「 L U M I N O U S 」화재 is the model. (#fac78c, #96672f)

seo donghwa
xXMonstaAriXx  ari  9-10
name.  seo donghwa 서동화
dongie | a shorter way to call him
herald seo 헤럴드 서 | his english name that he no longer uses
birthdate.  april 5, 1998
birthplace.  london, england
hometown.  london, england (1998-2010)
seoul, south korea (2010-present)
ethnicity.  korean
nationality.  korean
english 영어 | fluent | grew up in london, has a british accent
korean 한국어 | advance | have been living in korea for almost ten years. similar to haeun, he is still not that fluent in it and gets the idioms wrong
はずんだ こころ で 山 を おりて いく と、
faceclaim.  kim mingyu
backup faceclaim.  yoo taeyang
height.  191cm
weight.  75kg
bloodtype.  o
fashion.  donghwa dresses like any other male. his casual, practice and formal are the same thing, aka black ripped jeans, a black hoodie or black shirt with his red checkered flannel hanging around his waist and his black converse or timberlands. donghwa doesn't really care about his appearance because he feels that whatever he puts on matches, especially since everything is in black. he does like to use his baseball cap and snapback to add in some elements in his fashion but that's it. he doesn't put in any effort unless it's some event like a red carpet. he would wear a normal tux with some formal shoes because he doesn't want to spoil the market. (lookbook next page)
はずんだ こころ で 山 を おりて いく と、
positive traits.  optimistic, intelligent, brave, honest
negative traits.  sarcastic, erted, talkative, blunt
"what is hairy and circular in shape and ends with a t? a coconut! were you thnking wrong?"
donghwa is no different to any other adults in the 21st century. when they were teens, they were pretty much exposed to all kinds of things, despite it being something they can't see nor watch. influenced by all the vulgars and erted things on the internet, donghwa came to be a twenty-two year old whom is nothing close to innocent nor cute. donghwa is known to be erted but intelligent lad. everything done by donghwa, is done with effort and he has placed his thoughts into it. although when he can't seem to achieve a solution on his problems, he never gives up and would keep trying because he believes that everything is possible. which leads to his brave personality. donghwa dares to go against anyone that either disagrees with him or something that obstructs him from moving forward. he doesn't care about them because all he cares about is his achievements, and what not. even when the person obstructing him is his hyung, he wouldn't mind going all informal and drop honorifics if they stand in his way because he thinks that who are they to stop him from doing the things he want?
"i hit you? when? do you have proof?"
donghwa is nothing like any other young adults his age. he's one of those who loves to prank his hyungs and just blurt out secrets or some sassy comeback to knock them down or make them speechless. he loves attention and tends to try and stay in the middle of the spotlight by speaking out his mind or just opening his mouth none stop, blurting out unnecessary words that doesn't even relate to the subject the group was talking about. people tend to classify donghwa as a "4d" personality, but donghwa himself disagrees. he thinks that his personality, is something more unique, which means that donghwa has a lot of pride and ego. he has such a thick skull that he can't even mutter a sorry when done wrong. he would always wait for the right moment to act as though nothing has happened and would always avoid that subject, in fear that he would have to apologise.
"ugh, i always gag whenever i see your ugly face"
as i said earlier, donghwa can be a savage man. he loves to joke around, have fun because he's still young. he is still in his early 20s and loves to tease his hyungs about being young. he often sass and become a sarcastic especially during interviews and he wouldn't know when to keep it shut. some might think that he's arrogant and only loves himself because he always laughs at others either because of their failure or because of their stupid actions. now, in comes his erted side. donghwa knows a lot about dirty things. he knows all about and tends to link everything with something dirty. his mind is corrupted by thoughts that aren't even supposed to be in his head in the first place. it might be normal for a twenty-two year old to think that way, but his mind is too corrupted that you would eventually have to roll your eye with every dirty word he says.
"hey! now's not the time to laugh okay!"
another thing about donghwa that might shock all of you is that, he thinks before he acts. yeah, surprising but this applies to when he's doing an action. he thinks of the consequences of his actions, but not his words. makes sense? for example, donghwa would try and be careful of his actions because you might never know who's eyes are looking at you. even though he doesn't give to flakes of about the other's opinions, since he cares so much about his reputation, he tends to take at least an hour just to make a decision, whether or not to do that certain action. however, this does not apply to his words said, because as said, donghwa is too blunt to even care. although, donghwa is pretty positive about everything. even when something bad happened to him, he would just smile it off before thinking about happy thoughts. he doesn't like to feel down because he feels that he has a reputation to take care of. he doesn't want to have a rude image on camera, hell no.
はずんだ こころ で 山 を おりて いく と、
donghwa has the life everyone dreams on having. he was rich, talented and awfully good looking, even at a young age. almost everyone complimented his looks as well as his forever growing height. not only that, donghwa had a heart of gold. he had a personality of someone who doesn't seem to have everything. he was humble and would forever look after others first before himself. at a young age, donghwa had an interest in dancing, especially after witnessing his close friends dancing and joking around in the dance room of their school. it only further sparked his interest in the sport, which led to him creating a dance crew with his closest friend. he would often disappear into the dance room to polish his dance skills and would often return home with slight bruises and an aching back.

