「 M I D N I G H T 」별 is freedom. (#357e9c, #c6e7f5)

seo haeun
xXMonstaAriXx  ari  9-10
name.  seo haeun 서하은
eunnie 은이 | a shorter way to call her
harmony seo 하모니 서 | her english name that she no longer uses
birthdate.  april 5, 1998
birthplace.  london, england
hometown.  london, england (1998-2010)
seoul, south korea (2010-present)
ethnicity.  korean
nationality.  korean
english 영어 | fluent | grew up in london, has a british accent
korean 한국어 | advance | have been living in korea for almost ten years. she is still not that fluent in it and gets the idioms wrong
はずんだ こころ で 山 を おりて いく と、
faceclaim.  kim yoohyeon
backup faceclaim.  park jihyo
height.  172cm
weight.  55kg
bloodtype.  o
fashion.  haeun doesn't have any specific style because she wears whatever that's in trend. she mostly wears shorts and jeans due to her long legs but that doesn't mean that haeun doesn't like wearing skirts and dresses. she usually wear them for formal events. due to her slight tall structure, haeun rarely wear heels unless needed. she tends to stick to her fila disruptor and doc martens. (lookbook next page)
はずんだ こころ で 山 を おりて いく と、
positive traits.  confident, honest, incisive, optimistic
neutral traits.  sarcastic, brave, independent, impatient
negative traits.  aggressive, short tempered, blunt, stubborn
haeun is quite different from any other aries in the entire world. maybe just a little, but she's one of a kind. she is most loved by a lot of people for her oozing confidence. literally, she doesn't care about how she would act in front of anyone because she has a high self esteem. she isn't afraid to step out of the box and do things that she isn't good at because she knows that she can do it. however, haeun knows that she shouldn't be too confident in her abilities and skills as she wants people to view her with a good impression. supporting her confidence, haeun is a very positive person. i mean, she had just overcame a very difficult moment of her life and she knows how it's like to be seen as someone who others viewed poorly of. however, she never once felt down. instead, her face always has a constant smile etched on it as well as a small giggle that would compliment her current feelings. haeun hardly gets sad but when she does, you know that what you did was absolutely horrendous and terrible that even a smiley girl could break down into tears.
of course, every single trait haeun has, also has it's negative side. being confident, haeun doesn't exactly think of her words that much. therefore, she grew to be very, awfully blunt, especially once you get close to her. she can blurt out your dirtiest secrets on air without feeling a tinge of regret which is why haeun became the least "trustworthy" in the group. she would cut your sentences with her own words and let's admit it, being interrupted is one of the most annoying things ever. well, that's haeun for you. surprisingly, haeun is exceptionally good at keeping her own secrets because she never told anyone and didn't feel the need to. however, that contradicts her next trait. being blunt, haeun tends to be honest as well, but only when she feels guilty. some might say that it's a human instict, but to haeun, it isn't. everytime she feels guilty, she would just tell the person things that no one should know of, which is why her secret is often kept confidential, and that's why haeun rarely feels guilty towards someone. the only time she would, is when she literally had crossed the line.
having started training at a young age, haeun adopted the independent trait. she knew no one would help her out despite her desperate calls for help, which is why she chose to do things on her own. she doesn't need anyone to tell her what to do unless really needed because she feels that she is capable of doing things on her own. haeun also doesn't want to be a burden to others, which is why she chose to be independent. never had she ever asked for anyone help due to her pure determination of doing things on her own. sometimes, people get extremely annoyed with the said girl due to her rude manner whenever they try to help, but those who know her well, they wouldn't take it to heart as that's who she is, and no one can change that. following her independence, it's no surprise that haeun would be brave. she is very daring and nevers back down from a challenge, even when she knows that she can't beat them. she doesn't want to be seen as a coward, but she wants to be seen as someone who tries their best, which is why she never hesitates to challenge the obstacle faced, because she knows full well that she could do it. she is sort of the dare devil of the group.
of course, no one can avoid the fact that haeun is a very impatient lady. she can never wait for your sorry even if you're late by 0.01 second. she thinks that whoever is late, doesn't deserve to be waited since they obviously know that they should be there by the given time. as cruel as it sounds, haeun doesn't care. she hates it when people are late and often manages her time because of it. she would be the first one to arrive at a meeting in fear of being late and when someone is late, she would just leave with a "sorry, but you were late so i'm gone". she does it to everyone so don't feel hurt about it. haeun was never once a gentle lady. ever since she was young, she would handle things aggressively and can sometimes damage an object just by poking it. she can be known as the goddess of destruction due to breaking every single thing she touches, including a water bottle. some might say this is exaggeration but believe me, haeun can break a bottle of water while just holding it in her hands. not only that, the way haeun talks can also be aggressive, especially since she owns a husky voice. she tend to use an aggressive tone while talking unknowingly.
being friends with one of the most savage idols, it's no doubt that haeun would know words that could roast you in a second. influenced by kim heechul, haeun became very sarcastic that it sometimes scares people. she can literally burn your with a sentence and would be as savage as she can be. her sarcasm is one of the things that makes her, her. if she isn't full of fiesty sentences, she wouldn't feel herself, which could lead to a total identity crisis. as confusing as it sounds, haeun has quite a temper. she gets annoyed easily despite being all smiley. she can literally snap at you for being an annoying that would totally love some kicking in the face. it doesn't make sense as to how she can be awfully optimistic at one point but annoyed at the other, but that's just how she is. which is why people tend to avoid her bad side and try to stick to her good one because from what they know, she can punch and break your face when she gets super annoyed with you.
however, haeun is actually quick-witted. she is good at analyzing a situation and when it gets hard, she tries her best to bring the mood up, and it always happens during practice. due to her optimism, haeun can bring a smile on ones face without even trying but when she does that, haeun tends to read the situation before doing anything stupid. although, that don't happen when she talks. she is also very direct, she doesn't like to waste any time by giving stupid clues to people for them to guess her next words. no, haeun however is straight to the point and would use her words as fast as bullets. her words honestly depends on the situation she's at, it can be sarcastic, hurtful or encouraging. another thing about this said girl, is that super stubborn. she only does what she wants and rarely listen to others because as said, she feels that depending on others is a burden. she tends to do things her own way and no one can talk to her about it. i suggest to never get into a fight with the said girl because being sarcastic, stubborn, aggressive and blunt in one go during a fight makes it impossible for you to win, especially when the person you're fighting with is as stubborn as haeun.
はずんだ こころ で 山 を おりて いく と、
haeun grew up like a normal kid. she had good grades and a wonderful family. wrong. haeun's actually from a wealthy family and was born with a silver spoon. she need not worry about any financial issues because everything was settled. she basically lived a life everyone wants, where everything is given to her. everyone envied how she could just buy things with just a snap of her fingers. everyone also envied how she lived in a penthouse even when she's just a foreigner, living in a foreign country due to her parent's work. however, haeun never liked the life as a somebody. she was constantly left out when she hung out with her friends because they constantly for being a "rich kid". she was an outcast in her school despite having a loving family that cherishes her and treats her as though she's a princess. she was alone even though she had a twin brother who grew to be her pillar in everything.

