting. just like how kids are insensitive physically and emotionally, it soon turned to physical abuse whenever sena tries to reject their orders.
he became a pushover. he was ordered to get snacks, carry their bags, do their homeworks; it's too much for him. he was lucky enough that sana was there to be the one doing the scolding, but then again, sana wasn't always there. and even if sana wants to tell his parents everything, sena thought that it'll worry them more and he doesn't want that.
worse comes to worse, light punches that seem awfully painful already to sena, became real wounds as the last straw made him end up having a scar on his waist. he could come up with an excuse to his parents, but he couldn't think of an excuse to himself on why he didn't defend and stood up for himself despite being 15.
he is weak, and that's the harsh truth.
he wanted to get away. he wanted to become somebody else. somebody that no one would think he's weak. somebody whom everyone thinks is strong just by looking at his tall stature. and when sana left japan to become a kpop idol, sena went underground as a rapper. that was his escape. his freedom. his true self.
someone who spits his emotions out of himself oh so gracefully and mesmerize the audience at how beautoful yet painful his life was.
he's already a graduatiing student when sana called him and encourages him to become a kpop idol instead. while it may be a simple and petty excuse, sana thought that becoming a successful kpop idol would prove his bullies wrong since that still continues 'til his highschool years.
he did so, with his parents' blessing. and while he auditioned to numerous companies, he finally ended up in blockberry creative. he was excited again, thinking that it'll be the same as when he was underground. starting anew as a nobody and become a somebody—or at least a chance to finally be his true self in a different setting.
unfortunately, that was not the case.
 one ramen
 two color brown and purple
 three anime
 four languages
 five cats
 six twice
 seven yogurt
 eight pajamas
 nine adidas
 ten classical music
 one violence
 two bullies
 three rainy days
 four rollercoasters
 five chocolate
 six rough people
 seven hot drinks
 eight unorganized things
 nine dogs
 ten alcohol
 one texting uhm when he's unsure (always uhm with an h and not um)
 two he would look down and play with his fingers whenever he's nervous
 three nose scrunches when he's worried or anxious
 four crying when he's frustrated cuz that's his own version of yelling
 five patting heads to people smaller than him (but he's not doing that because he's belittling them. he really just loves to pat and the members enjoy it too)
 six voice-acting his favorite anime characters
 ten repeats the song he likes a thousand times until he gets tired of it
 one listening to classical music
 two streaming twice
 three watching anime
 four singing lullabies
 five reading novels
 one heights
 two dogs
 one being awful at sports
 two singing 2 ctaves lower
 three eating ramen for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
 one he's the one who asked to be home-schooled instead of going to college in korea because he doesn't want to experience the same thing twice since he has an idea that foreigners, like him, are not as welcoming as most people think; and he really doesn't want to deal with the discrimination anymore
 two he had a bad experience with dogs because of the time when he was ordered to grab the bone from a dog in preschool—in the end, the dog bit him hard
 three he really hates showing his scar to anyone because he thought that people might think it's lame for someone as tall as him to have a dog bite scar so he often have his back facing away whenever he shares a shower with anyone and tries o avoid wearing any shirts that might reveal his lower waist
 four he is a huge fan of twice and loves momo. he even admitted that he's jealous of heechul because he's dating her (though that's just playful jealousy)
 five he has a pet peeve wherein he wants all of his cup noodles arranged in a way that their colors are organized depending on the ROYGBIV and their labels are faced infront of him
 six members have to find out the hard way that one of the few things that makes sena angry is when they ruined the organized cup noodles
 seven had a serious argument with thorn during dance practice because the thai member couldn't stop cursing because he's clearly getting frustrated. in the end, sena couldn't take it anymore and made a sarcastic comment on him (which doesn't help the situation either) and from there, they had a petty fight in which tai has to hold his brother while their leader moves between the two
 eight sena has a unique way of showing his anger: sarcasm with a touch of smile. and he never yells when he's angry
 nine sena was the one who suggested that whenever members have an argument, they would have to settle it and then hug it out in the end as an equal "i'm sorry, i forgive you" from both parties; so far, that routine really works which made the members to grow closer to each other
 ten he often texts with emojis—members often say that the way he converses with everyone, whether it be personally or text, it is gentle through and through
