Undercover | Dragon | Scales

Trigger Warning ;;

replace with fc 120*172

  Kang Yushin  

birthname. Kang Yushin

– Grandpa :: Some of the colleagues who knows his real age call him that. 

date of birth. December 10, 1941
birthplace. Seoul, Seouth Korea
ethnicity. Korean
occupation. Kindergarten Teacher
language spoken. 

– Korean :: It's his mother tongue.

faceclaim. Seon Yein (up10tion)
back-up face claim. none
appearance. Yushin stands at the Korean male's average height of 175 cm. He has a lightly tanned skin due to spending a lot of his time outside under the sun. He has a black hair, which he styles neatly before work but always end up messy due to various circumstances.

– everyday as a common citizen :: His usual look consists of a button-up shirt, either short or longsleeves depending on the weather and a pair of jeans. Most of his clothes are shade of blue or green. When he's at work in the kindergarten, he wears the same stuff and occasionally, wears apron over it. When he's at home, he wears a plain t-shirt partnered with a pair of jogging pants. 
– costume as a hero :: He wears a pair of navy blue tracksuit pants and a plain white shirt - his clothes almost always ends up getting ruined because of his powers and all so he wears something that is easily replaceable. He also wears a helmet mask.


   let's get to know you

personality traits.  (+) gentle, motherly, methodical, rational, responsible, (+/-)  nonchalant, reserved (-) emotionally detached, intolerant, sadistic, skeptical, unstable


gentle. motherly. When he is not under his mask as a super hero working for Undercover, Yushin is a gentle person with a soft comforting voice that gives sincere compliments to those he know and a caring set of hands, always ready to help or reach out to those who need them.  His lips always form a gentle smile so he looks approachable even to strangers. Since he works in a kindergarten, those who know him there would often describe him as motherly with the way he cares for his students and being attentive towards their needs. He himself does not realize this persona of his. He enjoys his day job enough not to notice or pay attention to what other people sees him as - positive or negative.

methodical, rational, responsible. When he turns into the hero that he is, his motherly nature still shows, despite being often hidden by the straight face he kept while putting up a front. He cares about the well-being of his teammates, well, more or less - since during hero work, sacrifices are common and it's only rational for he and his teammates to be prepared of that. He is methodical, always approaching the opponents and missions with a clear plan. When the only possible plan requires sacrifices to work, his rationality will overcome his motherly instinct. He does take responsibility, however, in whatever happens to his team. This responsible nature was what made him become the teacher and hero that he is at the present.

nonchalant, reserved. In general, he isn't the most talkative person but he can do small talk when needed. He is pretty good at them, considering how much small talks kindergarten students do. At both his job, he never entertains personal questions and will likely calmly dodge anything that gives anything about himself. 

emotionally detached, skeptical. Since he has lived a long life and will live a way longer one than most, he tends to avoid getting deeply emotionally depent on anyone. He does enjoy some people's company but he tends to avoid enjoying the company of individuals specifically. Doing the hero job for decades, he also finds it hard to trust anyone or anything although he hates to admit it himself. He may say something like, "I don't have trust issues" but he can't help doubting most of the time.

intolerant. Despite having lots of patient like a kind mother, there are instances when he runs out of it. Being methodical, he thinks that everything has to go according to the plan and he cannot tolerate when things go otherwise. When someone acts or decides something irrationally, he will not dare tolerate them.

sadistic, unstable. His worst trait as a hero is that he is unstable (The executives had doubts about his leadership ability because of this certain trait of his). He is sometimes emotionally unstable and although rare, whenever this happens, all his good traits seem to disappear. To be specific, one time, when he was new and was on a mission, he neglected all orders from his team leader and massacred a big group of drug addicts all by himself. The cleaners had a hard time cleaning up after him and their mission got delayed, not having the ability to get the information about the leader or other connections of the group since everyone is dead. Yushin got suspended for five months after that but after he became stable, he tried making up for it. There were a few other similar instances but he managed to come back everytime since the executives figured that it's at least better than having him on the opponents's side. At the present, he is somewhat stable but when fighting, he still shows a side of his instability which is being sadistic - usually torturing the opponents as he pleased.


Kang Yushin was born in a rich household but despite the riches, he did not exactly have the perfect family. His parents were not married - his mother being a e that his father hired that one night. Yushin was supposed to be aborted but his grandmother bribed his mother enough money to carry the child and let him live to the world. After he was born, his mother and he never met again (his grandparents made sure of that). He grew up under the care of different maids who became the mother figure to him. He considered all the workers inside their house a family since the blood-related ones were too busy enjoying their luxury. His single father seemed to be too occupied with his work and occasionally, some es that he never really gave his son the attention a child needs. Thankfully, the butlers and maids were loving and understanding enough for the latter.

