jung sien

jisooie • jiyi • 7/10


name » jung sien

nickname(s) / other names »

medusa; was almost her 

birthday » 12.02 / 25 (international)

birthplace, Hometown » daegu, sk, daejeon, sk

ethnicity » korean

language »

korean / fluent

english / conversational

face claim » kang seulgi


height / weight » 161 cm / 51 kg 

appearance / style »

sien is a little on the average height and quite toned (because she's physically active). she's pale, has black hair that reaches her chest (see picture on the left) and wore earrings on both of her ears. likes the small, studded earrings compared to large ones.

other wise, when working she follows the protocol. often wore black slacks, 3/4 length blouse and black flats (although often changes to sandals when she's on her cubicle). really doesn't have a lot of outfit variation when it comes to work.

when she's off her style is surprisingly... not as different as her work attire (other than slightly more variety). she's all about appearing professional and chic in public, so a lot of collared outfits (e.g. turtlenecks or button-ups) with matte colours. avoids neon like crazy. her fall and winter wardrobe is a lot more diverse compared to the summer ones. wears t-shirts on events that requires it, exercise, or at home.

she wears denim shorts and her shoes are often are a mix of sneakers, sports shoes, and 'birkenstock-esque' sandals. unlike the outfits, she prefers shoes or boots compared to heels.

biggest no-gos are y, revealing outfits and neon. 


"pretty, charming, cold, ruthless. feared, yet fearful of the unknown."



personality » 

+ knowledgeable, observant, self-aware

- detached, controlling, self-centered


tingly spidey senses

for sien her greatest value always lies with being able to know. she thirsts for knowledge, always curious on the 'why' and 'how' of the world and its mystery, so for her discovering and learning is a past time that she can get by. because of this, she enjoys figuring out the future, on what she wants to do based on the best-case scenario that she had in front of her. 

because of this too she knows herself well; what she wants, her weaknesses, strengths, purpose, and more. she makes decisions based upon this and rarely wavered, even in face of outside pressure. what people thought of her tends to be second to what she thinks is best.

having faced a lot of difficulties in life humbled her a lot; she tries to be more empathetic and listen to people nowadays, realizing that she's never going to always be right and she's always going to grow out. while having friends and treating others like actual people has been a challenge, it also forces her to learn (which she likes) and grow more mature.


where you want is not what you should do

there's one aspect of herself that she doesn't quite know of; her feelings. she's very detached, treating people almost like books to be figured out and can be quite unaware on why certain situation would make her feel certain things. that also meant she had difficulty establishing genuine relationships with people. that also meant she had difficulties expressing her emotions and feelings to other people.

she would put herself more as a priority compared to other people (this made worse with her nature as an agent), and it's quite apparent at times. she cares only to people that she liked / got on her good side, but will pretend to do it. she's like a puppetmaster; she controls the narrative and the outcome if she wants to. so when things don't go the way she expects it to be... she tends to get very upset. she's gotten a lot more mature and receive humbling, but there will be times when being wrong would send her into a downward spiral. she hates being helpless, or receiving help, or not being able to know what there is to come.


sien was born in daegu. her father was deadbeat and financial issue became a source of conflict for her parents, but her mother was hoping for a son after sien... so at least her father would stay. either way, siah was born, and not long after their father left them, jung haeyoung was forced to raise two young daughters.

maybe that's how she grew to be so aware. she knew about the red flags and the signs from their parents' arguments, or how her father being at home becomes increasingly rare, and how in the end her mother asked them to pack and to move out from their house. and having an outcome she couldn't control made her want to control it.

because their mother was busy working multiple jobs, sien was also helping taking care of siah. they grew close through that time period, with sien always about protecting siah from the hardships in life as well as being the best role model for her baby sister. sien performed well academically as well as physically, excelling in a lot of things.

but because of this, along with the fact that haeyoung wished for a son so at least maybe her husband would stay, and the work stress, sien was treated a lot more lovingly compared to siah. this build in a lot of resentment and drove them apart.

