
chapter two
"sorry, i'm allergic to irrelevant es like you"


"Why are boys such pieces of ?"

"Excuse me? What kind of drugs are you on, Yeri," Chanyoung raised a brow in Yeri's direction while they were studying for an english exam in the library. Well, in Yeri's case, it was more of 'ranting' about all the things wrong in her life. "As far as I'm aware, I'm not a load of crap."

Yeri rolled her eyes. Sometimes Chanyoung was dense and oblivious to rhetorical questions, always blaming his innocence over the matter. Yet, in all honesty, this 'innocence' of his might just be a plot in trying to get Yeri to shut the up about her problems. But Chanyoung knew it wouldn't work. It never does. He knew she had a lot on her plate and that it's difficult for her to open up, but sometimes it was unbearable and complex for even the top fiften rank himself.

"Okay, not you," Yeri fiddled with her pencil, resting her head in the palm of her free hand. "You're the only exception."

Chanyoung let out a small 'tsk', not really believing that out of all the guys she knows, he's the one exception, "What about Hyungseob? I don't think he's that big of a bum. Yaoxun isn't that bad either—"

The girl grunted as she rolled her eyes for, probably, the hundredth time that day, "Yaoxun is the biggest in this entire universe. He can his own for all I care!"

Chanyoung's eyes darted around in fear, meeting eye-to-eye with a number of students and faculty giving them a weird look. Of course, being the person he is, Chanyoung apologized for Yeri's sudden outburst, still in awe over the fact that Yeri did... that.

As Chanyoung sat back down from bowing and saying sorry to everyone around them, giving Yeri a cold stare, he heaved a sigh and shut his notebook, "I think we should take a break from studying and get some fresh air. Walk?"

"I hate any form of exercise."

"Well, I— apologies in advance— hate your freaking attitude. Now, let's go."

Yeri tossed her bag on the bench, sitting and crossing her legs, "I'm ing tired."

"Yeri, we literally just walked out of the library," Chanyoung crossed his arms and rolled his eyes as the girl looked up at him with a soft pout, something that isn't a typical sight. Yeri never acted cute to other people, even to her boyfriend himself. The only person she's ever been cute to was Yaoxun and her teachers when she wants to get away with something. Chanyoung, though. It was a first for both of them.

The male blinked before blowing hot air out and sitting beside the girl. He threw his overused bag beside Yeri's designer one and he immediately slouched in the spot, "Why?"

Yeri raised a brow, crossing her arms with an almost pissed off expression, "What do you mean 'why'?"

"Why do you think that way about boys? What'd they ever do to you?"

Yeri had a lot on her plate, and suddenly felt like bursting out in screams. She held it in, though, for the sake of Chanyoung's ears exploding and his sanity. She sighed, "I just... I hate men, dude."

"Did Hyungseob do something wrong?"

"No. He would've been dead by now if he did."

Chanyoung raised a brow, "Then... It's Yun. Isn't it?"

"It's finally lunch time on this beautiful day of September Twenty-first," Chian started to skip his way to the cafeteria with Yeri and Hyungseob, hand-in-hand, and Chanyoung following close behind.

Yeri rolled her eyes, "Chian, shut the up. It's raining and the lunch today is lady's choice which, as far as I know, probably has, like, intestines or something."

Chian turned around, a playful gasp escaping his already humorous face, "I'm hurt. Can't you just let me enjoy this day?"

"She has a point though, Chian," Hyungseob chimed in, almost in an abrupt manner. Yeri noticed how Chian just shrugged at her boyfriend's comment, which got her thinking: Did Chian actually like being around Hyungseob? Was he uncomfortable with him?

Suddenly, a hand appeared in front of Yeri's eyes, "Hello? Come back to earth, Miss Universe."

Yeri shook her head, snapping back into reality and focusing all her attention on the only thing that mattered to her at the moment: Ahn Hyungseob, her love.

"You were zoning out, babe," Hyungseob pinched her cheek in a playful manner which didn't really sit well with Yeri. "Were you thinking about me, and... how I'd be in bed?"

Yeri blushed a little at Hyungseob's sudden remark. He's never said such a thing before and, of all places and times, he said it openly in a crowded cateria on school grounds? And in front of Chian and Chanyoung, two of the most innocent boys she knows? That's risky, but also very—

"I think I'm about to gag."

Yeri let out a loud grunt, recognizing the annoying voice she hated hearing on a day-to-day basis.

Chian suddenly chimed with a huge smile, "My favorite— and only one I know— Taiwanese boy!"