Yushin was eighteen years old when a fire incident that destroyed everything for him happened. It was in the middle of the night when a fire accidentally started inside their house and it grew quickly consuming everything and everyone inside the huge place - butlers, maids, workers, and even the son of the household, Yushin. It was an image that was hard for the hero to recall but somehow, he knew that he should have been dead by then. When he woke up, he was in his father's laboratory. The latter was out for work the night the fire happened, just like every other normal night. Yushin was baffled - how he survived without as much as a single scratch on him but more than that, he was more confused why his father was looking at him with worry at that time, why the person who never seemed to pay him any attention looked so desperate as he asked Yushin how he was feeling. "I'm fine." He managed to mutter but 'fine'  was not exactly easy to feign as he bursted out crying just a second later.

Since the fire incedent, his father seemed to have cared for him more. Yushin did not dare ask how he survived or what exactly his father's job was (he only knew that it had something to do with a laboratory) and simply accepted it as a fact, blaming everyone else's death to be his fault. He started becoming emotionally unstable then but his father hired all the therapists he knew for his son. Their house was built again in no time and new butlers and maids were hired. This time, Yushin would rather not involve himself with them too much since to him, the previous ones were his irreplaceable family.

Despite being neglected by his father almost all his life, Yushin never really hated him. In fact, he would find many reasons to adore the former and sometimes, even make up things and put the other in a pedestal just for his own satisfaction. "My father is just busy with work since he is so hardworking.", "He is smart so no one else can substitute for him even for a while.", "The women he brings are not es. They're my potential mothers.", "He loves me. He's just too busy working for all of us." - were lies he told himself growing up but maybe, just hopefully, maybe, it was partly true. When he almost died, his father paid more attention to him and it could not make Yushin happier. So, when his father passed away almost a decade later, Yushin's happiness was shattered once again. He became unstable once more and withdrew from everything, firing all the workers inside his house and quitting his job as a teacher back then. He planned to starve himself to death but it was to no avail. Days turned into weeks, turned into months but despite never eating, he never died.

Even after a year of starving himself, he could not die and so he tried other ways only to fail again and again. That was when he went through his father's room and found his father's papers. Yushin found out what kind of work his father had - a scientist who experimented on humans, enhancing them in different ways. It was only then when he figured out his abilities; how he did not die in the fire, why his father brough him in the lab, and how he could not die, no matter what he do. "But why?" was a question he asked himself and at that time, he decided to find the answers by looking for the company his father worked under, the Undercover. Perhaps, there was a purpose why him, who had lost everything was given an eternity to live. It has been around five decades since then but the answer is still nowhere to be found.

   some facts + relationships


- anything sweet. Ever since he's a kid, he has a sweet tooth. Cheesecake is on top of his most favorite list followed by chocolate.
classical and baroque music. His grandparents often take him to classical music concerts as a kid and he had always appreciated that type of music since then.
cats. He's a cat person and has been keeping a family of cats inside his house. He does not really remember when he got so many but he's happy with them around.
kids. No matter how loud or unbehave they are, kids always look adorable and angel-like in Yushin's eyes.
gore. He enjoys watching and reading things that contains a lot of gore.
puns. He loves word plays although it is a bit out of character for him to tell one himself. 

Eating. He is spoiled as a kid with his own personal chef so he grew up to be a really picky eater. He does not like most of the food (basically, everything that isn't a dessert) so he would rather not eat.
- Summer. He does not exactly hate the warm weather but he hates it when it gets too hot in the summer.
Coffee. He has to drink it when he has too much work to do but he hates its taste no matter how many spoons of sugar he puts in it.
Horror Movies. Since he loves gore, he occasionally tries to get into horror movies but he always ends up finding them boring.
Holidays or day-offs. He feels too old to be enjoying holidays and since he has nothing to do when he's not at work, he dislikes taking breaks.

- Knitting and sewing. He learned it since it's convenient for his day job and he turned out to be actually good at it.
Playing the piano. He has a grand piano inside his house and he would often play in it. It's also fun to play the piano inside the school while his students sing.
- Reading Novels. Mystery, thriller and horror are his favorite genres. 
- Gardening. He started gardening when he was about fifty years old and it was more fun than he thought it would be.