her mother also remarried around the time sien and siah just got admitted to johak, without their knowledge. it was good that her husband is a great guy (admittedly, has a better personality than her mother), but that definitely drove them even more apart.


relationships »

jung haeyoung. 52. sales executive. human.

emotional, impulsive, manipulative, determined

also, mother i love you but i wish you were better. 

haeyoung. sien's relationship began to strain when haeyoung started to show a lot of favoritism towards sien, and sien's not liking how it affects her relationship with her own sister. then there's also her remarrying and how the decision left out both sien and siah, so now sien rarely talks to her. she still loves her mother and can see that the latter is changing for good, but it's difficult to remove a lot of the pain that she'd inadvertantly caused in her life.


kwon jina (lin). 19. trainee operative. en (blood manipulation). 

vivacious, short-tempered, artistic, insecure

not sure why she suddenly think changing names would change her life, but okay.

they used to be really close, but being in johak and their mother doing favoritism drove them apart. one of them tries to prove themselves being an en while the other was being so effortless and a little dense about her feelings, so some negative feelings were bound to happen. as for now, the awkwardness still lingers, at least until sien found herself doing something borderline illegal for someone that she'd thought she'd never had to fight for.


lee sooyoung (winter). 25. TA @ daejeon site. en (empathy).

also, roommate and friend. she cleans well.

probably the closest co-worker / friend since sien since sien entered johak. sien may be rude and dismissive (especially in her highschool years), but learns a lot about being kinder and understanding because sooyoung cares for her. sooyoung learns a lot to be assertive and analytical, observing the red flags before it starts. they're still close, now being roommates (although being busy made seeing each other quite hard these days).


trivias »

.to this day sien decided to keep her surname while jiah changed it from jung to kwon legally (her stepfather's name)... as well as changing it from siah to jina. 

.while sien respects mr. kwon for treating her mother with respect and genuine love as well as being a good person in general, she still only sees him as mr. kwon rather than 'father'. sien also doesn't really know where did her biological father go (nor does she care).

.her mother does not have a zodiac mark neither is she an en, which had sien thinking that it might be her father who was an en / at least has a mark.

.grew up without a proper father figure in her life, which leads to a lot of resentment and distrust against men in her life. her relationship with men are often merely surface-level kindness, because she kept her distance with her male co-workers. this also meant she's never really in a relationship. 

.currently living in daejeon with several of her close friends from college together. this was because some of her friends are teaching and working in daejeon.

.while she exercise to maintain her physique, she's not a big fan of working out or being physically active. her favorite sports are swimming and walking (the first one you don't sweat and the second one is just really chill).

.her favorite activity is to go to the beach and just having a chill day. she also like walking at the street market just to de-stress.

.if she had a power, she'd like to have healing (but also being able to make people sick). 

.aesthetic: platinum, wilted roses, maroon red, dark grey walls, night at itaewon, sneakers.



species / abilities » human.

zodiac mark » aries (left collarbone)


strengths » 

1. analytical skills: sien's very sharp with her situations and observation. she recognizes patterns of things and can make connections even if it's very subtle. she's good at looking at physical clues and facial expressions and movements, being able to predict within the evidence and make a strategy based on that.

2. acting / disguises: most of her operations has always been spying and being an informant. she's usually the one who's tailing around suspects, asking informants and analyzing the situation. because she's experienced and familiar, it doesn't take her a lot to get into people's sides.

3. communication: she knows the information that she wants, and can direct her questions based on that or trapping someone to coerce them for information that she wants. studied in psychology as well as having experience in interrogation previously. 


weaknesses »

1. sensory overload: sien gets overwhelmed with bright lights and loud sounds, especially if they're spontaneous and are intense in nature. the older she gets, she's tolerated places like clubs, but being around these places limits her observation / analytical ability.

