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Arlo Yoon

Name. Arlo Donghyun Yoon

Other names. 

Yoon Donghyun / Explanation

Name / Explanation


Name / Explanation

Name / Explanation


Birthdate. June 1st, 1996

Birthplace. Melbourne, Australia

Hometown. Melbourne Australia

Nationality. Australian

Ethnicity. Korean


English / Native / Born and raised in Australia.

Korean / Fluent / Taught by his grandmother and the main way of communication with her.

Japanese / Intermediate conversational / Spent a year in Japan on exchange when he was a teenager.


Faceclaim. U-KISS' Jun

Backup. N/A


Height. 185 cm


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus.



Personality traits. ENFP / empathetic, spontaneous, warm, people-oriented, gregarious, expressive, enthusiastic. creative, resourceful, adaptable, passionate, sociable, positive, future-focused, energising, wild, idealistic, charismatic, inspiring, sensitive

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. Cras finibus massa varius diam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est. Sed scelerisque ligula vitae erat pharetra, vitae tempor turpis commodo. Vestibulum posuere ligula at dolor placerat, id bibendum nulla laoreet. Fusce molestie leo urna, eu sagittis nisi semper aliquet.



Arlo Donghyun Yoon was born in Melbourne, Australia on June 1st, 1996. The early years of his life were pretty normal. He attended kindergarten and then primary school like any other kid his age. It wasn’t until he was about ten that Arlo’s parents started to notice that Arlo was beginning to take an interest in singing and dancing. Arlo would constantly be dancing and singing around the house, no matter what he was doing. At that time, when Arlo’s parents asked him if he wanted to take classes, Arlo refused. He had seen that some of the other boys in his grade had been teased when people found out that they took dance classes and didn’t want to risk it. No matter how much he liked it. 


After Arlo entered High School, when he was about thirteen, he started to take Japanese classes and started to form a real appreciation and love for the culture in Japan. It wasn’t long before Arlo was asking his parents to let him go on exchange to Japan. His parents made a deal with him that if he managed to keep his grades up and learn more of the language, they would consider sending him on exchange to Japan. For the nest two years, Arlo made sure to keep his Japanese grades up and by the time he was fifteen, his parents finally let him travel to Japan on exchange for a whole year.


Arlo had the time of his life while he was in Japan. Of course, the schooling was difficult, but being thrown into the deep end only helped him improve his Japanese that much faster. During his first few months, Arlo really started to lean on his hosts families daughter (Yumeko) for help, even if they could hardly communicate. But after getting better at the language and spending so much time together, the two gradually created their own language to communicate made up of Japanese, broken English and no verbal cues and signs. The slowly but surely became really close.


It was during his time in Japan that Yumeko and her friends exposed Arlo to KPOP. He was amazed at the intricate choreography and music. Suddenly it felt like something clicked. He didn’t know where it came from, but Arlo had the sudden urge that he wanted to become an idol, even if it was something he just discovered. It just felt, right. After all, he still loved dancing and singing and had been improving his skills by himself. When he mentioned this to Yumeko, she told him she had the same dreams. (WIP)



Likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies, trivia, etc.




Grandmother / Name / Age / Occupation / Personality / Relationsip with character

Best Friend / Hirose Yumeko / Twenty-two / Member of U/IDOL / INFP

Arlo and Yumeko originally met when Arlo was on exchange in Japan. Yumeko was the daughter of Arlo's host family and the one who he would be attending school with. Natrually, as they were spending a ton of time together (an entire year), the two became close. It also helped that they had the commen dream of becoming idols. After Arlo returned to Australia, the two kept in contact, talking almost every day. The two decided to both aution for Unite Media one day in late 2012 when Yumeko was on a trip to Australia and amazingly, they both made it.



Relation / Name / Age / Occupation / Personality / Relationsip with character



Stage Name. Arlo
Plotline. Eleven
Backup. N/A


Vocal Twin. U-KISS' Jun

Rap Twin. U-KISS' Jun

Dance twin. U-KISS' Jun.


Trainee years. Five (Unite Media)

Trainee Life.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. Cras finibus massa varius diam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est. Sed scelerisque ligula vitae erat pharetra, vitae tempor turpis commodo. Vestibulum posuere ligula at dolor placerat, id bibendum nulla laoreet. Fusce molestie leo urna, eu sagittis nisi semper aliquet.



Year / Activity

Year / Activity



Year / True/False / Scandal 

Year / True/False / Scandal


Another Member

Name. Here

Backup. Here



Eam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est. Sed scelerisque ligula vitae erat pharetra, vitae tempor turpis commodo. Vestibulum posuere ligula at dolor placerat, id bibendum nulla laoreet. Fusce molestie leo urna, eu sagittis nisi semper aliquet.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Love Story.

Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. Cras finibus massa varius diam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est. Sed scelerisque ligula vitae erat pharetra, vitae tempor turpis commodo.


Status. Here.

Ending status. Here. 



Relationship trivia here.


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Comments/questions. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. Cras finibus massa varius diam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est.

Suggestions. Sed scelerisque ligula vitae erat pharetra, vitae tempor turpis commodo. Vestibulum posuere ligula at dolor placerat, id bibendum nulla laoreet. Fusce molestie leo urna, eu sagittis nisi semper aliquet.

Password. Here. 



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