- Early bird. He wakes up at four in the morning. In every meeting or schedule, he makes sure to arrive at least half an hour early.
Eating candy. Before he begins any mission, he eats a candy.
Talking to self. While he may not be a talkative person to others, he picked up a habit of talking to himself whenever he's alone and unconsciously, this habit surfaces even when he has company.

- He is aual.
- Undercover helps him in applying for his teaching job, in particular, with his documents and certificates. He has to change schools almost every decade due to him not getting old and it will be suspicious to apply with his actual birth certificate.
- He trained in mixed martial arts as a kid and it became helpful once he entered Undercover.
- Even though his alias is "Scales", he finishes most of his mission without needing his dragon scales. He can only 'transform' after suffering a deep wound and the scales will appear after his regeneration. He would rather not inflict pain upon himself since it's not necessary.


– friend :: Kim Taeho (25) (f.c. Victon's Seungwoo) / medicine student, researcher / adaptable, charismatic,  principled, smart, trustworthy / 7 out of 10
Taeho used to be one of Yushin's students in the kindergarten and eer since then the former had exhibited how good his brain is. They both could relate to each other since they both were raised by single fathers even though they were raised differently. To Taeho, Yushin was like a mother figure and even after finishing kindergarten, the former would still visit the latter once in a while. A few years later, they lost contact because Yushin moved to another school and they did not meet each other until years after that. To summarize what happened, Taeho looked for Yushin after he entered college and he somehow managed to find him working in a kindergarten. To his surprise, his former teacher did not age a day. Yushin figured he had nothing to lose by telling him some parts of the truth. In the end, he told him about his immortality - that it was a product of medicine that was not known to the public. He could not tell him more than that and Taeho did not ask any more. Rather, the latter was simply relieved to see him well. They've became good friends after that and until the present, Taeho would visit Yushin's house almost every weekend.

   the hero inside you

alias.  Scales

superpowers and abilities.  

immortality. He has an infinite lifespan and he has not age a day since the time he developed his supernatural abilities. He cannot get sick and his body is quick to heal when he's wounded or injured due to his regeneration ability. If a body part of him is cut off, he still has the ability to control it at will and reconnect it back to his body.

dragon scales. After his body regenerates from an injury, the injured part will turn into dragon scales. The dragon scales give him an indestructible body and immense strength, similar to a huge dragon.

martial artist/melee combatant. Even without his scales, he has enough knowledge in martial arts to handle various opponents. He is also pretty strong due to years of training as a hero in undercover.

weaknesses and limitations. 

the scales. The main reason why he prefers to go into missions without activating his scales first is that he has to be hurt badly for it to show. (While those cute anime super heroes have that cute transformation scene, Yushin's transformation is basically him stabbing himself or jumping off a cliff just to grow dragon scales). Once he gains the scales, it will only take less than an hour for it to wear off then, he will need to be injured in order to gain it again.

long-range combat. If the opponent can fight from long-range, he definitely can't beat them. His abilities are limited to close range to mid-range combats. He has to find away to get closer in order to be at the advantage.

where did you get your superpowers? 

Yushin is not aware where his powers really came from, given that he just woke up in his father's laboratory one day with the ability. What actually happened was that his body that suffered terrible burn underwent many tests and experiments. However, it was to no avail. What activated his powers was a liquid that only Undercover had access - a dragon's blood.


   job interview

"Why do you want to be part of us, heroes?"
 -- Yushin stared at the papers the interviewer was holding, lost in deep thoughts for a long while until the interviewer interrupted his train of thoughts by repeating the question again. "I'm sorry." He muttered then cleared his throat before replying, "It just feels like the right thing to do."
"What is your occupation? Are you confident that you'll be able to balance your time between a normal life and a hero life?"
 -- "Right now, I'm unemployed so yes." He didn't really need a job in order to live so at that time, he was decided in focusing in this hero job. A couple of months after that interview, he changed his mind and got a teaching job at a kindergarten.

"What can you contribute to the team? What are your strengths?" 
 -- "Hmm..." Yushin paused, realizing how clueless he was about his abilities. Still, he had to come up with something. "I can't die so you can use me as a human shield, I guess?"
"What are your weaknesses and how do you overcome them?" 
 -- "Honestly, I don't know much about my abilities yet and that's my biggest weakness right now. I suppose with years of practice, I can do something about it."