 eleven he memorized all twice songs so there's no fat chance that sena wouldn't sing whenever twice comes up
 twelve according to leader-nim, he's in charge with the physical comfort department. he offers hug and lullaby services whenever a member feels down
 thirteen he doesn't like hugging more than one person because he feels like he's not giving the same amount of warmth, care and love so he decided that he would hug one person at the time just so he'll give 100% of feelings and sentiment to them
 fourteen he's very specific when it comes to cooking ramen (cup ramen or ramen pack). the water is measured, the cooking time of the ramen is measured, even the moment where it's okay to put the seasonings is also timed
 fifteen he likes scrambled eggs, not sunny-side up ones
 sixteen solis members usually comment that sena gives off that comforting and assuring vibe especially when he pats their heads and gives them his gentle smile
 seventeen sena is not a morning person and is a heavy sleeper so someone has to go wake him up by tickling the soles of his feet
 eighteen doesn't like hot drinks so he drinks cold ones (e.g. instead of hot coffee, he opts for iced coffee)
 nineteen very lightweight when it comes to drinking alcohol; he can't drink more than 3 shots of soju
 twenty is exceptionally clingy and talktative when drunk so majority of solis tries to get him drunk just so they get to hear more from him
 twenty-one one would figure out if sena really likes the song if he repeats it a thousand times
 twenty-two whenever twice has a comeback, he only listens to the song and album for a month and nothing else
 twenty-three wraps his whole body with a blanket like a burrito whenever he wakes up and blankly stares at the space for five minutes
 twenty-four the solis member he shares a room with comments that sena always fixes his bed before leaviing the room
 twenty-five loves to buy anime merch to the point that he even wore a demon slayer earring to a mv shoot (thankfully the stylists lets him wear it because it matches his outfit)
 twentfy-six he's so terrible at sports when he could've used his height for basketball or volleyball
 twenty-seven he gets so soft whenever he watches cat videos—he once mentioned that if he ends up being single by the age of 50, he'll just buy a dozen of kits and raise them
 twenty-eight in his years as an underground rapper, he was known as 'gentle mamo' because of how truthful and harsh the lyrics are but he still looks gentle and graceful when he raps. he even started to gain more attention when he became a member of solis as a unique rapper who's on the less quirky and rough side of rapping
 twenty-nine doesn't like the rich flavor of chocolate (it makes him nauseous) so he avoids eating anything that has chocolate on it
 thirty he wants to try and have a piercing so he thought that asking thorn to accompany him to get one would be a good idea for them to bond and be friends (thorn's thoughts and reactions is all up to you, min hehe)
 thirty-one fave anime(s): naruto, attack on titan, seven deadly sins, darling in the franxx, and fairytail; ult anime: fruits basket—you would ALWAYS see sena cry over kyo ("y-yuta-kun, he's gonna die" "wait i don't think he will" "they HATED him!" "but we all love him?" "we don't exist in that au so that makes it even worse cuz that means the love that's supposed to be for him is basically non-existent" "oh my god sena-kun, tohru's THERE")
ok here's the deal
i'm gonna adopt you uwu
uhm i don't remember agreeing to this ;;
and aren't we cousins?
why do you have to adopt me?
omg your members are right
even in messages you talk softly
how come i never noticed that
that's not fair!
you're like—hUGE
should i even take that as a compliment ;w;
yes you def should :>
that's already final!
you're officially adopted owo
by twice? :D
uh no?????????
by me ofc uwu
aw okay fine :((
what's with that reaction?!
yknow how much i love twice and momo-san T__T
and you don't to me??
that depends on the situation c:
to say the least, sana's the reason why sena even joined the entertainment world in the first place. close relatives since birth, the two had been stuck together like glue ever since sena's family moved to osaka. the two have been musically-inclined since kids, always singing and dancing together. sana's like a big sister to him, and she's also one of the few people who defended saved him from his childhood bullies. whereas sena's weak, he sees sana as a fierce yet strong girl who he looks up to. and that goes on until sana auditioned and joined the line-up for twice, his favorite girl group. and when sena became a trainee and he gained more interactions with sena and twice, they grew fond of him as well. to the point that they would jokingly replace sana for sena any day.
uhm.. hey thorn
idk if you're gonna read this immediately but
hyung wants you back at the dorms right now
yeah sure i'll be back in a few
oh good... you replied
sena you don't have to act so cautiously around me
i'm not gonna bite you
i'm.. not acting cautious around you
i'm doing perfectly fine
obviously you're not
look i know we didn't exactly end our argument right
but for the groups' sake, let's try our best to act more civilized?
