ㅤㅤㅤUNI-PRINCE ! @savewoojoonim and the princes

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  wHat Am i without you?>
#leeyul #yul #eomma #uniprince #kitchenprince #notaplayboyokaytt #facesofyulie #firstmt
Posted on may 23, 2017

Woojoo likes to watch Yul cook in the dorm's kitchen and university's cafeteria--not to mention eat his cooking. He also likes to bring back any good food he found on his food tour with his sister, bestfriend or the uni-princes and share it with Yul--or take Yul to a food tour. Being in one room only brought them closer as both practically take care of each other. Woojoo most likely be the first amongst the princes to notice if Yul has a problem even through his quiet nature while Yul will be the first one to lend a hand through Woojoo's clumsy ways. As Woojoo is close to the princes, including Minwoo, he'll try to be the middle man of the rocker and Yul's misunder-standings. If he somehow sides with the rocker, Woojoo will state his reasons and with a little bit of Woojoo's natural aegyo, Yul will let him get away with it.


five more minutes, mom.

Yul set down the last bowl of rice on the table as the rest of the members either rush out or sit down to eat his breakfast. Except for one--his own roommate. 

Meanwhile, Woojoo had been woken up by Yul earlier but after sitting up for a few minutes, he fell back on his bed, curling deeper into his blankets. He'd stayed up finishing his reports from his trip the other day. Causing it to be harder to wake him up. He definitely did not notice Yul calling his name as he enters their shared room. "Woojoo!" Yul chuckled in disbelief at the bump that is Woojoo on his roommate's bed. "Woojoo, you're going to be late." Yul forced open the blankets and Woojoo whined, muttering reasons why Yul should let him sleep. "Woojoo," he shook Woojoo's shoulder.

"Five more minutes, mom."

"I'm your mom, now?" Yul snorted, he shook Woojoo harder.

roomie.closeness:               90%  
아 눈부셔!tumblr_static_tumblr_static__640.jpgtumblr_static_tumblr_static__640.jpg
#imhaewoon #wo0nniee #doctor #watchout #machinegun #uniprince
Posted on may 23, 2017

Woojoo likes to use his aegyo on Haewoon just to see Haewoon squirm in disgust yet secretly thinks the other is cute(!). Other than teasing him, Woojoo's learning english with him too and enjoys Haewoon's medical talk since Woojoo knows a little of the subject even though their patient is different--one treating humans while the other assists on treating animals. Both doesn't hold back in speaking their thoughts on one another, even though Haewoon will shoot him down with his realistic thoughts but Woojoo's not afraid to get him back with his own honest thoughts. Haewoon is basically a more reserved version of Woojoo's sister that Woojoo thinks of him as his big brother even if their the same age. 



woojoo blinked, realizing he's been reading the same page of the book over and over again. in frustration he closed the book, the sound startling haewoon who's also in the library with him. he stared wide-eyed at the smaller male. "the hell--"

"it has to be fate isn't it?" woojoo asked the doctor in making. "that girl appearing around me often?"

Haewoon snorted. He returned to his textbook, stating as the matter of factly, "there's no such thing as fate."

"there is!" woojoo sat up, eyes wide. as realistic as haewoon is, woojoo thought he'd at least believe in fate. 

"there isn't."

"there is!"  

"It's just your feelings making it like it's fate," haewoon reasoned. "I don't believe in fate."

woonie the pooh.closeness:              85%   

#parkhyunjun #genius #saem #uniprince
Posted on may 23, 2017

The one who introduced him to sns-es and world of technology. woojoo learned the basic of social media with intelligent hacker and was shown editing apps for photography. woojoo plays computer games with him even if he lost every single time. woojoo will come to the hacker's room and challenged the hacker again, after practicing with his bestfriend, only to lose again. although woojoo does think he needs some effort on the clothes, he's not as forceful as the loud designer.



hyunjun . 

