First Ever Bias (male or female):

Current Top Male Bias (only 1):
Huang ZiTao 

Current Top Female Bias (only 1):
Chou Tzuyu <3

Ultimate Bias (M or F and must have liked them for 2+ years unless rookies):
Kim Yura 

Bias Wrecker:
Park Chanyeol

Top 10 biases (not in order)

1.) Ten - NCT

2.) Hanbin - iKON

3.) Bobby - iKON

4.) D.O. - EXO

5.) Chanyeol - EXO

6.) T.O.P

7.) Lay - EXO

8.) Tao

9.) Kai - EXO

10.) Taeyong - NCT

Top 10 Female Bias List (not in order):

1. Seolhyun - AOA

2. Yura - Girls Day 

3. Tzuyu - TWICE

4. Jiyeon

5. Joy - Red Velvet

6. C.L.

7. Hyuna

8. Bom

9. Hyeri - Girls Day

10. Krystal

The bias you don't want but kills you anyways even though you lowkey don't want them but is still thirsty af:
Kai lol

The bias that has some form of controversy on them:
Oh god, like half of my biases lol 

The bias you will defend until the end even if they do something wrong because if you love them, there must be forgiveness right?
I stuck my neck out for Hanbin... Not even T.O.P got that from me...

Kill Kiss Marry (the latter you don't have to answer it's optional):

Kill: T.O.P

Kiss: Hanbin

Marry: Chanyeol

: Tao

Funniest Ship Names:
One I've always found funny was SeHan or LuRis lol Idk why but I find them funny.

Take the 10 of your male biases and let's use them in scenario:
College party That T.O.P was called over too to pick up a out wasted Hanbin and having the rest of the guys slur their excuses as to how things got out of hand to an angry T.O.P.

First date with 8 would be?
A very fancy restaurant and maybe after that grab drinks at a nice bar and then go to karaoke room :)

1 tells you he loves you but 2 does as well, and has harbors deeper feelings for you, and knows you better. Who do you choose and why?
Hanbin, because I love him unconditionally! Ten is a little bit new for me to grow and love as much as Hanbin.

Even though they're both rather young I would still choose Hanbin <3 that er has my heart lol

Which is better? Marriage on the beach with 4, or marriage in the forest with 10?

Marriage on the beach with D.O.


6 just broke up with you, how does 7 react?
Lay seems like such a pacifist to me lol so I guess I think, he would be by my side and make sure I am ok before having some sort of physical altercation with T.O.P lol 

3, 5, and 9 all give you a gift. What is it?

Bobby - Basketball jersey

Chanyeol - a teddy bear with a voice recording of him saying 'I love you'

Kai - a game console so I can play video games with him lol

(can you see how delusional I am? lol)

The female bias you hate but love:

That one bias that's just there and you have no clue why they're there but they've invited themselves to tea and you must serve them:

The bias you just need to protect:

The fallen bias:

The bias you want to see succeed:



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