and probably talk properly without the both of us calm and have clearer minds
yeah.. sure i get you
we can talk about that later
that's great then
and you're really sure?
yup crystal clear ^^
alright then
see you later sena
yeah see you
he and sena are probably the most similar when it comes to being patient and hardworking. they're both "workaholics" in a way that they'll stay up late for practice, and thorn's usually the one who helps him during dance practice. sena likes everything about thorn—except for angry thorn. they don't exactly see eye to eye when it comes to handling their anger and frustrations, but other than that, they're good. nobody in solis would have thought that the two wouldn't end up arguing, but then again, friends argue because they care. while sena is comfortable around thorn most of the time, he really doesn't like to be in the same room as he is when he's angry. he couldn't stand it, and he easily gets scared at his temper once thorn explodes. their first and only argument made them compromise in the end that if thorn's furious to the point of him cursing, sena would just leave him and the room to let thorn blow off steam (after their compromise, sena asked thorn if they could hug it out as a sign of them making up which thorn agrees—since sena asked permission and he thinks it's only fair to do so). so far, that plan works well for the both of them.
hey sena hyung
just wanna ask cuz i was curious
you really won't kill ants?
uhm yeah i won't?
even if they invaded your food?
i mean they're important to the ecosystem
so yeah i'm not gonna kill them
okay but what if they bit you?
i'll pick them up and let them be?
but wouldn't you crush them cuz
i mean you have big fingers
you're kinda huge too
... but you're even bigger than me
and i was trying to be gentle with them ;^^
ugh lucky ants
okay next question
wait there's more?
ofc there are more!
anyway can we cuddle? <:
aw sorry jinwoo but tai asked me first and you know i can't hug two people at the same time
but can i be next?
of course ^^
sena had officially decided that both jinwoo and tai are the cuddle beasts of solis, at least to his opinion. it's like sena's bouncing off between the two of them when it comes to his hugs and sometimes the both of them would argue on who gets to hug sena first. while sena's not the type to hug two people at the same time, he does feel bad for doing so since tai often outbeats jinwoo in asking; which is why he gives jinwoo extra cuddle time when it's his turn. plus, solis could never understand how patient sena is in answering most of jinwoo's dumb questions but sena does enjoy his enthusiasm whenever he asks.
sena hyung sena hyung
yes, is there anything i could do for you?
the usual pls :c
you little koala
pretty please??
thorn hyung's at the shower and the others doesn't want to hug cuz they're sweaty
i'm sweaty too though?
yeah but i know you like hugs c:
well that's not really wrong...
but it's also more of me having a hard time saying no to all of you...
oh! i mean if you don't want to then it's still cool!
i didn't said no, did i? ^^
i'm here at my room
just so you know, i reek of sweat
well we shower together back then so that doesn't make any difference!
wait how is that equal to how i smell?
unlike his older brother thorn, sena and tai are very close despite the big between them. to put into better description, sena's probably the most weak to tai's requests. not once he said no to him, to the point that even thorn has to scold him for not rejecting something asked by his younger brother, but how could he? tai's really a loveable human koala and yes, he likes hugs as much as tai does. he's probably the only member who could actually tolerates enjoys most of his skinships. and he really appreciates how he often coax sena when he's having a hard time conversing with thorn.
let's watch something!
but i'm busy yuta-kun :((
oh come on!
i'm sure your leader would understand that SOMEBODY here needs a break -_-
and you're implying that SOMEBODY is me?
i mean who else would i be pertaining to?
okay fine but just for an hour!
an hour?? but that'll only cover like
5 episodes max?
what are we going to watch anyway?
don't tell me it's an anime series
hey we haven't been updated by fruits basket okay
who knows what happened to kyo?!
as much as i love to watch, i can only rest for an hour :c
how about you invite sana-chan?
as if she'll even agree
she has no taste umu
let's just start watching so that we won't be wasting time ^^
aight lemme just grab my laptop
sena met yuta when he auditioned for sm, one of the entertainment companies sena auditioned when he arrived at korea. knowing that there's a japanese who wants to become a kpop idol, yuta extended his hand and helped sena acclimatize to the korean culture. yuta wasn't aware of how other trainees treated him at bbc, because sena never mentioned it to him to avoid yuta worry for him, but that didn't last long. sena knew he couldn't hide that forever from him, and so he told him everything right after he gave yuta a surprise that sena's part of the line-up for solis. while it may be too late for yuta to do anything, sena did proved them wrong at the end, he became more protective of him.