due to dance, he neglected his twin sister slightly. he never noticed the fact that his twin sister felt lonely as his only sole focus was dancing and dancing only. whenever he stepped into school, he would walk straight to his crew, leaving his twin sister in the crowd of snakes. of course, he was still the caring little twin brother but he always prioritised his dancing, which led to him being oblivious of the fact that his twin sister never really had any real friends. it was only until his close friend, howard, voiced out about the issue. howard noticed how passionate donghwa was with dancing and was okay with it. however, he noticed how donghwa was slowly neglecting everything that is in his life, to the extent where howard felt like he needs to step in.

when howard talked him into letting his twin sister join, donghwa wasted no time and invited his twin sister to their usual dance practice. boy, did he make a good decision. after being told of his twin sister's lack of enthusiasm in school, he finally noticed that as time passes, his sister could finally show off a genuine smile. he was proud of himself for changing his sister for the better and from then on, donghwa was finally there to look after his twin sister. sadly, all good things come to an end.

right when the seo twins turned twelve, they had to pack their bags and leave their home. donghwa was upset as he was forced to leave his dance crew that he created with his best friend but he knew that he had to. howard reassured donghwa that everything would go well and that they could still talk despite being far away from one another. moving to seoul was sudden for the seo family, but being chaebols who had businesses left right, they were fine with finding a new home to settle down in. only this time, they were settling down in seoul, their supposed hometown/motherland. donghwa wasn't happy but when it comes to family, he would do it, even if it means moving to a place he isn't familiar with.

a day after moving into their new mansion, donghwa and his twin sister, haeun, watsed no time to slack around. the two, along with dongjin who they dragged along since they're only twelve, began to explore their way around the bustling city. another reason they dragged dongjin was because dongjin already knew how to speak and read korean. he is the heir to their father's business, hence he was told to learn the language in case of an emergency. while the three were exploring, the seo twins had managed to find sm entertainment and they knew right there and then that they would want to audition. donghwa heard so much about sm entertainment as well as kpop due to the crew often covering the genre. it was also due to howard's growing love for snsd that made him know about such company. donghwa then returned home and literally begged his parents to allow them to audition for the company. of course, their parents were skeptical but since it's their beloved children, they would always try to make sure that their child's happiness is their priority, hence allowing them to audition.

upon auditioning, donghwa was told to either sing and dance or rap and dance. he chose to sing and dance, and well, similar to haeun, donghwa's singing wasn't exceptional but his dancing was. however, that's not the reason he was chosen to be a trainee. it was his looks and his height that led to him being accepted. of course, sm never emphasised or told donghwa the reason as to why he chosen but they had plans on making him a model and not an idol. oblivious, donghwa could then proudly call himself a trainee under sm entertainment. halfway through his training, donghwa switched to rapping as he found joy in it. he grew interested in rapping and lost interest in being a vocalist, hence his whole schedule changed from vocal and dance to vocal, dance and rap.