in school, haeun never had real friends. the only people who she could associate were either acting to be her friend or were greedy bastards who want nothing but her money. the only real friend she had was her brother, but he was often hanging out with his group of friends. are you wondering why haeun's brother had real friends while haeun didn't? well, donghwa was part of a dance crew. he had an interest in performing and often hung out with his dance crew. haeun never knew why her twin liked dancing so much. she never understood the art of dancing, that is until she tried it herself. the day she first started dancing, was when she had to stay after school to help the teachers and since donghwa too stayed after school to practice dancing, haeun tagged along. she finally saw and understood why one could love dancing so much. donghwa managed to make his sister do what he loved most and was thrilled to hear that she enjoyed it.

years later, the dance room soon became haeun's second home. right after donghwa introduced the meaning of dance, haeun couldn't seem to stop her growing curiosity. she tagged along her twin and found herself in a dance room almost everyday after school. she finally found her group of friends. she no longer felt like an outcast since she could finally show off her genuine smile to people who appreciate her as a person and not as a celebrity. sadly, all good things come to an end. at the age of twelve, four years after she discovered her love for dancing, haeun had to pack her bags and leave her beloved dance crew. she was sad, but she understood that her parents had no choice. they were flying to their homeland, south korea due to the death of her grandfather, and since her father was the heir, they had to move. on their last day in london, haeun and donghwa shared their last moment with their dance crew, who gave them a token so they would remember each other.