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here here here
here here here
here here here
here here here
here here here
here here here
here here here
here here here
here here here
here here here
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 daichi 大地
  reason surprisingly enough, bbc gave him the opportunity to choose his own stagename. with lots of pondering and looking through his solisverse storyline, he thought that daichi would seem fitting to him. meaning earthland, or wisdom, it fits his personality and his role in solisverse
 singularity 김태형 bts
 mid-2016 to 2019 bbc
 vocal 김태형 bts (link)
 rap 전원우 seventeen (link)
 talking 安達 祐人 pentagon (link)

 8AM-8:30AM wake up and take a bathe
 8:30AM-8:35AM change to everyday outfit
 8:35AM-9AM breakfast
 9AM-11AM home tutor
 11AM-12NN lunch
 12NN-3PM home tutor
 3PM-5PM work on assignments
 5PM-10PM dance, rap, and vocal practice*
 10PM-11PM dinner + calling his parents
 12MN sleep
*dance practice is everyday, vocal practice is MWF while rap practice is TTH
 9AM-930AM wake up and take a bathe
 9:30AM-10:35AM change to everyday outfit
 10:35AM-11AM breakfast
 11AM-12NN rap practice
 11AM-12NN lunch
 12NN-2PM resume rap practice
 2PM-5PM vocal practice
 5PM-10PM dance practice
 10PM-11PM dinner + calling his parents
 11:30PM sleep
 8AM-8:30AM wake up and take a bathe
 8:30AM-8:35AM change to everyday outfit
 8:35AM-9AM breakfast
 9AM-11AM home tutor
 11AM-12NN lunch
 12NN-3PM home tutor
 3PM-5PM work on assignments
 5PM-10PM dance, rap, and vocal practice*
 10PM-11PM dinner
 12MN sleep
*dance practice is everyday, vocal practice is MWF while rap practice is TTH
 9AM-930AM wake up and take a bathe
 9:30AM-10:35AM change to everyday outfit
 10:35AM-11AM breakfast
 11AM-12NN free time + lunch
 12NN-2PM talk with parents
 2PM-10PM practice
 10PM-11PM dinner
 11:30PM sleep
 having the experiences with rapping, daichi didn't have a hard time practicing his rapping skills as compared to vocal and dancing. as someone who's awful in sports or anything related to physical activties and only having at least a year of training, dancing took a lot more effort than vocal training. singing with sana during their childhood years and continues on in highschool whenever he feels like it, vocal training is second to rapping. since daichi noticed that his voice is deeper than others, and only finds a few who does have a baritonic voice, eh thinks that what he has is special and so he focused on both vocal and dancing more than rapping (he still excels in rapping with ease though)
during his training years, daichi thought that he left his weak past behind. he thought that it'll be the same as back then underground. where everyone's equal, no one would question their background. they're all rappers. apparently, it wasn't the same. it was a gruesome one year trainiing where he had to put up with the discrimination as a full japanese trainee and once again, a pushover. he had to train until late at night because of how the others treat him. he's more exhausted than the rest for being the one fetching food and water to the others, and while some of them (like tai or jinwoo) scare the others away to protect him, it wasn't really enough. it was just the same as how sana protected him back then.
not long after, he was chosen to be a part of the line-up for solis, which is a huge surprise for him. he never expected it, considering he only had a year of training. but he felt happy, he felt like he proved them wrong. he felt like despite being weak to them, he ended up becoming the stronger one for having better skills and passion for music.