when his sister dropped out of sm entertainment due to being pregnant, donghwa was there to support but he sticked to sm despite having been there for six years and not debuting. instead, he was placed into modelling classes after not making into the cut of nct despite learning the firetruck choreography. they made him suffer long hours of catwalking and practicing of poses that donghwa neglected his other classes like rap and dance. sm changed his profile on sm rookies to a model without donghwa knowing and he only got to know in 2018. this pissed donghwa off, especially since he initially planned on being an idol, and having been pushed to being a model without his permission or even knowledge, only made his anger boil. donghwa then decided to pack his bags and leave sm entertainment after knwoing their true intentions of never debuting him into the idol industry, but the modelling industry.

donghwa lived a quiet life soon after leaving sm. of course, he still made time to dance and rap so that his skills aren't so rusty. he tagged along to many of haeun's class and began to be a regular face in haeun's 1million videos. hence, this led to him being scouted by p nation. they knew who donghwa was and how sm misused him, hence they took the opportunity and decided to scout him. donghwa accepted the offer after hearing his sister accepting the offer. hence, from then on, donghwa officially became a trainee under p nation.
"hey hyung, shouldn't you be getting a girlfriend?"
|| older brother || seo dongjin || 27 || heir to h&d group ||
the two act like any other brothers. donghwa loves to disturb his hyung about many things. his main point is always about dongjin's love life. donghwa would always point out about how dongjin is a lonely who doesn't know how to love, which isn't true. donghwa would also always tease his hyung about being young and how dongjin is growing old. of course, dongjin just takes in his words like a boss since he knows that his younger brother is just messing around but sometimes, dongjin would just put donghwa into a headlock since he and donghwa are around the same height with dongjin being slightly shorter by maybe a cm or two. apart from their constant tom and jerry acts, the two are very close to one another and dongjin would always be looking out for his younger siblings who does nothing but trouble. whenever there is a problem, dongjin is the first to react and is the first to pick up their phone calls since he would always emphasise on "he is only one call away". donghwa adores his hyung and is grateful to have him since without dongjin, he would have been the heir to the company and he doesn't want to add pressure to himself.
(fc.jung daehyun)
"don't stay out too late or i will personally pick you up"
|| older twin sister || seo haeun || 22 || trainee under p-nation ||
the seo twins are what you call goals. they're awfully similar in some points, especially in their interests. the two also tend to bicker at everything but would always somehow laugh midway during their bicker after realising how pointless their arguments are. donghwa looks out for his twin sister despite being the younger twin. he would always be her shoulder to cry on and is always seen glaring at guys to would try and hurt his twin sister. they have a twin bond and would somehow say the same thing at the same time, which sometimes end up to them laughing their off. to donghwa, haeun is his precious twin sister who he is responsible for, especially after giving birth to taeeun. he is very cautious around her and would often try his hardest to make her happy since he knows how much haeun has sacrificed to stand where she is today. many would often feel that donghwa is overprotective (to which he agrees) but to haeun, she knows that her twin brother is just looking out for her since she did make a small mistake once and that he's just trying to make sure that she doesn't make anymore mistakes that she would regret in the future.
(fc.kim yoohyeon)
"stop it you annoying peasant"
|| younger brother || seo haru || 18 || student ||
oh don't get me started with these two brats. haru is donghwa's prank buddy. of course, haru is more annoying than donghwa but the two often love to talk and are always pranking everybody in the seo household. they would always disturb their own sister, haeun. apart from their constant pranks and jokes, haru looks up to donghwa a lot. he aspires to be like the seo twins despite wanting to open his own business. he wants to be someone who doesn't give up on their dreams, hence he chose to look up to his prank buddy and his favourite target. donghwa loves his younger brother a lot nd is pretty protective over him. it's weird how protective he can get with his younger brother but since haru is his only younger sibling, he looks out for him and would often call him to give him advice on life and would often try and educate him in life (even though donghwa himself is unstable :p). of course, there are times where haru annoy the heck out of donghwa, but hey, who can stay made at a face like haru? certainly not donghwa.
(fc.kim donghyun)
"taeeun-ah, don't ever follow your mother's attitude okay?"
|| nephew || lee taeeun || 4 || n/a ||
