Day 4

DAY 4 (I almost said Day6 omg can they please get out of my head)
How will Neoguri survive without his alcoholic friend Moonjae?

Night 3:

How is baby Minchi still alive??

Why do I have a feeling Alex is going to put the arena on fire... Also poor Neoguri's already lost without Moonjae.

I sometimes question Samuel's sanity as well.

Day 4:

Gavin? The great manly Gavin? Picking flowers??

Leni steps in Deshi's footsteps by stepping on a landmine. Lots of stepping here. Also Neoguri. Stop that. Behave yourself. I know your hyung is gone but BEHAVE YOURSELF!

Isn't this the second time Samuel wanted to die? Boy your sanity is getting the best of you

I can't believe just went down at the last moments... That's so Jaehee though. At least Minjae can live on for his sister.

Press F to pay respects to Heesun as he died before he got finished... RIP, a wip forever

Oh god so now both Absolute-Z and Fusion-VII from OACA only have one member left...


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