hyunnie.closeness:               90%  






#Chajinruk #ironman #naemamsogechajjang
Posted on may 23, 2017

A strong man with a heart of...cotton candy. that's how woojoo sees him. the iron man would always scold him for sleeping with his hair still damp since he can catch a cold. thus, the members sometimes find the iron man drying woojoo's hair with the hairdryer. they'd probably look like a big brother and little brother if they hang out together.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.

chajjang.closeness:               90%  




#Leejaehoon #meanie #natural #FirstMT #heartbreaker #ignorelastphoto
Posted on may 23, 2017

A victim to many of jaehoon's teasing, woojoo has tried to mock him but it always backfired. When jaehoon mocks him too much, he'd give jaehoon a good and long glare before jaehoon would apologize. woojoo tend to tell him not to play too much with a girl's heart to which jaehoon smiles away to. since he doesn't approve of jaehoon's method of meeting the right girl, he never introduced his older sister to him. yet. despite knowing jaehoon is not half-bad. he silently think it's cute jaehoon somehow believes there is the one for him out there.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.

handsomest guy alive.closeness:               90%  

#hanjisung #jisung #prez #sooyoung'sman #firstmt #beach #uniprince #ibetyourescreaming
Posted on may 23, 2017


Being able to control the members and basically built the pillars of the club alone, Woojoo have a lot of respect for this individual. But he hopes the frozen lawyer can smile freely one day and till that day, Woojoo makes it his mission to loosen him up. Maybe Jisung still doesn't open up about his background, but Woojoo knows he's been through a lot and is actually a nice person inside since he'd always say fine everytime Woojoo begged him to hang out with him. And probably one of the few that can fearlessly joke with him like this.



Woojoo grinned sheepishly at the president who is standing in front of him, arms crossed. they locked gazes before jisung's eyes went to the fluffy being poking its head out of woojoo's hoodie. the white puppy excitedly greeted jisung with a bark.

"you weren't in the meeting," jisung said. "or dinner."

woojoo pursed his lips, looking down on his feet like a scolded child. well...he is actually being scolded in a way. "I'm Sorry," he muttered. "i got a little bit distracted."

Jisung sighed. "you read my message but didn't reply."

"eo? you texted?" woojoo took out his phone and opened the lock. indeed, jisung's message appeared and half of woojoo's reply was already typed in. "...oops, i thought i replied."

Jisung shook his head, putting his hands in his pockets. He made a mental note that he should call woojoo if he needed to reach the male. "next time, call if you're not going to make it. And," he 

jihwijang.closeness:              85%   

#kimminwoo #sayho #rockstar
Posted on may 23, 2017

Most probably, woojoo is the one and only fan of rebellious rocker amongst the members. he tries to come to every one of rebellious rocker's concert and support him as a representative of the princes. they were rocky at first meetings, but with woojoo able to handle (or beg) the president's club and never looked at him with pity, they become close. woojoo will tell him to chill out when facing the frozen lawyer or not to tease the gentle baker too much.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.

rock★.closeness:               85%   


#letsgoonatrip #wintersea #beach #elsawentandleft #fthaeinnuna
Posted on january 06, 2018



#byunbaekhua #viceprez #whysoserious #uniprince
Posted on may 23, 2017


albeit, y is something woojoo is bad at--if shown intentionally. hearing that the foxy businessman will sling his arm around woojoo and pinch his cheeks. "aigoo, alright, y woojoonim." woojoo turns to him for advices and ehemaboutgirlsehem. although, he knows not to take note of everything that the foxy businessman says. but then again...it's woojoo. he'll probably do everything the foxy businessman told him to do in a date.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.

baekhuahua.closeness:               90%  




#Yoojaehyun #fashionista #ohlala #yoogreatestjaehyun
posted on may 23, 2017

Put these two together and you have two kids on crack. The dorm is loud and cheerful because of these two sunshine--or annoying. It depends. Woojoo would watch animes with him but ended up bickering since they like the opposite characters. The members always ignore them when they are in this mode. Only when it gets serious, the frozen lawyer yells at them.



"one, two, three...go!" the part-time girl as the middle man, woojoo and jaehyun slurp up their slushie. 

jaehyunnie.closeness:              85%   




yoon jaehyun.the intelligent hacker


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