when the seo family landed and settled down in seoul, haeun and donghwa wasted no time but to find a dance studio that was close to their homes. however, instead of finding a dance studio, they found an agency called sm entertainment. the seo twins knew of kpop since their previous dance crew introduced the genre to the seo twins and they knew that sm entertainment were one of the biggest agencies in south korea. hence, knowing how big sm was, the two asked their parents if they could audition. of course, their parents blessed their decisions and soon, haeun found herself auditioning for sm. during the audition, haeun was asked to either sing and dance or rap and dance. she chose to sing and dance since she knew nothing of rapping. her singing was not as impressive as her dancing but knowing she tried her best, haeun was accepted. her brother? he was accepted as well and together, the two became official sm trainees at age twelve.

unfortunately, haeun gave up her dreams of performing due to motherhood. she sadly got pregnant at the age of eighteen and had no choice but to leave the agency despite training very hard to improve on everything. she was devastated, but she couldn't hate her unborn unchild. she only had herself to blame. fortunately, her family supported her despite the news being a potential scandal that could tarnish the seo's reputation. her mother took care of her and pushed her boutique to the side just to look after her only daughter while her older brother became her "butler". whatever the girl craved for, he would be one to get them. that was how much haeun was cherished in the family.

when her son was born, haeun tried her hardest to juggle motherhood as well as dancing. yes, despite being a mother, haeun still wanted to dance. she wanted to achieve her dreams of performing. she knew that all the years of dancing would go to waste if she were to give up now. thus, she ended up joining 1million dance studio as a choreographer and teacher at the age of twenty. she was happy at 1million since she got to meet many new people who shared the same interest as her. they knew of her life story and how she was a teen mom, yet they never once judged her. they considered her family and haeun was grateful. however, despite finding a place she could fit in, haeun still yearned to become an idol. she wanted to stand on stage in front of thousands and perform her own songs. thus, one year after joining 1million, haeun was contacted by p nation. they offered her a contract after getting to know her through the videos of imillion. they felt that she was what they wanted, hence decided to sign her. haeun was intrigued by them since they offered her the chance of debuting, the chance to live her dream, and hence she took it.
"oppa! can you get some strawberries for me?"
|| older brother || seo dongjin || 27 || heir to h&d group ||
dongjin and haeun are pretty close despite having a five year since dongjin cherished her and showered haeun with love while they were growing up. haeun looks up to dongjin and would forever be grateful towards her older brother who supported her through everything, even when she chose to do the wrong things, dongjin supported her because dongjin knew she would wake up and realise that what she was doing it wrong. dongjin understands haeun so much that whenever there's a squabble between midnight and haeun, the first person midnight would think of, is dongjin because they know dongjin's the only person (aside from donghwa) that can cool his younger sister down. dongjin is currently working in their father's company and would be the heir to the company once their father steps down.
(fc.jung daehyun)
"i'm older than you, you brat"
|| younger twin brother || seo donghwa || 22 || trainee under p-nation ||
the two have a normal twin relationship. always getting into small fights but yet, they need each other by their sides despite their arguments. donghwa is the attention-seeking yet overprotective twin brother who can't let his sister out of his sight, despite him being sixteen minutes younger. he loves her to the max and does whatever he can to make her happy. this is due to the fact that he felt the responsibility for his sister's well being due to them being twins and he wouldn't want to let their parents down. haeun loves her brother to bits and is his shoulder to cry on and looks up to him because he's the one who got her into dancing. whenever both. many know of the twin's close relationship and would sometimes brand them "sibling/twin goals" as both would often think of the same thing (telepathy). donghwa also supported haeun during her pregnancy despite not liking the fact that she got pregnant at a young age (and that the father is his best friend). he also dropped out of sm soon after his sister's departure from the same agency.
(fc.kim mingyu)
"yah! did you put glue in my shampoo!?"
|| younger brother || seo haru || 18 || student ||
haru is the little brother anyone could ever ask for. out of all the seo siblings, he has the title of the most annoying seo. why? he is the prankster and literally the most talking one out of the bunch. he can never shut up and always has something up his sleeves. his favourite target? his older sister. he loves to disturb and annoy his sister until she's close to having a mental breakdown. however, despite his little pranks and games, haeun lovesssss her little brother and often treats him like a kid despite him being eighteen. she loves to use her cute voice and coo at him while pinching his cheeks. this annoys the heck out of haru but he can't seem to stay angry at his sister because he loves her to bits. even though he is the younger one, he is fairly protective over his sister since she's the only girl in the family aside from their mother. haeun too can't stay mad at her younger brother since she loves himeven though she doesn't often show it. haru's dream is to open his own business and is currently doing his best in his studies so that he could go to a good university to study business management.