 underground rapping during the 3 years of his highschool life, he became an underground rapper where he starts anew as a nobody, not a pushover. he feels free as a rapper there, with the idea of no one thinking that he's someone who can easily be teased or taken advantage of. he just throws his emotions out there through rapping and slowly gained popularity as 'gentle mamo'
 underground rapper, mamo, leaving hiphop for pop? when he was revealed to be a member of solis during his month reveal, the underground went crazy as they knew nothing on why mamo disappeared only to show himself not as mamo, but daichi instead; whichhe received many critical moments about it 2017
 solis' daichi reveals his upcoming mixtape titled mamo daichi wanted to make a mixtape of his own, which he didn't have the chance to do so back in japan as an underground rapper, so he took the opportunity to release one and use his old underground name, mamo, as both the title of his mixtape and his stagename as a soloist to show them that hiphop and pop can still co-exist together (his mixtape is a mix of both pop and hiphop genres) 2022
 the voice behind the introductory song of [anime title]'s newest season is daichi of solis as an otaku, it was an honor for daichi to sing the intro song of the anime he loves and watches, which gained positive reviews of the said anime viewers 2026
 lead rapper by having a deep voice, it's automatic that daichi gets the rap position. he has no qualms to that. in fact, it makes things interesting because he thought that this is a chance for him to create hiw own mixtape that can show both his rap and vocal skills. unlike his vocal skills, his rap skills are flawless and so it didn't took as much time training it
 vocalist daichi thinks that his low baritone voice makes him different from the rest of the group. whilst most kpop groups vote for tenors, baritones are just as important; and so daichi took the liberty to train harder in his vocal practices to make sure that whenever he sings, it's soulful and his emotions could reach their fans and listeners
the person destined to take care of the young tree sprout that will grow to be the tree of wisdom (said tree would have no leaves, just branches), and inherit its wisdom to guide the rest of solis in their everyday life
 dawl the one who was once on neutral ground, but then was tempted by the dark. the friend daichi seeks to save the most [collabed with -haruman's nick]
in mekka, there grew a young tree sprout in which its value is almost on par with the tree of knowledge, if not, even more. as wisdom comes from knowledge, it is how this young sprout would be wanted by many—and it is how daichi, who is connected to this tree sprout, would be the one taking care of it and cultivate the wisdom the tree sprout's giving him
COLOR: light slate gray (#7B8C8F)
ANIMAL: elephant
FLOWER: hummingbird mints
FRUIT: peach
LOCATION: osaka, japan
SUGALGI ; 4/10
 one hey min!! i'm not exactly sure if sena's background is enough to label it with tw, but i still did just to make sure !!
 two i actually made my boi without reading thorn's, tai's and jinwoo's yet and when i read their apps so that i could write the rs section, i was surprised to find out that thorn and sena would not be overly friendly with each other because of their contrasting personalities—which is kinda a first? but that's cool right? to add more drama to the story? AHAHAHHHA
 three it's kinda obvious that i thought a lot about coding the first page and when you see this second page it's like i just splashed everything i could code here i'M SORRY
 four i'm not exactly sure if i did the solis-part right, i mean i tried my best, but if there are so many wrong things,,, i apologize in advance ;;
 five anyways i hope you like him min uwu
 six sena is also open for li!! i'll add an li section if anyone wants to collab uwu
i think almost every trivia i have can be used as a scene request but i especially would like to request the thorn-sena argument :")
PASSWORD: satelles (latin for satellite, as the moon is a satellite and satellite also means follower or attendant of a superior person)
REVEAL SONG: paradise (eric nam - link)
B-SIDE: 4 o'clock (bts v & rm - link)
 paradise  daichi was dreaming—he's sure he is. though he doesn't know what's the dream about, he has that gut feeling that this is important.
picking up the red remote and turning on the television, he was surprised to see himself in a suit. it's definitely not a twin of his and he was offered something, some herbal tea, he drank it rather hesitantly, only to see himself waking up on a bed that's definitely not his.
plants and tree roots started to grow, one o fthem approaches him; whispers of don't do it creeps to his ears which made him hide under the covers, only to once again wake up in darkness.
flashes of his other half kept on coming, so are the rest of the things, or symbols, are presented to him in quick paces. once again, he found himself inside a theater, watching the events unravel infront of him for the duration of the dream, only to realize that this is actually a premonition to himself.
the roots whispering to him made sense. this premonition is to warn himself on what will happen if he fell to the darkness of dark solis; and what might potentially happen to the others as well.
waking up to reality, he felt like he knew everything that needs to be done or not, thinking that it was the roots who had given him this kind of wisdom. and from there, turning away from the darkness, he stayed in the light.
 4 o'clock the moment daichi got the wisdom from the the tree roots he took care of, he waited for his close friend, nick, the one who was once on neutral ground but was tempted by the darkness. the moonlight gave him assurance that he can still help nick to stray his path away from dark solis and into the light; the birds chirping was enough to calm him down and think positively that there's still hope. and as the dawn kicks in, so is his friend whom he vowed to guide throughout his life
while daichi is a lead rapper, he personally requested to have his reveal song focus on his vocal skills and have his rap skills show on b-side since he wants to show that he's more than just a rapper


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btw i think you used hyunjin and not han for tai----
ill give my boys away for collabing yes