"Do you have anything else you want to say?" 
 -- Yushin heaved a sigh while shaking his head. He was pretty confident that he screwed up this interview so he would prefer not to further dig his own grave by talking more.

replace with fc 95*95
replace with love int 120*172

 seon eunyoung / Madame gilyeong 

faceclaim. WJSN's Exy
back up. none
occupation. Hero (Recruitment team) and fashion designer

– (+) courageous, empathetic, meticulous, optimistic, playful. If there's one thing that Yushin admires about Eunyoung, it would be her bravery. She never gets scared of anything, even death nor loneliness. She thinks that they're simply parts of life and we must accept them as mere mortals. Because of this belief, she is rather free-spirited, often just playing around and looking at the bright side of life. Nonetheless, when it comes to work, she is one of the best at her team. She reads people rather easily so doing interviews and evaluating the applicants were pretty much an easy task. She is also meticulous and it shows in both her jobs. Yushin always finds it amazing how someone who acts as juvenile as her can have a 180 degree change of attitude when she's at work (not that Yushin doesn't have his own seemingly ooc moments).
– (-) narcissistic, opportunistic, sly. Like almost everyone else, she loves herself. The only difference is that she loves herself a little too much to the point of being narcissistic, not that it could be helped. After all, for someone like her who could not rely to anyone, she could only believe in herself. This self-love also caused her to become rather opportunistic and sly to most of the people around her.


– Eunyoung was born one spring day of 19th century in a family of shaman in a small village in South Korea. They are a strange family and it was not uncommon for the children in the family to develop unnatural abilities. Her parents refer to her quirk as "a gift from the gods" so Eunyoung grew up believing just that. She had the ability to absorb age and give it back. Using this ability, she can make herself appear really young despite being over a hundred year old in the present. When she was 30 years old, she moved to Seoul in order to fulfill her dreams of becoming a fashion designer and her extended family could do nothing but agree with her decision. Fashion designing was not an easy field to enter and she had to take many part-time jobs before she landed on a job in the industry. She was 35 years old when she got recruited for the fighting team in the Undercover but she ended up working for the recruitment team due to the lack of people in the team then. At the present, she is doing well in both her jobs, being the only one left in the recruitment team in her generation and continuing to work as an anonymous fashion designer with different aliases in the fashion industry.

love story. 

– They first met during Yushin's interview in Undercover. It was Eunyoung who interviewed him and she had taken interest in his abilities then. For someone who can absorb people's age in order to keep her own youth, meeting someone with infinite lifespan is basically hitting jackpot. Eunyoung started approaching him as a civilian since then, pretending to be some friendly lady in the neighborhood of his kindergarten. Yushin was skeptical and to be fair, the friendly lady was totally suspicious looking. "Probably, a e or something" was what he thought and he figured he would solve the problem peacefully by nicely talking to her about not coming to the kindergarten anymore.

"I don't want to create a big mess by calling the police. So, while I'm still being nice here, please stay away from the children." he stated and she had a baffled expression on her face, not knowing what to reply. "Excuse me?" She managed to utter out, still jaw dropped. He frowned and continued sternly, "Stop feigning innocence. I know you have an ulterior motive for coming here. Consider yourself lucky that I'm being patient with you." At this, she bursted out laughing. She had already seen his serious side when he's doing hero work and she had already seen his motherly side while taking care of the children. Seeing both sides at the same time was pretty amusing. "Don't be ridiculous, dear. I'm too pretty to be evil although I did have a motive for coming here. It's not the children I wanted to see. It's you." Yushin stared at her suspiciously and she continued. "Actually, I'm Madame Gilyeong and I have a proposal to make."

Thanks to Eunyoung's proposal, they got married. Both benefited from it, considering that there were certain benefits from the company given to married heroes. Eunyoung got her unlimited supply of youth while Yushin were contented in getting his wife's income (since she earned way more than he could annually). It was but a business proposal and there were no feelings involved - in the beginning, at least. However, overtime, the little bud between them starts to bloom.

some extra stuff: During their hero work, they refer to each other with their aliases and they act like strangers. When asked what their relationship was, Yushin would answer that they were just mere colleagues ("Private life shouldn't interfere with hero work") while Eunyoung is more playful and would sometimes lie that they're secretly dating. Outside their hero job, Yushin had no problem with referring to Eunyoung as his wife but the latter prefers pretending to be a single woman since she enjoys having young guys hit on her.

status. married
ending. idk yet

   lovely_ranma : Shampoos

last words.  So, here's Yushin. I was planning to make this character more fluffy but it ended up going downwards after the last part of the personality e n e" I hope that you all like him ;; I may edit his relationships and trivia section since I'm not satisfied with it (but I'll prolly get lazy before I do so who knows).

scenes requests.

– here
– here

password.  bye



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