Yeri could feel Chanyoung's gaze melting a hole into the back of her head. After what they talked about at the library? Chanyoung might have a different outlook on the real relationship between the queen bee of the school and the popular basketball player.

Yaoxun slung an arm around Chian's neck, "Chian, buddy, you wanna chill with me?"

"Oh, sur—"

"Chian's hanging with us. off, xun."

Yeri met eye-to-eye with Yaoxun and another one of her classmates, Minwoo, who, rumor has it, actually hates Yaoxun as a roommate and only hangs with him for popularity. Unlike most people in this school, Yeri thinks this rumor is ed up and false.

"That hurt, but did I ask you? No. I asked my buddy Chian here, so if you'll please excuse me—"

"Excuse me, Pan Yaoxun, but you shouldn't be rude to my girl."

Yaoxun glared at Hyungseob before looking back at Yeri who, oddly, was now looking down at her cute designer shoes. Yaoxun let out a 'tsk', eyeing the number of students watching and whisper, probably making another rumor that will probably be false. Typical of KRS students, But he didn't give one . Yaoxun had a number of rumors already going around about him, and if Yeri's involved in some shape or form, students go crazy, especially when the whole school knows about their past relationship.

Hyungseob let out a small noise, which caught Yaoxun's attention, "I suggest you leave before things get worse."

Yaoxun smiled in his direction before patting the shorter male's shoulder. Hyungseob harshly shrugged it off, only to give Yaoxun the deadliest glare. Yaoxun would be lying if he said he wasn't scared at that moment, but he raised his shoulder and just put his hands in his uniform pant pocket, "Sure thing, buddy. I'll let you and your girl be alone."

As Yaoxun walked away with Minwoo to another table to meet up with a few other friends, Chian and Chanyoung couldn't help but feel weird about the situation. The two know how Yeri feels about Yaoxun, Chanyoung knowing a bit more than anyone else, so the whole situation was just odd and sudden. However, it was a good thing it didn't escalate because something worse would've come out of it. Everyone was sure about that.


"So, did you listen to Jay  Park yet," Gyuha quietly sat down next to one of his classmates. It was the end of first period on a Friday and, of course, Gyuha wanted to possibly get someone to hang out with him today, especially when there wasn't any homework or to do. But even if there was, he still wouldn't touch it, no matter how many cats you offer him.

"Gyuha, you always ask me this and, no, I'm not going to let you Jay Park it in me," The girl rolled her eyes before moving away in her seat. It has become a daily occurence that Gyuha would always ask Jaeeun the same question and it always resulted in the same cringey and overly ual comment. Jaeeun could, of course, punch him in the face if she wanted to, but when this guy is good friends with one of your best friends, Jaeeun would never hear the end of it. Plus, violence is never the answer, unless it's absolutely 100% needed.

Gyuha blinked before shaking his head, "No. I'm now genuinely asking because he just dropped a new song and it's dope." He quickly pulled out his phone from his pocket and quickly rummaged through his bag for his speaker. Jaeeun let out a sigh and took her cushion even further away since— dear almighty God in heaven up above— she really didn't want her day to start like this. Remember how violence is never the answer? Well, Jaeeun was about to slap a .

On the other hand, Gyuha was happily pulling up YouTube, hooking up his speaker to his phone and, now, jamming out to Jay Park's latest single, FSU. Everyone started to look at the two and, even though it was sort of embarrassing for Jaeeun, Gyuha was chill about it. Besides, nothing can come in the way of Gyuha and his one love, Jay Par—

"Mr. Moon," Gyuha looked up with a cheeky grin plastered on his face, the music still blaring through his speaker. It was evident in the teacher's face that he wasn't pleased. I mean, no one's really pleased with Gyuha and his speaker, but even if you took away his speaker, he still would be an annoying little brat, or so some of the staff says.

Gyuha wasn't fazed by the teacher, and everyone in the room knew nothing would shut him up. Unless you suddenly brought Jay Park into the school, there was nothing you could do. The teacher shook his head, "Moon Gyuha, you better turn that down. Do you want a detention?"

Gyuha blinked before shrugging. He didn't really care much about whether he got a detention or not. He always found himself in detention almost everyday and, although that doesn't look good for his records, but he doesn't have any special plans to attend college. He just settled for being a renowned cat lover his whole life, anyway.

"Well then, you and Miss Yook can have your own little party in detention after school, then," The teacher sighed before sitting back down, not wanting to hear another word from anyone until the bell rang for next period.