taeeun is awfully close to his uncle donghwa, or as he always addresses himself, uncle dongdong. there are times when he visits his home just to see taeeun and taeeun only. this is due to the fact that taeeun has the ability to turn a bad day into a good one with just a small giggle. donghwa's frown would always turn into a grin whenever his nephew would hug him while screaming "uncle dongdong". it's literally the cutest thing an uncle would like to hear and whenever taeeun does that, donghwa's heart would melt. donghwa has a soft spot for taeeun so whenever the boy cries or gets hurts, he would drop whatever he is doing and would rush to where his nephew is (with haeun of course). donghwa also feels bad for taeeun, especially since the young little bean can't meet his parents often due to their busy life as an idol and would always try to jump into the calls between taeeun and haeun since he wants to see how his nephew is doing. donghwa is also pretty proud of taeeun whenever he hears from dongjin that taeeun is an intelligent and independent kid.
(fc.i can't find the child's name sadly)
"i'm guessing the new kids are annoying you"
|| close friend || howard robertson || 24 || leader of shimmy dance crew ||
the two met when donghwa was seven. howard was the wild and friendly kid in school who befriended with almost everyone whereas donghwa was the awkward korean who didn't really have any close friends. howard introduced himself to donghwa and boom, the two became instant friends. howard was the reason why donghwa came to love dancing and performing. he would often open up about dancing which would often spark donghwa's interest in the sport. the two ended up having their own dance crew when donghwa was only eight and soon, haeun joined. together with haeun, they were known as the three musketeers and would do almost everything together despite howard being two years older than them. they always got into trouble together and is always seen together during recess or after school. when the seo twins moved, donghwa made a pact with howard to always keep in touch and well, they did even after ten years of not seeing each other in person. howard knows of donghwa's current life and how he is training to be an idol and supports him. they often text and video call with haeun always trying to video bomb.
(fc.harry styles)
"hurt my sister, i'll burn you"
|| best friend || lee taeyong || 25 || idol, member of nct ||
taeyong and donghwa met while donghwa was still training under sm. the two were very close since they were in every practice together and had similar interest. the two were considered visual prince of sm due to their good looks and were often complimented whenever they walked into practice or whenever they're just chilling. taeyong is donghwa's best friend in sm and is super comfortable with him. the two almost debuted together in nct. donghwa even learned the choreography of fire truck since he was supposed to debut in nct127, but somehow, he was cut from the lineup. however, despite his best friend debuting in the group he was supposed to debut in, donghwa and taeyong's friendship never tarnished. they two are ever so close despite donghwa getting to know that his best friend is dating his sister. he approves of their relationship but sometimes would remind taeyong that if he were to ever hurt his twin sister, donghwa would either burn him or chop him into little pieces since donghwa emphasises on "sis over bro". almost everyone know of donghwa's friendship with taeyong since the two would often talk about one another in interviews.
"stop corrupting my nephew's mind"
|| close friend || john suh || 25 || idol, member of nct ||
similar to taeyong, donghwa and john, also known as johnny, met when donghwa was still a trainee under sm. the two were known to be one of sm's longest trainees, with the training for almost ten years before johnny made his debut with nct while donghwa left the agency. the two bonded throughout their journey under sm together and are pretty close. together with taeyong, the three often hang out together and their hangout would often end with them creating chaos is either of their dorms. johnny is also donghwa's english buddy. the two would often converse in both korean and english and the two would often be a confused puppy whenever the other switches to english as donghwa's english is british english whereas johnny's english is american english. they would often have to describe words like vase or their backpack as the pronounciation or word for such word are different. however, they would end up laughing over their silliness. similar to taeyong, everyone knows how close johnny and donghwa are (not to the extent of taeyong) and the two would often mention one another in interviews if possible.
"dance battle?"
|| dance buddy || kim jongin || 26 || idol, member of exo ||
jongin and donghwa are what you call dance buddies. whenever you see the two together, you would instantly know that they were dancing. jongin helps donghwa in dancing since they both know how talented jongin is in that field, but there are times when donghwa would help jongin in dance. the two are known to be very talented in dancing and instead of being enemies, the two decided to help one another out even though they may end up being compared to one another in the future. of course, jongin feels bad for donghwa since he has not made his debut despite being talented in dancing, but he supports donghwa's decisions. he is also a little angry at sm for pushing donghwa into modelling and not idol life, however he can't voice his anger since he is under sm.
stage name.  hwajae / fire
position.  main dancer, lead rapper, visual(?)
plotline.  the model
talent twins
vocal : kim mingyu x x x
dance : yoo taeyang x x x
rap : kim mingyu x x (until 0.38) x (until 2.16)
trainee years