(fc.kim donghyun)
"eomma is sorry for not being there most of the time"
|| son || lee taeeun || 4 || n/a ||
who is this cute little bean? well, it's haeun's accidental child, taeeun. he is the child of haeun and her boyfriend. he wasn't planned, but that doesn't mean he doesn't receive huge amounts of love. in fact, he is often showered with love by his mother and her uncles. they adore their cute little bean since they want what's best for him. unfortunately, haeun is often busy with her career and would often not have time for her little boy. taeeun is often cared by haru and haeun's parents since haeun is often busy with schedules and practices. you might think that taeeun dislikes his mother, well you're wrong. even though he's only four years old, taeeun understands his mother's profession and supports her. it often brings haeun to tears whenever she video calls him since he would often express how he understands his mother and how he would often reassure her that he's fine. for a four year old kid, taeeun is awfully intelligent and can be slightly independent. (he's sort of like jamjam in tros)
(fc.i can't find the child's name sadly)
"oh my god! we should totaly collab!"
|| close friend || howard robertson || 24 || leader of shimmy dance crew ||
howard was haeun's first ever friend. the two met when the two were only eight years old at school. howard was donghwa's best friend and crew friend. when haeun tagged along with donghwa to his dance practice, that's how she met with the emerald eye leader who was two years their senior. despite being a stranger, howard welcomed haeun with open arms and soon, the two grew close. howard treats haeun as a younger sister and has never thought of her as more. to this day, howard is still the leader of their old dance crew but the crew is filled with new members as the og members decided to go their seperate ways. out of all the og shimmy dance crew members, howard is the one haeun stays in contact with. they often text and video call which often triggers this question "is howard the father of taeeun" or "are the two a thing?"
(fc.harry styles)
"i'm so grateful to have you guys"
|| third family || 1million dance studio || varies || dancers, instructors, choreographer ||
of course haeun are very close to her former colleagues. they tend to joke around each other a lot but they would often collab at some points. the family is very supportive of haeun's choice in joining an agency to be an idol, in fact, some even joked, saying that they would want to choreograph her group's song if possible. honestly, without them, haeun would have been a stressed out mom by now since they openly accepted her and her son with wide arms.
(fc.1million dance studio)
"i'm the better dancer, end of discussion"
|| close friend || kim jongin/kai || 26 || idol, member of exo ||
the two met when haeun was still part of sm and let's just say the two did not exactly get along because they were trying hard to proof to one another that they're the best out of the dancers. they often fought whenever the two end up in the same room and would always find ways to pick on the other. however, haeun left sm due to her pregnancy, she missed fighting with him. she missed his presence and because of that, she contacted the male soon after she gave birth to taeeun and they became close friends. jongin is the male responsible for most of haeun's weight gain since he always buys for her food and desserts to satisfy her sweet tooth. not only that, he also helped her improve in her dancing because he knew how much she at it (not exactly). jongin loves her a lot and would always look out for her whenever she's in distressed. he knows of the existence of taeeun but doesn't know who the father is since she kept it a secret and had lied stating that it was an old fling.
"stop being cute unnie"
|| friend || kang seulgi || 26 || idol, member of red velvet ||
despite being replaced by seulgi, haeun could never hate the girl as it wasn't her choice. seulgi didn't have a choice when it was announced that she was to debut instead of haeun. that's what haeun put into her perspective. plus, she would admit that seulgi was a far better dancer than she was and would most likely fit the concept of what the company had planned. the two never had any bad blood and are considered friends. however, they aren't that close unlike haeun and jongin. whenever they see each other, they'll end up hugging and greeting each other, and then they'll just mind their own business. haeun however, sometimes contact seulgi whenever she needs help in dance since she knows seulgi is an exceptional dancer who has her own swag. she does not know of taeeun's existence since they're not that close.
"gather around children"
|| her children || zhong chenle, park jisung || 18, 17 || idol, member of nct ||
when haeun met chenle and jisung, she basically adopted them since the two joined sm at quite a young age, especially jisung. she loved them as though they were her younger brothers and simply took care of them throughout their whole journey. from when they were only trainees, until they debuted with nct, haeun was there to support and was there to take care of their well being. the two owe her a lot and are grateful for her actions which is why they respect her so much. however, the two are not that innocent as well. they love to tease their noona (especially jisung) and would often annoy her to the extent where haeun could no longer handle their bull. nevertheless, they love their noona while haeun loves her two children. they also know of the existence of taeeun and would often call haeun just to hear taeeun talk.
stage name.  byeol / star + she wants to be the brightest of them all
position.  main dancer, lead vocalist
plotline.  freedom aka the mother (bu. the model)
talent twins
vocal : kim yoohyeon x x x
dance : yoo shiah/yooa x x x
trainee years