Jaeeun's eyes widened before standing up, almost slipping on the cushion below her, "Mr. Ji, please don't make me sit in detention because of him. I didn't even do anything remotely wrong!"

Mr. Ji eyed her before shaking his head, pointing at Gyuha who was still immersed in his music, "You're friends with him, that's the problem. Please grab your detention slips before leaving today."

"But, sir—"

"No 'but's. Just accept it."

"Gyuha, I heard you put the Yook Jaeeun into detention," Yaoxun laughed as he slung his arm around Gyuha's neck. Their history teacher, supposedly, had a 'girl to bang' and never made it back to class in time. But that's what the students thought and, you know growing minds, they're weird and unordinary.

But, unknown to everyone but the first period and Yaoxun, Woojin may have slipped some laxatives into the teacher's water bottle without the teacher knowing. It was expected of Woojin, especially when you have a test that you didn't study for in a period that you didn't necessarily enjoy. Everyone in first period was talking about it, about how another one of Woojin's plans was going to succeed, but, sadly, it didn't succeed. In fact, it sort of backfired as the teacher just put away his water bottle for 'later'.

Timelapse to third period, Gyuha's shared period with Yaoxun, and the teacher finally drank his water in the beginning of class. In the middle of attendance, he suddenly rushed out without saying a single word and, after texting Woojin about the hilarious incident the history teacher had, Woojin started cussing about how he had to take the test and yet Yaoxun was let off the hook. Yaoxun teasingly thanked Woojin, but it only resulted in a good old ' you'.


Gyuha looked at Yaoxun, raising a brow, "How'd you find out? It's not even last period yet and you know?!" Yaoxun chuckled before pulling out his phone to show some receipts of Jaeeun.



i'm so done with your friends yaoxun


tell ur headass of a friend that he can his own and i hope he sits on a cactus and rotates on it for the rest of his life


okay, one, hi to you too i'm good thanks for asking 🙄 and, two, which headass friend of mine is this?


90% of my friends are headasses including u 😜


don't w me istfg bc i'm pissed off 😤


okAY OKAY GEEZ who was the "headass" that pissed u off?


ing gyuha gave me a detention and i don't associate w his irrelevant kind (besides u bc you're fun and i enjoy being w u but that's besiDes the point)


excuse me but don't talk about my friend like that only i can talk about him like that 😤




okay okay okay serious yun time !! so like what did gyuha do?


the real question is what does he NOT do to get in trouble?


as usual i was minding my own damn business but gyuha started to talk to me and that should've been my warning sign bc the kid literally blasted music. mr. ji thought that i associated myself with him and gave me a detention foR GYUHA'S LOUDASS MF JAY PARK MUSIC LIKE WTF HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE WHATSO ING EVER?!! gyuha i would personally like for you to kick him where the sun doesn't shine until his is up his .


okay um well i couLd kick him next period but i have an exam and i don't think i want a zero in a matter of seconds before my exam and plus gyuha's my dude i can't do that. dude code, man.


um well "dude code' isn't as important as "partner in crime code" and, if i remember correctly, i'M YOUR PARTNER IN CRIME SO DO ME THIS ONE FAVOR BEFORE I COME INTO YOUR PERIOD AND KICK HIM MYSELF


i could let you do that but i also could let you not do that


it really gotta be like that sometimes huh


if i don't hear from you fifteen minutes after the next period starts, i'm walking into your class and kicking him myself


okay!! cool!! can't wait to see you next period jaejae! 😘


Gyuha looked at Yaoxun with an unsure expression before looking back at Yaoxun who was only smiling like the idiot he always was. He pointed at the timestamp from the last text from Jaeeun with an uncomfortable gulp, looking at the time on Yaoxun's phone, "Wait. Fifteen minutes. That means—"

"Gyuha, you !"

Everyone in class looked up to see who suddenly yelled and barged into the room unexpectedly. Gyuha, on the other hand, held his head low, recognizing the voice from first period and cursing under his breath.

Yaoxun immediately started chuckling and grabbed his phone, closing out of the Kakao app and immediately opening up Snapchat. A few other students started to whisper to themselves, questioning why Jaeeun barged in unexpectedly and yelling for Gyuha. Yeri, who was just talking to Minwoo, most likely about Kiseul who continuously looked in her direction for the duration of 'class'. However, other students, like Jiho, just looked at everyone and just wanted to sleep in peace. But once Jaeeun, probably the loudest person in 2-F yelled in a high pitched scream, Jiho had no choice but to watch whatever was going to happen.