eight years under sm entertainment (2010-2018)
one year under p nation (2019-present)
talent life.  training was relatively hard for donghwa. he experienced similar things to haeun such as not being able to undertsand what the trainers were saying as well as having to juggle school life with training. however, he was often told one thing, and that is he is good looking. this boosted his ego, thinking that maybe he did have a shot in debuting, especially since he was placed in sm rookies not long after starting training. many overlooked the fact that donghwa was working hard in every aspect, from singing to rapping. he would stay and practice almost every night despite having been dismissed from the trainers. he wanted to prove that with his good looks, comes determination and talent.

however, no one cared about his talents. he was there for his looks and nothing else. being placed in nct was a dream come true for him. he learned the choreography for firetruck and was even gonna be one of their centre alongside taeyong. however, he learnt that he was pulled from the lineup in the last minute and that the reason was that, they already had someone like him in nct aka taeyong. they didn't want the two to clash and hence, sm decided to take him out.

instead, he was placed into many modelling gigs. in a span of a week, he had almost fifty auditions for modelling as well as he had modelling classes that clashed with his original schedule. he was told to prioritise modelling over anything and of course, despite donghwa wanting to protest, he knew he had no say it in. he kept quiet and went along with whatever sm planned for him.

for three years, donghwa prioritised modelling over his other interests. he did not like his life one bit. he wanted to perform. he wanted to dance and rap, and certainly did not want to be a model. everyone told him that he was born to be a model, but that's not what he wanted. he grew more restless when he noticed how hapy haeun was whenever she was in 1million. he envied his twin sister for having the life she wanted, the life that he too yearned for. thus, when he found out that sm changed his profile into a modelling profile, donghwa packed his bags and left. he was tired of their games and the long wait to debut as an idol. he knew that their promises of an idol debut were nothing but white lies just so he could stay in sm. he had had it with sm, hence he chose to leave

soon after his departure, donghwa led a quiet life, except for the fact that he can sometimes be seen in his sister's 1million videos. despite leaving sm, donghwa's dream of becoming a performer still stayed with him. therefore, he chose to join in his sister's classes to ensure that his dance isn't rusty. he would often write his own lyrics and rap to his heart's content at home as he loves rapping. deep down, he knew that he wanted to be an idol and thankfully, p nation was there to make his dream come true. while they were scouting haeun, they also scouted donghwa. they promised them a chance to debut and that they don't break promises. of course, donghwa was hesitant since sm did promise him a debut but that never came. however, after hearing who the ceo of p nation was, donghwa took the offer and was soon a p nation trainee,

in p nation, donghwa was given a lot of freedom. the training wasn't as hard as when he was in sm. he could breathe a little and not worry over the littlest things since the trainers know of their weaknesses. he could do things his own way and when he debuted, he could finally smile a genuine smile.

