« 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴 88 » Kim Minhee。




Full name : Kim Minhee 김민희


- Minnie, it's cute nothing too special
- dumdum, just not the sharpest tool in the box


D.O.B : 17-feb-2002
Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea
Hometown : Seoul South Korea
Ethnicity : Korean
Nationality : Korean


Pronouns : he/him
Orientation : aual


- Korean // native
- English // 75% // not very impressive, but tries his best and is understandable when he speaks it


Faceclaim : Just B's DY
Back-up : 1THE9's Doyum jk jk WEi's Junseo

Height : 172 cm
Weight : 58kg

Appearance : Minhee is not the tallest of the bunch. He is pretty slim, not super muscular. He would consider himself pretty average for an idol. His most outstanding feature would probably be his neck which is a little longer than average. He has black hair (never dyed it and would prefer to keep it that way unless the producers really want it)


Fashion : Minhee's fashion is pretty... basic. He doesn't really follow trends and tends to dress up more casual chic if he's going out, if he stays inside he will just wear some sweatpants and an oversized shirt most of the time.


getting to know

ISFJ. aquarius. ravenpuff.


- (+) supportive, patient, hardworking, observant
- (0) shy, expressive
- (-) insecure, clumsy, unintelligent, dependant


supportive: Minhee is everyone's biggest supporter, it might sometimes get lost in translation because of his shy and reserved nature but he really cares about others and just want them to do well. He is the type of person to leave vitamin drinks in front of people's lockers to make sure they get their daily vitamins and stay hydrated.

Patient: Minhee isn't the person to rush things, everything will come in it's own time so he sees no point in getting worked up over it. He doesn't lose his cool easily.

Hardworking: Most things in life don't come for free, you need to work hard to achieve your goals and Minhee knows that. He is a true fighter and will keep going til the end, there is no point in stopping before the final fight is over.


Observant: There are little to no things that pass by Minhee unnoticed. The boy is quite observant and when he's focused on something, every visible detail gets saved in his head. Maybe that's why he is pretty fast at learning choreographies.

Shy: Minhee is quite an introverted person. He has a bit of trouble to make connections with people and barely ever is the person to take the first step in making connections. He feels easily nervous around people he doesn't know yet.

Expressive: Our boyo might be pretty shy, but shows his feeling pretty easily, let it be through his body language, through his dance, the lyrics he raps or sings. He knows how to express himself rather well.

Insecure: Minhee is pretty self consious about a lot of things. When there are  even slight inconveniences he tends to doubt himself and go into a downward spiral. He tends to question his abilities and his personality rather than his looks even though he thinks he looks pretty average.

Clumsy: Never give something precious to you to Minhee, he will likely drop it before you even know it. He is also the kind of person to run his mouth by accident, he doesn't have bad intentions, he is just a little  bit clumsy.

Unintelligent: On top of clumsy, Minhee isn't the smartest boy around. He always had trouble following in class especially when it was pure theoretical. He is rather slow and it takes a while for him to get jokes sometimes.

Dependant: For someone that's an introvert, Minhee depends a lot on others. He needs to be around an extrovert that will "protect" him from the world and likely from himself as well as he might get into trouble otherwise because of his clumsiness and his inability to speak up for himself.


He lived his best dumb boy life, nothing to special, sorreeeeeeeeh

- cold showers
- autumn
- cats
- gymnastics
- dance ofc
- strawberry milk
- gaming


- hot weather
- soda , just doesn't like the feeling of the bubbles in it
- smoke
- fish
- coffee


- wakes up early, he doesn't need a lot of sleep to feel well rested so he wakes up pretty early to get things done
- biting his lip when he's thinking
- chews on basically everything he can get his hands on, pens, straws, ice cubes
- drawing a star on the ground before performing
- has a tendency to sleeptalk


- gymnastics
- dance
- swimming


- chickens
- ghosts
- heights


Notable talents
- super flexible due to his background in gymnastics
- is said to learn dances by seeing them twice (unless they're really simple)
- can do a few very basic magic tricks he specifically learned for variety purposes under PNATION in case people asked for his talents


- Once accidentally called Psy his dad, he is still living in shame.
- doubled a year of high school since he isn't the studious type, even considered dropping out.
- easily forgets people's names
- bloodtype B
- nearsighted, has to wear glasses or contacts... he prefers the latter
-would love to go backpacking in Europe one day


Hello, please introduce yourself : Minhee waves awkwardly before almost folding in half as he bows down. "Hello I'm PNATION's Kim Minhee, please take good care of me!"


What is your reason for joining the show? : He looks at the producers for a as few seconds with confusion in his eyes. They might have thought that he was an international trainee for a momemt because of the way he just stood there. Eventually he opened his mouth. "Because PD-nim told me to." The expectant gazes from the camera crew didn't leave though so he felt like he had to say more. "I... There no other male trainees ready for debut, s-so they sent me here to give me an opportunity to get stage experience." he said stuttering a bit. 


What do you consider your strengths? : Once again there was some kind of silence from Minhee's side of the camera but this time he actually looked like he was thinking. "I think that" It looked like he was gathering all his courage to say what he wanted to say. "I think... think that I'm a pretty good dancer. I really like doing it."


Is there anything new you want to try on the show? : Minhee pursed his lips for a moment. "I want to try to make more friends here." It definitely might not be an answer the producers were looking for but for Minhee it was true. He struggled quite a bit with those things so giving it a try wouldn't hurt, right?


What is your view on Genesis88? : "It is... exciting. I've never done something like this before." the first part of his answer came out very slow and careful as if he was scared to say something wrong. "I hope to do well and create a lot of memories."


Would you ever try to compete for the center or leader role? : Minhee immediately shook his head almost surprised that they dared to ask him that question. "Rather not to be very honest." he said. "People tell me I'm pretty conflict avoidant, I would rather just follow. If I happen to get those roles, I would still be thankful though."

And finally, what advice would you have for your younger self that's about to audition for the first time? : Minhee bit his lip. "Don't worry too much, things will turn out just fine." he answered and looked around, lost again. "Am I done now?"

Relationships :


-no noteworthy relationships

Stagename : Kim Minhee


Position : Main dancer, lead rapper
Talent twin : Just B's Doyum


Trainee and/or idol life
Minhee has been a trainee for almost a year prior to joining Genesis88. He auditioned for PNATION with SHINee's Lucifer after which he gladly got accepted. Talentwise, Minhee seems ready for debut, but his personality needs a bit more polishing. Other than that, there weren't enough male trainees that were ready for debut, so PNATION decided to sent him with the girls to Genesis88


Life on Genesis88
Minhee suffers a bit from his shyness on the show, he clearly has talent but has problems with letting his personality shine. he gets easily talked over and tends to follow his teammates decisions.


The audition : Nerves definitely get the better of him. He doesn't make any big mistakes but it's clear that he can do better. His singing and dancing could be more stable, but it's his first time performing for this many people.


Seat number(s) : 41


Predicted grade : C


Flexibility level : probably in the highest ranks, does splits quite easily, pretty experienced with flips so 90% I guess


The intro video : would be very much a flexibilility thing, does some flips, does some flops, ballerina twirls, very impressive but less on the entertaining side


Second mission song of choice : My First And Last


Genre of choice : EDM


youngandmenance: Nele




Questions or concerns : here

Suggestions : here

Scene requests, plot ideas : here

Password : Gen10 (I'm sorry I at this and I had to make a Ben 10 joke)


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Youngmin walking in with the uniform like "I wore your favourite color, girl~"
sejin 🤝 minhee
being surrounded by girls & performing gg songs