Jaeeun stomped her way towards Gyuha, looking down at him just sitting in his cushion and hanging his head, knowing very well that his balls were going to be in pain. Gyuha looked towards the direction of Jaeeun's shoes, plotting where the nearest exit was and how far can he go before Jaeeun would get tired of chasing him (which would be pretty easy, just as long as his assumption that she isn't physically fit was true).

"Moon Gyuha," Jaeeun clenched her hands, but Gyuha didn't dare look up at her. She knew she was angry about getting her stuck in this situation, but what could he possibly do? Mr. Ji already gave the detention pass for after school, he said sorry on a number of occassions after class, but Jaeeun was too mad to listen to anything Gyuha said. "Stand the up because I'm going to you up."

Gyuha was suddenly thinking of a dirty joke, one that would suit his personality the most, but he knew that if he said anything he'd get twice the beating he was about to get. When he got up, a number of his classmates started to gasp. No one was able to control Gyuha or even attempted to control Gyuha. Heck, even his best friends found it difficult to get him to cooperate. But here's Jaeeun, a petite girl who people knew for her humor, being serious and telling the Moon Gyuha what to do. It was a new scene, even for the two.

Suddenly, the room fell quiet and all the attention was directed towards Gyuha and Jaeeun. As the male stood up in front of the smaller figure, his head hanging low, he couldn't help but feel inferior. But, then again, if you know Jaeeun well enough, you'll know that she's a tough cookie who can easily win a fight with the queen bee of the school, Yeri. Heck, even Yeri herself was internally having a battle with herself on whether she should step in and tell Jaeeun to get the out or sit back so it doesn't get worse.

Jaeeun suddenly started stretching her arms and legs, even going as far as kicking forward in an almost perfect split. Gyuha gulped, cursing under his breath for the millionth time, before Jaeeun's glare pierced through the top of his skull, "I don't want to do this to you, Gyuha."

"Then ing don't, Jaeeun," the lone voice of the one person who had the nerve to talk back to Jaeeun at this very moment spoke up, all eyes going to the boy who pretty much encouraged this behavior. Yaoxun leaned back, allowing his hands to support his weight from behind, "The fact you just wanted to kick his all the way to the ing moon is ridiculous, don't you think?"

Jaeeun eyed her friend before pointing at her 'culprit,' "Yeah, but Gyuha—"

"You're not doing great, sweetie," Yaoxun chuckled to himself before looking at Gyuha who was still pretty much in fear. "One detention won't ruin your life, Pinky."

The class erupted in whisper, even Yeri who admitted to hating Yaoxun was whispering praise towards her ex for being the bigger person and stopping Jaeeun. The male stood up, grabbing his bag off the floor before going towards Gyuha and patting his shoulder. He intently looked at his male friend before whispering, "You owe me, bro'."

Yaoxun immediately exited the classroom, ignoring the fact that he could easily get in trouble for being in the halls during class, especially since third period wouldn't end for another twenty or so minutes. But everyone knew Yaoxun didn't give one about his class, especially one he really didn't care for. And, soon enough, a few of his peers followed suit, many of them talking about going out to eat as lunch was their next period which gave them over an hour to leave and come back for their next class.

Jaeeun and Gyuha were one of the final ones in the classroom, with the exception of Jiho who chose to use the rest of the time to get a quick nap, laying a few cushions on the floor and lying down on them. The younger girl eyed Gyuha before rolling her eyes and punching his arm on her way out to her current class. And, although Gyuha had a tough exterior, he was a huge softie on the inside, "ing hell that hurt like a motherer!"


"Of all the possible days I can get sick, I get sick on a Friday. A Friday!"

Jung rolled his eyes at his roommate, Jinsoo, who, unfortunately, was sitting in his bed across the room with the flu. Jung had just come back from his last class for the day and decided to do a great deed of bringing his sick roommate a bowl of soup from the cafeteria. He wasn't planning on spending his own money on Jinsoo, but he thought it'd be better to spend money on something other than his so-called 'necessary junk food splerge'. But, even once he came back, he just immediately laid down in his bed, playing the same phone game he's been playing since last week.

"Jung, can you at least listen to my rant? This is an important rant that I need to get off my chest because, well, I need to rant," Jinsoo started to whine and, since Jung was so close to getting that chicken dinner, he just hummed, "I'm listening, Jinsoo. Rant away."