was part of sm rookies
was supposed to debut in nct
was the face of innisfree in 2016
was in nct life
modelled for a few clothing brands
walked on a few runways
was in an innisfree commercial in 2017
|| 2018 || sm trainee seo donghwa has left sm || true ||
i mean, is there anything to hide? it was confirmed by donghwa on his instagram account that he left sm. he stated that they were having disagreements and differences, which led to his departure. fans were sad since they knew donghwa was a trainee for quite a long time and leaving after eight years might have hurt him, but donghwa reassured them that he would still try his hardest to pursue his dreams
|| 2019 || former sm trainee rumoured to be in a relationship with a male || false ||
someone leaked pictures of donghwa and a classmate of his hugging. the picture leaked looked to be as if the two were in a relationship and many assumed that they were. f course, donghwa cleared the rumours and spoke out, saying that the guy he was hugging was a friend of his and that they were only friends. donghwa also spoke saying that he was straight (even though that isn't true).
2020 || hwajae to take a break due to bullying rumours || false ||
there were rumours going around, saying that donghwa was a bully back in school. a certain guy spoke out syaing that donghwa often made fun of his looks and weight as well as flaunt his wealth. the male even provide video proof of donghwa occasionally kicking his chair from the back and threatening to hit him if he were to talk back. of course, the videos were proved to be false by all of donghwa's classmate and haeun herself. however, many began to view donghwa as a egoistic person and would try to find faults where ever he is. the flaming became so bad that many thought that donghwa would take a break, however p nation chose to address such scandal with dropping the "whoever defame my talents would be facing a lawsuit". hence, many stopped finding faults.
love interest.  member of midnight
backup love.  n/a
personality.  まずしい わかもの が いました。
love story.  まずしい わかもの が いました。
trivia.  まずしい わかもの が いました。
— black
— hip hop (Eminem, Lil wayne, Ice Cube etc.)
— rock music (Pierce the Veil, Black Veil Brides, My Chemical Romance etc.)
— exercising
— horror movies
— dancing
— choreographing
— protein shakes
— skinship
— snakes (both types)
— spicy food
— cringey jokes
— being a burden
— coffee
— fatty food
— sleep talks and snores very loudly, so tends to get his own room
— bites his lips when nervous
— sarcastically laugh at something when annoyed
— touches his hair every minute
— scratches his nose when lying
— choreograph something when hearing a song
— sings and raps to every song he hears
— working out (his work out buddy is haeun)
— pranking people
— listening to music
— dancing
— modelling (even though he was forced to do this, he enjoys it)
— choreographing
— is the younger twin to haeun
— allergic to nuts and is lactose intolerant
— likes to write his own lyrics
— openly fights for lgbt rights
— has been a trainee since he was twelve
— left handed
— he has a slight cuss problem where he would often spit out cuss words when doing mistakes
— was originally a vocalist before switching to rap
— owns a two cat and a kitten. he gave one of his kitten to haeun
(chichi + chika + chipet)
— has a deep voice
— he can solve a rubiks cube within a couple of minutes
— he hates spicy food and can sweat a whole bucket if he eats them
— can't do aegyo
— previously a trainee under sm for eight years
— is close to the nct members but most notably taeyong and johnny
— is biual
— once had a crush on howard but is way over that crush
— knows how to play the guitar
— instagram: @seodonghwajae
— was previously a well known model while under sm
— appeared in a few 1million dance videos
— helps choreograph luminous's songs
— is a chaebol
— his religion is christian
— can memorise choreography easily
— is quite a beagle despite looking like a cold person
— has a fear of height
— was supposed to debut with nct but was dropped last minute
— he knows the whole choreography of firetruck by nct127
— was in nct life
— he has a tattoo on his chest (slightly smaller than in pic), left inner bicep and right forearm
— if he wasn't an idol, he would most likely be a choreographer
— his role model is his family
— very different off and on stage
say & Do
— "ha, the jokes on you"
— taking 's phone and hiding it
— loves taking unglams on 's phones
— "stay away from her and we'll be in good terms"
— "ahhhh "
— "language, young one"
— "shut up haeun"
— "yes i'm her brother, you got a problem?"
— is a bluff sometimes and would often act tough but isn't
— would always do the most silliest things in the whole wide world
— is always told not to talk due to his "handsome" image
— "i'll burn you alive taeyong hyung, get your here!"

— "do you know what's big? my-" is slapped in the head by haeun
password.  it's the same as haeun's app
male : monsta x all in
stray kids district 9
seventeen trauma
bap young, wild and free


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She is so precious ❤️ I'll try to update reviews and add her later today or tomorrow. ☺️