2. interpersonal interaction: while sien is analytical and can manipulate her situations, she lacked the awareness of other people's emotions, and there has been previous cases with her interrogation where the suspects ended up causing trouble because of how she framed her questions. also, previous partners (especially male) reported that sien is one of the more difficult co-workers to interact with.

3. combat: she's physically fit for a human and trained for self-defense, but unlike the more mercenary-like spies in johak, she's a lot weaker. if there's a category, she's at the slightly below average. a few times she's encountered danger, she was able to hide, but has gotten minor injuries too.


duration » 8 years. (age: 17 - present)

admission » actually jina got in first, because some agents discovered that she has powers and zodiac mark. but as sien was picking up jina that day, they noticed that she had a mark too, and recruited her. because she was also just graduating highschool, sien got to transition before entering the campus in daejeon.


experience » 

(18 - 22) sien entered college, specializing in psychology. she learned some of the basics of self-defense, acting, and along with interrogation. was a total head too, because she argues with professors and her teammates like no other. almost didn't have any friends, but matured a lot as she worked as a trainee operative as well as understanding more of herself. graduated laude. got into trouble a few times because she was asking the wrong questions and ended up making the situation a lot worse.

(22 - present) sien worked with interrogation as well as field work, although earlier most of her work are closer to spying and assessing situations rather than actual profiler (this was due to the trainee operative incidents). it wasn't until last year she was entrusted again with interviewing suspects.


previous operations »

operative trainee

2016: there was a case of murder involving a suspected en (but was unlisted under johak) and got caught. she was being coached to ask questions. sien instead asked something else, which made the suspect aggressive and she almost got attacked. because of this, she was given a warning.

2017: assisted with a supervisor for a case of several higher-ups that mismanaged operations and injured several ens in a factory in south jeolla. helped collect informations from the locals as well as workers.


operative - major ones are listed here.

2017 -  2018: still working through the factory case, as well as a connection of higher-ups that are doing some shady dealings regarding worker rights. mostly also spying as well as helping with paperwork for court testimony, only this time she had authority to do certain things on her own.

2019 - involved in an undercover sting operation to get under human trafficking, along with the police. was doing spying as well as coaxing information from several dealers. in the end she was entrusted to also interrogate some of the suspects properly.



task / codename » 2138 / su



spying, searching for information from the witnesses as well as suspects. also does most of the reports and boring paperworks that goes along with the procedures.


current lifestyle » sien does 9-5 jobs (unless if cases are insanely urgent, then she'll work overtime according to how her supervisor wants) and then afterwards will go back home and do some more work. so basically like any typical stressed-out workforce (except that she kinda enjoyed what she does). goes to church on sundays. on her free time she hangs out with her friends / roommates or goes window shopping or eating at restaurants.

occasionally visits her mother and stepfather (it's always awkward) on the weekends. tries to check on her sister a once a week, but always gets shut off.


invitation » she got the invitation on the 7th of March. just an hour later, she received a call from one of the directors, song hyosung, who explained to her a little more about the situation. in the end, she accepted it.

( more will be revealed in the teasers ;) )


the one and only.

love interest » applicant / n.a. -> yes, sien's available as a love interest. they'll have a tough time with her though.


personality » tba.


story » tba.

status » what it's like right now and whether it can change in the future


non-disclosure agreement.

The following entry meant that the candidate has requested some changes regarding the 'ANOMALY' contract. These points will be put under consideration by the responsible parties, however they may or may not be acted upon depending on the circumstances.

( concessions ) » ok but meet sien she's if jookyung is x10 colder and smarter. also how long has it been since i write an app lol it's a lot of work.


The following candidate has acknowledged that the given data are accurate and will not be revealing any exchange between the parties involved in this contract. Failure to follow the statement above will result in immediate termination of contract with johak and possible pursuit of legal action.

( signature ) » signed


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aaaaaa these took so long but my ens are finally here!

guguvixx #2