"Okay," Jinsoo put down his finished soup on the desk that was cluttered with tissues and empty bottles of water. "I heard there was a party tonight and I was planning to go. There's a cute senior that I heard was going to the party and this could've been my chance to say something to him since he rarely goes to parties! I was going to say hi and that I've noticed him on the wrestling team and that I aspire to be just as talented as him so I joined the music club with him, but I can't do any of that now that I'm sick! If I go while I'm sick, I can get him sick too and I can get everyone sick and I'll just be known as the 'sick boy that got everyone sick', and I don't want that reputation! Do you know how hard it took for me to build up my positive and happy-go-lucky reputation everyone knows me for? That could change all in one night! Jung, do you understand this internal struggle I'm having with myself? It !"

"Do you mean Kang Dongho," Jung was one person away from winning and zoned out in the middle of Jinsoo's run-on sentence rant. But he could honestly care less. Jinsoo lost him the moment he talked about this senior he's been eyeing since a few days ago.

"Yes! Ugh, that one hunk of a man," Jinsoo blew into a tissue before attempting to chuck it in the trash can, but clearly missed by a few centimeters.

"Wasn't it last week or something where you thought he was scary and you almost pissed your pants?"

"Okay, now that's a stretch," Jinsoo looked at Jung, who was still busy looking at his PUBG game on his small, and most likely overheated, phone. "Yes, I did say I was scared after I saw him wrestle a boy during gym class one day, but I wouldn't go as far as say I almost pissed my ing pants, dude."

"Yes," Jung sat up and threw a fist into the air, celebrating his win on PUBG. Jinsoo couldn't help but laugh at his roommate before rubbing his temples in pain. Jung, to commemorate this moment, took a screenshot of his solo win for memory before sitting down to face his sick roommate with a smile. "Okay, continue."

"Well, congratulations on the win, but, as you can see, I'm not ing winning at anything right now."

Jung raised a brow, "Why don't you find him scary anymore? Did he do some magical heroic or something?"

"If by 'magical heroic ' you mean 'magically stealing my heart', then yes. That's what he did."

"Stealing your heart doesn't sound heroic," Jung started to spin his phone in his hand. "That's more of a thief."

"Well, he is a y bandit," Jinsoo wiggled his eyebrows which only made Jung gag at his roommate.

"Gross," Jung rolled his eyes, turning around and laying on his stomach at the end of his bed. "Why didn't you just, like, go up and talk to him when you had the chance? Like in music club or something?"

"It's not that easy," Jinsoo shook his head, grabbing another tissue to wipe his runny nose that was slowly turning a deep shade of red. "We're totally different people and I just- ugh! You'll understand when you start liking someone."

"Hard pass, I'd rather die alone," Jung wasn't the lovey-dovey type like Jinsoo, and that's where they differ the most. He didn't have any plans to date or let alone like someone while he's still in school. He just simply wants to survive high school, get into a university and get the out of the education system and live comfortably on his own. Besides, who would end up liking someone like him?

"You never know, Jung," Jinsoo let out a small cough into his sleeve before looking at Jung. "I bet you'll fall in love with someone before this school year ends."

"Is that a bet or something? I'm broke and have nothing to bet on than my phone, and I'm not doing that."

"No, I'm just saying facts," Jinsoo shrugged before wrapping himself up in his blanket with a mild headache, hoping to get some shut eye. "If you end up liking someone, I'd better be the first to know."

Jung rolled his eyes, "Whatever, Jinsoo."

In order for his roommate to get some rest, Jung thought it'd be an amazing idea to go to the extracurricular activities fair their school was holding in the gym. He wasn't planning on joining any clubs, no, but he just wanted to get out of the room before he gets sick, too.

When he got to the gym, all that hit him was the amount of students and body odor that absorbed into the air and, obviously, it ing reeked of sweat and heat. Jung heaved a large sigh, "Maybe this wasn't the best idea. Hell, getting sick would probably be better than this."

As Jung walked around, he took notice of the amount of effort some clubs put into their tables. Art club made large paintbrushes and pencils for decoration, book club was doing a 'blind book date' event where people could pick up a wrapped book to read for free, and even dance club took up the most space in order for their to be a dance floor. Although it's evident that they put in a lot of work, and, most likely, their clubs appear to be fun, but, to Jung, every club felt like they were trying too hard. He rolled his eyes at every person who walked up to him, asking if he wanted to hear about x club or wanted to join x club for x reasons. It hasn't even been ten minutes and Jung is already over this school event.

When he turned around to leave, one particular table caught his eye.

Photography club.

Why? Two words.

Cute boy.

Jung suddenly found himself walking towards the table to the boy who was casually talking and smiling to another student. All Jung could think about at that moment was how adorable his smile was and how it took Jung's breath away.