six years under sm entertainment (2010-2016)
one year under p nation (2019-present)
talent life.  when she first started training under sm, she had a hard time coping. having been away from korea for nearly all her life, haeun had troubles speaking the language and couldn't understand half of what the trainers would say. she would always be scolded for every single mistake she do but wouldn't even know what she did wrong. she lost so much energy during this period of time since she had to start dietting. not only that, she also had to juggle her school life since she was only twelve years old. people could see how much the girl had lost weight along with how pale she had become. her mother was close to dragging her out of sm, but haeun practically begged her mother not to since she wanted to achieve her dreams so badly. haeun wanted to debut so much that she didn't mind how tired and worn out she was. when she was considered for the lineup of red velvet. hearing such news had her hopes up. unfortunately, her hopes fell when she heard that she was replaced by seulgi since she did not fit the wanted concept of red velvet. this made the sixteen year old feel disheartened, but yet she still stuck around.

sadly, her dreams were shattered when she found out she was pregnant when she was eighteen. at that time, she was had trained so hard and had put her whole body on the line yet, a small mistake ruined. haeun was kicked out of sm and eventually had to stopped dancing for almost a year just because she was pregnant. she wanted to hate the baby growing in her but couldn't.

eventually, haeun didn't return to the idol industry right after her pregnancy. in fact, haeun began dancing for a living. joining 1million dance studio just so she could polish her dance, but unknowingly she became a choreographer and dance instructor when she reached the age of twenty. haeun couldn't believe the fact that she was as popular as the other choreographers, despite only doing some beginners class or being a helper during class. not long after haeun joined 1million dance studio, she was approached by a male, who offered haeun a spot in a newly opened company, p nation. the name rang a slight bell in haeun. it sounded awfully familiar and when she found out who the ceo was, haeun accepted the offer and began training under p nation as they offered her the chance of debuting, despite her being a mother.

