More Kpop Sh¡t My Husband Says

*watching Idol*

Hubby: Why do I picture five guys sitting in a room smoking pot and doing lines of coke and one guy says:

Do you know what would be great? If we were to take The Matrix, cross it with Sesame Street and add bright colours. That would make an awesome music video. 


*watching Cherry Bomb*

Hubby: "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands? Oh hell no! There is no way in hell I can take this song seriously. 


Hubby: Are they singing "I'm the biggest ?"

(Bonus points: my mom thought the same thing)


*during the trip to Tokyo, watching Exo's first concert blue ray in our hotel room and the "mirror dance" for My Lady plays*

Me: *fans self*

Hubby: Are you getting the vapors?

Me: No! I'm hot!

Hubby: Oh, I bet you are, you're all like *mimics me and says in a southern accent* "Oh, I do declare, Mr. Chen!"

*he still teases me about this *


*Hubby's response to the views and comments from this blog*

Hubby: I would laugh if your readers ever asked me to write a fanfic.

Me: I'm not making that bet.

Hubby: Why? You don't want to make another bet with me?

Me: I know better now. 


Quick note: My husband is a Kpop fan and these little comments, banters, ect. are just his way of joking. I know a lot of my readers will get this, but it is the era of hurt, so I'm adding this for my hubby's reassurance (he worries someone might misunderstand and take offense).


Quick edit: this just happened 

Me: I'm thinking of a prompt to send someone, the two characters I thought of are D.O and Suga, but I can't think of a title. 

Hubby: A in the is Better Than a Foot?

Me: ○_○ No! What the hell?

Hubby: This is one for the challenge, right?

Me: No!

Hubby: Oh . . . well, here's another one for the blog.


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Em1412 #1
Awww~ MY HEART <3<3<3<3<3