He quickly found himself standing in front of the boy who was sitting down with that same adorable smile he saw a few meters away. The male looked at Jung, who was in a daze, before speaking up, "Hi! Do you want to hear about photography club?"

Jung just nodded with no sound, clasping his clammy hands tightly together. The male nodded, emitting a soft hum that only made Jung swoon even more, "Okay, great! Well, this club is new this year and, in photography club, our main goal is to educate, network, experience and appreciate photography as a whole. Whether it's taking pictures with a digital camera or a film camera, modelling for other photography, experimenting new techniques learned, taking pictures at other events or helping others develop a strong interest and adoration for photography, this club is a way to expand on such. Do you possibly have an interest in photography?"

All Jung could do was nod, which made the male chuckle, "You're cute."

Jung swallowed his saliva. , he called me cute.

"Well, if you do have an interest in photography, feel free to sign up here with your name, grade level and email, and we'll send you more information about our upcoming meeting that will be next Wednesday in a room that's to be determined," The male handed Jung a pen and, almost immediately, Jung took it and wrote down his name, grade and email. The other male watched as Jung wrote down everything and immediately chuckled, "Ah, Min Jung, you're a second year student? That means I'm your senior."

The older male looked up at Jung who was already flushed with embarrassment at the sound of him saying his name. He quickly nodded, watching the male across from him give a soft smile, "Well, I'm Lee Minhwan, president and co-founder of photography club. Hopefully I'll see you at the meeting next week, yeah?"

"Y-Yeah, you will" Jung bowed politely to Minhwan and, for a second time, Minhwan gave out a small chuckle at his small stutter before waving by to Jung.

"What?! Dude, it hasn't even been a whole hour since I said you'll end up liking someone before the end of the school year and you're already head over heels for a boy," Jinsoo questioned in a loud voice.

Jung began to hush, "Shut the up. I don't want our whole floor to know, for God's sake." He fell backwards onto his bed, laying his arm on his forehead, recounting the moment he stepped into that smelly gym and coming out with a full heart.

"Well, what's his name? You should at least know his name or something."

"His name's Lee Minhwan. He's the president of the photography club and he's our senior."

"Okay," Jinsoo disgustingly wiped his nose with his free sleeve as he ran out of tissues once Jung returned. "If you signed up for the club just because he's in it, then you're a ing nut."

Jung looked at Jinsoo, their eyes meeting, and all Jung could do was stare. Jinsoo sat up, "You ing didn't."

Jung immediately covered his face in embarrassment, "I ing did. His smile lured me in! I couldn't just say no to him!"

Jinsoo let out a small sigh, falling back in this bed and shaking his head in disappointment. Even though Jung couldn't see it, he could sense that his roommate was judging him, "You're crazy."

"Crazy about this senior? Hell yeah I am."

"Now you know how I feel with Dongho."

Jung shook his head, "I don't catch feelings, though. I only catch sarcasm and that's it."

"You say that now, Jung, and look where you are now. You signed up for a club you said you weren't interested in because you purely only enjoyed taking photographs for fun, but you immediately changed your mind the second you saw the cute president of the club. If that isn't hardcore 'catching feelings', then I don't know what is love anymore."

Jung couldn't say anything, because everything Jinsoo was saying was true. He was confident that he wouldn't catch feelings so quickly and that he would focus on getting out of school before anything else, but his whole demeanor changed for one boy he only knew as his senior and the president of a club. Is this actually love or was it just another measly high school crush that'll pass in a few weeks? All he knows right now is that he fell hard at one smile, and he'll have to see that smiling boy every Wednesday from now on.


"Jaeeun, I said I was sorry," Gyuha started to pester Jaeeun immediately after detention was over, but she could care less. In fact, she told him it was 'all gucci', but Gyuha wants to hear a formal acceptance from her. Now, Jaeeun was sitting on a park bench waiting for her older brother, Jaekyun, to pick her up for their monthly hang out session.



oppap save me i hate detention and i wanna get out of this hell hole


pls i'm begging you i'll pay for our dinner d8 later just pls come save me there's a boy who keeps annoying me



woAh baby sister !! i'm picking you up at 5pm just hang in there




baby sis if you can get through SEVEN hours of school, then you can get through ONE hour before i pick you up jesus christ you impatient lady




snap tf out of it kid i'll be there at 5pm sharp dw

Friday, September 21, 2018


you it's ing 5:01pm and you're still not here where tf are you that stupid kid is annoying me again


did you just '' me? you . i'm your brother.



you're boutta be dead when you get here


chill kid i'm around the corner just wait by the gate


i had to pick up jaesoo on my way over. he wanted to join too.