in p nation, haeun was given freedom to bring her son during practice or many break time to either pick her son up from school or just hanging out with them. she was grateful towards the ceo and almost everyone was supportive of her. they understood how she had to leave early to spend time with her son. however, when haeun debuted, she came face to face with the harsh reality and had barely enough time for her son. she made sure no one knows of her son other than her agency and 1million.
was part of sm rookies
was supposed to be part of red velvet, but was replaced by seulgi
was a dance instructor and choreographer in 1million dance studio
|| 2020 || midnight's byeol in a relationship? || false ||
pictures of haeun and an unknown foreigner were posted online, speculating that the two figures were in a relationship. of course, haeun denied such rumours as the male in the pictures were howard. p nation too denied the rumours and explained how howard was a childhood friend of haeun and donghwa and that in the picture, donghwa was present except that he was in the restroom when the picture was taken. however, after this scandal happened, many had suspected that haeun and howard were a thing despite their constant denying.
|| 2020 or up to you || midnight's byeol and nct's taeyong confirmed to be dating || true ||
ever since the scandal of haeun and howard, haeun was often asked about him, which jeopardised her own real relationship with taeyong. due to the growing jealousy of taeyong and uncomfort of haeun, the two decided to just reveal their relationship through a vlive. yes, they planned for such thing. when midnight was live, haeun had to show off her phone since that was the theme of the vlive. to show off the contents of their phones, and since her wallpaper was taeyong, many were shocked and had brought it online. sm and p nation then confirmed the two's relationship with a short note, "it is true that the two are interested in one another. we hope everyone would support them. thank you.". many fans were betrayed, but some were supportive (mainly international fans).
|| 2020 || midnight's byeol is a mother? || true ||
due to her previous scandal, knetz started digging into her personal life and they soon found out that not only was haeun in a relation with taeyong, but she is also the mother to his child. yes, they found out that the couple has a whole family. haeun herself came clean and told her fans as well as taeyong's fans about their son and had hoped for them to continue supporting her and taeyong. she knew how much hate she would get, even more since she got pregnant at the age of eighteen. she honestly did not know what to do about this situation and only hoped for the best. fortunately, haeun did not receive lots of hate, much to her expectations. in fact, everyone supported her and taeyong. although they were some salty kids who can't seem to accept the fact that she has a family.
|| 2020 || midnight's byeol criticised for her rude behaviour? || true ||
during an event, haeun was speculated to have shown rude behaviour to a few of the exo members, notably jongin and sehun. she was ignoring jongin and sehun jokingly since haeun knew them due to her days in sm. she was very comfortable to be around them and was acting "angry" since they were teasing her. however, fans took it the wrong way and started to bash on her for acting rude and not respecting sunbaes and tried to bring her down. of course, haeun spoke up about the article and explained that she didn't think before acting since she grew up with some of the exo members. she apologised multiple times and have then kept her distance from her close friends to avoid any further controversy. some fans felt that it was unfair for the girl but never spoke up.

comments :

"did she purposely ignore sehun and kai?"

"oh god what a rude b*tch, look at sehun and kai's face, they look flustered."

"isn't she in a rookie group? shouldn't she be more respectful to a sunbae group?"

"she should just leave midnight before she pollutes them with her rudeness."

"god, popularity got into her head. she thinks she's popular now."

"is it cause she's in a relationship with taeyong that made her this way?"
love interest.  lee taeyong
backup love.  jung jaehyun
At first glance, taeyong might look like someone who is cold-hearted, seeing as he has those sharp jawlines and a calm face everytime you see him on stage. but off stage, He is very friendly and very determined. Similar to haeun, he accepts any challenges given to him and his group and would always take up the challenge despite being afraid of it. Taeyong is very talkative as well, which leads him to become someone who is very friendly. He can get friends with just a snap. His smile could charm others as well as his weird laugh. On stage, Taeyong is very talented. In both rapping and dancing. He has a certain charisma which makes him charismatic and with just a single gaze in the eyes, you could totally feel your heart beating faster than normal. Off stage is no different, he would have a way to have to you blush or just swoon over his cuteness.

But, Being human, taeyong has his bad side. One is that he is super annoying. In haeun's eyes that is. Due to being very talkative, he pisses haeun with his annoying mouth and bluntness. Although haeun is very Blunt as well. He shoots out words that are never meant to be spoken and haeun would be very annoyed, to the extent where she was close to punching his face due to her bad temper. Apart from those, taeyong can get naggy at times. Similar to haeun. He nags every single day because he doesn't want anyone to be like him when he was younger. Taeyong, along with haeun, would always be the ones cleaning the dorm. As taeyong is a neat freak, and wants everything to be clean as to his preferance, while haeun just hates seeing mess. as they say, "It makes their eyes bleed"

love story
how they met
the two met while haeun was still a trainee under sm. nothing really happened between them other than them growing close as friends. they never really had a strong attraction for one another despite haeun finding the male handsome whereas taeyong found the girl pretty. they were friends and nothing more.
how they like each other
after four years of friendship, haeun and taeyong began to feel that strong attraction. taeyong finally saw haeun as a woman and not as a little sister while haeun began seeing taeyong as a man and not as an older brother. the two always had butterflies in their stomach whenever they hung out and would often blush whenever others would bring up about the other party. it was a new feeling and they tried hard to conceal it since they didn't want to ruin their friendship but the two knew that the feeling their having is what they call "crushing" or more specifically by others, love.
how they got together
it would be shocking to know who told who first. haeun was the one to confess first. she had had it with the butterflies and unconscious flirting between the two and decided to just be straightforward. taeyong wasn't expecting the confession, but he went ahead and told haeun his true feelings as well. from then on, the two became a couple and told no one, but their closest friends.
how they act around each other
the two are very much in love. in love enough for them to accidentally conceive a child together when haeun was eighteen and taeyong was twenty one. it was shocking to hear that they were going to be parents when their careers had just started, but they were happy nonetheless. not a single soul other than close friends know about their child and they plan to keep it that way.

