Rate yourself

Saw it on twitter. Think this is a fun way to test how you believe and know yourself



my answer:

rate yourself

looks: 7.5/10 
creativity: 8/10
health: 7.4/10
empathy: either 3 or 8/10, no in between
intelligence: a shy 8/10
trustworthiness: 9/10
social skills: 8.2/10
patience: 3 or 7/10, no in between
humor: 6.9/10, im no good with jokes
optimism: 8.8/10
memory: 1/10
Delusion: 3/10



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"prone to liking trance music wAy ToO mUcH"

I also took the personality test
If I have to rate myself, So I found the all scores fallen in all the category. T^T
Oh gosh i took the personality test and i also read this chart and im stil infp xD
Oh, I love astrology! You don’t need the exact time to calculate your planets, only their degrees and the houses. But for the signs/planets - yeah, those are probably very accurate.