Jaeeun continued to look at the time on her phone, hoping that her brother wouldn't be even later than he already was (because, wow, one minute late? what a crime.) and, luckily, her other brother was tagging along, too. So, Jaeeun was hoping that they'll take her mind off of Gyuha's annoying and pleading .

"Yook Jaeeun, can you at least give me something," Gyuha started to become more whiny by the minute and it was only bringing Jaeeun closer to actually kicking him in the balls. That's what he deserved, anyway.

"Gyuha, I already said it was fine. What more do you need," Jaeeun looked up at the taller student, his uniform disheveled as always and his headphones wrapped around his neck.

"Jay Park concert tickets, but that's besides the point," Gyuha shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck in an embarrassed manner, knowing very well that Jaeeun didn't appreciate that joke at this time. However, in reality, Jaeeun was silently laughing at how big of a fanboy Gyuha was. In fact, Jaeeun had already forgiven him way before detention even began. Maybe it was because Yaoxun talked some sense into her when she was about to kick Gyuha in front of all his classmates, or maybe because she talked to Eunwoo, Tzuyu and Hansol during lunch about what happened and what was going to happen.

"Are you kidding me, Jaeeun," Hansol shook his head, his mouth full of, what the lunch lady's called, 'special meat'. Tzuyu was just quiet, trying to process everything she was told by her roommate, while Eunwoo was casually patting Jaeeun's thigh in a loving manner. Jaeeun would be lying if she said she didn't appreciate Eunwoo's little gestures that calmed her down. In fact, Eunwoo's presence alone calmed Jaeeun a bit.

Eunwoo turned Jaeeun to face him, his eyesmile melting right through her, "I think what you did was reasonable, and I love that you're taking matters into your own hands." He gave Jaeeun a peck on her glossed lips, some of the gloss transferring to Eunwoo's, which Jaeeun quickly wiped off with her thumb.

Hansol let out a snort, "That was the cheesiest I've ever seen. Can I get a gross?"

Tzuyu let out a laugh before nodding, "Gross, indeed."

Jaeeun rolled her eyes while Eunwoo just laughed at Jaeeun's two friends. Jaeeun stuck her tongue out before looking around the cafeteria, "Where's Yun?"

Hansol shrugged, "Beats me. He's probably visiting his cat again." Jaeeun eyed Hansol who was innocently eating his food before sneaking a glance at Eunwoo who was also eating his lunch before he excused himself to go to the bathroom.

Once Eunwoo was out of the scene, Jaeeun immediately kicked Hansol's shin from under the table. Of course, Hansol bent down, rubbing his shin in pain, before eyeing Jaeeun, "What the was that for?!"

"I know what you mean, and that's ing rude," Jaeeun crossed her arms while Tzuyu just watched the drama unfold. Between Jaeeun, Tzuyu, Hansol and Yaoxun, Yaoxun and Hansol never liked Eunwoo for the sole reason that he's a little too 'perfect'. Yaoxun was the first to be wary of the male, most likely because Eunwoo can easily be a rival of his for the top spot in popularity, so Yaoxun was never around the group when Eunwoo tagged along. They always used the excuse that Yaoxun was with his cat, which Eunwoo easily believed since he doesn't know Yaoxun doesn't actually have one. At first, Jaeeun didn't understand this code word, but once confronting Yaoxun about it, that's when everything was revealed. Although Jaeeun hates Hansol and Yaoxun for this, she just can't come to terms with believing them nor does she want to. She likes Eunwoo and Eunwoo likes her; they're simply the perfect duo.

"You know what is more ing rude," Hansol looked up at her, dropping his utensils. "Barging into Gyuha's class and almost kicking him. Now that's the definition of rude."

"Well," Jaeeun looked down at her food, her arms still crossed with a stern expression. "He deserves it."

"Nah, I don't think he does," Tzuyu finally spoke up. The to friends looked at her, Jaeeun's eyebrows raised and Hansol looking back at Jaeeun with a smirk. "I don't know Gyuha that well, but, from your perspective, it doesn't sound like he did anything seriously wrong. Like, sure, he put you in detention with him. So what? It was one mistake. Besides, you're the one who keeps pushing him away for his loud Jay Park music."

"Tzuyu, he gave me a ing detention! That's the problem!"

"The actual problem is that you won't listen to Jay Park. Now that is a bigger crime."

"Gyuha, I ing forgive you, Jesus ing Christ," Jaeeun rolled her eyes before looking up at Gyuha who was giving her a wide and toothy smile. Jaeeun raised a brow, "What?"