when the two aren't packed with schedules, they often meet up and go on small dates with their little four year old son. when they have clashing schedules, the two often disappear into private rooms to have their own private cuddle session or maybe private makeout sessions. they're pretty much in love and are going strong despite having busy schedules and not meeting each other as often as other couples.

there would be times where haeun and taeeun would end up in nct's dorm since the bunch know of their "leader"'s relationship with haeun and the existence of taeeun.
— have been together for about 5 going 6 years
— their aniversary date is july 16, 2014
— they own couple rings which the two always wear. x
— the two have a son together
— taeyong bought haeun a charm bracelet to which she wears everyday x
— taeyong is the only one haeun listens to without hesitation
— haeun loves wearing his clothes because it's comfortable
— they text very often that haeun gets distracted a lot
— taeyong is haeun's ideal type
— donghyuck/haechan loves to tease the two of them
— both haeun and taeyong's phone password is their anniversary date (061614)
— both their phone lockscreen and homescreen are pictures of their family x x
— taeyong is the only person (excluding donghwa) who would often see haeun's (terrible) aegyo
— the two usually celebrate their birthday together
— haeun saved taeyong's name as "yongie oppa ♡♡♡"
— taeyong saved haeun's name as "baby eun ♡♡♡"
— taeyong sometimes help haeun in dance and vice versa
— taeeun's name is a mixture of taeyong and haeun's name
— rock bands (BVB, SWS, MCR etc.)
— sports
— dancing
— the gym
— iced americano
— choreographing
— colour black
— her son
— bubble tea / boba
— chocolate
— waiting
— belts
— skinship
— the ocean
— insects
— being interupted
— judgemental people
— romantic movies
— bites fingernails when stress
— sticks her tongue out while concentrating
— slaps herself when embarrassed
— says "ah-choo" after sneezing
— twirling her hair when nervous
— scrunches her eyebrows when lying
— dancing whenever she needs to clear her head or think
— Listening to music
— dancing and choreographing
— going to the gym/exercising
— hanging out with her loved ones
— playing the guitar
— getting tattoos and piercings
— she is the older twin sister of donghwa
— is lactose intolerant
— has been a trainee since she was twelve
— is very close to sm idols but notably jongin and nct
— is usually very sarcastic
— is biual
— openly fights for lgbt rights
— she is always early and hates being late
— is ambidextrous
— was part of 1million dance studios
— her ideal type is nct's taeyong
— her role model are her siblings
— owns a dog and kitten. they all live with her in the dorm (snowy + ginger)
— Instagram: @seo_byeol
— helps in the choreographing of midnight
— an animal lover
— is a chaebol
— has a small obsession with bubble tea
— can memorise choreography easily (similar to lisa of bp)
— she knows the choreography to many songs and can do a random play dance (similar to chaeyeon)
— she has a fear of insects (entomophobia), water (aquaphobia), heights (acrophobia) and tight spaces (claustrophobia)
— is the supposed heir to her mother's fashion business
— her religion is christian
— is secretly in a relationship with nct's taeyong
— has a four year old son
— if she wasn't an idol, she would be a choreographer
— plans to get more tattoos and piercings in the future
— she has pierced her ears and navel
(left | right | navel)
— has tattoos x x x
say & Do
— "ooohhh uri maknae yahh" while pinching her cheeks
— "taeeun ah, eomma is sorry"
— she loves to take selcas
— sometimes act motherly to the younger members
— giggles whenever she looks at her phone
— slaps the back of people's head often
— "aish you annoying brat"
— "no swearing in this household"
— squishes the cheeks of younger members and younger brother
— "shut up donghwa, i'm older than you"
password.  i tried finding songs that had meaning in it
male : monsta x all in
stray kids district 9
seventeen trauma
bap young, wild and free

female : dreamcatcher scream
exid every night
exid ah yeah
taeyeon i

co-ed : triple h 365 fresh
kard you in me


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She is so precious ❤️ I'll try to update reviews and add her later today or tomorrow. ☺️