He immediately wagged a finger at her, "That's the kind of apology I was waiting for! I needed to hear your usual way of apologizing. Well, I'm going to go now. I'll see you Monday, Yook!"

"Whatever, Moon," Jaeeun let out a chuckle before looking back at her phone, seeing a text from Jaesoo that they were at the gate waiting.

The Yook siblings were at the usual korean bbq restaurant around the corner from KRSA and order the same side dishes and meat they'd grill together. When they got to the restaurant, they started talking about the usual: school, work and how they've been doing up until now. Much of the conversation was Jaeeun filling in her older siblings about Gyuha and the events that led up to her detention.

"So, this Gyuha guy likes Jay Park, huh," Jaekyun questioned while he was grilling the meat. "No offense, but I already like him."

"Yeah, I had a feeling you'd say something like that," Jaeeun knew her oldest brother was just as big of a Jay Park fan as Gyuha is and she knew the moment she mentions Jay Park, it'd spark interest to Jaekyun. Jaekyun always said that Jay Park was the big reason he decided to become a tattoo artist rather than having a so-called 'traditional 9-5 job' as their parents would say. But, hell, Jaekyun could give two s about what others thought about what he should and shouldn't do.

Jaeeun continued as she waited for all the meat to be grilled, already salivating to the max, "But still, I got a detention. I know it's just one, but I would've thought I'd get a detention because of I did, not what someone else did."

"Okay," Jaesoo looked at his younger sister before going back to helping Jaekyun with grilling. "But Gyuha apologized, right? As long as he apologized, I think you should give the kid a break. If you got this mad over it, I'm 98% sure he won't do it again."

"98%? What's the missing 2%?"

"We gotta stay humble. The 2% is because I don't know what your insane mind will do, so it's my way of telling you to stay humble."

"Yeah, alright, okay," Jaeeun laughed as she shook her head, her hands fiddling with her chopsticks. "But, yeah, he apologized a million times and, yeah, I forgave him. I kind of forgave him way before because I talked to my friends about it."

"Ah, Hansol and Tzuyu," Jaekyun immediately remembered his sister's two closest friends. Both of them knew Hansol for awhile now as they were neighbors back in Yangcheon, and Tzuyu was someone Jaeeun would always talk about as much of her fun moments were with her roommate. Of course, they knew Yaoxun as well, especially when they would ask about her Mandarin class and the amount of conversations where he would be brought up, but, when it came to serious , Hansol and Tzuyu were always the first people Jaekyun and Jaesoo would mention.

"Yeah, and Eunwoo," Jaeeun cheekily grinned, tapping her chopsticks against her still empty plate. Jaekyun and Jaesoo looked at each other, both giving the same signal of the fact that their baby sister is growing up (and too fast, to be exact).

"Ah, right," Jaesoo began to put the meat on a shared plate, even giving some pieces to the starving girl beside him. "How are you two, by the way?"

"Mm, we're doing alright," Jaeeun poked at the meat on her plate, before picking it up and simply giving a piece to both of her brothers before herself. That became a habit for her ever since they were young. She always made sure that her brothers ate it before her because, in their family, seniority rules. Plus, if they were ever to plan on giving her food poisoning, it won't be her that's dead first.

"By 'alright' you mean...?"

"I mean we're doing just fine. We had lunch together with Hansol and Tzuyu, and he walked me to class afterwards. I told him that today was the day I'd be eating out with you tonight and asked if he wanted to come, but he said he had plans with his sister tonight. He does want to meet you guys in the future," Jaeeun smiled before making herself a wrap while her brothers just quietly grilled the remaining meat.

Jaekyun hummed, "Well, I hope we can meet him in the future, Jae-cubed."

Jaesoo quietly commented, "I'm still rooting for Jaeyun, though," Jaeeun rolled her eyes before reaching over and slapping his upper arm at his comment. "Jeez, rude! What did you eat today? flakes?!"

"Jaeyun isn't a thing nor will it ever be a thing," Jaeeun wagged her finger at Jaesoo. Her brother always for having a crush on Yaoxun in the past, but that one-sided crush became nonexistent as soon as Jaeeun got together with Eunwoo. But, even when she's with Eunwoo, Jaesoo can't help but poke fun at it, especially since Jaeeun talks more about Yaoxun than Eunwoo through their texts.

Jaesoo wiggled his eyebrows, "Call me back when you're not with Eunwoo anymore."

Jaeeun glared before going back to her food, "Oh, off."


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